The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 399

Chapter 404 Breakthrough Warp Flight Theory

In the vast void, the Starcatcher spacecraft was quietly suspended in the dim environment like a firefly. The lights on the spacecraft appeared very weak in the dim environment, which was more than the light of the stars. brighter.

With a speed of more than 150 kilometers per second, it is like a snail in the environment of the starry sky, as if it is standing still and moving.

Only when you look back at the direction of the earth every once in a while and see the smaller and smaller earth, will you know that you are getting further and further away from the earth.

“What a long trip!”

Shi Kai looked at the direction of the earth. After a few days of sailing, the earth had become a small point, which was difficult to see clearly with the naked eye. The distance traveled had exceeded tens of millions of kilometers, but this was just the beginning. Next, Star Catcher will continue to sail at this speed for about 20 days before it can reach the asteroid belt.

Life on the spaceship is still very boring. Although there are many leisure and entertainment facilities on the spaceship, after all, it is on the spaceship, and there are too few things to play.

The most important thing is to stay away from the earth. The connection with the earth is becoming more and more inconvenient. The communication signal delay is already very terrifying. Everyone’s favorite virtual game is definitely impossible to play.

For people who are used to modern life and cannot play virtual games, this is definitely an extremely tormenting day.

The Star Catcher is constantly moving toward the asteroid belt. The Star is still conducting scientific investigations on Mars, and will return to Earth in more than a month.

On Earth, here at the Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, Liu Yuan once again convened many Level 3 scientists in the research institute to study the theoretical knowledge of warp flight.

Liu Yuan has talked about some theories and knowledge related to warp engine technology many times, but so far, no one can understand this profound knowledge.

Warp engine technology is the most important technology for a civilization to break through from a stellar civilization to a river system-level civilization. Only by mastering the warp engine technology can one have the capital to travel in the interstellar universe.

Otherwise, the vast void universe is like an endless sea, locking civilizations one by one on their home planet, and they cannot contact other civilizations with each other, so that they think that they are the universe. The only intelligent life among them.

Only by mastering the technology of warp speed engine and possessing the ability to fly over a light-year, can we have the ability to cross the starry sky and reach the other side of the starry sky, and have the capital to soar across the interstellar universe.

Such an important technology is destined not to be easily mastered. Even with the guidance of inheritance seeds and Liu Yuan’s detailed explanation, it has been more than a year, and still no one can comprehend this kind of technology. Advanced and mysterious science and technology theory.

Liu Yuan knows that this requires genius, and genius also requires epiphany. Only when the two are combined can we truly break through this theory.

The relevant foundation Liu Yuan has already laid it down, and Xinghai Technology already has the technology, strength and foundation to manufacture warp engines.

The rest depends on when these scientists can break through.

Liu Yuan knows from the seeds of inheritance that when technology advances, it becomes more mysterious and difficult to understand. Only true geniuses can understand and promote the progress and development of technology.

It’s like Schrödinger’s cat. Ordinary people think that this is purely the crazy idea of scientists. What kind of cat is dead or alive? Open it and you will know whether the cat is dead or alive. .

But in fact, the original intention of Schrödinger’s cat was to explain the particle problem in the microscopic field from a macroscopic perspective, and to prove the state of the particle when it was observed.

This is a good example.

The more esoteric science progresses, the more understanding it needs.

Some things can be acquired through teaching, such as one plus one equals two, which can be acquired through learning.

However, some things, it is not that you teach, he will understand.

The same physical and chemical mathematics, the same teacher, some students can quickly understand and get good grades, and some students even if they work hard, it is still difficult to understand, and it is difficult to get good grades.

The reasoning is the same.

Knowledge can spread, but wisdom cannot.

This is the Buddhist way of saying that some things just need to be comprehended by oneself.

The development of science and technology to a higher level of civilization requires more and more talented scientists to continuously promote it. Only with the continuous emergence of genius, can science and technology continue to progress.

And genius is hard to come by.

“We can think of space as a paper that can be folded, normal flight is from one side to the other side, warp flight, it is to continuously stack and fold the paper, and then go directly from this point to another point. …”

Liu Yuan looked at the thousands of scientists in front of him. These are the most valuable assets of Xinghai Technology, and the third-level scientists of Xinghai Technology are extremely valuable.

Even in a river system-level civilization, these scientists are all valuable talents, and any one of them is a national treasure-level talent.

It is the core scientist who has spent a lot of money to cultivate the precious genetic medicine from the inheritance seeds. Everyone’s body and brain have been developed, and with the passage of time, this development will become more and more. Deep, they will become even more powerful. Now all the obstacles to manufacturing the warp engine have been overcome. The energy has controllable nuclear fusion technology, the material has refined iron, coupled with the anti-gravity technology, and I understand the theory and technology of the warp engine. It is completely impossible to manufacture the warp engine. questionable.

However, Liu Yuan still hopes that someone can also understand this warp speed theory, so that he can relax and be lazy, otherwise everything will come to his head, and he will not be like a boss.

Liu Yuan kept explaining the theory of warp technology.

So, the theory of warp flight is very mysterious. It sounds like a very simple theory, but it is very difficult to really understand it.

The speed of light is the fastest speed in the universe, an unsurpassable speed.

This is the iron law of all time, and the iron law that scientists are excited about.

At the same time, according to Einstein’s mass-energy formula, the faster the speed, the greater the energy required. The reason why the speed of light is the speed of light is because the photon has almost no weight, so it can reach the speed of light.

But a spaceship has to fly at a warp speed that exceeds the speed of light, which has seriously violated the insurmountable speed of light, and also violated the mass-energy formula.

This is something that many scientists have never figured out, and even said that flying faster than the speed of light is simply impossible.

At the same time, with regard to the universe, scientists have never been able to understand it, because space itself is something that you cannot see or touch, and you cannot make any observations about it. You can only rely on your own imagination to think about and conceive space. Some of.

It’s like when Newton proposed universal gravitation, everyone can’t see or touch the gravitational force, and ordinary people can’t immediately see this kind of thing.

But after Newton was smashed by an apple, he let go of his own thoughts and kept putting forward various hypotheses. In the end, he also summed up gravity and a series of things such as Newton’s three laws.

Warp speed engine technology is the most superficial application and understanding of space, and it can also be regarded as a little bit of fur and beginning of space technology.

Anyone who understands a warp drive is a precious genius.

“Space, folding, this point to another point~”

While listening to Liu Yuan’s explanation, Zhou Yu was also thinking quickly and imagining some corresponding things in his mind.

“Haha, so it is, so it is~”

“I understand, I understand~”

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Zhou Yu’s mind, and he was suddenly relieved. The things that had been bothering him for a long time were figured out at once, and the whole person couldn’t help shouting excitedly.

His voice also immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him. Everyone looked at him in unison. Even Liu Yuan stopped his lecture and looked at this Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu was also one of the earliest employees of Xinghai Technology. Originally, he was only a graduate of ordinary colleges and universities. His grades in science and engineering were very good, but his English was particularly poor, and his partiality was very serious, so he entered ordinary colleges and universities.

After entering Xinghai Technology, he has been doing scientific research that he likes, and he has performed extremely well, but in the case of many talents in Xinghai Technology, it is not particularly dazzling.

Who knew that he would be the first person to comprehend the theory of warp speed flight. Seeing how excited he is now, he is very excited, and his whole body is secreting exciting hormones.

“I understand, I understand~”

“Haha, it’s so simple.”

Zhou Yu shouted excitedly, completely unaware that everyone around him was looking at him.

When he came back to his senses and saw everyone looking at him, he immediately patted his head in embarrassment and smiled and said, “I didn’t do anything scandalous just now, did I?”

“No, no~”

“It’s just a few shouts.”

The people around him said with a smile.

“Haha, Zhou Yu, do you understand?”

“Then come over and talk to everyone.”

Liu Yuan said with a smile.

An epiphany is a very exciting thing. It’s like solving a super difficult math problem that can’t be solved for many days. Suddenly, I think of the idea and method of solving the problem, and the whole person can solve it in a few seconds. , that kind of feeling is very comfortable and very exciting.

Zhou Yu in this matter is almost the same, shouting is nothing, some scientists in history even run naked.

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