The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 383

Chapter 388

They are willing to endure hardships and do things, and do not like to cause trouble, so they are able to persevere under difficult circumstances and gradually find a way out and vitality.

But it’s different now,

This has greatly stimulated the development of the financial industry, making the entire industry prosperous, developing extremely rapidly, and creating a large number of jobs.

The business of tourism and catering industry is very hot, the development is extremely fast, the high-quality service has been recognized, and it has also won more orders and business.

Like the virtual world economy, Chen Ben and Nam Koryo also enjoy certain advantages because there are a large number of people learning Chinese and Chinese characters.

According to statistics, only in the first half of this year, the growth rate of the stupid tourism industry, catering industry, shopping, etc. is very amazing, and there is a ten-fold increase in terror.

This is mainly due to the rapid development of high-tech industries such as biopharmaceuticals, aircraft manufacturing, electronic technology industry, virtual economy industry, financial industry, energy industry, and space industry.

The total economic volume ranks first in the world. According to the statistics of the first half of the year, the total economic volume has reached 60% of the global economy. This is a very scary figure.

Now that aircrafts are becoming more and more popular, going out has become extremely easy and simple, and going abroad for tourism, consumption, shopping, etc. has become a daily thing.

In the past, because the income was not high, the per capita income was very average, coupled with the unbalanced economic development, a large number of people were concentrated in the developed eastern coastal areas, so the consumption power was very general, and most people were still very frugal and able to No money, no money.

There is no way. It is almost a deep-rooted idea of the Chinese people to have money to buy property. Only those who have assets such as houses and shops are considered rich.

This is also a signal of the rapid development of the financial industry.

Even those who used to rely on giving birth to receive welfare are now suddenly caught in the cold winter, because there is no money to receive.

Neighbors on the other side of the ocean are having a hard time, and European countries are also having a hard time.

The stupid economy has also declined extremely sharply, with a drop of more than 20%. Coupled with the inflation brought about by currency devaluation, the economic situation is also extremely severe.

A large number of people lost their jobs and there were no benefits to receive.

In the first half of the year alone, more than 50 million aircraft were produced and manufactured, providing hundreds of millions of high-paying jobs, driving the development of hundreds of thousands of related enterprises, large and small, and creating an economic output value of more than one trillion fruit coins. A well-deserved support industry.

A huge consumer group of 1.4 billion people.

In addition to Europe, other major economies are also having a hard time.

Of course, the mobile phone manufacturing industry is already a sunset industry. What is really powerful is the virtual machine manufacturing industry, which is exclusively owned by Xinghai Technology.

In the past, we had to stay in the city, crowded to the city or the eastern region, but now with the aircraft, the economic development is more balanced, and everyone does not need to live in the city, bear huge pressure, leave home, and so on.

The most difficult of these are the aircraft manufacturing industry, the electronic technology industry, the virtual economy industry and the financial industry. These four major industries are the four important carriages supporting economic development.

The electronic technology industry is also very strong. More than 90% of the global mobile phone manufacturing market is occupied by us. Mobile phone manufacturers such as Xia Wei, Rice, Opal, etc. are still occupying the market globally.

However, because it is located close to the east, it has natural advantages, and it has been influenced by us to some extent, and the economy has gained some benefits.

And Guowai is also generally willing to receive fruit coins, and the money spent invisibly is very huge. Massive goods, wealth and the like are transferred to our homes in this way, and are used and consumed by us.

The production of mobile phones and virtual machines requires a large number of components, as well as foundries, etc. The entire electronic technology industry has driven the employment of tens of millions of people.

The output value of Xinghai Virtual Technology Group alone in the first half of this year exceeded 10 trillion fruit coins. The virtual world in front of the global market is just a fairy world. This game has brought millions of jobs and created extremely huge economic output.

A large number of companies and enterprises have entered the virtual world industry, and they have also achieved good development. In addition, the personalities of the Orientals are generally similar, and the spirits of hard work, hard work, diligence and thrift are relatively common.

At the same time, the seemingly harmonious black-and-white family situation also has a huge crack. When the white-skinned pigs are having a hard time, how can they willingly give their wealth to those who can only give birth to children and benefit from welfare. Black people?

Now, because the fruit currency is an international currency, it has natural advantages to replace the green currency, and the development of the financial industry is also extremely fast.

The same huge number of employees also created a terrifying output value. Statistics show that the output value of the virtual world far exceeds the output value of the aircraft manufacturing industry.

Coupled with the rapid development of novels, music, film, painting, photography and many other industries, there are more than 200 million employees in the entire virtual economy, more than double the previous number.

Of course, this is still a drizzle. The most important thing is that because the fruit currency has become an international currency, a random interest rate hike or cut by the central mother will have a huge impact on the global economy.

No way, the size of the neighbor next door is really too big.

The economy is extremely depressed, with a drop of more than 40%, which is less than one-third of the original. There is no more money to wipe people’s butts and become a virgin.

Even if it can be received, it is becoming less and less. In addition, due to the devaluation of green coins, currency depreciation and inflation are extremely severe, which aggravates the bad situation.

A large number of emerging companies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and the original Internet giants are also not to be outdone, desperately recruiting people and pouring money into them.

Like a super nuclear power engine, it not only drives the rapid development of its own economy, but also brings hope to other economies in the abyss.

This also directly drives the development of its tourism, catering and other related industries, solves a large number of jobs, and creates a huge economy.

This is also what the neighbors on the other side of the ocean did in the past. By printing money, they plundered huge wealth invisibly and lived a comfortable little life.

The financial industry was a huge industry in the past.

This is the case with gluttonous people. The closer they are, the better they are. The tourism, catering, shopping and other related consumer industries have been influenced by their neighbors, and they have also achieved great development.

Now that the feng shui turns, it is finally our turn, not to mention the same as theirs with money to buy wealth or something, the money that escapes invisibly can also harvest a lot of wealth.

When the resources are insufficient, the internal contradictions will naturally become more serious. This is an eternal truth and something that has been staged again and again in history.

This year is a year of rapid development of Xinghai Technology’s virtual machines. In the first half of the year, Xinghai Technology produced and sold nearly 200 million virtual machines, each priced at 21,000 yuan. The sales of this virtual machine alone created 4 trillions of output.

With innate advantages, we also have natural advantages in this regard, and can use capital to continuously acquire global wealth.

Not to mention the virtual economy industry, the virtual world is constantly replacing the Internet, and domestic Internet companies are also desperately developing and entering the new world.

For example, because the tourism and catering industries are very developed, and the popularization of aircrafts, a large number of neighbors come to spend here.

When they can’t even get enough to eat, they will realize how extravagant the old days were, so extravagant that Mary’s heart had a heart attack, spending huge amounts of wealth to take in millions of refugees.

Due to the collapse of the automobile industry in Germany, once one of the troikas of the European Union, tens of millions of people engaged in the automobile industry were directly unemployed, and indirectly more people were unemployed. More than half of the population was unemployed and could not find a job. There are no more unemployment benefits available.

According to statistics, the economic growth in the first half of the year is very terrifying, not only reaching double digits, but also close to 20% growth rate. into the top five industries.

This consumption power is also showing explosive growth. Strong consumption can naturally drive the development of all walks of life. Even the real estate industry, which has fallen into freezing point, is slowly recovering.

If nothing else, the number of companies listed in the first half of the year was several times higher than before, and the entire stock market was booming.

The aircraft manufacturing industry benefits from the strategy of Xinghai Technology, so this huge market is exclusively enjoyed by us. There are more than 300 aircraft manufacturing enterprises in China, large and small. Because of the exclusive access to the huge global market, the development of more than 300 aircraft manufacturing industries has been extremely rapid, and the small life has been very good.

In addition to these four major industries, other industries are also developing extremely rapidly. When the economic situation is good, everyone has money and is willing to spend.

The contradiction between the two sides has become sharp, and countless people are reflecting on why the great Gallic chicken changed color and turned into a pitch-black black chicken?

Therefore, all the cities of Gaulu Wuji are in chaos, day and night, beating, smashing, looting and burning, zero-yuan purchases, etc., and so on, the situation is extremely bad, and the law and order is chaotic.

And in the past, no overseas companies were willing to come to us to list, but now, many companies have started to list on our big A shares.

Various virtual products emerge in an endless stream, rapidly enriching the virtual world, and at the same time bringing huge economic growth and providing a large number of jobs.

In the past, left-wing ideas and forces had the absolute upper hand and were politically correct, but now right-wing ideas and forces have begun to rise rapidly and gradually gain the support of more people.

The next-door neighbor, Gaolu Wuji’s life is also very difficult. The economic decline has exceeded 40%, which is only a quarter of what it was a few years ago. One, or even one tenth.

You must know that a few years ago, it only stood at about 20% of the world. In just a few years, the economic scale has accounted for 60% of the world, which is extremely terrifying.

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