The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

chapter 48 - Happy birthday. (6)

I still have 400 points for the bonus we got after catching the pirates. ”

Muchen knew about Mi He’s experience, and he felt scared after hearing it, and asked Mi He to be with him when he returned, Mi He naturally agreed.

Mi He also discussed with Freddy about who to press to be the champion, “Brother Freddy, judge who is most likely to be the champion?”

Seeing what she was looking forward to, Freddy said indifferently, “Do you want me to say it’s Muchen?”

Mi He laughed, and Freddy said, “I think your 100 points are running out.”

It’s not a pity that Mi He is at 100 points, but it’s a pity that Brother Chenchen didn’t win the championship.

Freddy said again: “Although the first one is poor, the first three should be about the same.”

When Mi He heard that she was in the top three, in the heart of a scumbag like her, she felt that the first, second, and third were all pretty good, and they were all about the same, so she started to be happy for Brother Chenchen again.

Mi He asked again, “Then who do you think will win first?”

Freddy glanced at her, and Mi He said depressedly: “The prediction of the championship on the Star Online is not allowed to use past data to evaluate.”

Freddy said: “If you use data to evaluate, they don’t even have to compete, and the ranking will be directly based on previous big data analysis.”

Mi He nodded. Anyway, 500 years ago, he thought big data analysis was particularly awesome. In the 300th year of the ephemeris, there was a feeling of being rejected. It seemed that there were too many predictions, and everyone thought it was boring.

So in fact, how boring is the life of the people of the empire in the 300th year of the star calendar? Because technology is too powerful, many things are too simple.

However, the final result was just as Freddy had predicted. Muchen did not win the first place. Instead, Leoni was predicted by many mecha driving professionals to be the first. In the end, Allie gave her the award as the chief referee. When the trophy and the champion’s medal were given to her at the same time.

Then they gave her along with Allie’s kneeling on one knee and a ruby ​​ring he took out. The gem ring was seen by Mi He in the hologram, and it was at least one centimeter. So big, it’s still oval, and its size is a circle smaller than the emerald on Mihe’s neck.

Just like the mother and daughter whose resources are depleted, the ancient gemstones such as rubies are also one of the gems with depleted resources, so they have become precious, especially the top pigeon blood ruby ​​rings like Airy pulled out, which are even more valuable. Fei, and he couldn’t find a place to buy it, the ring he used for his marriage proposal was handed down from his ancestors, and the meaning was very different.

Just like the emperor of the empire has a ruby ​​crown, its main stone is the largest drop-shaped pigeon’s blood ruby ​​in the world, and this crown is not as bright as the cosmic star pyroxenite crown currently used by the emperor, but The ruby ​​crown represents a different meaning.

When Airy raised the ruby ​​ring and knelt on one knee to propose to Leoni, who had become the champion, the audience, and even the citizens of the entire universe watching the live broadcast, were stunned.

I’ve seen a proposal, but I’ve never seen a proposal on this occasion.

In particular, this man who proposed marriage is still the hottest top bachelor in the empire. He is handsome or a naked hero. He is also from a famous family. In front of the most beautiful woman in this empire, he lowered his high head.

Everyone was waiting for Leonie’s reply, and Leonie held out her graceful orchid hand to him and said, “I will, please put it on for me, please?”

Then all the people in the empire saw the handsome Airy put the blood-red gemstone ring on the beautiful Leonie, and everyone at the game applauded them one after another.

Many women are moved by such a romantic scene. Just like Hannah sneered, even in the three hundred years of the ephemeris when giving birth to a child, females still like the sense of security and romance. How many relationships.

Mi He also stood up and applauded along with the crowd, and she was also moved.

Under such a scene, she subconsciously looked at Freddy who was sitting in the referee’s bench, and Freddy also looked at Mi He at this time.

Freddy knew he could make a bigger proposal than this scene, but what about after the scene? He couldn’t give him a stable life and children, and even three or four years later, he died.

After such a prosperous marriage proposal, what may be left to Mi He is endless emptiness, and the feelings she has missed all her life, which is unfair to Mi He.

After the game, everyone should be ready to leave.

Anitan also received a bonus from the mecha competition. Although he did not make the top 50, he also received an income for the top 100. In addition to the bonus for killing pirates, Anitan felt that he had never made it into the top 50 in his life. so rich.

Although Mi He lost 100 credit points on Mu Chen, she still had a few hundred points left. Because she was leaving Mars, she deliberately bought a bunch of small gifts for everyone.

The school also began to have a holiday, and everyone was going to go back to their respective homes after Mars left.

At this time, Anitan invited everyone to be a guest on Soros Planet, because it was about to come to Soros Planet’s annual Tobacco Baking Festival. This is the most important festival of Soros, and its importance is equivalent to the Chinese New Year before the Celestial Dynasty.

Yang Yin agreed immediately. He said, “I don’t have a place to go anyway. Why don’t I go to see Anni? I want to see where Anni grew up.”

Taozi also said: “Only with the company of Anitan, I dare to go to the planet of Soros.”

Mi He was actually very curious about it, and thought that if everyone went there, she would also stay for two days before leaving, and she would drop by anyway.

Freddy, who knew about it, said: “I just want to go there and see, let’s go together.”

Mi He laughed and suddenly said, “Brother Freddy is actually worried about me, isn’t he? I’m afraid that I will be attacked by pirates again, right?”

Freddy didn’t speak, but smiled and patted her head.

Mi He felt that Brother Freddy’s silent tenderness was really depressing. It is so difficult to gradually take back my heart.

But why does Brother Freddy’s eyes become more and more sad?

Muchen knew that Mi He would go with her when she was going to Soros, but he soon received a notice from the starship, and hoped that he would set off for the official report on the starship immediately. Muchen had to leave alone with all kinds of regrets, and told Mi He to pay attention.

Muchen knew that Freddy and Mi He went to Soros together, he was silent for a while, then dragged Mi He’s face and said, “You have to be on guard against the man around you, do you know? Such a big man, don’t Make me worry!”

Mi He smiled and didn’t dare to say that she had confessed to Freddy, and she was politely rejected by others. How could she be treated like that to Muchen by others.

Mi He also told Brother Chenchen to pay attention to rest on the starship and not to work too hard, “Knowledge is inexhaustible, and you must remember to save your life, the future is not as important as a small life.”

Mu Chen finally smiled at her and said, “Okay.”

After Muchen left, Mi He and the others also left. When Mi He left this time, Hannah and Mr. Collins both went to see her off. Mr. Collins saw Freddy, and he took another look at Mi He, but he didn’t. Speaking of other things, he just told Mi He that he must come to Mars often, “Uncle is very envious of your father now. It is really caring to have such a well-behaved and lovely daughter as you.”

Mi He also made fun of him and Hannah, saying, “You two can have another girl now. Taura is quite lonely by himself.”

Mr. Collins agreed with Mi He very much, but Hannah ignored him at all.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to deliver the boat, Hannah also deliberately looked at Freddy several times. In the end, she didn’t say anything else, she just said to Mi He: “Follow your heart, women must ensure their dignity and pride, but also Listen to your heart.”

Mi He also said with a smile: “Mom sounds so profound.”

Hannah patted her head, “Don’t be silly, I know you understand.”

Mi He stuck out her tongue, said goodbye to Hannah reluctantly, and touched Taura’s fat face again, Taura suddenly said, “Sister, I can call you sister in ten languages!” In other words, don’t you go, okay?

I was so moved by Mi He that I almost cried, and hugged Taura for another kiss.

Looking at Freddy, Mi He must like children very much, seeing that she is so kind to Kaling bird and Taura…

The last group boarded the spaceship to Soros.

☆、Chapter 114

Planet Soros is different from what Mihe thought before.

Mi He thought that the planet Soros would be full of fights, and everyone looked like members of the underworld. As a result, after getting off the spacecraft, he entered a field of yellow-green tobacco leaves. There was a yellow-green wave, and there were very tall trees in the distance. There were tobacco fields and tall woods everywhere, which looked very pleasing to the eye.

There was a sweet smell in the air, like a mix of tobacco and cologne, which was nice.

After Anitan took them off the spaceship, she took a deep breath of the air of her hometown and said, “Every family is baking tobacco leaves and preparing for tomorrow’s Tobacco Baking Festival.”

Mi He felt that the smell of the tobacco leaves was really good, different from the pungent smell five hundred years ago, but she suddenly remembered that Anitan actually had this kind of smell, which made her suddenly ask Suo Planet Ross has a touch of intimacy.

Before they got off the spaceship, a black and yellow young man ran off a hoverbike, followed by a black and yellow girl, he waved to Anitan, Mi He heard Anitan calling them “Sonny and Huanhuan.”

They look like brothers and sisters, and their skin is yellow and black, but their teeth are white, and their smiles are very simple, especially the girl named Huanhuan, who smiles brightly.

The young man named Sonny’s left hand was a mechanical hand. When he saw Anittan, he hugged her warmly and said, “You’re back.”

Huanhuan looked at Peach curiously, and when she saw Peach smiling at her, she couldn’t help but reach out and poked Peach’s skin twice, and then shouted to hide behind Sonny, which made Peach very helpless and made Mi He amused. He Yang Yin couldn’t help laughing.

Sonny is also very enthusiastic about Mi He and the others. He has already received a notice from Anitan and brought three hoverbikes. This type of motorcycle can take up to two people. Anitan led Yangyin to ride one. , the little girl enthusiastically grabbed the peach, and said in the lame imperial common language: “I’ll take you.”

Mi He naturally followed Freddy. After Freddy got on the motorcycle first, he said to Mi He, “Hurry up.” Mi He was sitting behind him and pulling his clothes, but he was too embarrassed to be too intimate. After all, people rejected her, so she has to be more reserved, right?

But after the motorcycle started, especially after Freddy started to charge, Mi He was so frightened that he hurriedly hugged his waist and pressed his face against his back. If he fell off the motorcycle, he would Not kidding.

They were flying over the thousands of acres of tobacco fields. When the jets of the motorcycles flew over the tobacco fields, they turned the huge tobacco leaves into yellow-green waves, which looked particularly beautiful.

There are also some people bending over to work in the field, and their skin is also black and yellow. They saw Anitan on the motorcycle and waved to her. Anitan also waved to them, looking very happy. look.

They soon stopped in a small village. The houses here looked like upside-down steamed buns and were made of red and black soil. There was a chimney on the steamed bun-shaped house. Smoke, the air was filled with a thicker smell of dried smoke.

If you don’t say that this is the star of Soros, which is famous for its sturdy and aggressive nature, Mi He will think it is like a peaceful small village.

Anitan’s house didn’t have a lock either, so he just pushed the door and went in. Anitan’s house was the most prepared with four walls. It only had the simplest bed and table, and there was no quilt for the bed. Fortunately, everyone in the school uniform can be turned into a sleeping bag, it doesn’t matter if there is a quilt or not.

Anitan simply gave everyone a room, and then led them to the next door to say hello.

Next door is Sonny and Huanhuan’s house. Their father is also a black and yellow man. He is strong and has scars on his face and body. He looks like an underworld boss. When Mi He and the others entered, he was Oiling the mechanical feet with a pipe in his mouth.

Mi He heard Anitan raising his voice and calling him: “Uncle Apu!”

The man who was smoking a cigarette was obviously very happy to see Anitan, but his expression didn’t fluctuate too much, just a pair of tiger eyes looked at her carefully and asked her: “Did you miss training? ”

Anitan immediately gestured and said, “I can have a fight with you anytime.”

Uncle Apu put down his cigarette bag and said, “When you come back from the patriarch, we will make a gesture.”

Anitan nodded and introduced Mi He and the others to him, “They are my classmates in the university and our good friends. I will bring them to the Tobacco Baking Festival.”

Uncle Apu showed a smile to Mi He and the others, but he didn’t seem to be good at laughing. When he laughed, the scars on his face moved, which made him look even more frightening. And his gaze stayed on Freddy for a little longer, but he finally retracted his gaze.

When he came out of Uncle Apu’s house, Mi He heard Anitan say: “Uncle Apu is the most powerful manager under my father’s hands. He manages the largest tobacco leaf garden and is also a great warrior of our Soros. I was very young when I was young. Under his care, he often asked him to give me a bite to eat, and even learned hunting skills from him. When I was a child, Sonny, Huanhuan and I often followed him to learn hunting skills. Later, I also learned his fighting skills from him. taught me.”

Although he didn’t say it explicitly, Uncle Apu was probably like a father and a teacher to Anitan, because when Anitan saw him, he obviously felt closer.

This feeling was even more evident when she met Anitan’s father, Patriarch Sauron, because Anitam was not as close to him as he was to Uncle Apu, but she was more respectful.

The patriarch was in his sixties and looked like a biker with a green punk head. There were several women around him. These women wore very little clothes, and their skin was much fairer than those outside. A woman even more directly exposed her **** to the outside, and in the eyes of everyone, she even held her **** out proudly.

When the bare-chested woman saw Freddy, she smiled at him. Mi He subconsciously wanted to stand in front of Freddy, but her height couldn’t stop her at all. Instead, he laughed at Freddy. Touching Mi He’s head, he probably wanted to tell her to relax. He didn’t even look at these women who showed their breasts.

When the patriarch saw Anitan, he was very happy. He also stood up and hugged Anitan. When he was walking, the daggers and chain decorations hanging on his body rattled, and Mi He was all for him. feel heavy.

The patriarch called Anitan, “My excellent daughter!” and said to Mihe and the others, “Ani’s good friends must have fun! The Tobacco Baking Festival is an annual festival in Soros. On this day, we do not It’s safe to use force.”

After finishing his polite remarks, in order to express the patriarch’s care for them, he also assigned the women around him to serve Anitan’s male friends. Declined, Anitan said, “Father, if they need it, I’ll arrange it for them.”

When the patriarch heard it, he thought that they didn’t like the few around him, and waved his hand, “Just go to whichever you like.”

very direct…

When they came out of the patriarch’s big house, they also met the legendary eldest brother of Anitan’s orienteering blood. He also had green hair and looked normal in clothes. Mars is a directional person who is proud and looks down on ordinary people everywhere.

Qiying saw that Anitan only said lightly, “You’re back?”

Anitan nodded, and Qiying said again: “You have to work hard in school. After all, your IQ is only 140, so it’s hard to keep up with the targeted courses.”

Anitan still didn’t say anything, and Qiying didn’t pay any attention to Mi He and the others, and walked right past them, all proud…

After they came out, Mi Hecai said, “He also graduated from Starlink University?”

Anitan looked calm and said, “No, he didn’t take the exam. He said that he would inherit his father’s family business in the future, so it’s useless to take the exam.”

Taozi is very direct: “You can’t pass the test with this kind of person.” Mi He nodded fiercely.

Anitan said: “I have an IQ of 160. Even an ordinary person with an IQ of 140 like me can pass the test, not to mention a directional person like him. He thinks he is better than me in everything.”

Yang Yin said, “But he doesn’t even rank higher than you in the mecha competition.”

Anitan said indifferently: “People can say that he is not serious. When he is serious, he will be very powerful.”

She said again: “Don’t mention him, it’s a disappointment.” After that, she led Mi He and the others back to Uncle Apu’s house.

Huanhuan and Sunny are already preparing dinner. The meat is roasting on the fire. They brush a sauce on the meat. Anitan said that it is the juice from the tobacco leaves. When the meat is roasted, brushing on the meat can increase Taste.

They eat barbecue around the campfire for dinner. It seems to be a special product of Soros, the size of a rabbit, but the meat is a bit thin and has a tail. The rice is quite delicious. Didn’t ask too much.

After eating, Huanhuan danced around the fire. She was wearing a skirt surrounded by colorful tobacco leaves, and her upper body was also a small vest made of dried tobacco leaves. The style was very simple, basically covering her breasts. Now, her back and waist are exposed. With her beating, her waist slowly twists and looks very nice.

Anitan introduced from the side: “This is the dress of the girls who will participate in the Tobacco Baking Festival tomorrow. On the Tobacco Baking Festival, boys and girls dance and have fun together. Single men and women gather together, and some will court on the spot. There will be many couples on Tobacco Baking Day, and ten months later, it will be the peak of fertility.”

Taozi complained to her: “It’s obviously a very happy festival, why do you feel so impure after hearing you?”

Annie gave him a frank look and said nothing.

After eating the meat, Sonny also brought them shredded tobacco. In Soros, inviting guests to smoke is probably similar to inviting people to eat candy.

Mi He followed Anitan’s way of rubbing a cigarette. Seeing that Taozi had no problem taking a puff, she took a puff, but she still choked. Then Freddy took the cigarette from her hand and handed her water. After Mi He drank slowly, he looked up and found that Freddy continued to smoke her cigarette.

Mi He was stunned for a moment, and her face turned red, she just smoked…

But Freddie didn’t seem to notice.

In the evening, Huanhuan also brought everyone the clothes for tomorrow’s Tobacco Baking Festival. Mi He’s body is the same as the one she wears, it is made of dried tobacco leaves, which is very cool. Taozi also encouraged Mi He: ” Wear it and see?”

Anitan also said: “Tomorrow, single boys and girls will wear this, no one will pay attention to you.”

Mi He looked at Freddy’s obviously expectant gaze, so she tried it shyly, but when she put it on, she felt that this dress was so cool, it was as if she was not wearing it! ! It’s so embarrassing!

Taozi gave a “wow” and said, “The sequelae of Mi He after miscalculating the question are still there. It’s really beautiful.” Mi He clutched the wide leaf on his chest. Yes, the back and waist are exposed, although not cold, but very shy.

Yang Yin said, “Mi He looks good in this dress, with long legs and a slender waist. If you dance tomorrow, it will be very charming.”

Anitan nodded heavily: “The boys who are courting you will be in line.”

Mi He became even more shy, “Then I’ll change it.”

Anitan hurriedly stopped her, “Do as the locals do. The Tobacco Baking Festival will be held tomorrow night. All the girls wear this. You’ll be fine with us.”

Seeing Freddy’s deep eyes, Mi He blushed again for some reason.

Freddy also said slowly: “It’s beautiful.” But he hoped that she would only show him to him.

In the evening, everyone went back to the room to sleep. Mi He also got into the sleeping bag and was ready to sleep. He heard the sound of something walking on the ground in a daze, and the sound of friction was particularly obvious.

Later, the thing even bumped into the broken wooden bed of Anitan’s house, which woke Mi He up immediately, the sleeping bag glowed, and then Mi He could see what was on the ground.

After seeing it clearly, she immediately made a sharp cry! !

“A rat as big as a cat!!!”

Freddy was the first to rush in, and Mi He didn’t dare to get out of bed, so he shrank into a ball and shouted at him, “Brother Freddy, look at the ground!!”

The big mouse didn’t hide too much when he saw the person, but it was also moving towards the table. Freddy put the big mouse on the ground with a throwing knife. Mi He didn’t look away, he didn’t dare to look at it.

Freddy moved the table away again and found that there was a particularly large hole behind the table, and Mi He was so frightened that he was about to collapse.

Why is Soros’s rat so big?

Anitan and the others also rushed over. Seeing the current situation, Anitan didn’t react at all, with an expression like “Why are you afraid of such a little thing?” She said, “When humans landed on the planet Soros, in addition to bringing After a large number of humans came, they also brought the mice as gifts from the earth, so the planet Soros is full of mice, and here, they have no natural enemies, so the mice of Soros are very big.”

She added: “The roast meat you eat at night is roast rat meat. Don’t you eat it very well?”

Mi He’s face turned green, mouse meat…

That night, Mi He couldn’t live in his own room anymore, but Taozi and Yangyin were already in the same room, and Anitan was staying at Uncle Apu’s house next door, and Mi He finally slept with Freddy. in one room.

The two of them put their sleeping bags on the bed together, and Mi He whispered, “Thank you, Brother Freddy.”

Freddy patted her head, “Are you scared just now?” Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, I’m by your side.”

Mi He nodded and said, “I won’t be afraid when I’m by your side.”

When Freddy heard this, he especially wanted to hug her into his arms. That’s what he thought when he saw her wearing that tobacco leaf skirt today…

But in the end, he still said to her: “Go to sleep.”

Mi He got into the sleeping bag and gradually fell asleep listening to Freddy’s breathing.

Not long after waking up the next morning, I heard Freddy’s terminal ringing, and then I heard Brother Xiaolu’s voice, “Yo, happy birthday!”

Only then did Mi He know that today was Brother Freddy’s birthday, and she didn’t know that! !

Freddie then walked out of the room, and Mi He vaguely heard Brother Xiaolu say again: “I thought about it for a long time, and I think you are still faithful to your heart…” Mi He didn’t hear it later.

When Freddy came back, Mi He said, “Brother Freddy, happy birthday.”

Freddie said thank you lightly. After her birthday, the day of death is closer, and the day of leaving her is also closer.

Mi He felt very guilty, and felt that when she was celebrating her birthday, brother Freddy gave her such a dreamy surprise, but on his birthday, she didn’t even have a present.

She said, “What birthday gift do you want, and I will double it for you?”

Freddy looked at Mi He, he wanted to say: I don’t want any birthday present, I just want you, okay?

But he said, “I’m not here for my birthday, so don’t prepare it for me.”

But Mi He was already thinking about what to give him?

Although there is no answer for now, she is very kind to Freddy today. When everyone was eating together in the morning, he heard Mi He say to him, “Brother Freddy, this is delicious.” Later, she said, “This is also good. It’s delicious, you eat more.” It made Freddy feel that if she could get her close to him like this, this birthday would be good too.

After eating, Anitan said that she was going to repair her mechanical legs, and led them to the home of the mechanic of the Sauron family.

“Mechanic is a high-ranking profession in Soros, because the mechanical organs of the Soros need mechanic to be repaired and cared for, so mechanic is very respected,” Anitan said.

When I got to the mechanic’s house, as soon as I entered the door, I saw all kinds of robots in the room. Many robots lacked arms and legs, and some internal organs were hung on the wall.

When he walked to another room, he saw a bald man sitting at the big table. He looked up at Anitan and asked her, “Are you pretending to be **** again?”

But Mi He’s attention was no longer on the mechanic, but behind him.

Because behind him is a row of robots, all of which are lifelike and clothed, and the faces of these robots are also very familiar.

Mi He saw His Royal Highness Prince Frederick.

If she hadn’t known that His Royal Highness was far away in Mars, she would have thought that this was his real person.

Because this robot is really lifelike, especially real.

☆、Chapter 115

Apparently, except for Anittan, everyone was stunned by the furnishings in this room.

Because behind the mechanic, in addition to a robot of Prince Friedrich, there was also a row of robots of Prince Dittma.

This made the real Prince Frederick who was standing next to Mi He hardly know what to say. He retrieved his voice and said, “Isn’t this kind of fine simulation robot banned?”

The mechanic muttered: “It’s the robot rights that the neuropathy of the Robot Association has engaged in, so it is forbidden to simulate robots, but you look at the ugly robots on the market, even the robots that feed children only have the breast part that is simulated. It looks very funny.”

The mechanic added: “These association members who do not manufacture robots simply cannot understand that the essence of robots should be simulation!”

He pointed to the imitation robots behind him and asked Mi He: “You, that little brown-haired girl, do you think this robot looks like it?”

Mi He, who was named, immediately said honestly: “Like! It’s very similar!” He asked for advice, “Can I touch it and feel it?”

The bald-headed mechanic was amused by Mi He’s appearance, and he was a little proud. He agreed to Mi He’s request, and then Mi He walked over and touched a robot of Prince Friedrich.

Mi He first looked at the appearance of the prince robot, and felt that even the pores were so detailed, and there were slight blood vessels on the neck, which was especially terrifying, because it was too similar.

After Mi He reached out and touched it, he found that the robot’s skin was soft to the touch, but still cold, and he could finally tell that it was a robot.

As a result, the mechanic added: “It has not been activated yet. Once activated, the internal circulation will begin, and its surface will have an anthropomorphic temperature, which is exactly the same as the real person, even when it is excited. , its body temperature will rise.”

Mi He asked, “When you’re excited? Why is the robot still excited?”

The mechanic glanced at Mi He like a fool and said, “Don’t you know this is a biological robot?”

Mi He knew about biological robots, which were the only ones allowed to be simulated, but the problem was that it was forbidden to simulate being a member of the royal family.

But obviously this kind of ban is not cared about in a remote place like Soros. After all, the mountains and the emperor are far away, and the border areas of the empire are generally not easy to come to Soros.

The physiological robot is the kind of robot that can be used as an inflatable doll. The effect is particularly simulated. Moreover, this robot is said to have eighteen martial arts skills. All the bedding skills of ancient and modern are integrated, which can make the user feel comfortable, and the two-way holographic data appears. Physiological robots have previously sold more than babysitting robots, even if they are only sold to adults.

But compared with the bidirectional holographic data, the physiological robot is like the feeling of a French meal and a McDonald’s fast food. McDonald’s fast food solves physiological problems quickly, while a French meal needs to be tasted slowly.

At this time, Taozi and Yangyin also went up to touch the biological robot, but they touched the second prince’s, Taozi said, “Is it really exactly the same as the real person?” The second prince has opened up the holographic data, and I believe it can be exactly the same, but the eldest prince has not opened up the data, how can it be exactly the same?”

The mechanic said: “Except for the **** on his body, I haven’t fully analyzed the data, and the rest of the data are calculated based on holographic scanning, which are absolutely the same, and even that penis, I also think I did this. It’s only big and not small.”

Taozi was very curious and asked: “Is this kind of robot still used in both directions?” The euphemistic meaning is: Can chrysanthemum be used in addition to Tintin?

The mechanic said: “Currently the back of these robots cannot be used because most female customers do not like that their prince’s chrysanthemum can be used by men.”

Freddie was at a loss for words.

At this time, the mechanic said something that made Mi He blush: “And what I am most proud of is that when these robots are in love, their **** also slowly rises like humans, even when they are climaxing. , and it feels like ejaculation.”

When Mi He heard it, he collapsed. The robot that can shoot is so terrifying.

Taozi also has a special spirit of discussion, saying: “Can a robot still allow a woman to give birth to a child after ejaculation?”

The mechanic said: “I can’t do this. The robot I designed will shoot a lubricant that makes the user’s experience feel better, and it also has a boosting effect. It’s my favorite product.”

Taozi praised him sincerely: “You are really amazing.”

The mechanic was very proud, and his prosthetic eyes flashed with a blue light, which was probably a sign of happiness.

After he finished showing off his proud work to Mi He and the others, he started to maintain Anitan’s thighs, and also talked to Anitan about her penis, Anitan said: “I still want to install one. Bundle.”

The mechanic said, “I think it’s better to change your gender directly instead of putting a handle on it. Anyway, the price is about the same, once and for all.”

When Anitan heard this, she became thoughtful.

The mechanic added: “While the patriarch is not old enough to abdicate, it is better to become a man and compete with Qiying for the heir position.

Anitan apparently listened, because she didn’t speak.

When they came out from the mechanic, everyone looked different, Anitan was thoughtful, Yangyin showed Anitan hesitant to say anything, Taozi and Mihe were stunned by the scene just now Now, Mi He is still thinking about the robot just now. He thinks that the prince’s robot is really awesome, and the mechanics of the Soros people are really good at thinking, and he can make them all.

The most depressing thing is Freddy. It feels too sour to find such a simulated biological robot in front of him.

On the way back, I found that many Soros people were already preparing for the Tobacco Baking Festival party. Most of them were wearing tobacco leaf suits. leaves, it seems

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