The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 408

Chapter 413

Here at Xinghai Technology Group, Zhao Jianghe and Qin Gang rushed to Xinghai Technology and found Liu Yuan directly.

“Liu Yuan, this asteroid should be destroyed directly. Now the whole world is panicking because of this, and we are also facing a lot of pressure.”

“There are protests all over the world right now, putting a lot of pressure on us.”

Zhao Jianghe looked at Liu Yuan in front of him. He was no longer the hairy boy he saw a few years ago. Now, in Liu Yuan, he saw something completely different.

This is a kind of temperament that only spiritual leaders have. Calmness, calmness, calmness, and eyes full of wisdom make people willing to follow him invisibly.

“I know that everyone is under a lot of pressure now, especially Guowai. They don’t care about science or not, they are constantly demonizing this asteroid, and they want to use this to attack us.”

“However, I have to say something.”

“Tell me why I am going to the asteroid belt to mine asteroids, and why I insist on dragging it to the earth.”

Liu Yuan looked at the two of them, thought about it, and said, “First of all, what I want to say is that it will never pose a threat to our planet.”

“Its orbit does not coincide with the orbit of the earth, but is tangent. Scientists can calculate this. It will never hit the earth, but will only pass the earth.”

“In addition, with our military power in space, using rails and laser weapons is enough to easily destroy it. Once a mistake occurs, we still have a remedy.”

“I think this is also the reason why you came to me to discuss. If it really poses a threat to the earth, it should be directly issued to me.”


“You are right. After repeated confirmation, we determined that it poses no threat to our earth, so we came to discuss this matter with you.”

Zhao Jianghe nodded and said.

Now more than ten aerospace carriers are deployed in space, each of which has terrifying combat effectiveness, especially the newest ones in service, all of which are a new generation of aerospace carriers. A powerful aerospace weapon created by scientists.

Among them is the powerful rail run, using the terrifying speed of the air carrier in space, coupled with the acceleration of the accelerator, the hard tungsten rod is enough to form a terrifying destructive force.

If one shot of the rail run hits the earth, its power is enough to easily destroy a super city, and if it is used to destroy the asteroid belt, it is simply a piece of cake.

In addition to the rail run, there are also laser weapons, which are manufactured by continuous research and improvement on the basis of some technologies provided by Xinghai Technology Research.

Its power is almost equivalent to a primary energy weapon. It has many advantages such as fast attack speed, great power, and long attack distance. It is also one of the artifacts of the country.

If it is used to destroy asteroids, there is no problem at all.

“Since this asteroid poses no threat to us, what we need to think about is the benefits that mining asteroids can bring.”

“You also know that space technology and the space industry are developing rapidly now. It is necessary to build larger and stronger spacecraft so that we can better explore the interstellar universe.”

“And developing the space industry requires a lot of resources.”

“In terms of steel, we need a large amount of imported iron ore every year. Especially in the past two years, the price of iron ore has soared. This is not only the reason for the expansion of demand, but also the combination of mining giants and major mining areas. The result of a price hike.”

“The price of iron ore is now twice what it was last year, and they have also joined forces to impose a lot of restrictions on us and use this to blackmail us and make some unreasonable demands on us.”

“Why does Xinghai Technology go to the asteroid belt to mine asteroids, that’s because there are endless resources and wealth in the asteroid belt.”

“Let me show you the data we have detected and collected in the asteroid belt. This time the Star Catcher went to the asteroid belt, but the harvest was huge, and an asteroid containing 100 million tons of gold was discovered in the asteroid belt. .”

Liu Yuan ordered someone to hand over a detailed report to Zhao Jianghe and Qin Gang.

When the two heard it, they immediately looked at it with interest.

This report lists in detail the number, quality and resources of asteroids here. According to this report, the resources contained in the asteroid belt are more than all the resources on the earth, especially It is iron, copper, gold, silver and other metal resources, and the reserves are very rich.

“Is there really an asteroid containing 100 million tons of gold?”

Qin Gang still asked in disbelief.

“Of course there is. This is the trajectory that its number is expected to run. If you don’t believe it, you can send a probe to detect it.”

“The reason why the resources of the asteroid belt are so rich is that it has a huge relationship with the formation of the asteroid belt, according to scientists’ research on it.”

“This asteroid belt was supposed to form a planet with a mass several times larger than that of the Earth, but because of the huge gravitational force of Jupiter and the sun, it was never able to form.”

“In the end, the asteroid belt was slowly formed. The resources of the asteroid in the asteroid belt are actually the resources of a whole planet, but unlike the earth, it has split into countless asteroids.” “The content of gold on the earth is actually very large, the total amount is almost several trillion tons, and each person can be divided into several million tons.”

“It is not uncommon to find some asteroids with large amounts of gold in the asteroid belt.”

Liu Yuan also explained in detail.


The two nodded slightly after hearing this.

“With the development of science and technology, we humans will gradually step out of the earth and begin to look at the stars, and the means and areas of our access to resources will also continue to expand.”

“The resources of the asteroid belt are an indispensable resource for our human beings to develop into the starry universe, and sooner or later, we will have to mine asteroids.”

“Now our Xinghai Technology is just the first to eat crabs. It’s understandable for everyone to panic. After all, if an asteroid really hits the earth, it would still be very scary.”

“But because of such a threat, we can’t stop eating because of choking, not mining asteroids, and missing the huge resources and wealth contained in the asteroid belt.”

Liu Yuan smiled and continued: “This asteroid has 200 million tons of iron ore resources. If we mine a few more, we will no longer have to be controlled by others in terms of resources.”

“If the asteroid mining industry develops, it will be a huge high-tech industry, no worse than the lunar mining industry, and it can even be said to be more popular and larger.”

“What we can do is to use technology to solve possible threats and better enjoy the massive resources and wealth of the interstellar age.”

“In the future, the wealth of the interstellar era will usher in a big explosion of growth again, and the speed will exceed any previous era. Only by embracing this era tightly can we become stronger and look forward to the future of the star universe. lay the foundation.”

Zhao Jianghe and Qin Gang listened to Liu Yuan’s flickering, and everyone was stunned for a while. It seems that the resources and wealth of this asteroid belt really cannot be missed.

“We already know your words and information, and we will discuss and argue again carefully when we go back.”

“But now the whole world is panicking, you Xinghai Technology must find a way to solve this problem.”

Zhao Jianghe and Qin Gang looked at each other and said after pondering.

They are also deeply attracted by the interstellar era described by Liu Yuan, the era of mining asteroids, wealth and a big explosion of technology, accumulating abundant wealth and technology, and preparing to look forward to the sea of stars.

What an exciting time this is, what an important moment, thinking of the huge resources and wealth contained in the asteroid belt, this person can’t sit still.

“Yes, I understand, I will find a way to solve this matter.”

Liu Yuan nodded solemnly.

After Zhao Jianghe and Qin Gang left, Liu Yuan also ordered after pondering for a long time: “Immediately announce to the world the relevant data and information we have acquired in the asteroid belt, with emphasis on the resources and wealth contained in the asteroid belt.”

“At the same time, the plan to destroy the asteroid is also announced to the public, so that everyone can rest assured.”


When Lu Yong heard it, he hurried to handle the matter.

Soon, Xinghai Technology once again announced important information to the public, and released a large amount of information from the asteroid belt exploration. The focus is naturally the asteroid that contains 100 million tons of gold.

As the news was announced, the eyes of people all over the world began to turn red.

“God, is this true or false, an asteroid contains 100 million tons of gold, who can tell me how much this 100 million tons of gold can be worth?”

“Well, it is estimated that all the money on the earth together is not enough. Of course, if it is really mined back to the earth, the price of gold will plummet, and it will be worthless.”

“The asteroid belt actually contains such rich resources, iron, copper, gold, and silver. If you just bring an asteroid back to Earth, isn’t it all tens of billions, hundreds of billions?”

“That’s right, otherwise, why does Xinghai Technology have nothing to do to mine asteroids when it’s full, and be scolded by people all over the world. In the end, it’s still for profit, for resources.”

“In this case, does this asteroid pose a threat to us?”

“Of course it doesn’t pose a threat. The government just held a press conference, and it also announced that it has enough ability to destroy the asteroid and will not pose any threat to the earth.”

“I’m going, technology has developed to such a terrifying point that it has reached the point where it can mine asteroids.”


PS: What is the original accumulation of capital in the interstellar era?

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