The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 3010 - Arrival of exile

That night, all the individual weapons were shipped out, and the cave was not closed again. Although the heavy weapons remained inside, the gate was guarded by a large number of soldiers at Su Zhe.

In the following time, Jiang Fei formulated a training plan for the two brothers Su Su and Su Rui. Because those individual weapons are very simple to use, at most, it requires delicate operations when changing energy cartridges, and the rest are basically Just aim and pull the trigger, these trainings are very easy.

In addition to training Protoss soldiers to use those legacy weapons from the ancient Nemesh soldiers, Jiang Fei also asked Su Zhe to select some savvy and capable soldiers. He planned to train these people into fighter pilots and mech pilots.

Because the equipment in the equipment library is very complete, and there are simulation training equipment, Jiang Fei, who had originally given up these heavy weapons, has a new idea. Because the ten-year agreement has expired, no one can determine the date of the exile’s return. Since Now I’m idle, so I might as well train a group of elite drivers out, in case he can win the war, then Jiang Fei will not have to re-engage those who are exiled.

The time passed day by day. The blink of an eye is two weeks. The protoss soldiers who use the single weapon have basically formed the combat power, but they lack unified command. After all, the original officers are accustomed to cold weapons. Combat, now let them command the scientific and technological troops, they do not play at all.

And the soldiers who were selected as fighter and mech pilots were still training on the simulator at this time. Although these people were very smart, they had never been exposed to them, so the learning progress was slow.

At the same time, Jiang Fei also understands that the biggest shortcoming of this temporarily armed science and technology arm is that there is no logistical guarantee at all, and this means that the war between them and the exiles is a one-shot deal.

Because although the Protoss side can continue to recruit soldiers, the loss of weapons and equipment is irreparable. Even the ammunition is pulled down when the light is turned on. The Protoss without technical foundation cannot build factories to produce weapons and ammunition.

So at the beginning of the war, Jiang Fei was ready to put all the weapons and forces into the battlefield at the same time, and fight to defeat his opponent in one fell swoop. If the first strike failed, Jiang Fei was ready to find opportunities to win over the exiles.

Because of the lack of logistical support capabilities, once the protracted war is involved, there is no turning point for the Protoss side.

While constantly training those soldiers, Jiang Fei was also waiting patiently. He believed that since the mexicans had designed him to this point ten thousand years ago, he would never let him go easily, exiles. Will definitely come, and definitely not too long.

The time passed slowly while waiting. Not only for Jiang Fei, but also for Su Zhe and Su Rui, every day was tormented because the victory or defeat of the war was more important to them than to Jiang Fei. Much more.

Finally, two and a half months after the seal was opened, a vision came in the sky!

“Boom … boom …” A loud sound like a thunder blast came from the sky overhead.

“Are you coming?”

“Are the ten thousand years coming ?!”

Not only Su Ru, Su Rui, Jiang Fei, etc., all the Protoss in the city ran out to watch. With such a big movement, except the dead, everyone was shocked.

“Click …”

The sky is overcast with clouds of lightning passing by, followed by a huge shadow falling from the sky, the size of which is even enough to cover the entire city of the Protoss!

“After all, this day has come!” Su Zhe muttered to himself.

“Come here! Come here! Victory and defeat are here!” Su Rui said in his mouth, unlike Su Zhe, Su Rui’s face did not have much anxiety, but was a little excited.

“Finally came!” Jiang Fei was relieved. Seeing the return of these exiles, his heart calmed down. The victory or defeat between the Protoss and the Exiles was of little significance to Jiang Fei. His The purpose is to take away the second-level password. As for the Protoss or Exile, the difference is not very big for him.

Along with thunder and lightning, a huge starship landed and eventually hovered over the city.

“Oh!” A transport plane flew down from the starship. This transport plane came straight to the King City, and then landed a few hundred meters away from the King City.

“Hmm … Ka …” As the hatch opened, several green-skinned exiles came down. Their outfits were very modern, quite a bit of the shadow of the mexican.

“We are suffering people who have been exiled for many years. Now we are going to the ten thousand year covenant. Please ask your leader to come forward to talk.” A head of exile shouted outside the city gate.

“Brother, shall we go?” Su Rui asked.

“Um …” Su Zhe hesitated.

“Check it out,” Jiang Fei said.

“It’s okay!” Su Zhe nodded, then the first one walked up to the city, and Su Rui and Jiang Fei also followed.

“Are you the principal here?” The exile leader asked outside.

“Yes! I am the King of the Protoss!” Su Zhe replied.

“Protoss … haha ​​… that’s a big deal!” The leader of the exiles in the city sneered, and then continued: “Now we are going to the ten thousand year covenant to prove the choice of that year!”

“How do you intend to prove?” Su Zhe asked.

“If you would admit that your choice was wrong and apologize for exiling our ancestors then, we are also willing to cooperate with you ~ ~ Everyone abandons prejudices and reintegrates as a Nexus!” After the leader of the exile said here, the front suddenly turned: “If you refuse to admit your mistakes and don’t apologize to our ancestors, then you can only verify your original choice through war!”

“Hmm …” Su Zhe groaned for a moment. Of course, the best ending now is to admit the mistakes of the year and apologize to the ancestors of these people, but the problem is that once integrated into a race, the exile who masters advanced technology must be Will become the dominant, his God King will basically be suspended even if he does not waste.

“Wrong? What’s wrong with us? Technology almost destroyed us at that time, and it is a matter of course to seal it up!” Su Zhe made a common choice for almost all the emperors after a little groaning.

The country broke its home, and He is also the king of a country! It’s impossible when you let 朕 slap people into the mountains!

This is the idea in Su Zhe’s mind at this time. In the eyes of these rulers, the chair under his buttocks is more important than anything. Even if he died, he will die on this chair, and he will pull everyone to bury him. Let him be a king after death!

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