The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 The Gospel Of The Fat Man

“Qiangzi, are these diet pills really as miraculous as you said?”

Zhao Guofu looked at the genetic diet pills that He Qiang brought over, and carefully read the instructions above.

“Uncle Zhao, you can rest assured. Look at me. I used to weigh more than 200 pounds, but now I’m less than 170 pounds. It’s only half a month. We met once in early July.”

He Qiang stood up to show Zhao Guofu his weight loss results.

“I just saw that you have lost a lot of weight, so I wanted to give it a try. In the past few years, I have become more and more fat. The last physical examination in the unit found a lot of problems, such as dyslipidemia and high blood pressure. , rapid heartbeat, fatty liver, cardiovascular and the like, a lot of mess.”

Zhao Guofu said reluctantly, this person is middle-aged, it is difficult to think about not getting fat, this fat, all kinds of problems will appear.

Zhao Guofu tried to lose weight and tried some products, but they all ended in failure. The process of losing weight was too painful. became fatter.

“Yes, Uncle Zhao~”

“In the past, because I was too fat, I was out of breath after running two steps, sweating when I went up the stairs, and this person looked ugly and greasy when he was fat. I couldn’t even chase my girlfriend.”

“Uncle Zhao, look at me now, am I more energetic?”

He Qiang also said with empathy.

“It’s really more spirited and more handsome~”

Zhao Guofu looked at it and nodded, then said, “What gene is this to lose weight, and what is its principle?”

“It doesn’t require dieting or exercise. Can it lose weight?”

“Uncle Zhao, this obesity is actually related to the genes of our body.”

“In the evolutionary history of our human beings, many times there is no meal after eating, so related genes will naturally evolve, such as genes for accumulating fat and genes for overeating.”

“In ancient times, the living conditions were very difficult. When there was food, it was natural to eat more and convert the food into fat for storage. When there was a lack of food, these fats could be converted into energy. For a long time, in this way, we can better survive in the fierce natural competition.”

“On this point, polar bears are the best example. During the salmon migration season, polar bears will eat a lot of high-fat fish, and convert them into fat for storage. It can be turned into energy to keep polar bears through the winter.”

“The truth is actually the same. When the conditions are difficult, these genes are needed to accumulate energy and survive better.”

“Now that materials are extremely abundant and food is abundant, people will naturally and unconsciously take in more food and energy, and turn it into fat for storage, and they become fatter and fatter.”

“This is genes. In many cases, we don’t need to take in too much energy at all, but genes determine everything about us, so we naturally take in more energy.”

“This genetic weight loss is based on that, and our drug works by inhibiting 15 genes associated with obesity, and we naturally lose weight.”

“This is mainly reflected in the following aspects. The first is that when we consume energy, as long as the energy reaches what we need to maintain our body, it will control us not to consume too much energy, which is actually equivalent to I’m on a diet, but this kind of dieting is not painful, and it doesn’t need us to control it, the genes will control it for us.”

“The second aspect is fat conversion. Because the related genes are inhibited, fat conversion will be slower, and after a certain level, it will not continue to convert fat.”


“Our product doesn’t need to worry about rebound, because it’s genetically designed to make you lose weight, and you don’t need to worry about side effects.”

He Qiang continued to explain to Zhao Guofu the knowledge related to genetic weight loss, and Zhao Guofu couldn’t help but nod his head. He himself is the leader of a unit, a person with knowledge and culture, and can understand these things. .

“I’ll give it a try. If it’s really useful, I’ll recommend it to others for you.”

After listening to He Qiang’s speech, and looking at He Qiang’s slimming appearance now, Zhao Guofu decided to give it a try. Three thousand yuan is not too much. If it can be reduced, it will be worth the money.

“Thank you Uncle Zhao, thank you Uncle Zhao~”

He Qiang was overjoyed when he heard it, and this order was considered a success.

“If it’s useless, I’ll ask your dad to reimburse the expense later.”

Zhao Guofu said with a smile.

“Don’t worry, it definitely works~”

He Qiang replied confidently.

“Old Zhao~”

“You bought this genetic diet pill for 3,000 yuan. I’m afraid you’re not being cheated, right?”

In the evening, when Zhao Guofu’s wife Liu Qingxiu returned home, when he heard Zhao Guofu talk about this, he immediately felt that he was deceived.

“It was recommended by Lao He’s son. I think he has changed a lot now. Look at his current photo. We met him half a month ago when he went home because he couldn’t find a job. .”

Zhao Guofu pulled out He Qiang’s photo and showed it to Liu Qingxiu.

“Oh, it’s really like a different person.” Liu Qingxiu was also surprised when she saw it. Compared with before, He Qiang, who lost dozens of pounds, has indeed changed a lot.

“Yes, I also think he is really thin, so I will give it a try. It is not expensive anyway. If it is really useful, the doctor has said that many of my indicators are now seriously exceeding the standard.”

“You, it’s time to lose weight. If you keep getting fat like this, you will really have problems.”

“Yeah, you should lose weight too.”

“If you are effective, I will try it too. Come and eat, eat. Today, someone brought some local pork over, and just got your favorite braised pork.”

Liu Qingxiu chatted with Zhao Guofu while busy preparing meals.

“Braised pork?”

“That feeling is good, I like to eat this.”

When Zhao Guofu heard it, he immediately became energized, picked up his chopsticks and ate a piece.

However, after eating only one piece, Zhao Guofu had no appetite and felt that he was full.

“What’s wrong?”

Liu Qingxiu looked at Zhao Guofu and saw that he no longer used chopsticks, and was also very puzzled. He tasted a piece of it himself, but did not add too much salt, it tasted very good.

“I suddenly felt full and didn’t want to eat anymore. I lost my appetite when I saw this greasy braised pork.”

Zhao Guofu touched his stomach strangely. If he had encountered braised pork in the past, he would have eaten seven or eight pieces at least, but now he feels full after eating one piece.

“Does this medicine work?”

Zhao Guofu was a little puzzled. Looking at Liu Qingxiu’s table of dishes, he must have had a big appetite in the past, but now he is full after eating a small bowl of rice, and he doesn’t want to eat any more.

“real or fake?”

Liu Qingxiu smiled and said, “Our family can save a lot of food after that.”

A few days later, Zhao Guofu was surprised to find that his weight was really decreasing, and these days, he also found that his appetite was far less than before.

In the past, everything was delicious, and my appetite was very good. Even if I was full, I could eat two more bowls of rice. If I came across a dish that I liked, I had to keep my belly round and round to be satisfied.

But now, even if I come across a dish that I like to eat, I can’t eat any more after just two bites.

At the same time, Zhao Guofu also found that he has become more energetic. In the past, he always liked to sit and read books and play mahjong, but he didn’t like to move, but now he can’t sit still. He always wants to exercise and exercise, and the amount of exercise is more than before a lot.

In addition, he found that his sleep has improved. In the past, he often had insomnia and dreams, and the quality of sleep was not good, but now he can often sleep until dawn, and his whole body is full of energy and energy, and his body has become lighter.

Soon, another week passed.

“I actually lost more than ten pounds~”

Zhao Guofu stood on the scale, and was surprised to find that he lost ten pounds at a time. Originally more than 190 pounds, now he has suddenly reached 170 pounds.

“It’s really thin~”

When Liu Qingxiu saw it, she immediately said in surprise: “I see that you haven’t deliberately dieted or exercised these days. You eat when you should, and you have lost more than ten pounds.”

“Isn’t it, I think it’s incredible myself~”

“Last year, in order to lose weight, I skipped dinner and even went for a run. As a result, after losing a month, I lost less than ten pounds. I couldn’t hold it any longer, and I quickly gained more than ten pounds. ”

“It’s only been a week, and I lost more than ten kilograms easily. It’s simple and easy, and the effect is also great.”

Zhao Guofu was also very surprised. He clearly ate when he should eat, and did not deliberately go on a diet. He even did not eat or exercise deliberately. However, he lost weight unconsciously.

It’s amazing.

“This is really good news for fat people. I lost weight without realizing it.”

“Lao Zhao, contact Lao He’s son. I’ll buy a copy to try. It’s too easy to lose weight so easily~”

Liu Qingxiu looked at Zhao Guofu, who had lost more than ten kilograms, but this person had changed a little, as if she had become a little younger, she was moved, and this woman prefers to be thin, but she is middle-aged and thinks It’s hard not to be fat.

“Yes, you try it too, the effect is really good.”

When Zhao Guofu heard this, he nodded.

People have lost weight and have a better body. This is not only better looking, but the key is that the body is better. I used to feel tired and groggy, but now I feel much more relaxed. If I continue to lose weight, I will definitely will be better.

“I have to advertise for Lao He’s son. Lao Li, Lao Wang, and Lao Sun have also gained a lot of weight. I recommend and recommend them~”

PS: Ask for tickets, ask for collections, all kinds of requests~~

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