The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

100: Cleaning up

"No… I can't believe this. This wasn't supposed to happen. Just how absurd is this woman?"


The man that was talking to himself and was observing the course of this war was none other than the principal.


"So you're the traitor Yurishia mentioned. I must say, my mistress really is amazing."


"Kuh… Leona? What are you doing here?"


"What do you think? Yurishia sent me to kill you, obviously. She knew you were a traitor all along."


"I… impossible. I hid every move I made!"


"That may be, but Yurishia doubted you from the very moment you took her side when the tournament ended. You know what they say: the needle that sticks out is the one that gets hammered first.


Yurishia never trusted you because you changed your attitude drastically. So she thought you might have an ulterior motive. That's why she didn't reveal all the tricks of the walls. In short, you feed your allies false information. Yurishia is winning thanks to you."


"D… Don't you dare talk to me like that you bitch! Don't forget that I am above you!!"


"Above me? This isn't school anymore. The only person I have to answer to now is Yurishia. You are nothing more than an old geezer."


"You filthy beast!! You think you can do as you please? Can't you see that all this is just wrong? I'll summon an ancient magic and open…"


However before the principal could finish his sentence, Leona moved. In one instant she traveled across the plaza. She traveled faster than the speed of sound itself. If someone else was present, it could have broken his or her earlobes.


With a delayed effect, the principal burst like a water balloon, scattering blood everywhere. He didn't even get the chance to scream, because Leona was serious. When Leona gets serious, her power is unmatched. She didn't use Force Boost, yet she still managed to display superhuman strength.


"Like Yurishia said, the strongest magic is pointless if it doesn't connect. It's a lesson you should have learned. Try studying it in hell, you old fart."




"Easy, boss. You should take a rest."


After that whole ordeal, Bessie was supporting my body and we were walking together back home.


"Lady Yurishia!"


Nelia and all my servants rushed towards me in a worried manner.


"Yuri-nee, are you alright?"


"Don't worry. Physically speaking I'm not hurt. However… this is all mental fatigue."


To be honest, the pressure on me was huge. First I had to analyze each and every possible scenario for the tournament to make sure I can counter every scheme.


Then I had to come up with all this strategy so I can counter this war by myself. It's not that I don't want to rely on others. At this point I completely trust my slaves. They have earned it alongside my love. But I had to prove to everyone that I can crush everything in my path.


"I can't believe I didn't notice this before…"


"Lady Yurishia, you have us. You don't have to do everything yourself. We would do anything in our power to assist you. You can rely on us more."


"Thanks girls. And trust me, I will. However this step was necessary. By the way, how did the cleanup go?"


"Leona has killed the principal. As you suspected he was the traitor that gave the enemy intel."


"At first I thought it was Dante to get revenge from beating him. But…"


"Yeah. Lord Dante is still in the hospital. He is stable but he's almost like a ghost. As if his mind is in some other place."


Well, I did heal his body, but his senses have to come back to him naturally. So given his state, the principal was the next obvious choice.


"The black dragon squad has also eliminated any leftover people."


"Speaking of leftovers… I restrained Tiana myself and handed her over to Sylvia. But how about her mother?"


"No need to worry, Yuri-nee. She tried transforming into a bat swarm and escape but I opened my eyes. One look was enough to render unconscious. Shizu then picked her up."


"Good job, Lumi-chan. I have plans for these 2 bitches."


"Lady Yurishia, are you perhaps going to…"


"Yup. I'm going to turn them over to our side. Just like with Amelia."


"That might not be that easy. Vampires have a stronger mental resistance."


"Do you doubt me?"


"Of course not. But I think you should really get some rest before you try anything."


"It's actually the other way around, Nelia. I'll turn them first. After I have fun with them, I'll rest even better. You girls can handle anything else that happens in the meantime. You are qualified to do it."


"If that's what you want…"


Yeah. It's definitely what I want. I'm going to brainwash them into my loyal bitches. I just hope Volmund is watching from hell, as I turn his family into my pets, fufu.


"Hey, what the hell are you up to? How do you intend to turn them to your side? Now that I think about it… you're mostly surrounded by girls."


Zeshia once again shouted in my head. However I can't shout out loud the answer back at her. I guess I never told her. Well, there is a faster way.


I gave Zeshia a small tap. The spell [Memorandum] allows me to share chosen memories with someone else.


"What the… I can't believe it. You swing that way? After seeing that… I'm glad I'm a sword. Who would have guessed you can partially become a futanari? Hey… now that I think about it… stuff like this is quite rare. Can you take me with you? I wanna watch."


Who's the pervert now? And the answer is no. I will leave Zeshia with Leona for now since she hates to stay in my storage.


But yeah. There's no way I'm taking her with me. I don't need an audience. I have my best fun when I am home. So now, let's see how those girls are doing. I want to get this part over with and take a well deserved rest.

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