The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 395

Chapter 400 The Great Eastern Dragon 1


In a mansion, Liu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Li Dan and Li Xue, both of them were satisfied, lying like mud.

It’s been a few months since I went to the moon. People are going to be suffocated. When I come back, I will have a good fight.

This is also the first time to play together, and it took me a lot of saliva to get the two of them to agree. The result is naturally to enjoy the blessings of everyone, and they are very comfortable.

I have always been not very good at dealing with emotional matters, and Huli Hu Tu has always been like this.

But fortunately, in the end, everyone also acquiesced to such a relationship and model, and they got along harmoniously. Although they didn’t get a certificate, they gave everything they should have given, and they all accepted this kind of relationship.

Seeing the beautiful woman beside him fall asleep, Liu Yuan couldn’t fall asleep.

Pillowed down and began to browse the relevant news.

The Lunar New Year is coming soon, and economic data from all over the world has been released one after another.

Not surprisingly, our economic data has achieved explosive growth this year. The growth rate of more than 20% is extremely terrifying, just like a super nuclear power engine will gradually pull out the global economy that is gradually falling into the abyss.

The total economic volume has exceeded 250 trillion, and the per capita GDP is also nearly 180,000, ranking first in total volume and fourth per capita. It can be said to be an absolute super giant.

The reason why such huge and brilliant economic achievements can be made is mainly due to the transformation of the industry and the development of science and technology.

The rapid development of the biotechnology industry, electronic technology industry, aircraft manufacturing industry, virtual technology industry, financial industry, and space industry is like a super engine, driving the rapid growth and development of this huge economy.

Its model has long since bid farewell to the previous model of relying on labor-intensive industries, foreign trade processing industries, and real estate industries. It has achieved economic transformation and technological transformation, and has made rapid development breakthroughs.

Of course, the most important factor is technology. Without technology, everything would be impossible.

The currency has replaced the original green coin, gradually stabilizing and strengthening its status as a world currency, which has also promoted the rapid development of the financial industry, and has a development trend of replacing the traditional financial status of Europe and the United States.

These are all important reasons for the rapid economic growth, and also the reason why the per capita can rank fourth in the world. Because of the substantial appreciation of the currency, the ranking naturally rises.

In the past, if 180,000 was converted into green coins, it was less than 30,000 green coins. Although the ranking was not bad, it was definitely at the top. However, now that fruit coins are an international currency, they have been greatly appreciated in recent years. Naturally, the ranking is Getting higher and higher, the actual purchasing power is also leveraged, and prices are falling sharply.

In the past, a durian was at least one or two hundred yuan, but now dozens of yuan are enough; the oil price used to be close to ten yuan, but now the oil price has been reduced to only two or three yuan per pound. If you have a super oil coconut, you don’t need money. Just add it at home.

In the past, imported things were generally more expensive, but now, almost all of them have been greatly reduced in price. The price has been reduced several times and become cheaper.

This has also caused us to be like a super black hole, importing huge goods from all over the world, and the import trade volume has grown at a terrifying rate.

Of course, this is also an inevitable phenomenon after currency internationalization. The whole world needs your currency, and it will naturally export more commodities to you in exchange. You can exchange for the fruits of other people’s labor with paper currency, and you will be very happy. matter.

Our economy is growing rapidly, and both the size and per capita are increasing substantially. As a result, some people are happy and some people are sad.

The major economies in the West are all falling sharply, sliding towards the abyss. The economy that has been built on high technology, monopoly, hegemony, etc. for a long time is really worse than a chicken when it is in trouble.

Because they are used to living a comfortable life, a life with high welfare.

Once they encounter difficulties, they will not be able to change at all for a while, and they are still clamoring for higher benefits, reduced working hours, and so on.

If it goes on like this for a long time, let alone without encountering difficulties, even if it continues to operate according to the previous model, it will not be able to last for a long time.

People are reluctant to work, their motivation to work is very low, more and more people are taking benefits, and more and more lazy people are.

Many phenomena such as high debt, slow growth, and very slow development have already appeared, but no one has torn their last fig leaf. Now there is no way to rely on the previous model to obtain huge wealth from the world, and naturally it will not be able to live the happy life before.

But the common people don’t care about this. They have had a good life, and now they are going to have a hard time. They are not adapted and dissatisfied, and their strong dissatisfaction is constantly spreading.

This made the situation even worse.

Of course, in some places where they were already living a hard life, they were able to change in time, and life was much better than before.

With a huge market of 1.4 billion people, coupled with more and more aircraft, and more frequent and free trade, there are many opportunities, and anything can be better than before.

Some small countries seized the opportunity to engage in tourism, entertainment, and provide good services, and the development was very rapid, and the small days were much better than before.

We are different from the West. We pay more attention to equal trade exchanges and will not use our position to bully others, so we can allow our trading partners to gain more benefits and benefits.

It’s very simple, for example, to build a hydropower station, let us build it, you can pay for it, there are no additional conditions, but if you let Western companies build it, it will be different, they will see every opportunity. Knock on the bone and suck the marrow, and may require conditions such as resource exploration rights, mining rights, special trade rights and so on.

Another example is a loan, as long as we have a relationship, we can give you an interest-free or even low-interest loan, but they are different. You must have the mineral rights mortgage, and some even require tariff mortgages, etc. Absolutely not. Loan to you easily.

This is just a very simple example, which is enough to show that as long as you can seize the opportunity and keep up with the development of the dragon, you can live a pretty good life.

This is also the reason why the international economy is in two extremes. Some people are happy and others are worried. The old world order is collapsing, and the new century order is constantly being established. Whoever adapts first can develop first.

“Everyone is having a good time. After this, it is estimated that not many people are willing to go out with them.”

Liu Yuan watched the news in the virtual world, and sighed slightly in his mind.

I’m afraid it won’t be easy to go out and do it alone in the future. If everyone has a good life, they may not be willing to live on other planets.

But this is also the reason why Liu Yuan has been working hard to develop technology, in order to lead everyone to a better life.

“Forget it, I want like-minded people, and the essence is not too expensive.”

Shaking his head, he didn’t think about it anymore, and continued to read the news.

Because the virtual world is a global and open platform, the news on it comes from all over the world, and more importantly, readers come from all over the world, and the people who leave messages on it are all from all over the world.

Many of the above reports will have a large number of comments from all over the world, many of which are extremely interesting.

Like the report on the world economy that Liu Yuan just saw,

“Congratulations to the giant dragon of the East, it finally stood on the top of the world. This is a great moment, and it is also a moment in history. From now on, the center of the world will return to the east again. Lots of love from Baba Yang!”

“No, our South Asian elephants are the strongest. You must know that Shanghai is only a small Mumbai in the East, not as good as our Mumbai. I think there is a serious problem with this economic data. Its calculation method is not calculated according to the actual purchasing power. For example, for the same thing, it costs a few dollars a pound in the East, which is equivalent to several tens of rupees, but here we only need a few rupees. Actual purchasing power – a question from the South Asian subcontinent.”

“Friends upstairs, I think you said a lot, we are the strongest and the best, I don’t believe those videos and many reports about the East in the virtual world, the data are all fabricated and deceived at will. —A fascinated self-confident person from the South Asian subcontinent.”

“The third brother upstairs is right, it makes sense, you are not only number one on Earth, but also number one in the entire galaxy, number one in the entire universe, please continue to maintain your pride and self-confidence – approval from the east .”

“I don’t know if the third brother is strong or not. Anyway, I know that the East is strong. They have the most high-tech companies in the world, the most complete industrial chain and the largest industry, and they have even occupied the entire moon. There’s a dozen or so Helicarrier fleets in space, and I figured if that wasn’t powerful, what was?—from the lost bald eagle.”

Looking at the comments, it really makes people want to laugh. Many people are very ignorant and full of self-confidence, not only the third brother and the stickman, but also many people from developed western regions. Just looking at their comments makes me laugh.

Continuing to watch the news, a documentary that is now very popular in the virtual world and on the Internet suddenly caught Liu Yuan’s attention.

This documentary was newly produced by Yangma, and the main body is “Oriental Dragon”. There are only 6 episodes in total, and each episode is 30 minutes. It promotes a strong and self-confidence to the world from the aspects of economy, technology, military, and people’s livelihood in detail. oriental dragon.

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