The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 431

Chapter 436 The Resource Rich Oort Cloud Belt

In the dark and dark void, the Journey is like a small firefly, emitting a faint light, which can only illuminate a small area, and the slightly far area is still dark.

In this place far from the stars, the void is dark, cold and dead, and only the starlight from the depths of the universe is so bright.

On the journey spaceship.

“Tsk tsk~”

“This place should be regarded as the Oort cloud belt, and the abundance of matter in the universe is beyond imagination.”

The cosmic astronomical scientist group Here, many cosmic astronomical scientists are very busy.

Calculate the position of the spacecraft, detect the situation in the surrounding void, and at the same time find a way to send the message back to the solar system, report its position, situation, etc. to the solar system, a series of work to do, to be busy.

Xia Zhigang looked at the data in the computer, and his eyes began to light up.

The material in the Oort cloud belt is too rich, far beyond what scientists have always estimated. Compared with this place, the asteroid belt is like a barren desert, not worth mentioning.

“Tsk tsk, look, look, any asteroid here has a mass of several billion tons or tens of billions of tons, and generally contains a large amount of metal.”

“The asteroid that has become better QS23945 is estimated to contain at least several billion tons of gold, and the asteroid that has become better UD23558 has a copper content of more than 30 billion tons. Such a huge resource is simply It’s appalling, it’s like a treasure trove, with mountains of gold and silver lying there.”

Ouyang Fei also said that mining asteroids is now a very promising industry, but the asteroids in the solar system are generally tens of millions of tons, millions of tons, hundreds of millions of tons.

The asteroids in the Oort cloud belt are not only massive, but also contain a large amount of metals, copper, iron, gold and silver. They are everywhere. If any asteroid is transported to the earth, it will be worth thousands of dollars. billions, trillions.

“After all, it is the remnants of star formation. The total amount of material in the entire special cloud belt may reach more than half of the mass of the sun. This is the area that belongs to the placenta of the sun. The nebula material in the interstellar universe is constantly gathering under the strong gravitational pull of stars. Come here, and naturally this treasure land is formed.”

Xia Zhigang nodded and said.

On the other hand, scientists and engineers have repeatedly checked the warp engine, nuclear fusion reactor, and important core areas on the spacecraft to prepare for the next warp flight.

“It’s an incredible warp flight. According to the time display, we just flew the distance of 0.5 light-years in less than 10 minutes.”

Here in the control command center, Li Chun is sighing at the magic of warp speed flying, looking at the dark void outside, thinking about a few minutes ago, he was still in the position of the solar system, and this time he came to 0.5 light Years away is a distant void.

“Maybe we may have spent more than 10 minutes, or it may have been many years, which is hard to say.”

Wang Wei thought about it and said.

“Why do you say it?”

When the others heard it, they hurriedly asked.

“Although our spacecraft carries more than a dozen tools for calculating time, such as ordinary mechanical clocks, electronic clocks, atomic species, and even the most primitive hourglass timing, all the clocks show that we just spent In less than 10 minutes, the distance of 0.5 light-years flew.”

“But we are also very likely to spend many years, which seems to be less than 10 minutes, it may have passed for many years, according to the theory of space-time relativity, the speed of light is unsurpassable, let’s take a look The child has reached such a great distance that time must be calculated according to the speed of light.”

“Maybe we did get so far that it felt like it took less than 10 minutes, but it may have been a long time since it really took us.”

“The only thing that can determine the time now is to be able to contact the side of the earth and ask the time on the side of the earth.”

Wang Wei tried his best to explain the theory that people can’t hear.

“Contact Earth?”

“Without quantum communication, relying on our existing communication technology, it will take half a year for our signal to reach the Earth, and the receiver on the Earth needs to be able to receive it.”

When Sun Zilong heard this, he immediately shrugged helplessly.

“I don’t understand those of you who study physics. It’s only less than 10 minutes. You have to talk about space-time relativity here, or it’s interesting to study biology. Hurry up and go on your way and arrive at the Ross galaxy early. I can’t wait to study it. The creatures of the new world.” Zheng Yuan’s head felt a little pain when he heard it, people who are engaged in physics research are so long-winded, just like Schrödinger’s cat, listening to it gives people a headache, but it is still interesting to study biology.

Life is colorful, and the world of genes is as vast as an ocean.


At this time, Shi Kai came to Li Chun and said, “The inspection of the spacecraft has been completed, and there are no problems, please instruct!”


“Prepare to continue warp flight!”

Li Chun nodded and ordered.

The spacecraft has been parked in this void for several hours. A large number of detectors and monitoring systems have been scattered into the surrounding void, and a strong electromagnetic wave signal has also been launched in the direction of the earth of the solar system.

According to the plan, as long as the spacecraft does not have any problems, they need to continue to fly to the Ross galaxy, and strive to reach the Ross galaxy as soon as possible.


Shi Kai quickly replied.

Soon, the Zhengtu spacecraft was busy again, and everyone quickly returned to their posts, preparing for the next warp flight.

This time, it is not just as simple as exploring the new world, but also shouldering the mission of testing the Journey spacecraft, testing the warp drive, and exploring the interstellar universe. There is still a lot to do.

After arriving in the Ross galaxy, it is necessary to search for life planets. If there are no life planets, it may be necessary to fly to other galaxies to find life planets.

The reason why scientists chose to go to the Ross galaxy was also a decision made after repeated consideration.

First of all, the Ross star of the Ross galaxy, like the sun, is a yellow dwarf star, a main sequence star, the mass is also the same size, and the age is also the same.

This means that it is very likely that Ross Star will be able to find a life planet similar to Earth, and the similar stellar environment is more stable and can be better adapted.

Secondly, the most important thing is that Liu Yuan also supports going to the Ross galaxy. Liu Yuan, who has inheritance seeds, has already explored the situation around the solar system early. He knew in advance that there is a life planet similar to the earth in the Ross galaxy. .

As for other galaxies around the solar system, some have life planets, but they are quite different from the earth. Some revolve faster than the earth and only have 12 hours a day. Some ecological environments are average, and the oxygen content is much less than that of the earth, and so on.

In short, life planets are not uncommon, but there are relatively few life planets similar to the earth. There is one life planet in the Ross galaxy with a similar environment to the earth, and there are two life planets in the Ross galaxy.

The relationship between the two life planets is like the relationship between Earth and Mars, one is like Earth and the other is more like Mars, but unlike Mars, although the environment of this planet is harsher, The water resources are extremely abundant and the quality is higher, so it breeds a lot of life.

There are two life planets in a galaxy, and one is still similar to Earth. Of course, Liu Yuan chose to go to the Ross galaxy. There are very few good places like this.


The journey spaceship activated the powerful nuclear fusion reactor again, and as the nuclear fusion reactor began to generate an incomparably huge amount of energy, the surrounding void began to ripple.

Here in the void leading to the Ross galaxy, waves of fluctuations continue to spread toward the depths of the void, and the fluctuations in the space are getting more and more violent, and they begin to fold continuously.

Soon, the huge Zhengtu spacecraft once again turned into a streamer and disappeared into the dark and cold void. The surrounding void gradually subsided and became deadly again, just like the long years before, without any fluctuations.

Only the detectors left in the surrounding void are still continuously collecting information in the void, and then sending them back to the direction of the earth.

A few minutes later, in the same pitch-black void, a stream of light flashed over, revealing the incomparably huge figure of the Journey. On the brightly lit Journey, everyone breathed a sigh of relief again.

This time, the warp flight was still very successful. They successfully reached the void 0.5 light-years away, and there was nothing on the spacecraft.

It was still the same as the first time. A large number of detectors were spread out in all directions at no cost. The scientists were busy calculating the location of the spacecraft, and the engineers were busy checking the spacecraft’s warp drive, nuclear fusion reactor, etc. , getting ready for the next warp flight.

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