The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 401

Chapter 406 The Cradle Plan 2

“Boss, everyone~”

“I think if we go to an alien planet to build a great civilization, the first thing we need to consider is how to get there and how to get a foothold on the alien planet.”

“When we go, it’s definitely not hundreds or thousands of people, but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people to other planets.”

“During this process, we believe that the first thing we have to consider is how to establish our homeland on an alien planet, and then secretly migrate there without knowing it.”

“In addition, after the migration, how do we ensure everyone’s production and life, this is also something worth thinking about.”

Lu Yong stood up and spoke. As the big housekeeper of Xinghai Technology, he thought of going to an alien planet to build a brand-new civilization. There are too many things to consider in this regard.

The population issue is not a problem that needs to be considered at the moment. The problem that needs to be considered now is how to go to an alien planet to build a brand new home.

It is definitely not an easy thing to hide from the eyes of the whole earth.

You must know that the spacecraft is very conspicuous in space, and various detectors can easily lock and track the position of the spacecraft.

This warp-speed spacecraft is huge, and it is naturally the focus of everyone’s attention. It is not easy to continuously travel to and from the alien planet and the earth to transport a large number of people to the alien planet without making a sound.

After everyone went to an alien planet, where did they live?

what to eat?

How to protect related life, production, etc.?

Xinghai Technology is a high-tech enterprise, but not all products will be produced. It must establish a complete industrial system on the outer planet to meet its own needs.

These are issues that need serious consideration now.

“I think we can promote the development of the interstellar mining industry. As long as the mining of asteroids is profitable, it will attract a lot of capital to participate, and the interstellar mining industry will develop rapidly.”

“We can sell spaceships while building warp spaceships, and then go to the asteroid belt, and even more spaceships in various places in the entire solar system. Our spaceships can be used for scientific investigations, mining asteroids, and so on. The name leaves the earth so that it doesn’t get too much attention.”

Tang Peng thought about it and said.

“It’s a good idea.”

“If the number of spaceships is small, people will naturally be stared at, but if the number of spaceships is large, there will be fewer people staring at them.”

“It is indeed possible. It just so happens that a lot of capital is now building solar power stations in space, which can be used to smelt asteroids in the future.”

As soon as everyone heard it, they all expressed their approval. This is a good method. If you want to hide people’s eyes and ears, you need to be confused, so that more spaceships will appear in space.

“To migrate to an alien planet, the first thing to solve is the problem of food and shelter.”

“At present, we are developing space agriculture. In the future, the problem of eating should not be a problem. If we live and live, I think we should prepare in advance and establish a complete set of industrial systems in the future.”

“Only by establishing a complete industrial system can we be self-sufficient and have the foundation and potential for development without being controlled by others.”

“The key to our country’s rapid development is that we have a complete industrial system, coupled with our huge population and a large number of high-quality, highly educated and educated talents, our rise is inevitable. ”

“When we get to an alien planet, stay away from the earth. If everything is imported from the earth, we will easily be controlled by others. At that time, the earth will be able to casually grab our necks.”

Xu Yunpeng also stood up and said.

A complete industrial system must be established. Without a complete industrial system, if all products must be imported from the earth, it will not work.

In addition, only a complete industrial system is the basis for future development. Without even an industry, can you expect to rely on other industries to develop independently? .


Everyone also nodded.

The importance of industry is self-evident, and many de-industrialized countries on the planet will end up miserably. South Africa, like South Africa, was fooled and de-industrialized, which turned a developed country into a developing country, and became a wonder of the world.

On the other hand, as long as countries that adhere to the road of industrialization, their development potential is quite good. Like us and Germany, they have strong industrial strength, strong economic stamina, and stable employment. At the same time, because they have a strong industrial system, they are not afraid of human constraints. .

We are the main manufacturers and suppliers of most products in the world. If you break up with me, your prices will skyrocket in minutes.

There is also a complete industrial system. It is not easy for others to replace you, because even if the other party can produce a certain product, the accessories, parts, etc. of their products cannot be produced by themselves, and ultimately they need to be from you. If you come to buy, it will increase the cost of the other party’s products virtually, and it will be difficult to compete with you.

This is the benefit of having a sound industrial system.

When we reach the outer planet, we must establish a sound industrial system, lay a solid foundation, and prepare for the future sea of stars.

“Let me mention a little.”

“If we go to an alien planet to build a great civilization, I think the most important thing for us is to master our own powerful power.”

“Since ancient times, there has been political power in the barrel of a gun. Without a powerful force that belongs to us, we will not be stable internally, and there will be people outside who are eager to move and stare at us.”

“I propose that we must secretly build a powerful force that is loyal to the boss and our civilization. In the future, after the matter is known to everyone, if this side of the earth has any thoughts on us, or wants to be unfavorable to us, we will also You can show them with a fist that we’re not lambs to be slaughtered.”

Zeng Xuan took it out. As the person in charge of the controllable nuclear fusion technology, he knew too well that being manipulated was very uncomfortable.

Xinghai Technology wants to engage in research on nuclear fusion technology, and it has been applied again and again, but it has been rejected again and again, and it has never been approved.

I also thought about a lot of ways, I tried all the good words, technology sharing, etc., but it didn’t work.

For a top-level scientist like himself, he has to look at the faces of those little people. This feeling and taste is very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Zeng Xuan felt that to build a great civilization in the future, we must master powerful forces, not be threatened or controlled by others, let alone act on people’s faces.

He is a staunch follower of Liu Yuan!

Because he knows too well that the hope of the people on earth is not on the earth, but in the vast starry universe. If you want to do esoteric scientific research, you must gain autonomy instead of being pinched to death. Hold your neck.

“This is not easy to do~”

“What’s the problem? There are many small countries and regions in the world. In many places, as long as we give money, they will not care about what we do. We can completely establish a secret base to study weapons and equipment and train personnel. , to build a powerful force that belongs to us.”

“I also think that it can be carried out in secret overseas. The key is to do a good job of confidentiality, and to have enough professionals and people to train, so that we can train excellent fighters.”

“With the people of the security group as the core, the recruits are all veterans who have undergone rigorous training.”

“But are they really willing to follow us, do they have the same beliefs and ideals as we do?”

“This requires us to conduct careful screening, and at the same time, we must strictly maintain confidentiality in terms of confidentiality measures, and we must not leak the rumors.”

Everyone, you are discussing with each other.

There are still many ways, especially now with the popularization of anti-gravity aircraft, the exchanges between various regions of the world are more close and frequent.

The laws, regulations, etc. around the world are completely different, and there are huge differences, even between regions.

In many small areas, as long as Xinghai Technology is willing to spend money, you can do anything you want.

For example, Xinghai Technology has established many scientific research bases overseas. It can also establish research bases on the moon, and even establish some research bases on Mars if necessary.

This is the new era of global villages. To be precise, it is some phenomena in the early stage of the development of stellar civilization. The parent planet has not been unified, and there are many problems and loopholes. Under the jurisdiction of the law and not restricted by anyone, this gives Xinghai Technology some opportunities to make a lot of preparations quietly.

Everyone kept asking one question, and then everyone kept discussing how to solve this problem, discussing how to take root after going to an alien planet in the future, and establish and develop a great civilization.

At the same time, they discussed how to successfully evacuate from the earth and bring the wealth belonging to Xinghai Technology to other planets, etc. The whole meeting was held from morning to late night.

Finally, after sorting out, a plan called the ‘cradle plan’ was formulated. The whole plan is divided into two parts, one part is how to successfully evacuate to an alien planet, and the other part is how to build a great civilization on an alien planet. And it took root and developed rapidly and stably in the alien planet.

The plan is very huge, and it is designed in all aspects. At the same time, Liu Yuan also divides the tasks in all aspects and assigns it to one individual. In the next few years, everything of Xinghai Technology will revolve around this huge plan. run.

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