The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 426

Chapter 431

“Interstellar absentee’s worth has skyrocketed, and the million-dollar annual salary can’t be recruited!”

Liu Yuan was lying on the sofa watching the latest news.

When you see this news, you can click to see it.

“Xinghe Mining Group recruits astronauts, requiring a bachelor’s degree or above in science and engineering, between the ages of 22 and 30, with excellent physical fitness, and they need to undergo rigorous experience and some corresponding tests.”

“Those who meet the standard will sign a long-term employment relationship with the company, and the remuneration package will start with an annual salary of at least one million yuan. If you are interested, please contact the personnel department of Galaxy Mining Group.”

“For recruitment information like this, you must have thought that it would be fake, maybe it was made by a fraud group, but in fact it is not fake, but real.”

“After Xinghai Technology successfully mined an asteroid containing 200 million tons of iron from the asteroid belt last year, there has been a worldwide boom in interstellar mining.”

“At present, there are hundreds of large and small interstellar mining companies in China, and the earliest ones have already driven spaceships to the asteroid belt to mine asteroids.”

“Mining asteroids is not an easy task. It is a technical job, and at the same time, it has extremely high requirements for the team that mines asteroids.”

“Not only do you need to understand astronomical knowledge, but also have excellent physical fitness, have received astronaut-related training, and be able to maintain self-discipline during long-term space activities, and keep exercising for 4 hours a day in a weightless environment. above.”

“Of course the most important thing is that mining asteroids is full of huge risks, the distance is extremely far, and once something happens, you will never come back to Earth.”

“This has also led to the skyrocketing value of the emerging interstellar miners. A qualified and trained astronaut now generally has an annual income of more than five million, and there is a great demand for them in various fields and aspects.”

“It doesn’t mean lunar absenteeism, lunar absenteeism is still on the moon with a gravitational environment, and the moon is closer to the earth, making it easier to travel back and forth, so the current annual income level of lunar absenteeism is generally between 500,000 and 1 million.”

“But interstellar absenteeism is different. Being in a weightless environment for a long time, and going to a distant asteroid belt, it takes a very long time to go back and forth, which also makes everyone unwilling to become interstellar absenteeism.”

“At present, the demand for interstellar absenteeism is very strong. It is expected that the number of qualified interstellar absenteeism will be at least 100,000 worldwide, which has also led to the skyrocketing value of interstellar absenteeism. Appeal……”

Liu Yuan read this report in detail from beginning to end.

There are many people who want to go to the asteroid belt to eat meat, but it is not easy to go to the asteroid belt. Even if you are willing to sell spacecraft to the outside world, it is still not easy to find a suitable team.

The team that mines asteroids needs to have received professional training in space, and can work and live in a weightless environment for a long time. More importantly, after arriving in the asteroid belt, they know what kind of asteroids to mine and return.

These are all emerging fields, and very few people are currently engaged in them.

“These capitals are really calculating. They even think about recruiting and training themselves, and just want to send people away with an annual salary of one million.”

“This trip to the asteroid belt, if you don’t exercise well, you may be disabled when you come back, and you will be working in a closed spaceship for as little as four or five months, or as long as seven or eight months. , people are prone to problems.”

“These capitals are good, and I think that the salary package of one million is already very high. I really don’t treat people as people, and they don’t respect technology and talents.”

After reading it, Liu Yuan couldn’t help shaking his head.

Books really don’t deceive people. Capital is the master who eats people and doesn’t spit out bones. It is normal to not recruit people. Everyone is not a fool, and they all know the risks faced by mining asteroids.

This is a job that is technical and life-threatening. You want to get rid of people with an annual salary of one million. It is better for everyone to live and work on the earth.

It is still very easy to find a job with an annual income of 20,000 to 300,000 yuan. No matter how bad it is, you can have a good life with an anti-gravity aircraft running Didi all over the world, and you can also do business on a global scale. .

With more and more aircraft, global integration is also accelerating, bringing a lot of opportunities.

There is no need for everyone to risk their lives and health to go to the asteroid belt for a million-dollar annual salary. You must know that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are absent from work on the moon for a year.

Just when Liu Yuan lamented the greed of capital, Lei was looking for him in the virtual world.

“Liu Yuan, do you have time?”

“There are some very important friends who want to meet you.”

“Well, yes, let’s make an appointment.”

Liu Yuan was also very puzzled in his heart. The very important friend Lei Zheng mentioned must have a complicated identity. Naturally, he wanted to save face and wanted to meet him.

Soon, several anti-gravity aircraft rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye. Deep in the mountains of the Qinling Mountains, there is a newly built Yunwu Mountain Villa between the mountains. This Yunwu Mountain Villa is very mysterious and has never been opened to the public. Ordinary people have never had the opportunity to enter this villa to take a look. It has always been there. It has always been the place where Lei Zheng, the owner of the villa, used to receive guests.

The entire villa is built on the mountain, and the classical buildings are dotted on the mist-shrouded mountains.

Especially the golden dome on the top of Yunwu Mountain Villa, which refers to the way of building the golden dome in Taoist Taoist temple, whenever the sunrise is full of golden light, it is extremely beautiful and full of artistic conception, just like a fairy palace.

At this moment, in a pavilion next to the golden roof, Lei Zheng was chatting with a few people while drinking tea and laughing.

“Do you think this Liu Yuan can agree?”

Zhou Yuan took a sip of tea and looked at Lei Zheng, Zhao Yuanlong and Li Pinghao in front of him.

“Does it matter whether he agrees or disagrees?”

Zhao Yuanlong smiled and said without caring at all.

“He is like a child now, holding a lot of gold ingots in his hands. If he is a smart person, he should take these gold ingots to seek protection, so that not only can he save his life, but he can also Leave a gold ingot or two.”

“Zhao Gongzi, your adjective is very apt. If Liu Yuan is smarter, we can leave him some property and let him continue to be the richest man in the world.”

Li Pinghao said with a smile.

“What if this Liu Yuan is not smart?”

Lei Zheng took a sip of tea and looked at the three young masters in front of him. They were not ordinary people. Any family was much stronger than his own.

For Liu Yuan, Lei Zheng can only hope that Liu Yuan is smarter, the industry of Xinghai Technology is too huge and too profitable, and there are too many jealous people.

The three of them are just the representatives launched by everyone, and there is a larger force behind them. The purpose of everyone is also very simple, that is, to target the huge industry under Liu Yuan.

Xinghai Aerospace, Xinghai Biological, Xinghai Electronics, Xinghai Mining, Xinghai Virtual Technology, Xinghai Energy, any of these industries are enough to make people jealous, and all of these are Liu Yuan’s, and they are also very profitable high-tech fields.

Although Xinghai Technology has not released any financial data to the public, most people can only guess Xinghai Technology’s business and profits, but for Lei Zheng, Zhou Yuan, Zhao Yuanlong, Li Pinghao, it is still very simple to understand these things. Everyone knows what a huge industry Xinghai Technology is.

The wealth owned by Xinghai Technology is definitely rich to rival the country. The output value of a company is equivalent to one-tenth of GDP. What a terrifying existence, and it is still one-tenth of the world’s number one economy. Xinghai Technology is a The annual income is in the billions of dollars.

Everyone has long been jealous, but Xinghai Technology has always been needed as a leader to lead the development and upgrading of technology and industries. In addition, the time in the past few years was chaotic and needed stability, so Xinghai Technology has not been moved. .

It is different now, everything has been stabilized, the international status of Guobi has been recognized by everyone, the economy is the first in the world, and the technology is developing rapidly.

Xinghai Technology has such a huge gold ingot, and naturally it can no longer be placed in the hands of Liu Yuan, who has no foundation.

“If you’re not smart, there may be nothing left.”

Zhao Yuanlong said with a faint smile.

At this time, Liu Yuan’s aircraft arrived at Yunwu Mountain Villa, and was led by his attendants to the pavilion on the top of the mountain.

Lei Zheng smiled and introduced the young masters in front of Liu Yuan. Liu Yuan looked at them, and immediately knew the identity and background of the three from the inheritance seed. He immediately knew that this time might be the Hongmen Banquet. .

In fact, as Liu Yuan expected, although several people were smiling and being polite to Liu Yuan, the topic soon came to the main business when they were chatting and chatting.

“Liu Yuan, there was a child in ancient times. One day he was very lucky and found a lot of gold ingots. What do you think he should do at this time?”

Zhao Yuanlong looked at Liu Yuan and asked a question to Liu Yuan with a smile.

“A child?”

“Found a lot of gold ingots?”

“What should I do?”

When Liu Yuan heard it, he was stunned for a moment. He was talking about interstellar mining just now. When he turned around, Zhao Yuanlong asked such a question. This was obviously not a random question, but a deep meaning inside.

PS: Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~

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