The Returnee’s Quiet Journey Through High School – A Roshidere Fanfic

Chapter 6: The Afterthought

Meanwhile, in class 1-B, Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou found herself distracted, her thoughts lingering on the student Kaichou had mentioned earlier—Youseke Arima. The name alone was enough to send ripples through her mind. She simply couldn’t believe the immense gap in ability between herself and Arima, a gap that felt more like a chasm the more she thought about it.

How is it even possible? she wondered, her brow furrowing slightly. Alisa had always prided herself on her abilities, on the hard work and dedication she put into her studies and training. She was no stranger to excellence. Yet, the way Kaichou had described Arima made her question everything. She had never met him before, so there was no clear picture of just how far his talents extended.

Was it true? Could someone be so far ahead of the rest of us? It was daunting to think about, almost intimidating. The mystery surrounding his sudden disappearance only added to the enigma. Why would someone so gifted just vanish? What happened to him? The more she thought about it, the more questions piled up, none of which had answers.

Before she could delve further into her thoughts, she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Yo, Alya. Wanna grab lunch together?” Kuze’s casual tone broke through her reverie.

“Huh? Oh… yeah,” she replied, blinking away the thoughts of Arima. She gave a quick nod, pulling herself back to the present. Her mind still swirled with the puzzle that was Arima, but for now, she set it aside.

Kuze, ever laid-back, waited patiently for Alisa to gather her things. The two left the classroom and walked down the corridor together, the silence between them stretching comfortably for a few moments. The bustling sounds of other students filled the hall, but neither spoke until Kuze, unable to stand the quiet any longer, finally broke it.

“You’re still thinking about that Arima guy Kaichou talked about, aren’t you?” he asked, his tone casual but knowing.

Alisa hesitated for a second before nodding slightly.

“Yeah, I guess… It’s hard not to.”

Kuze chuckled softly, hands in his pockets.

“I know what you mean. That kind of talent disappearing without a trace? It’s strange, even for this school.”

“Kuze-kun too? You’re actually curious about this?” Alisa glanced at him with slight surprise.

Kuze rarely seemed to care about anything that didn’t directly affect him, so the fact that Arima’s disappearance had caught his attention was somewhat unexpected.

“Yeah,” he admitted, his expression shifting into a rare contemplative look.

“I mean, hey, even I get interested when someone that good just up and vanishes. There’s probably a story there,” Kuze said, his tone more thoughtful than usual.

Alisa paused, contemplating his words.

“Kaichou made him sound... untouchable. I’m used to being the top in class, excelling at sports, handling my duties as treasurer—but Arima-kun? If what Kaichou said is true, he’s clearly beyond anything I’ve ever come across.”

Kuze gave a half-shrug.

“Probably. But you’ve always been top-tier in everything, Aliya. That’s not gonna change just because one guy outshines everyone else.”

She shot him a quick look.

“It’s not about that. It’s more about how someone that talented just disappears without a trace. I feel there’s something unsettling about it.”

Kuze nodded, his eyes scanning the passing students as they walked.

“Yeah, like he’s playing a game none of us are part of. And we have no clue what the rules are.”

Alisa frowned, thoughtful.

“It makes you wonder what kind of pressure someone like him faces. To be so gifted and then vanish… I don’t know, it doesn’t feel like a coincidence.”

Kuze’s usual easy-going demeanour faltered for a moment.

“It’s not always easy being in the spotlight, you know? Sometimes it’s better to step back before it swallows you whole.”

Alisa glanced at him, sensing something deeper in his words, but chose not to press.

“And yet, the school’s going all out to get him back. It’s almost desperate.”

Kuze let out a small laugh, shaking his head.

“Desperate? Nah, it’s smart. They’ve got a guy who could make them look like the best academy in the country. Of course they want him back.”

“Still, it makes you wonder…” Alisa mused, her voice trailing off.

“What does someone like that want? What’s driving him?”

Kuze gave her a curious look. “Does it matter?”

She paused, considering.

“I think it does. People don’t just disappear without reason. Whatever it is, he’s dealing with something big.”

They walked in silence for a few more steps before Kuze broke the tension with a grin. “You’re really getting into this, huh?”

Alisa rolled her eyes, though a small smile tugged at her lips.

“Maybe. Or maybe I just want to know how and why someone like him slipped through the cracks.”

“Don’t we all,” Kuze said, his voice softer now, more introspective.

As they entered the cafeteria, the weight of their conversation lingered between them, though they both tried to push it aside.

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