The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 42 - (one)

Mi He sat quietly with Freddy under the deep sea. She also looked up at the scenery above her head. There was a large group of tiger fish swimming over. The yellow stripes on their bodies reflected the light from the submarine. , issued a little brilliance in the deep ocean, so that the two unconsciously looked crazy.

Later, Freddy stood up first and stretched out his hand to pull Mi He. After the two got on the submarine, Mi He said, “Brother Freddy really likes the scenery in the ocean?”

Freddy said: “It is rare to see such a view, and the experience of three kilometers underground is very rare.”

Mi He said: “Do you feel like you have been forgotten by the world, and all the pressure and burden are gone?”

Freddy smiled slightly, and Mi He felt that when the green-eyed brother laughed, his ordinary face changed, perhaps because his eyes were too beautiful.

He said, “You’re only fourteen years old, how can there be any pressure and burden?”

Mi He said seriously: “I’m under a lot of pressure. I’m in the third year of junior high school, and I’m going to take the interstellar entrance exam in three years. I’m an ordinary person who wants to take the test with you targeted people with excellent IQ. I’m under a lot of pressure!”

Freddy said: “You’re already fine, I’ve seen a lot of 14-year-old directional girls, although they have higher IQs, and even they are very decent, but they are no longer your age. simple and happy.”

Mi He said to him: “Brother Freddy is only eighteen years old, how can you be so old-fashioned.”

Freddy patted her head again, and said lightly, “Yeah, I’m old-fashioned.”

Mi He added: “But I hope you can be happier, because you always have a sullen face.” Then she imitated his appearance and made a face, which made Freddie laugh again, saying to her: ” You little girl…”

He showed her another smile and asked her, “Then do you think it’s better for me to laugh like this?”

Mi He looked at him, and saw that his eyebrows, eyes and lips were smiling to the right arc, which made people feel comfortable. The whole face became kind and approachable, almost like a face-changing effect.

But Mi He said, “Then you should stop laughing like this. In this case, I think you are more tired.”

Freddy put down his expression and said, “Yes…”

The two of them drove the submarine to look for the two missing Lapra goldfish in the dark ocean, but Mi He felt that finding two unlocated fish in the sea was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Freddy also obviously knew this, so he just turned around, and then led by Mi He to the beach where the small fish hatched, but the sand hole where the eggs were spawned had been submerged by the high tide, except for Outside the approximate location, no traces could be found.

Freddy walked around the beach again, and Mi He asked him, “Brother Freddy, why do you want to study Lapra goldfish so much? Is it because your paper was written about this?”

Freddy said: “Thesis? Hmm…” He thought for a while, the trivial matter of writing a thesis was in the corner of his mind, and he needed to rummage, and then he said, “My thesis is about Lapra Goldfish. Yes, but I pay so much attention to them that it has nothing to do with the paper.”

Mi He asked, “Then what are you doing?”

Freddy said: “Because I want Lapra’s goldfish to reproduce better on the Lapra planet, I told you about the current situation of the Lapra planet before. If the goldfish continue to decrease, the planet will face poverty and poverty. high unemployment.”

When Mi He heard it, there was one thing: as expected of someone who was admitted to a doctorate at the age of 18, his thinking was different from that of an ordinary person like her…

This kind of feeling is like, ordinary people are watching a documentary about golden monkeys. The narration says that golden monkeys are about to become extinct. Most people feel that golden monkeys are so pitiful. People who are more caring may want to donate to help, but there are more awesome ones. People can study how to increase the reproductive rate of golden monkeys, so that they will not become extinct.

Mi He felt that it was no wonder that an ordinary person like her couldn’t keep up with her academic performance. This was a huge difference!

“Brother Freddy is amazing.”

Freddy said lightly: “I hope we can successfully find a solution to the low reproduction rate of Lapra goldfish.”

Mi He asked again: “Then why did you decide to study such a difficult molecular biology because of this?”

Freddy: “It’s not just because of this, I’ve been interested in this since I was a kid.”

Mi He said, “Then what major are you studying now?”

Freddy said: “I am now studying fleet command.”

Mi He: “These are two very different majors.”

“That said, the gap is indeed a bit big.”

Mi He saw that although Freddy said that the gap was big, but there was no learning pressure on her face from crossing two completely different subjects, she said, “So, Brother Freddy is really amazing.”

Freddy looked at Mi He raised his face and praised him seriously, as if it was a rather incredible skill, especially for her to admire, which made Freddie laugh, and his big hand touched again. Her head, “If you study hard, you will be very good.”

Mi He said: “Don’t lie to me, no matter how much I learn, I will never be better than you.”

Freddy said: “Everyone is good at different directions, but I think you are very good at cooking. Eating your food makes people feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness. I really agree with what Xiaolu said. of.”

Mi He smiled, sweetly, with two small dimples on his lips, “Really?”

Freddy said, “Really.”

“Then shall we continue to eat fish fillet hot pot tomorrow?”

Freddy smiled slightly: “Okay.” The green eyes were sparkling and very beautiful.

Mi He felt that Brother Freddy was so nice and gentle, and he didn’t laugh at her or bully her all the time.

As a result, early the next morning, Mi He was turning the whales he brought back yesterday into fish fillets. After Lieutenant Colonel Yang got up, he had to take Freddy and Xiaolu out to try their armor.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said while wearing a military uniform; “Let me see the strength of the famous Collins family, two Collins kids!”

Xiaolu also put on his clothes and was eager to try, “Okay, let’s make a gesture.”

Freddy didn’t say anything, and followed Xiaolu and Lieutenant Colonel Yang.

Mi He shouted: “Wait for you to come back and eat fish fillet hot pot!”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang smiled proudly: “I’ll be back when you’ve prepared the dishes.”

Xiaolu said, “Sister Xiaomi has to prepare a medical cabin for your father.” Then he said to Lieutenant Colonel Yang, “Older people have inflexible legs and feet, so you have to be careful.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang did not give in at all: “Then let’s see who’s legs are not flexible!”

Freddie still didn’t say anything.

As a result, after the three of them drove the mecha to the surface, Freddy was not silent at all.

Their mechas are all military mechas, and the weapons and control methods are the same. They do not fire photon cannons when they are competing. After playing, they took out laser swords from the mechas, and Mi He was cooking while cooking. While watching their video through surface surveillance.

When he saw Freddy take out the laser sword, he felt that the man’s mecha level was definitely not ordinary, just like the feeling of an ancient hero just taking out the sword, it felt like holding a sword normally. The giggling little guy has a different aura.

Xiaolu’s cry could be heard through the holographic monitor, and he shouted: “Is this a mecha? This is a big children’s toy, right? Why are the joints creaking?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang shouted: “You can be content, this is a remote earth, hundreds of thousands of light-years away from Mars, and even the garrison is only 3,000 people. Do you still think we will get light armor?”

Xiaolu said, “Even if you don’t have light armor, you should have some decent weapons anyway.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said: “Our biggest enemy is mutant animals and plants, and such mechas are more than enough to deal with them.”

He shouted again, “Don’t talk nonsense, Collins brat! Don’t look like a **** and act like a bitch! Come on!”

This sentence, like a bitch, stimulated Xiaolu. Mi He felt that Brother Xiaolu must be very unhappy to be said that, because she remembered that Brother Xiaolu said that he would beat up those disciples who liked his appearance.

Sure enough, after Lieutenant Colonel Yang said this, Xiaolu immediately took out his laser sword, and then rushed towards Lieutenant Colonel Yang with a big stride. Lieutenant Colonel Yang also greeted him with his sword. The two mechas slammed into each other in the air, and the laser sword Sparks burst out at once.

Instead, Freddy stayed beside him and did not move, only watching Xiaolu fight with Colonel Yang alone.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang also shouted: “Another Collins stinky boy, don’t watch, you two come up together! Otherwise, others should say that I bullied the small!”

Xiaolu said: “To deal with you, I am enough alone!”

After he finished speaking, his mecha lifted his foot and kicked Lieutenant Colonel Yang, kicking Lieutenant Colonel Yang’s mecha hundreds of meters away, and then seeing a big hole on the ground, Freddy suddenly moved. , When Lieutenant Colonel Yang was about to fall, Freddy stepped forward and picked him up skillfully. The two mechas stirred up a huge amount of dust on the ground, and the holographic monitoring showed a burst of dust.

Mi He also heard Lieutenant Colonel Yang shouting: “Stinky boy, don’t be kind!”

Only then did I hear Freddy’s first words: “Be careful, Lieutenant Colonel Yang.”

Just as Lieutenant Colonel Yang was about to fight Freddy, the base’s protective field suddenly sounded an alarm, which stunned everyone in the base, because Mi He was born for so many years, and he heard the alarm except during the exercise. , never heard of it otherwise.

The three thought it was because they were fighting too loudly, causing the force field to alarm, but then they saw several spaceships in the sky above their heads about to be forced to land, and they were already breaking through the protective force field.

The base was alerted immediately. Freddy and Lieutenant Colonel Yang flew in the direction of the spaceship. Mi He saw the spaceship clearly through the hologram. The spaceship was obviously the black blood monster that had appeared on the star network many times. Mosquito-shaped spaceship!

“It’s the Black Blood Monster!” I don’t know who shouted, and then Freddy, Lieutenant Colonel Yang, and Xiaolu’s mecha fired photon cannons at the Black Blood Monster’s spaceship. A powerful fire was fired at their three mechas.

Xiaolu scolded while turning on the armor: “What kind of broken armor is this, even the guns can’t be aimed!”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said embarrassedly at this time: “The light gun calibrator has resigned and quit…”

Mi He wanted to say that their earth was really a countryside, and the artillery calibrators couldn’t wait any longer.

At this time, because Xiaolu and Lieutenant Colonel Yang attracted the main firepower of the Black Blood Monster, Freddy did not know when he had jumped to the back of the spaceship. As soon as his mecha appeared there, the Black Blood Monster’s spaceship radar had already discovered his Existed, immediately a ship’s artillery shot at him, but this level of firepower attack was obviously not seen by Freddy, his mecha suddenly appeared a force field shield, and the black blood monster’s laser cannon was shot. He blocked it, and then his mecha attacked the spaceship against the laser beam again, and the black blood monster’s firepower was attracted by him again.

At this time, Xiaolu shouted: “Freddy, you!!!”

Then Freddy said, “Fire!”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang had already opened fire at this time. His photon cannon immediately knocked down a black blood monster’s spaceship, and then the remaining two spaceships opened fire on the three of them. On the earth’s force field protection net, they The firepower engagement sparked the sparks.

The base troops had already joined the battle with a few remaining mechas at this time, and the ground troops also found the wreckage of the forced landing spaceship on the surface, but obviously these black blood monsters were not killed. On the contrary, they were still with the ground. The troops fought a fierce battle.

The addition of several other mechas made Xiaolu and Freddy a lot easier, and soon the remaining two spaceships were also shot down, and then everyone had a battle with the Black Blood Monster on the surface. .

It was the first time that Mi He was so close to the legendary enemy of the empire, the Black Blood Monsters. He had seen them on Xingwang before, but the photos on Xingwang were not so clear with his own eyes. Mi He saw these monsters about They are more than three meters tall, and their spines are very long, as if their bodies have a spine in addition to their heads, and even tails. They also have two legs, but they have no hands. To be precise, the many tentacles that hang down from their heads are Their arms can even be used as hair…

Their tentacles also hold strangely shaped laser beams. Although they are different in shape from human guns, they all emit deadly laser beams.

Although the black blood monsters are tall and tall, they are not clumsy at all. They have eight eyes on their heads, which makes them 360-degree fighting without dead ends. Those tentacles floating in the air also carry some small weapons, from time to time Bombs will be thrown.

Freddy’s mecha’s photon cannons continued to completely blow up their spaceships. The black blood monsters that destroyed the spaceships were obviously more courageous. Without the tools to go back, they were probably desperate.

The black blood monsters scattered, obviously trying to escape while fighting. But everyone knows that they can’t escape on Earth, because the black blood monsters have a particularly strong reproductive ability. It is said that they can also reproduce asexually. Mi He thinks it is particularly awesome.

Facing the scattered black blood monsters, Freddy’s mecha as tall as a hill seemed much bulkier. At this time, he immediately abandoned the mecha and descended from the mecha wearing melee armor. As soon as he landed, he rushed out.

Xiaolu scolded: “How can you get out of the mecha!” But he immediately abandoned the mecha and followed Freddy, for fear of falling behind a little.

This is the first time Mi He has seen Xiaolu in armor. No, which time should he be called Lu? Collins, Mi He really believed that Xiaolu was the legendary Collins family with wolf genes, because in the The path in the battle was so fast that Mi He couldn’t see his movements.

Both of his hands are attached to a special weapon. Wherever his hands go, the tentacles of the black blood monster will be cut off, but the growth rate after cutting off the tentacles is very fast. Xiaolu, sprayed with black blood, licked the corner of his mouth, then smiled, his blue-gray eyes full of a thrill of excitement, as if the struggle in front of him had excited him.

Mi He felt that the brother Xiao Lu, who she knew before, seemed to be the same as the one in front of her who was so arrogant as soon as she picked up a knife? Collins, not alone…

☆、Chapter 43

However, what surprised Mi He more was not Xiaolu, but Freddy, the boy whose green eyes shimmered when he laughed. After pulling out his lightsaber, his whole body changed from his expression to his aura. huge change.

There seems to be a huge aura on his body. As soon as he sees him, he feels the aura of Xiao Su emanating from him. There is no expression on his face, and those green eyes that are as beautiful as emeralds become deep at this moment. It was deep, like an ancient well without waves.

His eyes looked at the tip of the sword, his eyelids drooped slightly, and Mi He could no longer see the emotion in his eyes.

Then she saw his whole figure turned into a black shadow, so fast that Mi He couldn’t see his figure at all, and then she saw in the video where his shadow went, the black blood monster His head lifted like a parabola.

The black blood of the black blood monster splattered and sprayed into the air to form small waterfalls.

And the soldiers of the Earth Garrison on the surface were stunned when they saw such Freddy, and they didn’t react until black blood splashed on them from the air.

And those black blood monsters in the slaughter obviously also saw such a terrifying existence, they also fell into panic, and the offensive became chaotic.

At this time, Xiaolu jumped up like a butterfly, and he jumped very lightly. With a little touch of his toes, he could easily jump to the black blood monster more than three meters high with his armored body. The top of his head, and then the machete on his hands gently waved, the black blood monster’s head was easily cut off by the path as if there was no connection point, and then he also fell gently to the ground like a butterfly.

Then fly again.

With the help of Freddy and Xiaolu, the black blood monsters were quickly eliminated.

When I saw the black liquid on the battlefield, I found that the corpses of these black blood monsters had turned into a pool of black water, and they were still sticky, looking very disgusting.

It was only at this moment that Mi He took a long breath. Ever since she saw Freddy holding the sword, she seemed to be holding her breath, and only then did she dare to breathe out.

At this moment, Doro’s voice suddenly sounded beside her, and Doro looked at the holographic video and said, “Did those stinkins save me a live one?”

He spoke on the terminal again and asked about catching the black blood monster alive. Brother Xiaolu’s voice came from the terminal. His voice turned out to be smiling at this time. Mi He also saw his relaxed expression in the video. It wasn’t that some black blood was splattered on him, and she didn’t even think he had experienced such a sudden and fierce war.

Xiaolu said, “I was so excited just now that I forgot.”

Freddy also spoke at this time. When he spoke, his voice was still calm, without the slightest change, and even his voice was very light, and the ending was as light as a sigh, with an inexplicable feeling of dignity.

His voice was still as **** as a viola, and he said, “I kept it alive.”

Dorozan said, “It has to be my student.”

He was so angry with Xiaolu that he could see his jumping feet in the video, and he became the brother Xiaolu that Mi He was familiar with.

And Freddy’s so-called staying alive is that he cut off a black blood monster in the middle, and the black blood monster cut off in the middle was struggling and crawling on the ground. Its new lower limbs were not yet fully grown, and the Its flesh is pulling new granulation sprouts from its body at a visible rate.

Xiaolu squatted beside him and said with a smile, “Oh, I didn’t see it clearly just now. The meat that grew out was still so disgusting.”

Freddy said nothing, his sword tip didn’t even have an angle, it was still so low, but his sword cut off the lower body of this black blood monster again, and wherever the lightsaber went, it emitted The smell of burnt stench was lost, because Xiaolu in the video covered his nose in disgust.

Mi He saw Xiaolu cut off the tentacles of this black blood monster with the strangely-shaped knife in his hand, Doro still said in the terminal: “Don’t cut off all the tentacles, save me a few, I will I want to study it.”

Xiaolu said as he chopped down, “You’re asking enough.” But he was obviously more careful. Every tentacle was chopped down by him, and then he placed it on the ground next to him, as if he was comparing The length is the same, and Mi He can’t stand it anymore.

When he came back from cleaning the battlefield, Xiaolu muttered as he walked in, “It’s all your fault that you cut too hard, so the blood splattered on me. You know, my strike is very light.”

Freddy’s armor has been taken off, his armor and his body have not touched a drop of blood, even his hands are clean, as if he only went to the surface and came back as easily , He said: “It’s me who started, I didn’t get blood, don’t make excuses for not being good at learning.”

He jumped his feet angrily to Xiaolu, but turned around and said to Freddy, “Why did you get out of the mech without notifying me just now? Do you know how dangerous it is?”

Freddy said, “It’s too slow to tell you.”

Xiaolu said, “Could you please take into account my mood?”

Freddy ignored him, and Xiaolu sighed beside him.

The two people Mi He saw at this time returned to the big brother she was familiar with. Xiaolu was as unreliable and unreliable as before, and he couldn’t tell that it was the red-eyed look just now.

And Freddy, who has changed the most, looks like an ordinary young man without his lightsaber. If it weren’t for the half-dead black blood monster behind them, she would not have calmed down the expression in front of her. Brother Freddy, who greeted her easily, was connected with the calm and composed beheading madman just now.

Mi He originally wanted to ask: Are you all right? But seeing this in front of her, she felt that it was those black blood monsters who were in trouble.

The last words she blurted out were what she said in her heart, “Both brothers are amazing.”

Xiaolu smiled: “Yes, I told you that I’m very good.”

Freddy’s big, slender and powerful hands touched Mi He’s head. Mi He could hardly imagine that brother Freddy, who patted her on the head so gently, after pulling out his lightsaber just now, was so awesome that he became a slasher. .

Freddy’s low voice sounded: “Aren’t you scared just now?” His voice was still so soft, and the tail sound was raised gently, making his voice extremely pleasant.

Mi He thought, why didn’t he find Brother Freddy’s voice so nice before?

Mi He shook his head, and Freddy said, “It’s fine if you’re not scared.”

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Yang also came in. A lot of blood was splattered on his body. He went to take a shower before coming back. When he saw Mi He, he immediately hugged Mi He and said, “Don’t be afraid of honey, Dad will protect you. “

Mi He said, “I’m not afraid, Dad.” She then carefully asked if Lieutenant Colonel Yang was injured. Knowing that Dad wasn’t injured, she was relieved.

But being held by Lieutenant Colonel Yang like this, she was a little embarrassed. She was so old, and her father always treated her like a child and said, “Dad, I’m not a child.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang let go of his hand, feeling a little disappointed. His daughter is growing up. She doesn’t look like a small dumpling when she was a child, and wants to follow him all day long…

At this time, Xiaolu said, “Sister Xiaomi, I’m so hungry. I exercised too much just now, and I urgently need energy supplements.”

Mi He said, “The hot pot is ready, and the fish fillets are ready.” Xiaolu cheered and walked to Mi He’s house. Although Freddy didn’t speak, he also took his long legs and walked towards Mi He’s house. Lieutenant Colonel Yang looked at the black blood monster placed in a big box at the moment, and still told Doro: “You have to pay attention to safety, Professor.”

Doro saw this black blood monster with half a box of black blood flowing, and his big eyes were full of excitement. He didn’t even have time to pay attention to Lieutenant Colonel Yang, but just waved to them to show that he knew.

Then, a few of them ate a happy spicy hot pot at Mihe’s house, because there was no butter, but Mihe still used peanut oil to fry Qixing peppers, Erjingtiao peppers, hemp peppers, and flower maw, and then used fish bones. Boil a pot of milky white soup.

As soon as Xiaolu and the others entered the house, they smelled the aroma of the soup. Xiaolu jumped to the table with excitement. He saw the fish fillets on the table and picked them up, “Wow!” a sound.

Freddy apparently also saw the fish fillets of Mi He Pian. Mi He felt that in everyone’s eyes, she was skilled in cooking, and it was time to show that she could cut fish fillets that could penetrate the moonlight.

Therefore, the fish fillets that Xiaolu picked up were as thin as paper, and when they were picked up, they could see through the light slightly. Freddy glanced at the fish fillets on the table and found that all the fish fillets were thinned to one thickness, very even, Freddy. A rare compliment: “The fish fillet is very good.”

He said again: “You are very talented.”

Mi He doesn’t know if Freddie’s saying “You’re talented” is because you’re talented in cooking, or if it means she’s talented with knives. Ever since she saw that Freddy’s cutting black blood monsters is as easy as cutting tofu, she has I think that when she thinks of Freddy for a while, she will remember the expressionless and full aura of him holding the lightsaber just now.

After such a thin fish fillet is put into the boiling water, you only need to tap the water, and then take it out to be cooked. Xiaolu dipped a mouthful of peanut butter and soy sauce and other ingredients. The tenacity of the fish fillet and the aroma of peanut butter made him want to cry. It completely comforted the disgusting feeling he had when he saw the black blood monster just now.

Xiaolu said while eating, “What should I do if I feel moved to cry every time I eat the dishes made by sister Xiaomi?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said proudly, “My honey is the best.”

Xiaolu said again: “Uncle, I think you must take good care of little sister Xiaomi in the future. Don’t just marry her to any strange man. Our little sister is so good, I’m really reluctant.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said: “The Collins family’s stinky boy is quite insightful. My honey is good. You don’t have to worry about this. I will not let those bad boys who want to get their hands on honey!”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang drank a sip of the hot fish soup. He felt warm and ironed in his stomach. He was so happy that he was sweating. , as expected from the Collins family, it’s really good.”

At this time, Xiaolu had forgotten how he yelled at Lieutenant Colonel Yang when he was drinking the hallucinogen, but instead, he hooked up with Lieutenant Colonel Yang, “Collins is not a surname that can be given to anyone. Our genes are the best.”

Mentioning genes, the chatting atmosphere of several people condensed for a while, and Mi He next to him raised the nutritional supplement with hallucinogen ingredients with a smile, and said, “We should celebrate such a victory today.”

Xiaolu clearly reacted and said, “Yes, cheers!”

Freddy glanced at Mi He, who was smiling beside him, and thought that this little girl really made people feel comfortable and smart. Eating delicious food, Freddy relaxed from stomach to body.

The next morning, Doro had already genetically analyzed the hatchlings of the newly hatched Lapra Goldfish and told Freddy: “These little fish have more ‘golden hormone’ than normal little fish. It is one thousandth higher, and it is this small one thousandth that allows these small fish to hatch smoothly, and the reason for this is because their genes are mutated, and the mutated genes increase the number of heart beats and lead to more hormones. already.”

“What makes them genetically mutated?” Freddy said.

Doro said: “It’s ridiculous that such a mutation is due to the radiation of the earth. For hundreds of years, the negative effects of radiation have affected every aspect of your human life, from the food you eat to the clothes you wear. A lot of manpower and material resources are used to overcome the negative effects of radiation, but it is ridiculous that these goldfish mutate because of radiation.”

“There’s nothing funny about it,” Freddy said. “Everything has two sides.”

Doro glanced at him: “You are targeting people because they are not as interesting as ordinary humans.”

Freddy said one more sentence: “It’s just that I’m boring.”

Doro said: “No need to explain, I’ve lived almost two hundred years old, and I’ve seen all kinds of people. I even met your grandfather. Your personality is very much in line with your family.”

“I’ve always followed the example of my ancestors,” Freddy said.

Doro clicked his tongue twice, then turned to look at the newly caught black blood monster. He was completely attracted by this extra-galactic creature that was constantly growing new organs.

Freddy knew the result of Lapra Goldfish, and also knew that genetic modification could not be completed in a short time, so he didn’t stay any longer. After saying goodbye to Mi He, he left the earth with Xiaolu.

Before leaving, Xiaolu was reluctant to give up, and hugged Mi He with all his might, causing Lieutenant Colonel Yang next to him to jump, and finally parted in such a noisy and happy atmosphere.

While Lieutenant Colonel Yang was chasing Xiaolu, Freddy touched Mi He’s head and said, “Goodbye, Mi He.”

It didn’t take long for Mi He to receive a box. When he opened it, it was the latest holographic player, a high-end product that could touch images through holography.

When Freddy’s figure popped out of the hologram, Mi He was surprised that he would give her a gift. Freddy was sitting on the chair with his legs folded. Although they were folded, his long legs were always the same. Let Mi He keep his eyes on it from time to time.

Freddy’s low and magnetic voice sounded: “This is my thank you gift, thank you for helping me, and the food is delicious.”

Mi He said: “It’s just a little home-cooked food, it’s not worth such an expensive gift.”

At this time, Xiaolu’s voice suddenly came out, but his image did not appear. Xiaolu said, “If he gives it to you, you can put it away. You are welcome.”

“And I still need your help,” Freddy said.

“What are you busy with?”

Freddy said: “I need to regularly observe the growth records of those Rappa goldfish and need you to help me play their holograms.”

When Mi He heard it, it wasn’t busy, it was just a little effort.

“Okay, it’s easy, is there anything else?”

Before Freddie could speak, Xiaolu spoke again: “Yes! Pack yourself up and send it to Mars, and make us something delicious!”

Later, Mi He went to Mars.

Because Hannah’s child was born the next year, she strongly urged Mi He to visit her in Mars, and cousin Rita was going to take the interstellar exam, and she also wanted to see Mi He.

This year, Mi He was fifteen years old.

☆、Chapter 44

When Mi He arrived in Mars, Rita had already completed the interstellar exam, so she and Hannah went to pick up Mi He at the spaceship docking station.

As soon as Mi He came out, he saw the two relatives who had been separated for three years. He happily gave them a big hug, hugged Hannah hard and shouted, “Mom!”

After Hannah was hugged by Mi He, she also hugged her, touched her head, and said, “She’s almost taller than me, she’s a big girl.”

Although Hannah has often seen Mi He on the hologram in the past three years, it is still better to stand in front of her and the intuitive feeling makes her come to her deeply. The child has really grown up.

Now Mi He is completely the appearance of an adolescent girl, with long legs and a slender waist, a tall figure, brown hair with a shawl, a pair of big brown eyes with a warm smile, and two small dimples on the lips look like It’s particularly likable. The face that used to be a little baby fat has now turned into a small face with a slap. Coupled with her sweet smile, Hannah even thinks that there is probably no one in this world who can really hate Mi He. Because Mi He is such a warm and caring child.

Looking at Mi He like this, Hannah suddenly felt a sense of pride. Although Mi He was a child born from her donated eggs, and even had nothing to do with her in imperial law, Hannah felt that she had nothing to do with her. The love and effort devoted to Mi He is irreplaceable by any child.

At this moment, holding Mi He who was hugging her tightly, Hannah heard Mi He happily say, “Mom, I miss you so much!”

The corners of Hannah’s lips also evoked a smile, revealing her emotions rarely, “I miss you too.”

Mi He hugged Hannah and rubbed it, just like she was acting coquettishly with Lieutenant Colonel Yang when she parted, she gave Hannah a loud kiss, and said with a smile, “If you don’t let me bring so many exercise books, it will be even worse. Alright!”

Before Mi He came, Hannah told her to bring books and workbooks, because Mi He was going to the first year of high school, and Hannah wanted to give her a good homework. Although Mi He was very depressed, she still followed Hannah’s instructions. ‘s advisor brought a stack of exercise books.

Even Lieutenant Colonel Yang, who has always said that “what a daughter does is right”, began to pay attention to Mi He’s study after Mi He was about to be promoted to the first year of high school, and told her, “Listen to your mother’s words carefully.”

Doro even left her homework and said, “Don’t play crazy in Mars, I’ll check your homework when you come back.”

Mi He looked at the stack of articles that Doro had left for her, such as: “The reproduction method of the black blood monster”, “The blood analysis sample of the black blood monster”, “Gene analysis of the regeneration cell of the black blood monster”…

She is a first-year high school student, why did she want to learn about the reproduction of black blood monsters, blood, and cells?

So she went from ethereal physics to flying

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