The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 410

Chapter 415 Resources For The Interstellar Space Age

“Earth, we are back!”

In the space that is only one million kilometers away from the earth, on the Star Catcher, Shi Kai, Mao Jun, Xia Zhigang, Ouyang Fei and others looked at the earth in space and couldn’t help shouting.

This journey is really long enough.

In the era of the increasing popularity of aircraft, the communication between any place on the earth is calculated in hours. This time, it took more than three months to mine asteroids. The whole person is incomparable to the earth. miss.

Especially in the environment of the starry universe, even more so.

“Everyone, the critical moment for the success of our operation has come. Please prepare yourself.”

Shi Kai sat firmly on his space chair and gave orders to everyone.


Everyone responded in unison.

“According to the calculation of the supercomputer, the probability of the asteroid being successfully captured by the earth’s gravity exceeds 99.99999%, and the probability of hitting the earth is less than one in a million.”

Xia Zhigang once again informed Shi Kai of the latest calculation data. At the same time, because it is very close to the earth, the Star Catcher has also been able to contact the earth in real time.

Not only is the Star Catcher calculating time and time again and again, but on Earth, astronomers from all over the world are also calculating again and again.

After getting the data, they are relatively more at ease.

“Is there any news from the military?”

Here at the ground control command center of Xinghai Technology, Liu Yuan has also come to the command center, always paying attention to every move in space. At this moment, in the huge open space outside, there are also thousands of news from all over the world. media reporter.

They were invited by Xinghai Technology to witness the great moment of human beings reaching the stars.

Several huge monitors are also clearly playing the pictures in space, playing the Star Catcher and the asteroid dragging behind the buttocks.

Through the screen of Xinghai Technology, you can clearly see the whole picture of this asteroid.

This is an irregular cuboid asteroid with a length of thousands of meters. At this moment, the arresting asterisk is dragging it like a huge piece of food being dragged by ants. It seems that the small arresting asterisk is in front of it. It seems insignificant, but it is the arresting asterisk to the controller of every moment.

“Audience friends, everyone, I’m Tang Hong, a reporter from this station. My current location is Xinghai Science and Technology Aerospace Industrial Base. You can see that there are thousands of news media reporters behind me.”

“The asteroid captured by Xinghai Technology is about to reach the earth. Through the pictures released by Xinghai Technology, we can clearly see the whole picture of this asteroid. This is a cuboid irregular asteroid.”

“Mining asteroids has been strongly opposed by all over the world, but Xinghai Technology believes that mining asteroids is a great moment in human history and an important step for mankind to move towards the interstellar universe.”

“The asteroid belt is extremely rich in resources. The asteroid in front of me does not seem to be eye-catching, but its mass exceeds 200 million tons, and it is an asteroid almost entirely composed of iron, which means that Xinghai Technology This asteroid capture can bring back more than 200 million tons of steel resources at one time, which is equivalent to one-tenth of the global steel production last year.”

“According to the information released by Xinghai Technology, there are countless asteroids like this in the asteroid belt, and some of them even contain a large amount of precious metals such as gold, silver, and copper.”

“Tang Peng, general manager of Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group, said that Xinghai Technology is a responsible enterprise and will never ignore the interests of all people on earth, and will not do anything that threatens the interests of all human beings.”

“The reason why we insist on mining asteroids is based on having sufficient scientific and technological strength and being able to successfully ensure the safety of the earth.”

“Mining asteroids is also to show the development and progress of our human beings to people all over the world. From now on, the resources that we humans can master will no longer be limited to those on Earth, and the scope of our resources will be extended to the entire solar system, the solar system. We can get all the resources inside.”

“It’s just a great progress in our human history, a great progress in the development of science and technology, and a great moment for our human beings to enter the era of the interstellar universe!”


“Hello, viewers, I’m Lina. My current location is the space base of Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group. I will broadcast the whole process of Xinghai Technology’s asteroid mining here for you.”

“Although Xinghai Technology has made sufficient guarantees in advance, it also means that this is a great moment and a great progress in human history, but we still believe that Xinghai Technology’s behavior has this huge danger and poses a huge threat to human beings all over the world. .”

“So we still strongly demand that Xinghai Technology must stop such dangerous behavior immediately, and at the same time demand that all regions of the world unite to better protect the earth and protect our global common home of human beings.”…

The scene was very lively, and a large number of news media reporters were constantly reporting on the incident. At the same time, some people on the scene expressed their dissatisfaction with Xinghai Technology again, holding signs and banners in their hands, which read such as ‘protect the earth, protect the common people of mankind “Home”, “It is strictly forbidden to threaten the safety of all mankind in any way”, “Xinghai Technology must immediately abandon this asteroid” and so on.

However, Xinghai Technology did not intend to bird them, and the Xinghai security team also dispatched a large number of security personnel to maintain order at the scene.

As time passed, the Star Catcher brought the asteroid closer and closer to the earth.

In the outer space of the earth, the helicarriers are also in the outer space of the earth’s outer space, and there are also spaceships with rails installed on the orbits of the outer space of the earth.

A terrifying rail run has locked the asteroid, and another laser weapon has also locked the asteroid. With just one order, a powerful attack can be launched at any time to completely strike the asteroid. broken.

“If there is an accident, completely destroy this asteroid at a critical moment!”

At the same time, Liu Yuan also made arrangements, took out a secret weapon from the inheritance seeds, and also gave orders to the seeds.

“Don’t worry, it’s just an asteroid like this, you can make it disappear in minutes.”

The seed gave Liu Yuan a lazy answer, an asteroid with a mass of 200 million tons, and he didn’t care about it at all, even destroying the entire galaxy would be a matter of minutes.

“Come on, come on~”

“It’s about to get close to Earth!”

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of millions of people on Earth, Star Catcher dragged the asteroid closer and closer to Earth.

When the asteroid and the asteroid are close enough to the earth, the strong gravitational force of the earth will capture the asteroid and the asteroid in an instant, and under a strong gravitational force, the orbit of the asteroid will be changed immediately.

On the Star Catcher, the people who were firmly fixed on the space chair only felt that there was a powerful force coming from the invisible. The Star Catcher trembled, and the original orbit was changed. The planets are also captured by gravity and then begin to orbit the Earth.

The asteroid also becomes a satellite that revolves around the earth like the moon.

“The asteroid was successfully captured by the earth’s gravity and turned into a satellite orbiting the earth!”

With the sound of the broadcast, in the control command hall, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their hanging hearts were also put down heavily.


Then there was a burst of cheers like a tidal wave.


All over the earth, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they watched the asteroid captured by the earth’s gravity and turned into a satellite revolving around the earth.

Everything developed according to the plan of Xinghai Technology. Although it was shocking but not dangerous, the asteroid was successfully mined and turned into a satellite that revolved around the earth. The next step is to deal with this asteroid. Smelting it and dismantling it quickly, it will not pose any threat to the earth.

Here at the Xinghai Aerospace Industrial Base, Tang Peng walked out with a smile, came to the podium, and spoke to thousands of news media reporters in the audience.

“Today is destined to be a great moment in the annals of history, and it is also a great moment for our human beings to enter the era of the interstellar universe!”

“We successfully recovered an asteroid from the asteroid belt, an asteroid containing 200 million tons of steel.”

“This means that from now on, we humans will truly enter the era of the interstellar universe, and the place where we obtain resources will no longer be limited to the earth, but can come from the entire solar system, which also means that the resources that we humans can master will explode. growth.”

“This is a great era. The new interstellar space era has arrived. We are fortunate to grow up in such an era and witness and create such a great history. This is something we are proud of in our lifetime.”

“In the future, we humans will continue to advance in the interstellar universe. We will truly step on the Avenue of Stars to see the vastness and prosperity of the interstellar universe, rise in the interstellar universe, and let the whole universe know that we are people on earth.”

“The basis of all this is that we can make full use of the resources of the solar system, lay the foundation and accumulation, and prepare for the era of the interstellar universe.”

“Our Xinghai Technology has always been aiming at the sea of stars. In the future, we will unswervingly follow this path and lead us on earth to the vast universe of stars!”

PS: Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~

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