The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 41: Want beauty? Trade for merit

After the meditation ceremony, Marin not only received the seal, but also received the crown and seal of the Duke of Egypt presented by Maximilian I. They were all pure gold, and it also cost the miserable emperor a sum of money.

But the emperor was excited at the moment. Although he spent a lot of money, he obtained the position of an emperor, and it was automatically hereditary, and did not need the crown of the pope.

Moreover, in addition to the Holy See recognition, the princes inside the Shinra basically recognized the status of Emperor Dong Luo of Maximilian I. Even the twin kings of Spain considered acknowledging the identity of Emperor Maximilian I of East Rome ...

Why do the Spanish Double Kings plan to admit it? It was still in France. Everyone knew that Charles VIII had bought the East Roman crown. While Spain and France are deadly enemies, naturally they do not want France to win the East Roman throne.

And Maximilian I was the relative of Spain ’s twin kings, but both parties married their daughters to each other ’s sons and were considered allies.

Before, the kings of Spain did not make up their minds to buy the throne of East Rome, which was a disregard for the French attitude. But now my family father wants to buy this throne. Although the two kings are not very comfortable, they still intend to support it. At the same time, it also allowed Maximilian I to block the thunder and attract the French hatred.

As for King Henry VII of England, he also intended to recognize the status of Maximilian I. why? Also to make France uncomfortable ...

France's admission of Count Edward is no longer a secret, and Henry VII is crazy. Therefore, he supports everything that strikes France. Therefore, both Britain and Spain intend to recognize the identity of the Emperor of Rome in Maximilian I ...

The entire Western Europe, and only France, refused to recognize the legal identity of Emperor Maximilian I of East Rome. Their reason is that the crown that symbolizes the identity of the Emperor of Eastern Rome is still in Paris. Maximilian I did not get the crown of the Eastern Roman Empire. The ritual of the Zen is a newly imitated crown, not a heritage crown, so it is illegal ... …

To tell the truth, Louis XII wanted to send troops to attack the Netherlands near France. However, because Maximilian I was in control of the traffic rush of Italy south of the Graubünden region in Switzerland, it was easy to send troops south to attack the Principality of Milan, and France was far behind. Therefore, France really wants to attack the Netherlands, Austria can also attack Milan, which currently belongs to France, and even attack Naples ...

Thus, after thinking over and over again, Louis XII gave up his plan to start a full-scale war with Maximilian I, and instead fully supported the Swiss Union and the emperor's death ...


Marin is very satisfied with the current situation. Marin's attempt to save the Spanish Prince Ann hindered the opportunity for the Habsburg family to rule Spain together. Therefore, Marin felt a little guilty about the emperor. Therefore, he gave the emperor the opportunity to buy the throne of East Rome, and fulfilled the emperor's emperor's dream in advance.

Because Prince Juan has given birth to a male heir, no matter whether it is Princess Isabella of Portugal, or Juana, the mad daughter married to Prince Philip, has lost the chance of obtaining the Spanish throne. Therefore, the Shinra Empire will not have the opportunity to receive continuous financial support from Spain in the future, so as to have the money to hang France and deter the princes.

Was originally a good thing for Marin, who is also a prince. But Marin also knows that in the future, Austria needs to fight against the open Ottoman Turkey. Therefore, the strength of the Habsburg family also needs to be strengthened. Otherwise, Austria cannot rely on Vienna, as it had in history, to resist Turkey ’s offensive for two hundred years.

Therefore, in the future, Marin intends to help the emperor clean up the Swiss, so that he can use his energy to deal with the Turks' offensive. It's just that the timing is not yet ripe. Because, the Habsburg family has not yet obtained Hungary, which directly borders with Turkey. Only when the Habsburgs get Hungary will they start to face Ottoman Turkey. At that time, it was Marin who supported the Habsburg family.

Now, if the Habsburg family is supported in advance, the Habsburg family will probably take advantage of it, and then start to pack up the princes and destroy the domestic balance ...

Therefore, Marin's support for the royal family is still mainly on the surface, and the form is greater than the actual. Until the Habsburg family needs to fight against the open monster of Turkey, Marin will fully support them ...

Moreover, to the best of Marin's knowledge, Frensberg has begun to help the emperor to train the army, and the combat effectiveness of the Austrian army will inevitably be improved.

Speaking of it, Marin was still reluctant to let go of Frenzberg. He was Marin's only general, and he was a little stronger than Schwartz.

However, Marin knew that Frenzberg was more inclined to the royal orthodox Habsburg family. Staying with him was not intimate. It would be better to send him to the emperor and count as his support for the emperor.

In fact, Marin is a very insecure person. For his men, he only trusted the five attendants and Kohler who followed him. For other wandering knights who had fled halfway, Marin did not trust much. After all, these wandering knights from noble families have too many ideas, and they surrender to themselves just for wealth, not for their own good.

Therefore, Marin is looking forward to the young people who are still studying at school. They grew up being fooled from childhood, and when they reached adulthood, they were basically fooled to become loyal. Moreover, because of the high cultural quality, it is no problem to say that they can catch up with Schwarz, at least better than the two mediocre guys Garland and Tara.

The most important thing is that they are mass-produced ...

As long as the number is enough, it can make up for the difference in individual capabilities. Moreover, they are trustworthy ...

When this group of teenagers grow up, Marin intends to gradually clean up the officers who are not loyal to the homeless knights, and gradually marginalize or aerialize them to replace their own loyalty. Only then can you be completely in control of the army, and with a high-quality modern army, you can start the hegemony mode.

For now, because there are more wandering knights who are not attentive to himself, Marin still has doubts about the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the army. Of course, no matter how, because of advanced weapons and training methods, their own army still exceeds that of other countries in this era.

The current problem is that these middle and high-ranking officers from the wandering knights have a fixed mindset and have their own set of ideas. Some of Marin's advanced ideas, which they want to implement, are always changed to something that suits their ideas and are discounted.

For now, only Schwarz, a senior general in the military, has no background and no systematic education of military education in this era. Therefore, listening to Marin, he has done a good job in military reform. Moreover, there will be no doubt about any decision made by Marin. This is exactly what modernized military officers need.

Of course, listening to Marin alone unconditionally is actually not scientific. In order to rationalize the command, we still have to wait until the establishment of the staff. However, if a group of old-school wandering knights were allowed to establish the staff, Marin might as well not. This is because their old-school military thinking may drag down the standard of the staff. Therefore, the staff, Marin also plans to wait for the children in the school to grow up, and then establish.

Now, the young people in the school are all learning materials written by Marin. When he gets older, he will also learn the military textbooks written by Marin. Through education, they will have complete modern military thinking. At that time, the staff established with them as the core will not have the remnants of old-school military ideas, and will be more advanced and more suitable for formulating suitable plans ...


After returning to East Friesland, Marin announced to his men that he had become the Duke of Egypt. You do n’t quite understand, what is the benefit of the title of Duke of Egypt with no practical benefits ...

But when Marin announced that he could promote the identity of the Italian beauties in the name of the Duke of Egypt, so that they could be worthy of the status of the nobles, many people were excited ...

Is most excited by the group of people who followed Marin from civilians and were promoted to nobility. They have also seen the group of Italian girls, all of whom are beautiful, very exciting. Of course, this is specially selected by Alter, can it be beautiful?

Marin carefully observed, and found that some officers from the homeless knights in the army, because of the inherent family hierarchy concept, although emotional, were not excited. Even though Marin said that those girls could be promoted to noble status, these people were not tempted.

Marin sighed in his heart-Sure enough, the thoughts of these wandering knights are difficult to change. They have received the education of the cavaliers since childhood, and the old-fashioned ideas have been deeply rooted in their brains. It ’s so hard to change them ...

It is those nobles of civilian origin, including Schwartz and Kahn, who are very interested in this ...

Because they are civilians, they will naturally not look down on those Italian girls who are also civilians. Moreover, Marin's willingness to promote the identities of those girls also helped them resolve the concerns of "marriage between your husband and your wife".

So, the first time Kahn missed a woman, she shouted excitedly:

"Master, I want one ... No, I want two Italian beauties!"

Marin was stunned, and then he laughed loudly, and everyone else laughed out loud ...

"Kahn, according to the regulations, you can only marry one girl, marrying two girls is against the law and canon!"

"Ah? This way?" Kahn scratched his head, and then mumbled:

"I just think those girls are good-looking and good-looking, but the horror can't help me toss about the physique of a bull, so I only need two ..."

This time, everyone laughed so hard ... Kahn was too sincere ...

Marin finally stopped laughing and said to Kahn:

"Good, I can give you two girls, but you can only marry one girl ..."

Kahn scratched his head sternly:

"It's trouble ~ ~ Who should I marry ..."

Marin was speechless. Before he had picked two girls, he was worried about who he should marry, and it was honest. Such an IQ can only be his chief of staff. Or, lead the charge. Let him be the commander-in-chief and surely defeat the army ...

Everyone started to discuss the group of Italian beauties. However, Marin poured cold water on them:

"Okay, gentlemen, want a woman? Yes, let's wait until after playing Yevre. Whoever performs well will pick first. If the performance is particularly good, you can pick two ..." Marin seduced.

"Wow--" Everyone was excited ...

"Sir, let's go to war quickly, I want to be a pioneer! I want two beautiful wives ..."

"But Master, it is illegal to marry two wives ..." Kohler reminded.

"Nothing, another open lover ..." Marin said indifferently. He himself, a wife and a lover, or a little aunt ... Therefore, he can't ask his men to keep the rules.

"However, the child born by love is an illegitimate child and has no inheritance rights ..."

"Is this a matter? As long as they are willing to do things well and have made great contributions, I can register their illegitimate children as knights or jazz ..."

Colle suddenly had nothing to say, he forgot that Marin could promote ordinary people to nobility ...

And Marin ’s commitment made the generals warlike. Because, Marin said, a well-executed officer can not only choose a beautiful Italian girl as his wife, but also choose one more lover. The outstanding soldiers even have the opportunity to pick a beautiful woman as his wife ...

Therefore, whether it is an officer or a soldier, they are eager to join the war, and hope to get a flower-like wife through excellent performance ...

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