The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 42.3: (3)

Freddy, said, “Brother Freddy, can I spray you too?”

Freddy glanced at Xiaolu before nodding, slowly rolling up his sleeves and letting Mi He spray for him.

As soon as Mi He approached Freddie, he felt that his chest seemed to be wider, and there was even a masculine breath that came to his face. From the exposed arms, it could be seen that his muscles were very tight, and he could already It is predicted that he will become a walking hormone in the future.

Unlike Xiaolu’s cry of pain after being sprayed, Freddy didn’t even frown. Mi He thought he didn’t hurt. The chest was also beaten, and I had to spray it.”

Freddy glanced at Xiaolu out of the corner of his eye, and Xiaolu closed his cracked mouth and said, “Let me spray him.”

Freddy said in disgust, “No.”

Xiaolu said, “That’s fine, then go back and let the robot spray you.”

In the end, he took off his clothes at the request of Xiaolu. Although Mi He did not help any more, he also saw that Brother Freddy under the clothes really had every muscle just right, firm and strong, with broad shoulders, and he was using the stasis-removing spray. After spraying it on, the effect was like applying a layer of oil to the skin, which made Freddy’s body firm and attractive, and the hormonal smell that rushed to the face was even heavier.

Mi He felt that Brother Freddy was really unbelievable, and the clothes were so predictable.

In contrast, after taking off his clothes, Xiaolu really blinded Mi He’s eyes. Xiaolu was too white and his skin was watery. Although his body was covered in red and purple, Mi He still felt that Xiaolu’s skin was white and tender. It was so good that she was jealous, so Brother Xiaolu’s muscles and figure were ignored by her.

The holidays in Mars passed quickly, and Mi He lived an orderly and fulfilling life every day. When it was time to leave, Hannah felt that her grades had improved a lot and was very pleased.

It’s just that Mi He is leaving again. Hannah is very reluctant and bought a lot of things for Mi He. The grandfather of Lin Lai’s family took credit points and asked Mi He to brush it, saying that the girl is getting older, so he should buy a few more. Beautiful dress to wear.

Mi He felt that although she was dressed beautifully on Earth and no one saw her, she still felt that everyone in Mars treated her very well, which warmed her heart.

When they parted again, Muchen and Mrs. Mueller also came to see her off. Mrs. Mueller, who had not seen each other for a year, hardly changed. She also brought something for Mr. Colonel to Mihe. Mrs. Mueller also said: ” After Muchen is admitted to university, I will go back to Earth to accompany him.”

Rita, Xiaolu, and Freddy also came to deliver Mihe, but Xiaolu and Freddy arrived very late, almost when Mihe was about to get on the spaceship, and they were all covered in black velvet. The big cloak of the material, walking with a gust of wind, looks very handsome.

I don’t think so when we meet often, but suddenly seeing them approaching like this, Mi He suddenly feels that everyone has grown up, and the teenagers who watched fish together in Lapla have grown into mature men.

Hannah explained to her: “Study hard and try to take the exam to the Star Federation University.”

Rita said: “The questions I teach you and the study materials for you should always be read. Those are my unique secrets. When Mars First High, many people wanted to ask me, but I didn’t. give.”

Mi He nodded fiercely, and Mu Chen next to him glanced at Rita and felt that she was familiar. Later, he remembered that this girl seemed to be Rita Linley, a well-known genius girl in Mars High School. The girl in the red dress in front of her is connected with the arrogant senior from Yi Gao.

But Muchen didn’t think much about it at the moment, he patted Mi He’s head lightly, and said, “I’ll wait for you on the Alexa planet.”

Mi He slumped his shoulders, “Brother Chen Chen, don’t force me like everyone else…”

Muchen knocked her head again: “is it good or not, think about how much effort you have put in since you were a child, you can obviously learn the courses of ordinary people, since you have chosen this path, you must go on firmly.”

Mi He nodded, and Xiaolu next to her had already hugged her, leaning her head against her head and said, “It’s okay, brother won’t force you to study, it doesn’t matter if you study well or not, just cook deliciously, brother will support you in the future, don’t worry , brother can support you for a lifetime.”

Mi He was so moved that he suddenly felt that Brother Xiaolu didn’t seem so unreliable.

Then Brother Xiaolu was pulled from behind by Freddy. He said Xiaolu: “Don’t mislead her, don’t make random promises if you can’t do it.”

Xiaolu was arrogant, and Freddy ignored him. He said to Mi He, “Don’t listen to him. He can’t even grasp his own future. How can he promise your future?”

But Freddy added, “You just have to do your best, though.”

“I hope you can keep smiling like this, your smile makes people feel very happy.”

☆、Chapter 47

In a blink of an eye, Mi He was sixteen years old.

Mi He didn’t care much about her sixteenth birthday, mainly because since this year’s founding ceremony, the people of the whole empire have been talking about one thing, that is, Prince Friedrich is twenty years old this year, and this year is his The year of the coming-of-age ceremony is followed by the prince’s choice of concubine.

Whether it is the prince’s coming-of-age ceremony or his concubine selection, people are talking about it.

Especially the matter of choosing a concubine, how popular is it? Since the birth of Prince Frederick, the people of the whole empire have begun to speculate on the future concubine candidates. Just the topic of choosing a concubine by a prince, there is a special topic on the star website. Layout, and even a group of people who feed this edition.

And these reporters who are supported by the topic of the prince’s choice of concubine are also very dedicated, especially this year is the year of the adult ceremony, and the candidates for the prince and concubine were given at the beginning of the year.

The point is, Mi He actually saw Cousin Rita on the page!

The sentence to introduce Cousin Rita is as follows: Rita Linley was born in the famous Linley family, a family that has always produced top talents in scientific research. She is already a student of molecular biology at Starlink University. Rita Linley is excellent both in terms of IQ and genetics.

After reading this passage, Mi He knew that it was true, but when she thought of how angry she was about to explode when she was giving her a lecture, she always felt as if she knew a fake cousin Rita.

But Cousin Rita is not the strongest competitor. Star Network has already figured out that the girl with the highest election rate is the girl from the prime minister’s family. She is the same age as the prince, and even finished her doctorate at the same age of 20. Her name is Doris ?Miao Jie, Mi He saw that the girl in the photo had pale blond hair, and the expression on her face was a bit arrogant. In Mi He’s classification, this girl is the kind of standard directional person.

Although Mi He did not intend to celebrate her birthday, she still received gifts from Hannah and Lieutenant Colonel Yang, and Doro also gave her a gift, but it was a small bottle of black blood monster blood, and he introduced it in a serious manner: “If you If you accidentally get hurt, apply this blood and your skin will regenerate quickly.”

He saw the disgust on Mi He’s face, and explained, “I’ve already disinfected it, so it’s fine.”

Mi He looked at this small bottle of black blood and felt that although he had learned Alix language for so many years, sometimes he still couldn’t understand the distorted thinking of dear Doro.

Doro was afraid that Mi He would not believe in the role of black blood, and said, “I asked you to translate the knowledge of the black blood monster before, have you forgotten?”

But for Mi He, she only remembered the homework about the Black Goblin that Doroliu had translated in three languages ​​after the last vacation. When she thought of those days of reading with the lights on at night, she couldn’t help but her eyes hurt…

But thanks to Xiaolu and Freddy’s efforts at that time, Mi He didn’t dare to disturb Mu Chen, who was in the third year of high school, and his rebellious cousin Rita, so he could only ask Xiaolu for help, but Xiaolu didn’t laugh at her as much as before, probably in his heart. I also feel that sometimes you can laugh at it, and when it comes to the self-esteem of ordinary people, you can’t talk nonsense to people.

However, Mi He still thinks that Brother Freddy is the most reliable. Brother Xiaolu’s translation is not as accurate as Freddy’s. Brother Xiaolu’s sentences are just like his people, always with gorgeous grammar, and Brother Freddy is next to him. They couldn’t help but say: “It’s not a diplomatic rhetoric, no need for those words.”

Then Freddy pulled Xiaolu away from the holographic camera. He sat down and gave Mi He the topic. He had just finished the mecha class, and his sweat had not dissipated, and he was dressed casually in the dormitory. A little bit, revealing a small piece of chest, Mi He looked at the tight muscles, remembered the chest full of masculine charm of Freddie last year, and always felt embarrassed.

At the beginning of this year, Cousin Rita sent a message to Mi He, saying that she couldn’t stand the boredom of molecular biology any longer. She was not a machine that lived for Lin Lai’s family, she was a living person, and she wanted free.

Then Sister Rita disappeared, and her terminal didn’t light up. Mi He called her several times, but she didn’t get a response, so she was so frightened that she quickly asked Hannah. As a result, Hannah sighed first, and then said: “Rita took some of the money from her fund and played truant. She turned off the terminal and no one can reach her now.”

Hannah said to Mi He again, “If she contacts you, persuade her.”

Mi He nodded, but before Mi He could persuade her, Rita’s terminal published a holographic photo. The photo was taken in Lapla. She was with a blonde under the golden sea and light green sky of Lapla. The blue-eyed beauties leaned against each other and added a sentence, “If you never meet Leonie in this life, you will regret it for the rest of your life.”

Mi He looked at this blonde and blue-eyed beauty. Many of the 300-year-old directional people have had their appearance genes modified. Many directional people are very beautiful, but this girl named Leoni is really super beautiful. .

The most beautiful foreign female star Mi He has ever seen in her last life was Nicole Kidman when she was young, but this girl is a hundred times more beautiful than Nicole Kidman. Just looking at her photos makes her breathless. She stayed, for fear that she would miss her beauty as soon as she took a breath.

This is also the only person Mi He has seen who can surpass Brother Xiaolu in appearance. Whether it is a man or a woman, this Leoni is really very beautiful.

When Mi He saw Rita’s words, she thought it was because Leoni was very beautiful. She didn’t know Leoni’s true identity until she went to Mars, the capital, for her vacation. It turned out to be the illegitimate daughter of His Majesty the Great Emperor of the Empire.

Mi He remembered what Colonel Yang had said when she was a child that His Majesty the Emperor had many illegitimate children. When she grew up, she also saw a lot of lace news about His Majesty the Emperor, but His Majesty the Emperor admitted only one illegitimate daughter from beginning to end, this Lei. Orni Himmler.

The mother of this illegitimate daughter, Shirley Himmler, is also very beautiful. She used to be a famous star in the whole universe. It is said that 20 years ago, because of her affair with His Majesty the Emperor, she almost affected the late Queen Collins. Marrying the emperor.

Later, Queen Collins died before being a queen for a few years, but after this Lady Shirley has been uncrowned, Her Majesty the Emperor’s lover for so many years is her, and some people even speculated on the star network that the emperor will take this lady. The lover is righting, otherwise why hasn’t the emperor established his queen for so many years?

But these royal family matters are far away from Mi He, so she followed the gossip. She just thought that Leoni actually looked like someone from the Otto royal family, because she looked a lot like the two princes. , especially the blonde, standard Otto royal configuration.

When Mi He arrived at Mars again, Muchen and Rita were going to participate in this year’s interstellar exam.

Yes, after Rita disappeared for a while, she finally overcame the will of her aunt and grandmother, and was able to study her favorite major, but her choice turned out to be to retake the interplanetary entrance exam and take the opportunity of Kao Yali military academy. A is a design major, and she wants to be with Leoni.

Although faced with this choice, the entire Lin Lai family had another quarrel, but in the end, Sister Rita won.

Seeing how easy she was to go out, Mi He felt that it was so easy for others to participate in the cosmic college entrance examination in which billions of people competed together.

Muchen also took the exam this year. Because he was in the third year of high school by skipping grades, he devoted himself to studying this year, and had less contact with Mi He, but after Mi He came to Mars, he still specially invited him to meet. , cheer him up.

Facing Mi He, who hadn’t seen her for a year, Mu Chen felt that Mi He had changed a lot. She became more beautiful, and her figure also swelled forward and backward. From a little girl, she really grew into a girl, and she When she smiled, her brows and eyes were curved, and her long eyelashes could not hide the warm light in her eyes.

At the end of the meeting that day, Mu Chen suddenly hugged Mi He from behind, and his voice sounded above Mi He’s head, “I have something to tell you when I finish the exam.”

Mi He nodded and asked him to cheer up again.

Unlike Muchen and Rita who participated in the cosmic college entrance examination, Xiaolu and Freddy graduated from the military academy, and they were assigned to the front line. They had a short time to go home and pack their bags, and soon they would go to the southwest battlefield. They will directly Facing the increasingly ferocious black blood monster.

The black blood monsters Mihe encountered when he was on Earth before were the remnants of the soldiers scattered on the battlefield. The empire was harassed by the black blood monsters one after another, but the battlefield in the southwest was still strong. At present, there is no large-scale occurrence in the empire. In the attack, only deserters in twos and threes were wiped out by each galaxy on the spot.

This year is very important for Doro.

With the publication of his papers on the aphrodisiac effect of devil crabs on Lapra goldfish and the reproduction of black blood monsters, his long-cherished wish has finally come true after the publication of these two blockbuster papers. When he was just over two hundred years old, he finally got the Imperial Lifetime Achievement Award he had always wanted.

Mi He felt that Doro was sometimes very contradictory. On the one hand, he always despised “you humans” in his mouth, and on the other hand, he was so integrated into this human society, and he especially wanted to get these awards.

Later, Doro and Mi He came to Mars to accept the award. Mi He was there when Doro took the stage to accept the award. She was sitting in the audience seat below against the vacancy of Doro’s family. She looked around and finally I understand why Doro is so persistent in winning this award, because there are all Alix people around, whether it is on stage or off stage, those who present the awards or accept the awards are all from Alix!

The host is not from Alix, but he is not tall, so he can easily be mistaken for an Alix. He tells awkward jokes in Alix, but Mi He listens very happily, but in a group of serious Alix In the crowd, she could only cover her mouth and dare not laugh.

Mi He looked around and deeply felt the feeling of standing out from the crowd. She was 1.7 meters tall and sat among the Alix people with an average height of more than half a meter. Sitting, for fear of bumping into the Alix man next to him.

When Doro came to power and proudly spoke about his journey of winning the award, Mi He felt that it was no wonder that all advanced scientific research fields had to speak the Alix language, because the average age of these AI students was over 200 years old. The Lishi people really occupied all the high-level subjects, and their big oval heads were really not in vain at all.

There were also some humans in the audience, but they were all gray-haired. Judging from their appearance, they were probably experts in a certain discipline. Young girls like Mi He were quite eye-catching.

When Doro stepped down with the mini trophy, Doro’s acquaintance came over, and Mi He found that this Alexis had a beard on his chin, and that his big oval head had more patterns than Doro’s.

The man said in Alexa, “Doro Frankenz Bidamecca, I’m surprised you’ve come this far.”

Doro said bluntly: “You have a lot of surprises, but I can get this award and you don’t, I’m not surprised at all, because since I was a child, I felt that I must be better than you.”

The mustache added: “It’s two hundred years ago, and you still remember it so clearly.”

Doro said proudly, “Why don’t you win when I won the award?”

Being so angry at the mustache, Mi He was afraid that he would carry it back in one breath.

As a result, the moustache turned the fire on Mi He, he said: “But what if you win the prize, it’s just that you were lucky enough to encounter the black blood monster that fell to the earth. You were still two hundred years ago. That crybaby has no future and can only play with humans, we Alix are a more advanced species than humans!”

Pointing at Mi He again: “Now you have fallen even more, and you are still leading an ordinary human girl. What, is she the illegitimate daughter you gave birth to with a human woman?”

Doro, who was poked with childhood scars, trembled with anger, Mi He immediately quit, stood up a chunk taller than the mustache, she looked down at the mustache: “Professor Doro is the most respectable professor, He has never looked down on any species as an Alician, isn’t it that you Alicians often talk about ‘any species is worthy of respect’?”

Said the beard again: “You came to scold Doro because you didn’t win an award. If you have the ability, the project you are researching has nothing to do with humans? Don’t use the results of your research on humans?”

“Also, when you can really stand on this podium, you will be qualified to say these cynical words to Doro! But I see that your narrow-mindedness is hard to do anything!”

Mi He’s aura is 2.8 meters!

Putting Doro on his arm, Mi He stepped out from the pile of Alix people.

☆、Chapter 48

Not long after he came out of the awards hall, Doro said that he could walk by himself, Mi He put him down, Doro tidied up the clothes that were not messy at all, and then held his mini trophy in one hand and the other in the other. With one hand behind him, he walked slowly forward.

Doro suddenly stopped again, and then said to Mi He: “The response is quite fast.”

Mi He grinned, “I haven’t learned from you for so many years, I’m still fluent in Alix, right?”

Doro’s big oval head shook and commented: “It’s okay, a little progress.”

Mi He laughed.

Then that night, Doro lived with Mi He at the Collins house.

Since the news that Professor Doro would come to Mars to accept the award came out a few days ago, Doro’s students in various scientific research institutions in Mars have sent him messages in turn, expressing that they want the teacher to live at home and want to. Treat the teacher well.

When Mi He knew about this, he was very surprised, and then said, “Shouldn’t you live with me?”


When did he say he wanted to live with this human kid?

Mi He took it for granted, “Shouldn’t the two of us be together?” He asked again, “Or do you want to get rid of me and live by yourself?”

Doro thought about it and felt that he couldn’t refute anything. Anyway, he has always been with this little devil, so he agreed to her request, he said: “Well, then I will live with you. Bar.”

When Hannah found out that Doro was going to live in her house, she really felt radiant, and immediately gave the robot instructions to clean up, making sure to make Dorobin feel at home.

Mr. Collins was very thoughtful and said to Hannah, “You have to buy a set of furniture for the Alix people.” Hannah agreed and ordered a set immediately.

So Doro went back to Collins’ house with Mi He after receiving the award. He was very satisfied when he saw the small bed specially prepared for him. He felt that Hannah’s mind in life has finally become more delicate after so many years.

Later, Doro also saw his fat younger brother Taura. At this time, Taura, who was one year old, was able to walk on the ground. Although he stumbled while walking, his big blue-gray eyes immediately flashed with joy when he saw Doro. , just like seeing a new toy, he immediately crawled over with both hands and feet.

Doro just wanted to express to Dora how the elders felt when they saw the younger, and then Dora grabbed Dora, and then opened his mouth and gnawed on Dora’s big oval head.

Torah, who had just grown his teeth, gnawed Doro’s big head wet. After Mi He picked up the struggling Torah, Doro wiped the saliva on his head with his little banana hand and said: ” It seems that this doll really has some genes similar to you.” At least when I was a child, I liked to greet others with saliva, which is really similar.

After receiving the award, Doro started to get busy. Major universities and scientific research institutions in Mars wanted to invite him to give a speech. The “Life” version of Star Online also wanted to interview him and be a Doro for two hundred years. Come to a collection of great contributions to the life sciences.

In short, Doro was very busy.

However, Mi He felt that he was very happy and had a feeling of having fun in it. Although Doro was very famous before, it was like Mo Yan was famous in China before he won the Nobel Prize, but after winning the Nobel Prize, that The gold content of fame is different.

Before Sister Rita’s interstellar exam was over, she received an invitation from the palace to invite Miss Rita Linley to the ballroom ball after Prince Friedrich’s coming-of-age ceremony. The invitation card looks very primitive, but after opening it, a holographic bust of Rita pops up, and there is also her DNA code.

Mi He glanced at it, and felt that the invitations for the three hundred years of the star calendar were so high-tech, which was really insightful. But when I think that Sister Rita can participate in the prince’s ball, I feel quite envious.

However, Mi He also knew that this kind of dance could not be attended by anyone. Later, there were many girls who were invited to the Prince’s Ball, and they were all girls of the right age, well-known families, and very good orienteering girls.

Mi He once again deeply felt that in the human world five hundred years later, there is a huge gap between orientation and ordinary human beings.

Hannah also privately asked Mr. Collins if he could take advantage of his position and get an invitation for Mi He, even if he just went to see it.

Mr. Collins said: “My dear, you know what day it is and what it means to have a ball after the prince’s bar mitzvah. Mi He is a good boy and we all love her, but the girl who was able to attend the prince’s ball that day All of them are well-born and very good orientee girls.”

Of course Hannah knew, but she didn’t want Mi He’s smile to have regrets.

Mr. Collins added: “Although this empire is peaceful, there is a huge gap between orientation and ordinary people. We couldn’t tell her this directly when Mi He was young, but she should adapt when she is old. The different lives brought about by different identities, if we forcibly give her a life that is not suitable for her identity, in the future when she cannot get it by herself, it will only make her feel a greater sense of gap.”

“It’s better to let her experience this fact from the beginning.”

Hannah was silent, she knew it was the truth.

However, Mi He was just envious, like every little girl who reads the story of Cinderella and imagines that a prince will come to her with a crystal slipper one day. in reality.

After the exam, Rita was very happy to know that she received the invitation: “Leonie will also attend this dance, and then I can play with her.”

The aunt taught her by the side: “You have to play well with Prince Friedrich!”

Rita said: “The prince will be surrounded by people at that time, and there will be no shortage of me.”

The aunt said to her: “Don’t say such things. Do you know what it means to be invited to the dance?”

Rita said: “You have said it several times, which means that I am qualified to be a candidate for the prince and concubine. When did you like to repeat things like an ordinary human being?”

Auntie said: “Because my whole family and I attach great importance to this opportunity to become the future queen of the empire, step on the billions of life in the galaxy, and become the mistress of the empire, how supreme!”

Rita glanced at her excited mother, and felt that her own mother was in her forties, how could she still have such a dream…

But when she received the invitation, she expressed her approval. Even if she could not become a prince and concubine, in the future marriage market, even in the candidates selected by Xingwang for her blind date, she would be raised a notch.

Rita still cooperated with the preparations her aunt had arranged for her, actively learned court etiquette, tried many gorgeous dresses every day, and the robot applied a good lotion to her for massage, ensuring that on the day she boarded the ball, She is at her best from the inside out.

While the beauties of each family were anxiously preparing for the prince’s ball, the entire Mars also began to dress up. The robot was sprayed with artificial catalysts to ensure that the flowers of Mars were in full bloom on the day of the ceremony, no matter if it was winter. It is open in summer, and it will be open collectively for Prince Frederick of the Empire in those days.

Not to mention the preparations for those artificial lights and fireworks, the entire Mars was enthusiastically welcoming the day of the grand ceremony, and even half a month ago, aircraft within a few hundred kilometers of the palace had been banned. .

Soon it was the day of the coming-of-age ceremony. On that day, because all Mars’s private aircraft were banned, Mi He still went to the palace to pick up Doro’s aircraft to watch the ceremony, and then it arrived at the place he had made an appointment with.

Doro hesitated when she got out of the car and said, “You really don’t want to come and see me?”

Mi He once again rejected her. She is not a child. Even cousin Rita needs to verify her genetic code when she goes to the prince’s ball. If Doro suddenly takes her, it will definitely drag him down.

Mi He waved to Doro, and then got off the aircraft.

Before Muchen arrived, Mi He was standing on a Venus flower tree waiting for him. This flower tree was a specialty of Mars and was the favorite flower of the queen of Mars the Great, so it was also called The Queen Flower Tree, later planted all over the planet.

The flowers of the Queen Flower Tree are as big as the mouth of a bowl. Whenever it opens in spring, the whole Mars is plunged into a sea of ​​pink, and there is a sweet smell in the air, because this fragrance is reminiscent of to sweet love.

It is said that when the Queen’s Flower Tree is in bloom, even Mars’ marriage rate will increase. Mi He thinks this may be because the sweet taste makes people want to fall in love.

The prince’s coming-of-age ceremony was in the summer, but to celebrate this grand ceremony, the Queen’s Flower Tree opened again for him, and the whole Mars was once again plunged into a sea of ​​sweet and warm pink.

There are patrol airships of the Guards in the air, and there are policemen riding flying motorcycles on the ground to maintain law and order. The ubiquitous cameras transmit the data on the street back to the terminal of the Star Network, and pay close attention to everyone’s movements.

Mars is also full of humans and aliens.

Mi He has been to Mars several times, and this is the first time that he has seen so many people in Mars. Those who live underground have also poured out. Only then can Mi He feel that the underground of Mars is tolerant. how much population.

Many people stretch out their hands to cover their eyes when they see the sun, because they often live underground, and their eyes are a bit unsuitable for the light on the surface.

Mi He was waiting for Mu Chen bored, when suddenly he saw the crowd automatically opened a gap, obviously it was a very crowded crowd, when Mu Chen came over, the people around seemed to be giving way to him.

Many directional girls in the crowd were peeking at him. Seventeen-year-old Muchen was tall and handsome, with sharp eyebrows and broad walks, which was very eye-catching. Even in such a crowded crowd, he couldn’t hide his brilliance.

Mi He felt that when there were only their two children at the Earth Base, she just thought that Muchen was very smart, but when everyone grew up and put them into the big environment, she realized that she always liked to laugh at this childhood. She, Brother Chenchen, who loves to roll her eyes, is really excellent.

Even those beautiful orientee girls frequently showed reserved smiles to Mu Chen, Mi He felt that this was definitely not because of the sweet smell of the queen’s flowers and trees.

Mu Chen, who came over, smiled at Mi He, and when he laughed, it seemed that he was shining like an obsidian, and he said to Mi He, “There are too many people on the surface, and they waited in line for a while. ”

He suggested again: “Let’s go to the square to watch the holographic projection too, shall we?”

Mi He nodded, and the two followed the crowd towards the square. There were too many people at this time. Next to Mi He, there were two aliens from the Shepherd Galaxy. They were tall and slender, and even their children had two Meters are tall, and adults are a lot taller than the crowd.

The alien child with a big head and slender hands and feet saw Mi He next to him, and his **** eyes were obviously very curious about this little dwarf, and he actually used his hands to sow Mi He’s head.

Mi He was almost knocked over by it, but fortunately, Mu Chen grabbed her, and then Mu Chen took her hand and walked forward together. When the alien child from the Shepherd Galaxy wanted to play with Mi He again, Muchen raised his hand to block its frog-like hand, and then he said in Shepherd’s language: “Be careful!”

Mi He couldn’t understand the language of Shepherd Galaxy, and asked what Muchen was talking about. Muchen just tightened her hand and said to her, “follow me.”

Mi He nodded, but the hand held by Mu Chen was never released.

☆、Chapter 49

Because the whole of Mars has been preparing for this grand ceremony for a long time, such a huge crowd has been settled smoothly. Mi He and Muchen followed the crowd to the seats that were arranged.

This square was designed a long time ago. When Mi He passed by before, he saw many large-scale steel printers printing ink. Each machine can print countless venue equipment, and then they are built by robots. When the ceremony is over After that, the stuff will be melted into molten iron again, waiting for the next print.

Mi He felt that the human beings in the 300th year of the star calendar are quite environmentally friendly.

There are small snack vending machines flying in the air, as well as the kind of candy that glows with colorful lights. After eating, the whole person will glow for ten minutes. After the two children in front of them have eaten, the whole person will glow with a green shimmer, and they are very happy. Haha lol, the alien kid who was playing with Mi He just now in the Heli crowd not far away also bought a piece of that candy, but the one it bought was black. Getting darker, it bent its big head and seemed a little depressed.

Mi He immediately forgave this alien child’s unreasonable behavior.

Then Muchen also bought a piece of this candy for Mi He, Mi He was very happy, because Muchen was very lucky and bought a random pink candy. As soon as Mi He ate it in his mouth, he felt a sour taste Sweet and a little hallucinogenic, the whole person is light and airy, as if stepping into a cloud.

Only then did Mi He see that the wrapper of the pink candy said “The Taste of Love”, um, so love is sweet and sour, like in the clouds?

Mi He’s smiling eyes are crooked, and the smile is sweeter, and Mu Chen is also happy.

Mi He also asked him, “Why don’t you eat your piece of candy?”

Muchen said: “I have to wait until the end to eat.”

At this time, Mi He was a little excited by the feeling of lightness, and didn’t ask any more questions, because not long after, the light in the whole sky was dimmed by the artificial sun, and there was a cooing sound in the square, and then the most central part of the square.

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