The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 42.13: (13)

“Being a real man, la la la…”

Mi He really doesn’t know where Anitan’s confidence comes from. Anitan himself said, “Although he is not as good as the big singer Maxi, he is more than wrong.”

At this time, Yang Yin, who had been silent, said, “Maxi’s singing is very good.”

Anitan said with a tiger’s voice: “My singing is also good.”

Mi He: ==

Soros’s classmates are really self-confident.

Yang Yin, who lived in the male dormitory, had never heard Anitan sing, and gave Anitan a serious look, then nodded.

Taozi added: “I have always heard that the legendary Soros people will fight each other even if they look at each other. I see that you are not a Soros person except for your physical characteristics, and you will duel with each other. .”

Anitan raised her eyebrows, playing with the cigarette in her hand with her fingers, and said, “We Soros people have to keep pace with the times, and throwing a dagger in front of me now means a desperate duel.”

Taozi listened and commented: “This new rule is quite reasonable.”

Anitan grinned and said, “This is something I just came up with.”

Mi He remembered that Anitan was carrying those daggers during the interstellar exam. Could it be that he was always ready to fight someone?

When they were in the dormitory, everyone had their own room, so they couldn’t get close to each other. Besides, Mi He was also a little scared. After all, Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Hannah had both said about the savagery of the Soros people, but she listened to Anitan after talking for a while. , I think this girl is actually quite easy to get along with, at least simpler than those directional people whose eyes are higher than the top.

Mi He asked her, “So you brought a bunch of daggers in the entrance exam just to duel?”

“Those are not mine, others are going to duel me,” Anitan said.

Mi He said, “Then you duel with them, did you win?”

Anitan patted her chest: “You won, otherwise how could you see me? Throwing a dagger means you are competing with your life!”

Mi He felt that just now she thought that the Soros people were not dangerous… It was so naive.

Anitan looked at Mi He and said, “You little coward, of course you can’t understand what it’s like to hold someone else’s life in your hands.”

She said again: “It’s much more fun than doing chemistry problems and math problems about the orbits of celestial bodies!”

Although Mi He didn’t agree with her last sentence, she really understood the last sentence. She nodded greatly, studying or something, it was so annoying!

A few people chatted for a while, and some people started to perform on the stage. Zhuo Lan glanced at them, and they quieted down and began to watch the show with everyone.

Taozi also signed up for the show. It was a group dance program reported by the freshmen of the Star Alliance University, and Mi He also thought about how the folds of their group of daqi people danced. Do you want to turn the folds in a circle?

As a result, the Dachi people’s love for pleats really opened Mi He’s eyes. A group of Dachi people with a one-meter-high black round head and big eyes twisted together on the stage, and then began to shake their whole bodies on the stage. The folds on their bodies were shaken layer by layer, like small wavy tops.

In addition, the performance was projected with holograms, and everyone could still see the holograms of the Dutch people above their heads.

All the classmates in the audience were stunned by the innovative dance of the Dutch people, and then everyone laughed together. Anitan laughed the loudest next to her. She slapped her thighs hard, and she clapped her mechanical legs. .

And Anitan’s solo show was actually put to the back, Mi He felt that the program was a directional person who looked down on the Soros people, and wanted to see Anitan make a fool of himself…

However, Anitan, as the only Soros person this year, is quite famous among her classmates. Sometimes her past classmates will sneak a few glances at her. Obviously, these targeted classmates can’t believe that a Soros person He was able to get admitted to the Star Union University, which has a 98% admission rate for targeted candidates.

But Anitan didn’t care about the sneaking glances of these people. Mi He felt that as long as she didn’t throw a dagger at her and tried her best, she probably wouldn’t care. Moreover, Anitan was very serious in her studies, and she was very attentive in class. As the only Soros person in this grade, she put in even more effort than an ordinary person like Mi He.

Taozi quickly stepped down with his companions, and after coming down, he said to Mi He and the others, “How is it? We danced well, right?”

Anitan gave a thumbs up first, “Not bad.”

Yang Yin also said: “It’s very interesting, it gave me a new understanding of the Dutch people.”

Mi He smiled and gave him a thumbs up, anyway, everyone’s happiness is the most important thing.

Soon she arrived at Anitan. Before she went up, she sorted out her school uniform. Mi He couldn’t understand the fashion of the Soros people. What is the style of the school uniform over the melee armor? Is this always ready to go into battle? Mi He strongly suspected that Anitan was also wearing armor when she slept.

After finishing her school uniform, she went up with the black cloth bag, and everyone didn’t pay attention. As for the weird Soros people, everyone had never been in contact with them before and didn’t know their customs.

After she got on stage, Anitan began to sing calmly. Mi He was sweating for her, and prepared the magic sound to pierce her ears, and then the audience was ready to laugh. As a result, she suddenly heard A soft, holy voice.

Just like the ethereal and beautiful voice of a choir, pure and ethereal, even the chaotic lyrics of “Real men dare to bleed…” were ignored by everyone.

Mi He and Taozi had heard Anitan sing in the bedroom, and they were both stunned. They didn’t expect her to change so much after taking the stage.

Everyone was fascinated, even Anitan on the stage seemed to be very intoxicated, but what did Mi He mean when she found out that she would kick the black bag under her feet when she sang a few words? Do Soros people have this hobby in singing?

At this moment, someone shouted: “The Soros people cheated, you didn’t sing it at all!”

The audience was stunned, looking at Anitan on the stage, unexpectedly Anitan replied: “I didn’t say I had to sing it myself, it was my pet who sang it, isn’t it the same?”

Everyone was blinded, and then Anitante calmly opened the black bag under her feet on the stage. Then, a flying bird suddenly flew into the air. The bird wanted to escape as soon as it flew up, but the auditorium was closed. Yes, after it flew around the auditorium, someone immediately recognized it and shouted, “That’s the Kaling bird!”

It was only at this moment that Mi He realized that Anitan was carrying the black bag to catch this kind of Jialing bird. Isn’t this kind of bird difficult to catch? Thinking of the way Anitan came back and took the nutritional supplements, I guess it was very hard.

The flying bird stopped singing, and Anitan shouted, “Sing, otherwise I won’t give you something to eat.” The bird didn’t sing either, and didn’t pay any attention to Anitan. It stopped in front of the auditorium. In front of the Dutchman statue, the human-faced bird-beak is arranging its feathers with its beak. After so many days in the black bag, its feathers are not bright.

Anitan, who was ignored by the bird, was very unhappy. She ripped off the school uniform that was in the way, revealing the melee armor she was wearing inside. Then she stood on tiptoes on the high platform, and the spring feet under the mechanical legs made her whole. The bomb flew, and she threw out a very thin rope in the air. Both ends of the rope had an eight-sided cone pendant. With her strength, it suddenly wrapped around the beam of the auditorium overhead, and then she The whole person wandered out along the rope.

The classmates watching below all said “wow”, thinking that it was obviously a singing program, but suddenly it became a martial arts program!

Even Mi He thinks that Soros people are really awesome, Lieutenant Colonel Yang and Hannah are right, Soros people are really hard to mess with.

As soon as the bird saw Anitan flying over, it was so frightened that it fluttered its wings and wanted to fly, but Anitan couldn’t let it go. The ropes, those thin ropes were like magic in her hands, and they entangled the Kaling bird flying in the air at once, and then the whole bird fell straight into the crowd sitting in the auditorium. .

He heard “Oops”, the bird hit someone on the head, but Anitan flew out again with the strength of the rope, then reached out in the air and fished the bird back into her hand, and a few more. Between the jumps, she returned to the stage.

When she returned to the stage, the classmates under the stage gave thunderous applause, and some people shouted: “Okay!”

Anita raised her hand happily, obviously this was a trick, and then she grinned at the bird on the stage, her teeth were sharp and white, “If you don’t sing well, I’ll eat you, anyway, on your planet , you also saw my companion who ate you.”

Then the bird trembled and started to sing again, and it even sang this song: “The Real Man”, Mi He felt that Anitan sang that many times in the dormitory, maybe he was teaching the bird. …

After the bird sang on Anitan’s arm, Anitan received huge applause, and then she said on the stage: “As you all saw, I am a Sorosian, and I will not do anything to anyone. , but if it offends me, I will be welcome.” Feeling that this was a bit harsh, he added: “Of course, we are all classmates!”

Then holding the bird, he came down in a high-spirited manner.

When they passed the orientation people in their class, those people didn’t dare to look at her. Mi He felt that no one would dare to gossip in front of Anitan in the future.

☆、Chapter 72

Since the orientation party that day, the attitude of the classmates towards Anitan has changed slightly. This change started when Zhuo Lan nodded slightly when she saw Anitan, and then Shizuko became enthusiastic about Anitan. .

Of course, the people in the class haven’t changed much about Mi He, anyway, she is just an ordinary person who studies hard.

But Mi He doesn’t care. Now that she has adjusted her mentality, she doesn’t even feel so hard and tired from studying.

The biggest worry recently is that the skin has become too dry, dry and itchy. She wears a sprayer in class and even rubs some expensive facial skin care products from Cousin Rita, but she still feels extremely dry. Later, when Doro was in class, when he saw Mr. Mi He holding a sprayer and spraying his face, he couldn’t help talking about her.

“Why are you so careless in class!” While he was lecturing, Mi He slapped twice, and then slapped again. If his doctoral students did this in class, they would have been slapped by him.

Mi He was very depressed, pointed to his face and said, “Duo Duo, do you see that my face is still the skin of an 18-year-old delicate girl? Since I came to your Alice Planet, my face has been dry like an old lady. already.”

When Doro saw it, Mi He’s face was flushed with dryness, and his skin was peeling a little.

Doro said, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Mi He said: “You don’t use skin care products, what’s the use of what I said?”

Doro said, “If you don’t tell me, how do you know I have no way?” Then he handed Mi He a small black bottle with a black paste inside.

Mi He didn’t think much about it, he took it and wiped it on his face. It was dark all over his face, but after applying it, he felt itchy and quite comfortable. Dry red skin has improved a lot.

Mi He was very happy, and felt that Doro was for the benefit of the majority of women. This is black-tech cosmetics!

Ask Doro: “What did you do? It’s so powerful!”

While watching the report, Doro said, “The regenerative cell extract of the black blood monster.”

Mi He: ==

How much does Duoduo love black blood monsters?

Doro rolled her eyes and said, “What happened to the black blood monsters? Their regenerative abilities are a treasure trove for you humans.”

Mi He thought of the black blood monster that was tortured to death by Doro at the earth base, and she felt that this black blood monster was not easy. Not only did it provide Doro with the research basis for the thesis, but also gave Freddy’s brother’s cloned kidney. Provided the gene, and now also contributes to her face.

Such a contributing black blood monster, what will she think of those terrifying enemies on the Star Network in the future?

But after applying it, the black face is not good-looking. Mi He said, “Is there a transparent ointment after applying it?”

Doro said to her again: “Why do you humans ask for so much? This is a black blood monster, not a white blood monster!”

Doro’s little banana hand stretched out, trying to grab the small box in Mi He’s hand, Mi He quickly put it away, and Doro had already said, “If you don’t like to use it, return it to me.”

Mi He quickly said: “Use it! I use it! I can’t control the red blood monster. Beauty is the most important thing!”

Doro ignored her again and muttered, “You humans are really troublesome.”

In the evening, after Mi He finished cooking for him, Doro said to Mi He with his little hands behind his back, “Go somewhere with me.” Then he led her out of the yard.

Most of their teachers’ apartments are single-family houses, and they don’t take up too much space. They are usually as high as two or three stories. Doro led her to a one-story teacher’s apartment. , He and Mi He stood at the door for a few seconds before a robot opened the door for them.

There was a sound from the robot that made Mi He feel a little familiar. For a while, she couldn’t think of it. Later, the robot led them down the basement. As soon as they went down, Mi He heard the sound of water, and then she thought Get up, yes, this voice is the fish teacher of the nutritional chemistry class!

In the basement, they saw Teacher Yu wearing a small vest soaking in the water. At this moment, Teacher Yu was in the water. Only his big eyes that rotated 360 degrees were exposed on the water surface. When Teacher Yu saw them coming, his voice They all came from the bottom of the water, “Professor Doro, how are you.” After he finished speaking, Mi He saw a string of bubbles in the water.

Then Teacher Yu jumped out of the water, like a cheerful Asian carp…

His fins exposed outside the vest stretched out to hang on the edge of the pool, and the very nimble fish slid up with the support of the fins, and then sat on the edge of the pool, his big tail exposed, from time to time left and right rocking.

At this time, Teacher Yu was in a happy state and he was just two people who needed spraying all the time in class. Mi He felt that Teacher Yu still couldn’t live without water. He also used his life to impart knowledge to everyone when he was lecturing on the Alexa Planet. !

Mr. Yu happily flicked his tail while talking to Doro: “Professor Doro, are you looking for me for a research topic?”

Doro said, “No, I’m asking you for something.”

Teacher Yu was puzzled. The two ten-centimeter-diameter eyeballs on top of his head kept blinking, looking at Mi He and Doro in confusion.

Doro pointed to the water in his pool and said, “Give me some liquid from you.” He pointed to Mi He next to him and said, “She needs that mucus on her face to protect her.”

It was only then that Mi He saw that the water in the pool was not water at all, but a pool of transparent mucus, but Teacher Yu was fiddling with joy, but she didn’t see it.

Teacher Yu agreed very readily, and asked the robot to bring them a bottle and put a jar for Mi He and handed it over. Mi He took it with his hand, why is it still a little warm? And the outside of the bottle is slippery.

Doro and Mi He thanked Teacher Yu, and the two walked out. After walking away, Mi He asked him, “What is this?”

Doro said, “This is the **** of the Murai murlocs.”

When Mi He heard the word semen, he always felt a little, uh, didn’t dare to think about it…

Doro said: “Don’t you want some transparency? Murai **** is the best anti-drying agent, and their **** is very expensive to add a little to cosmetics. You humans are rushing to spend a lot of money to wipe people. semen, I really can’t understand the idea of ​​you weird humans spending money on other people’s semen!”

After returning to the bedroom at night, Mi He asked Rita about this, but when Rita heard that it was the **** of the Murai murloc, she immediately shouted in the hologram: “I’ll find you tomorrow!”

The next day, my cousin took the bottle and left half of it, and said, “If you have nothing to do in the future, continue to go to Professor Doro’s place to rub some of this, and behave well!” She patted Mi He on the shoulder and said, “Take it. Take out all the sets you used to deal with grandpa and grandma when you were young!”

Mi He: ==

Why does this sound so wrong…

However, after using this transparent mucus, the dry itching on her face was indeed much better. She thought it was the super hyaluronic acid stock solution of the 300-year-old star. In the evening, she will also apply some black blood monster ointment given by Doro, and her skin will soon be much better.

After the welcome party, everyone’s study and life entered the right track. Since Mi He got Mr. Yu’s semen, he felt that Mr. Yu was teaching everyone with his life, and he was very serious when he studied this subject in the future.

As a result, within a few days, the non-experimental classes in their chemistry class were all changed to holography classes. Everyone could sit in the dormitory and take Teacher Yu’s holography class. Everyone watched Teacher Yu in the hologram while happily throwing in the water. Tail, while telling everyone about those tough chemical formulas.

Then, everyone thought that nutritional chemistry class was harder to learn…

During the weekend, Mi He studied in the library with Mu Chen and Rita. After receiving the education of the two university tyrants, he returned to the bedroom with his schoolbag and his head wooden. As soon as he got to their floor, he heard A wailing voice came out.

The voice was very weak and pitiful. Mi He thought that the person on their floor that was close to the weak was the Bidan in House 6, but after turning around, Mi He found that the voice came from the black bag thrown at Anitan’s door. of.

When Mi He saw the black bag, she thought of the eye-catching Kaling bird on the day of the welcome party. She remembered that at the coming-of-age ceremony of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the royal family used this bird to sing odes to the crown prince. At that time, Mu Chen also introduced to her. This bird is so precious that it is rare to find it as a pet.

And Anitan seemed to have a hard time catching this bird. She had blood on her face that day, so it was expensive and laborious to catch, so she should have been carefully raised.

However, when Mi He opened the black bag, when this Kaling bird with messy feathers and crying with its wings covering its face appeared in front of her, she was stunned for a while, and deliberately opened its wings with her hands, wanting to see her That’s right.

Just like that, a Kaling bird with tears in its eyes crying pitifully and its bright red beak making a weak chirp appeared in front of her.

The big eyes of the Jialing bird are like those of a young child, and they are emotional. After seeing the appearance of Mihe, a seemingly kind human being, there is still hope in the big eyes, and the weak Chong Mihe called out twice, then The sound was distressing.

Mi He couldn’t hold back, and touched the feathers on its head with his hand. When he touched it, he found that two feathers were removed when he touched it. This scared her. This bird is very expensive!

But the little bird was even more pitiful. Seeing that all its beautiful feathers had fallen off, tears were about to fall from its dark eyes, which made Mi Hezhi feel distressed.

He quickly patted it gently and said like a child; “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, are you hungry? I’ll get you something to eat!”

Mi He went back to the house and first brought a single-mouthed water worm to the Jialing bird, thinking that humans can drink it, and birds can drink it too, right? Besides, Alix Planet can’t drink anything except this one-mouth water bug.

She was a little hesitant again. If the Jialing bird was drunk after drinking it, wouldn’t I be sorry for Anitan?

She didn’t dare to hand it to the bird when she got the water worm at hand. The Jialing bird cried even more pitifully. At this time, Mi He remembered the half box of water that Doro brought before, and hurriedly went back and carefully poured half a small cup and took it out. Since coming to Alexa Planet, Mi He feels that he has become particularly environmentally friendly, and he can drink water in drops…

After seeing the water, Jialing bird stretched its neck and drank it, but when it moved, two pieces of hair were lost on its neck, and those beautiful feathers shone green and fluffy, and they looked very gorgeous.

After drinking all the water in the water cup, Jialing Bird was probably happy, and called out to Mi He twice, even a little louder.

Mi He went back to the house and brought it some chopped peanuts that had not been fried. She didn’t know if it would be eaten or not, so she put it in her hand and tried it first. As a result, the Kaling bird was so excited that it seemed like she hadn’t eaten it for a few days. Same thing.

At this time, Mi He suddenly heard the door behind him open, and Anitan’s irritable voice sounded: “I told you to stop screaming, didn’t you hear?”

After speaking, seeing Mi He squatting beside him to feed the birds, Jialing bird shrank when he saw Anitan, wishing to hide behind Mi He, Anitan smiled when he saw Mi He, and said, “Little counselor , do you like birds?”

Mi He said, “I gave it to it when I heard it screaming pitifully, not to rob your bird…”

Anitan waved her hand and said indifferently, “Do you like it?”

Mi He said: “It sings very nicely and has beautiful feathers. I like it very much, but I am not the bird that stole you.”

Anitan said: “Looking at the way you look, you can’t catch this kind of bird. Forget it, I’ll give it to you.”

Mi He was taken aback, what do you mean?

Anitan said: “It seems that you are not only a little coward, but also a little idiot? I said, I gave you this **** squawking bird.”

Mi He: “Ah? This bird is very expensive.”

Anitan said: “No matter how expensive it is, it will die in my hands. I don’t have the time or mood to serve it.”

He said, “The only thing I want from you is, don’t let it disturb me, I want to sleep!” Then he slammed the door.

Mi He looked at the Jialing bird on the ground, well, he took it into his room together with the black bag, went home and opened the black bag, and found that it had fallen a lot of feathers because of starvation, and looked very thin.

Mi He took some chopped peanuts and water for it, and it probably knew that he had reached a safe place, and called Mi He timidly twice, Mi He covered its mouth and said, “Shh, be smaller. Sound, don’t scream, or Anitan will be angry.”

Probably the name Anitan suppressed it, and the Kaling bird ate quietly.

Mi He took out the spicy peanuts in his luggage and knocked on the door next door.

Anitan opened the door impatiently, “What’s the matter?”

Mi He handed her the spicy peanut: “For you.” Then Anitan took the thing away and slammed the door again.

Mi He went back to the house and saw the well-fed Kaling bird tilting its head and looking at her. If it hadn’t lost a lot of hair, it would have looked better.

In this way, after she raised flowers and fish, she started her life of raising birds again.

☆、Chapter 73

Because he had never raised such a precious Jialing bird, Mi He also went to Xingwang to check the information. It didn’t matter. It turned out that this bird was very expensive. It was worth one year’s salary of Lieutenant Colonel Yang. Mi He looked at the When she was full, the Kaling bird, who was combing its feathers with its red ying beak, suddenly felt a little stressed. If such an expensive bird died, it would hurt her to think about it.

More importantly, this bird has the appearance of a child. If it weren’t for the beak on its face, it would look like a two-year-old child at first glance, and it’s pink and cute. The child that hurts, if it dies, there will be a feeling that the child has been raised to death by her. Just thinking about it, she feels that she will die of guilt.

The Kaling bird looked sadly at the emerald hairs that fell on the ground. Every time it fell, it made a faint ‘coo’ sound. Obviously, it didn’t know what was wrong with it. Why did it lose so much hair? The round black eyes were full of sadness.

Mi He also looked at the method of raising the Jialing bird, and Xingwang emphasized that this bird needs to eat a brightener called ‘Phoenix Feather’, especially when the Jialing bird is small, it must be eaten, otherwise I love hair removal, and the color of the fur is not bright.

In addition, in order to protect its natural voice, it has to eat a nutritional supplement to protect its voice since childhood, so as to ensure that it will sing the voice of nature.

Mi He went to to search the prices of brighteners and throat protectors, and then she thought: it’s better to send them back to Anitan…

These two kinds of nutritional supplements specially used for Kaling birds are also too expensive, more expensive than the nutritional supplements that humans eat, and these are only nutritional supplements that must be purchased. Same.

Mi He looked at the sad Kaling bird who was bowing his head, thinking about whether Anitan would beat her if he went back now, and then the bird looked up and saw Mi He, a nice and kind sister who gave it delicious food. It was dark and dark. His big eyes were immediately filled with joy, and when he saw Mi He approaching, he couldn’t wait to rub the bird’s beak against her hand, and its delicate little face also stuck to Mi He’s hand.

Cute and cute, just like a child, Mi He’s heart softened into a puddle of water.

Just now, the thought of returning it all together was thrown into the clouds, and there was only one thought: raise it! Smashing pots and selling iron must also be well raised!

Mi He immediately bought the brightener, throat protector, and special bird food for Kaling Bird on StarNet. But looking at Kaling Bird tilting its head and looking at her small appearance, I felt that it would be worth it if the hair it fell off could really grow back.

However, after seeing the price of the Jialing bird, Mi He felt that although Anitan didn’t seem to take it seriously when he gave it to her, she couldn’t just accept such an expensive gift for no reason, but there was nothing better for her. The gift can be returned to Anitan.

She was thinking when someone applied to her for a holographic communication. When Mi He saw it, it turned out to be Brother Xiaolu, who had not been in contact for several days. Brother Xiaolu’s image suddenly popped out of the hologram. He had just returned from training. He was sweating a lot, and when he saw the Jialing bird behind Mi He, he was stunned for a moment, and said, “The Jialing bird is also not delicious. It looks like a child and can’t put its mouth down.”

Mi He: ==

Does Brother Xiaolu’s world divide species into two types: edible and inedible?

Mi He explained: “This is for pets, not for food.”

Xiaolu said: “It’s okay to be a pet, and singing is nice, but maintenance is too laborious and expensive.”

Mi He felt that Brother Xiaolu really knew her, and when she said that she went to her heart, she complained to him about the expensive price of Jialing Bird Nutritional Supplement, and then she asked him: “Brother Xiaolu, this bird was given to me by my classmates who didn’t want it. But I still want to give her some gifts, what would you say would be better for me?”

Xiaolu asked, “What galaxy is the other party from?”

Mi He said: “Soros people.”

When Xiaolu heard it, he also praised Mi He: “Sister Xiaomi is not bad, you can even become friends with people from Soros.” He said again: “As expected of my sister.”

Mi He: ==

Why does Brother Xiaolu always go off topic…

Xiaolu said: “For the Soros people, it is not acceptable to send weapons. If you send weapons, they will consider you to duel.”

As soon as Mi He heard Xiaolu’s words, he understood, because Anitan did say that if he threw a dagger at her, he meant to fight with his life.

Xiaolu said again: “Wait a minute, there is a Soros man in our regiment, I will ask him.”

After a while, Xiaolu came back and said to Mi He, “You can send armor, melee armor, a set of the kind that is close to the body. It is said that the Soros people especially like this.”

Mi He thought for a while, Anita was wearing melee armor all the time, even wearing armor under her school uniform. She thought Brother Xiaolu’s proposal was a good idea, and immediately went to Xingwang to study the melee armor, and then based on what she had left. The pocket money I bought and the pocket money I saved before bought a set for Anitan.

When I saw Anitan the next day, Mi He didn’t mention the armor. Thinking of giving her a surprise, Anitan hugged Mi He’s neck when she saw her, and then she got close to Mi He and said, “Little one. Gu Bao, where did you buy the food you gave me yesterday?”

Mi He said: “I made it myself.”

Anitan was delighted when she heard it, “Is there any more? Give me some more.”

Mi He said, “I brought so much from my hometown, and I gave them all to you.”

Anitane felt regretful and said, “It tastes like an explosion, and it goes well with me.”

Mi He didn’t know how the taste of spicy peanuts matched her well. Is it because they were all spicy?

A few days later, the armor arrived. Mi He knocked on Anitan’s door with the box. She handed the box to Anitan and said, “This is for you. Thank you for giving me the Kaling bird. I hope you also like the gift I gave you.”

Anitan accepted the box and said, “It’s quite heavy.” She opened the box in front of Mi He, and saw the armor inside, she was happy first, and then asked Mi He, “Do you know What does it mean to send armor to each other among us Soros?”

Mi He thought that it was not Brother Xiaolu who asked the wrong question, right? Does armor also mean a challenge? Then Anittan can knock her down with a little finger.

Anitan put her arms around Mi He’s neck and sprayed her ear in one breath, making Mi He itchy. Anitan smiled. When she smiled, the corners of her eyes raised slightly, looking in high spirits.

Anitan said in Mihe’s ear, “Means, courtship.”

Mi He: ==

Thinking that this is still the result of Xiaolu’s intention to ask his Soros comrades in arms, so the comrades are actually telling Xiaolu his heart in a subtle way?

Then I misled Brother Xiaolu and indirectly misled her…

Mi He said, “I made a mistake about your custom. I thought sending armor was meant to be friendly.”

Anitan was a head taller than Mi He, and when he hugged her, he felt a little oppressive, especially with her powerful aura, Anitan said: “You sent it wrong, but I’m easy to take it seriously, little coward… …”

Anitan’s neutral and low voice blew in Mi He’s ear, which made her a little embarrassed, and suddenly realized that there is another reason why each person in the female dormitory has a single room, because the star calendar is three hundred years old. Same-sex marriage is also possible!

Mi He was in a hurry: “I-I didn’t mean that…”

Seeing her flustered look, Anitan laughed, let go of Mi He, and said, “A little coward like you can’t be my Anitan’s partner.”

Mi He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and Anitan smiled again, “But it’s okay to be a small follower.” She patted Mi He’s head, “You can be my small follower in the future. ”

Mi He was actually a little afraid of Anitan at first. After all, the people of Soros were known to be brave, aggressive and moody, but after having known Anitan for so long, he felt that he would not take the initiative to anger Anitan. In fact, she It doesn’t take the initiative to engage with anyone.

In addition, Anitan always called her Xiaoyanbao and Xiaoyanbao. After a long time, Mi He was no longer so afraid of her. At this time, Mi He said: “I don’t want to be your follower. If you can’t even attend the class, you have no time to be a follower.”

When it came to learning, Anitan suddenly said: “Damn it, today’s nutritional chemistry class is not a virtual holography class, it’s an experimental class, and you have to go to the laboratory.”

Mi He also forgot about this, so the two quickly packed their things and ran to the classroom. Anitan’s inter-school aircraft was driving like a breath of fresh air. After Mi He got down, he felt like he was going to vomit even the cell fluid of the water worm he drank in the morning. Out.

Anitan carried her: “Don’t vomit. If you want to vomit, go to the classroom to vomit. You can’t be late for this class.”

Mi He thought that the credits would be deducted for being late, but Anitan said, “Don’t you know that Murai fish are the race that hates being late? If you are late, the credits for this semester will be lost.”

Mi He was frightened and rushed to the laboratory. After arriving there, he found that everyone had been divided into groups. In the end, Mi He and Anitan were the group behind, but they were not late.

Taking classes at Starlink University, the courses are divided into virtual classes

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