The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 64 - Happy birthday. (twenty two)

We don’t want to get married, I love you, I don’t need any certificate to prove it, I don’t care what your identity is, as long as we are still together. ”

She said, “We don’t want to register. The documents just now are not good, okay? Brother Freddy, I don’t want you to lose everything…”

Freddy said, “I haven’t lost everything, I still have you, have you forgotten?”

I still have you and Finn.

You are my whole world.

The people in the room filed out, and His Majesty the Emperor who walked out last looked at Freddy and Mi He who were hugging each other in the room. He took a deep look at Freddy and sighed. It’s a pity that the future king was trained by a strict heir system. His Majesty the Emperor also walked out slowly.

Freddy later dragged Mi He, who was out of control, back to his own garden, where he could speak freely, and Freddy said, “Don’t cry, I have already decided what to do with this matter. First of all, my former crown prince. Even if I get fired as crown prince, I’m still the biggest threat to Dick, and since I’ve stepped down, I’ll do a little better. Of course, the main reason is that I feel that in the last few years of my life, I hope With you and Finn, our family of three happily travels the universe.”

He said, “Don’t you want to open a restaurant in space with a spaceship? When you graduate, we’ll take Finn to open a restaurant, okay?”

Mi He nodded in Freddy’s arms, “But you can travel around the universe without giving up everything.”

Freddy said: “The most realistic consideration is that when I am gone a few years later, Finn will not inherit my title, and the Empire will still take back the title, so the final result of this matter is the same. In this case, It’s better if I put it down sooner, and it’s easier for me to end up.”

He asked Mi He again: “Or do you think that I can’t take care of you and Finn after leaving the title and the aura of the royal family?”

Mi He shook his head, “No, I think you gave up too much.”

Freddy said: “Don’t worry, I can still support you and Finn. When I was twelve years old, I opened a small account and made some investments in order to submit my economics thesis, and there were some returns. Yes, I have been paying attention to it for so many years, and the money I earn can buy you and Finn an asteroid in a remote galaxy, don’t worry.”

Miho:  …

Obviously it is a very sad topic, why did it mention learning again? Open a trumpet and you can get the effect of a big boss, buy an asteroid or something, and invisibly get stabbed by the school tyrants.

However, after such an interruption, Mi He suddenly felt that the life mentioned by Brother Freddy seemed to be quite good…

Freddy said, “You and Finn are everything to me.”

Mi He was in Freddy’s arms, and she felt that she really, in this life, no one else could enter her heart except him.

That night, they just hugged each other so tenderly, just tired of being together, Mi He also felt extremely happy.

After getting up the next day, the robot Alan informed Freddy and said: “The instructions from His Majesty the emperor just now, everything in this house is still under your control, even if you are no longer a member of the royal family, here is still a place for You are here, waiting for your return at any time.”

Freddy nodded.

After Freddy and Mi He cleaned up, they were about to leave. Freddy stood outside the garden of the villa. He looked back deeply at the place where he had lived for more than ten years, and then pulled Mi He with him. left.

They had just ascended from the underground elevator to the surface. After Mi He entered the aircraft, the second prince suddenly came out of the elevator, and he shouted, “Brother.”

Freddy turned around and saw the second prince, and the second prince said to him, “You’re leaving, I’ll see you off.”

Freddie thanked him, and the second prince said, “Can we meet again in the future?”

Freddy: “Yes, I’ll be back.”

The second prince added: “Actually, I can’t understand the rule that members of the royal family cannot marry ordinary people. Can I consider abolishing this rule in the future? Can you come back?”

“At that time, I should have been gone,” Freddy said.

When the second prince heard this, his handsome face was a little sad. Mi He felt that the second prince who lowered his head to hide his sadness at that moment was a bit like a large canine, not the same as the slutty prince Mi He had always thought.

The second prince said, “You have always been the object I looked up to, but I never wanted to be you. I even thought that with you in front of me, I could live my life leisurely. I…” Said, “I’m worried that I won’t be able to sit in that position.”

Freddie patted him: “You just haven’t gotten used to it yet.”

The second prince sighed, “I have to work hard, or these messes will be left to my son.”

The second prince added, “You haven’t seen my son, have you? He is very cute, but the prince and concubine value that child so much that he seldom sees outsiders.”

When it came to the child, the second prince couldn’t help but say a few more words, but he thought of an important reason for Freddy’s departure from the storage seat, after he had no children, he didn’t say anything.

The second prince opened his arms to Freddy, “It’s time to part. Hug?” Without waiting for Freddy to object, he embraced Freddy and said, “Brother, you have chosen this path, you are happy. ?”

Freddy said: “Well, I feel very relaxed now, and I am full of anticipation and joy for the rest of my life.”

The second prince said, “That’s good…”

Later, the second prince watched their aircraft fly out of the palace.

Mi He said, “You and him have a really good relationship.”

Freddy said: “We were never taught how to love others, and we were taught separately, but we are the only princes in the royal family. I actually envied Dick when I was a kid, because when I was learning martial arts He was beaten and fractured again and again, and when he entered the medical cabin again and again, Dick still had a relatively free childhood and youth, and even had a period of rebellion. Compared with my dull life, his life was more colorful.”

He looked at Mi He and said, “But I have met you, and my life has become colorful.” He touched Mi He’s forehead, “And Finn, with you, I am complete. ”

Mi He nodded and leaned into Freddy’s arms.

After leaving the palace, Mi He and Freddy went to Hannah’s house to say goodbye. The person who opened the door was a little boy of six or seven years old. He stared at Mi He with a pair of silver-gray eyes. Obviously, he did not expect Mi He to appear suddenly, although they often met in the hologram.

Mi He recognized Taura at a glance, and then hugged him in his arms. Taura announced unhappily, “I’m no longer a child, you can’t just hug me!!”

Mi He said, “Okay, it’s not a child anymore. Our Tauras are all elementary school students.”

Taura said triumphantly: “To be precise, next semester I will skip a grade to go to the fourth grade. I am only six and a half years old, and I broke the record of Cousin Rita’s six-year-old to go to the third grade.”

Mi He felt that although it was not the first time he had heard it, he still felt that the worldview was refreshed by the awesome orientation people around him again and again from childhood to adulthood, and the scumbags have become numb…

Freddy next to him touched Taura’s head and praised him, “You are very smart.”

Taura said: “I’m not good enough. I heard from my father that Prince Friedrich went to university at the age of twelve, and even got a doctorate at the age of sixteen. I have to work hard.”

After listening to Freddy, he said to him: “Sometimes walking too fast is not necessarily a good thing, our life is still very long, you finish your studies at the age of sixteen, then the remaining hundred years, you What do you want to do? Do you want to do scientific research every day?”

This topic Taura actually pondered, like a little adult. Mi He couldn’t help hugging the cute little Taura again. His delicate appearance, silver-gray hair and pointed ears were like a miniature version of Brother Xiaolu, which made Mi He couldn’t help but kiss him left. The right kiss was so passionate that Taura was shy.

He also said, “Sister Xiaomi is really becoming more and more unreserved after giving birth to her nephew!” With a look of exasperation, Mr. Collins and Hannah, who heard the voice coming over, both laughed.

The two of them welcomed Mi He and Freddy in, then sat down in the living room, and the robot brought the refreshments. Hannah had learned about Freddy’s relinquishment of royal status through Mr. Collins yesterday. Di has become more enthusiastic. She even poured the tea for him, which made Freddie still a little uncomfortable. The mother-in-law, who was still ignoring him, suddenly became kind and warm.

As he was leaving that day, Hannah said to him, “Freddy, may I call you that?”

Freddy said, “Of course.”

Hannah said, “Mihe will leave it to you.”

“I’ll definitely take care of her and Finn,” Freddy said.

Hannah patted Mi He’s head again, thinking that Mi He and Freddy were also arranged by the God of Truth, and she also told Mi He: “You too, take good care of Finn, don’t fail the course, and graduate smoothly. .” When it came to the grades, Taura next to him grinned and laughed at Mi He.

Freddy looked at the lively Taura and said to Mr. Collins, “Xiaolu and I grew up together. Did Taura and Wang Changsun meet?”

Collins said: “I saw Taura when he was four years old, but at that time Wang Changsun was too young to play with the two children. This year, on Wang Changsun’s third birthday, I brought Taura to see him. But the two children don’t talk much…” Mr. Collins’ words have always been euphemistic.

Taura next to him said very directly: “The little brother Wang Changsun speaks the hometown dialect of the crown prince, and he doesn’t like to talk to people. I don’t like him.”

Mr. Collins touched his head and said, “I have taught you that you are not allowed to directly say what you like or dislike about others. Have you forgotten?”

Taura stuck out her tongue, and Mr Collins said, “Wait a while and you’ll be doing a room of housework as punishment.”

Taura listened, lowered her head, and said dejectedly, “Yes…”

Mi He touched Taura’s head, and Taura raised her head and said to her, “Sister, when will I be able to get my little nephew Finn?”

Mi He said: “Finn is too young to come to Mars. When he grows up a bit, we will bring him to see you.”

As a result, Taura said: “At my current rate of skipping, when Finn is six years old, I will be able to study on the planet of Alex, and then we will be able to play together.”

Mi He wanted to laugh when he heard it. When he was a 12-year-old college student, would he still want to play with a 6-year-old child? It’s really the mind of a child.

But she said, “Finn might be able to call your uncle in ten languages ​​by then.”

Taura was very happy after hearing this, her eyes sparkling, “Then I have to go to college early!”

☆、Chapter 155

After separating from Hannah, Mi He and Freddy returned to the planet of Alex.

Mi He felt that they had only left for less than half a month, and Finn seemed to have grown up. When he looked at her, he even needed to know who it was. When she held him in her arms, he was still with her. He sniffed around in his arms, as if to judge by his breath that it was his mother.

Mi He kissed him hard several times before Finn laughed, grinning his mouth with two millet teeth and smiling brightly.

Probably he was sure that this was the familiar breath of his mother, so Finn was arching back and forth in Mi He’s arms again. Although Mi He had no milk, Finn also liked a soft mother, and he also liked to arch around Mi He’s chest. arch away.

Later, he was taken over by Freddy and held in his arms again. He suddenly fell into his father’s hard and broad arms. He was still a little uncomfortable. He stared at his father who had the same green eyes as him. The drooling little finger pointed at Dad’s eyes and made an “ah oh” sound, as if to express “I have the same eyes as Dad!”

Freddie smiled involuntarily when he saw him. He couldn’t understand why so many people had to apply for a child before, but after seeing Finn, he understood, because it not only represented the continuation of life, Also because of Finn’s soft body and the warmth brought to him by his happy and pure smile, the feeling that his life is complete is incomparable to anything else.

Freddy also hugged Mi He and hugged the two most important people in his life. In the future, their family of three will be happy together.

until the end of life…

He let himself not think about what happened in a few years later, he still had the time to prepare everything for them later, and now cherish the present time.

That night, in order to celebrate the registration of Mi He and Freddy’s marriage, Colonel Yang specially cooked a table of extravagant dishes. He said that it was extravagant because cooking required a lot of water, but in fact the dishes were very simple. He is skilled in making dumplings, but the dumpling skin is still made by a robot. His big body is carefully holding a dumpling skin, which makes Mi He feel that it is good to go home.

Colonel Yang said, “Bring some dumplings to my grandson. My grandson loves my grandfather the most, doesn’t he?”

Although Finn didn’t quite understand it, now he reflexively drooled when he saw what adults were eating. Lieutenant Colonel Yang treats him as greedy for everything he sees, and always likes to cook something delicious for him.

He also specially prepared Lulu meat for Doro, which Anitan brought from hunting, and a plate of thorns specially prepared for Doro, the little girl Anitan brought back from Soros, Huanhuan, who went to live on purpose Picked from the river.

After that little girl gradually got used to the life of the Star Union University, she also grew up a lot. She also began to understand what kind of place Soros was and how difficult it was for her to have a job in the Star Union University. Therefore, she often goes to the River of Life to pick the ball and give it to Doro. Sometimes when Colonel Yang opened the door, he could see a bag of wet ball thorns lying on the ground at the door, freshly picked from the river.

Colonel Yang would call Doro: “Grandpa Finn, that little girl gave you the ball again.”

Doro looked at the bag of thorns and said, “I don’t just like to eat thorns…” The Alys people also have a lot of favorite dishes, right? Not just one.

But being able to help a good boy who reciprocates his gratitude, Doro is still in a good mood. Although he says that he not only likes to eat thorns, but every time Huanhuan delivers it, Doro will eat it clean.

Later, when Doro hugged Finn, he would say to Finn, “Grandpa tells you, you can’t ask for something in return for helping others. Don’t think about the future when you help, but after helping people, My mood will improve, and I am actually helping myself.”

Finn listened to his grandfather talking to him. Although he didn’t understand it, he would respond with an “ahhh”. Then he took Doro’s hand, snorted, and calmly began to chew on his grandfather.

Doro:  …

When humans were young, they liked to use their mouths to perceive the world. How many years of evolution can they change?

After Finn finished eating his grandfather, he would play with the kaling bird again. Now he is learning to sit, but he can’t sit still. As soon as his small body sat up, his upper body fell back uncontrollably, and then He was a little caterpillar lying on the ground again.

He didn’t give up because he couldn’t sit up. He arched his body to pull the wings of the Kaling bird and stuffed it into his mouth. Kaling bird looked at his feathers with a distressed expression, probably because he felt that his feathers were all going to be lost. bitten bald…

In the evening, everyone gathered for dinner. The dining table of Doro’s family had been extended by Colonel Yang and Anitan with wooden planks. Everyone sat together to celebrate the official registration of marriage between Mi He and Freddy.

Colonel Yang, who already knew what it meant for Freddy and Mi He to register their marriage, was shocked all afternoon by the news that Freddy had given up his royal status. In his mind, he thought that Freddy was for Mi He and Finn. For everything he gave up, he even felt distressed for Freddy.

So when he had dinner in the evening, he kept serving Freddy with food, so enthusiastic that Freddy was flattered. Although his father-in-law had treated him a lot better before, and even gave him a good face, but such a warmhearted Like, it’s the first time.

Enthusiastic enough that Freddy’s bowl was full of dishes from his father-in-law, and he kept his head down.

Colonel Yang said: “In the future for our old Yang family, Finn will be first, you will be second, and Xiaomi will be third.”

Miho:  …

After this time to eat, his family status has dropped again.

As a result, Colonel Yang saw the Jialing bird next to him, and added: “Oh, Finn is the first, Jiajia is the second, you are the third, and Xiaomi is the fourth.”

Mi He felt that he should eat dumplings with grief and anger.

But she grabbed Freddy’s hand from under the table, Freddy gave her a look, Mi He was eating dumplings with a bulging face and a very satisfied smile, it was great, the feeling of everyone together is really Okay.

Freddy’s heart was also very warm, and things like happiness came to him like this. Compared with the icy crown prince, this place is full of warm human fireworks.

After Doro knew about Freddy’s giving up on the Duke, he sat in the laboratory and sighed, and said, “I’m doing the right thing…”

Not long after Hannah left, Colonel Yang had to leave. Although he was extremely reluctant, he was a resident officer on Earth after all. It was not easy to be away with Mi He and Finn for more than a year. At first, Colonel Yang thought it was Shangfeng’s special care for him. Later, after knowing Freddy’s identity, he realized that this should be Freddy’s help.

But no matter how helpful he is, he has to go back. After all, he is still an officer of the Earth Garrison, and Mi He and Freddy are living happily, Finn is also very healthy, and their young couple is happy, he is relieved. Time to go back to Earth with Linda.

Mi He was very sad to learn that his father was leaving. It was the first time he had lived with his father for so long as an adult. He was used to living with his father, and felt very sad. Although she already had Finn and became a child’s mother, when she faced Colonel Yang, she was still her father’s daughter and little honey.

Mi He couldn’t help but lowered his head and wet his eyes. She was already Finn’s mother, and she had to hold back her tears. Colonel Yang touched Mi He’s head and said, “Honey, Dad thinks you are living well now, Dad. Very relieved.”

Mi He nodded, and Colonel Yang couldn’t help but hug his precious daughter into his arms, “Your happiness is my father’s greatest wish.”

He said to Freddy, “Mihe will be handed over to you.”

Freddy said, “Dad, don’t worry.”

This dad’s cry made Colonel Yang’s eyes red instantly, he couldn’t help but patted Freddy on the shoulder and said to him: “Good boy, you are fine, what happened before is my fault, you are not good for life. I’m pissed.”

Freddy knew that he was referring to the fact that he had beaten him for more than a month. He said, “How can it be? This level of competition is better. When I was a child, it was common for my bones to be broken to learn martial arts.”

Colonel Yang listened, and said with some distress: “Hey, in that case, it’s not bad for us to be in the wrong position.”

Hearing what he said, Freddy couldn’t help laughing again. He actually always liked Colonel Yang very much. He was simple, direct, warm and warm. Mi He was completely inherited from him. He also thanked him very much. Love has cultivated Mi He into such a loving character.

Colonel Yang instructed the two of them again: “I have to go back to Earth after the holiday. Dad and Aunt Linda are waiting for you, as well as my good grandson.”

Mi He was moved, and Colonel Yang added: “If you two don’t come back, Finn will just come back.”

In an instant, the sadness subsided a little.

Later, Colonel Yang hugged Finn and kissed and kissed. Even the little Finn understood that grandpa seemed to be leaving, and kept holding Colonel Yang’s clothes. Later, after Colonel Yang left, he kept watching The direction he left cried for a long time, the first time Finn had cried that long.

Little Finn also understands parting.

Time passed quickly. When Finn was almost a year old, Mi He and the others were about to graduate. Everyone was busy preparing their graduation thesis, and even Anitan, as the top student in the scumbag group, scratched his head over the graduation thesis, and everyone gathered together for the purpose of studying.

But in the hard work, the biggest surprise is that Finn can call people.

Finn first called people one morning, a very ordinary morning, nothing special. That day Doro slept with Finn. He was woken up by the wings of the Kaling bird. After sleeping with him, it became Kaling bird, Doro, and Finn sleeping together. Kaling bird likes to spread its wings and encircle the two of them, probably to protect them.

However, Doro felt that as a 200-year-old awesome professor, he was so cherished by a bird, which felt very subtle…

After he got up, he pushed aside the wings of the Jialing bird, and was about to get up when he found that Finn was grabbing the placket of his clothes. Since Colonel Yang left, Finn had a habit of grabbing people’s clothes.

Doro carefully pulled Finn’s little hand away, and Finn woke up in a daze. Then he sat up slowly, he looked at Doro, as if he had made a big decision, and took Doro’s hand with a serious expression, Doro almost thought that Finn was going to nibble his hand.

At this time, Finn shouted loudly: “Grandpa!”

At that moment, Doro felt as if he was hallucinating.

Then Finn called out a second time: “Grandpa!!”

Doro thought it was the most beautiful voice in the world.

Mi He and Freddy also heard the voice, and they were very excited when they heard Finn call Grandpa. Mi He pointed at himself and said, “Mom!” Then pointed at Freddy and said, “Dad!”

As a result, Finn ignored them at all.

The news that Finn would call someone quickly spread among the aunts and uncles. Even the grandfather who was far away on Earth and the grandma who was far away in Mars knew that they taught Finn to call Finn “grandma” and “grandfather” every day. “.

The two taught for two days, and Finn called someone, but the articulation was not clear. Grandpa called it “Naoye” and grandma called “Baonao”, but it also made the grandfather who was far away on the spot burst into tears. Eyes filled, it is said that he grabbed Aunt Linda’s hand and said, “I can still fight you for three hundred rounds tonight. Although I am a grandfather, I am also a strong grandfather.”

Hannah was very moved when she heard Finn calling her, her eyes were as gentle as water, this was probably one of the few tender moments in her life, she replied softly: “Hey.” Then: “Little Finn…”

Even Taura, who was almost seven years old, joined the ranks of teaching Finn how to call someone: “Call me uncle!! This way my uncle will skip grades to find you sooner!” Did not learn.

It was Mi He and Freddy who insisted on teaching “Dad and Mom” ​​every day, and Finn didn’t open his mouth. Later, one day they were playing with Finn, but Freddy was actually holding Finn to him. Reading the story, Mi He was preparing for his graduation thesis.

Freddy’s gentle and magnetic voice patiently told Finn the story of the little hero of the universe killing the pirates over and over again, and after ten times, Finn still wanted to hear it.

Finn said that what he wanted to hear was to press his little hand on the holographic book and prevent Freddy from turning the pages. Freddy would understand, but he said maliciously: “You call me dad, and I’ll tell you a story. .”

Then Finn looked at Freddy and shouted seriously, “Dad!”

Freddy held Finn in his arms at that moment, little Finn, his body was hot, and he pressed his emotions in his heart.

Said him again: “It seems that you have learned it long ago and have been teasing us, haven’t you?”

Finn didn’t respond, but just patted the book with his little hand “ahhh”, meaning: “Dad wants to fulfill his promise, read me a story!”

Mi He was so jealous that his bowels turned green. He put down the paper and surrounded Finn. He had to ask Finn to call her mother, saying, “If you don’t call, mother will cry.”

Freddy:  …

Then Mi He also felt that Finn might not be able to ‘crying’ the meaning of the word, so he covered his face in front of Finn and said “woo woo” twice.

As a result, Finn crawled to Mi He’s side, patted Mi He’s thigh with his little hand, “Aah” twice, and seeing his mother still “woohoo”, Finn seemed to be coaxing Mi He, and called out A voice: “Mom!”

Mi He was so happy that he didn’t pretend to cry, and hugged Finn for a kiss!

After Anitan and the others knew about Finn’s skill, they decided to transfer the learning location to Doro’s house, which bothered Doro to roll their eyes every day, but Anitan and the others were also used to Professor Doro’s rolling eyes. Smiling, Yang Yin also said, “I will sing to the professor every day from now on!”

Everyone was happy together.

However, when Anitan was preparing her graduation thesis, the little girl from Soros, Huanhuan, came to Anitan crying one day and said, “Dad, I was caught by Master Qiying, and I want to execute him!”

Anitan stood up on the spot and said to everyone, “I’ll be back when I go.” Then she pulled Huanhuan out. As she walked, she heard the sound of bones cracking, Anitan said. After a sentence: “It seems that he doesn’t need to keep his head, this waste…”

A week later, Anitan came back, and she said to Mi He: “I am now wanted by all Soros, and I am homeless. From now on, I can only follow you, Mi He, do you want it? I?”

Seeing her playful smile, Mi He also laughed and said, “Yes, I once said that you are my most important good friend. I hope we can be together forever.”

Anitan hugged Mi He, sniffed the sweet scent of Mi He, and smiled.

Then Yang Yin patted Anitan from behind, Anitan looked back at him, Yang Yin changed back to his original appearance in an instant, an incomparably beautiful silver-haired angel instantly appeared in the room, and everyone felt that the room was full of light.

Yang Yin said, “I’m still here.” As he spoke, he pulled Anitan over and hugged her in his arms.

“I want you,” he said.

Taozi held Finn beside her depressedly and said, “I want to be in heat too, and I want to fall in love too.”

Finn looked at the adults hugging each other, pulled the folds of the peach, and made a happy “oh oh” sound.

Soon, everyone will be graduating.

☆、Chapter 156

After Mi He and the others submitted their papers, they began to wait anxiously.

Mr. Yu’s course is the most difficult, and he is also the most severe to everyone. Everyone is about to graduate, and he also sent a message on the terminal: “Once again, the graduates are going to be sent away. This class of students is very cute, human beings. This species always gives me a different experience. Sometimes they are complicated, but sometimes they are simple and cute. I hope that my students, no matter where you are in the universe in the future, I hope you will remember to give it to you from the Star Federation. spirit, racial integration, mutual help and fraternity.”

Taozi looked at the teacher’s terminal and complained to everyone: “I really can’t see that Teacher Yu is still such a friendly murloc. He is not like this when he is in class.” When the final exam was over, Teacher Yu turned into a devil fish. , not friendly at all.

Yang Yin, as a human with the legendary mermaid gene, Mr. Yu was very kind to him, so he replied to Mr. Yu: “I will remember the teacher’s teaching.”

Teacher Yu also replied to Yangyin: “If you have time, you can go to Mulai Planet to play.”

Because after handing in the papers, everyone relaxed, Mi He decided to prepare a big meal for everyone to celebrate.

The meal on the Alexa planet can’t be too rich, but Mihe still uses the remaining wheat flour to prepare a meal for everyone. After the microcirculation flower pot has repaired the gene of the wheat, the stickiness is very large now. He can already make stretched noodles. Although he can’t stretch as long as five hundred years ago, he can also make medium-thick noodles.

She simply fried chopped peanuts, boiled some bean sprouts, and then fried a bit of Lulu pork jerky with bean paste to make a sauce. After the noodles were cooked, she poured a spoonful of them and cooked them for a whole day. Chicken soup, after taking the first bite of this type of noodles, everyone is overwhelmed by the wonderful taste of the noodles. The noodles are wrapped in a sweet and salty pork jerky sauce, and with the fragrant bean sprouts, the feeling in the mouth is so happy that they fly Yes, especially the chewy texture of the noodles, so everyone couldn’t put down their bowls.

Anitan could not wait to lick the bottom of the bowl clean. After eating the first bowl, she added another bowl. After she was full, she spread out on the sofa happily. She said, “If someone attacks me at this time, I will definitely die. Twisted.”

Peaches said: “What a handsome and charming Dutch male walks past me at this time, I will not be in heat.”

Yang Yin said, “I feel like I can’t sing anymore because the noodles have reached my throat.”

Finn also ate a small bowl of noodles. The food made by his mother was delicious. He also had a bulging belly. He was pulling Grandpa Doro to learn to walk. Still eager to learn to walk.

Sometimes Finn accidentally fell down, and Doro watched him by the side and didn’t help him. God knows how much Doro endured his desire to pull Finn up, but he said to Mi He: “When we Alix people are growing up, parents can educate, but not spoil.”

Seeing that Doro didn’t help him, Finn slowly stood up against the wall. After standing up, he first pointed to the leg he just fell, and made an “oh oh oh” sound to Doro, as if saying: “Grandpa, I fell, it hurts!”

In the end, Doro said: “It’s okay to fall, just get up.” Without coddling him, Finn knew Doro’s attitude. Since then, after he fell again, he no longer acted like a spoiled child with adults, but got up by himself.

Mi He felt that Finn had been observing the expressions of adults all the time to judge how he should react to this matter, which was incredibly clever.

In fact, when Finn’s brain was scanned, it was shown that he had an IQ of 180, which is also the top IQ among targeted people.

When Mi He saw the way Finn scans his brain, he felt that technology was really developing rapidly. When she was a child, she used the old way to test her IQ by looking at pictures. By this time, Finn only needed to scan.

Later, when Mihe saw the remaining small bag of wheat seeds, she remembered that these wheats were also planted in the recycle pots by her, and quickly showed them to Doro. After Doro analyzed the wheat genes, he thought that these wheats were the same as those Like soybeans with repaired genes, they can be planted directly.

Only then did Freddy know that the taste of this bowl of noodles was different from the noodles he had eaten before, because this kind of wheat was the gene-repairing wheat.

He was a treasure. Although he was no longer even a member of the royal family, he still sent the wheat seeds to His Majesty the Emperor, and also sent him Doro’s wheat analysis report, and His Majesty the Emperor replied to Frye Di’s is that the state level gave the discoverer Mi He a large sum of money as a reward for her discovery of soybeans and wheat and donated it to the empire for free.

Mi He heard the clattering sound of transferring money from the terminal, and when he saw the reward, there were many zeros behind him, he was startled, and asked Freddy what to do, Freddy said, “Since it’s an imperial reward, then Take it.”

Mi He later took the money and the money he had saved from selling breast enhancement supplements, and bought a small spaceship with a down payment. With a small down payment, she donated most of it to the Lonely Children Foundation, the kind that supports children raised only by robots. In this three hundred years of the star calendar, loneliness is fast becoming a disease.

Freddy said, “I can give it to you.” He was still

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