The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 60: Code Zero

Sweat dripped off the white fur of Zero as she tore through another man’s stomach. Her white fur stained crimson by the blood of those who fell to her relentless onslaught. Screams and gunshots drove her on as her vast swarm of copies scrambled over the walls of some jungle compound. She had been ordered to seize and clear the compound of a Columbia drug kingpin. It had to be ready for the Tricell cell that was going to be using the base for a short time. 

She enjoyed the scream of one man who was wielding a machete before being pinned to the dirt floor by a tide of fluffy death. Her clones razor sharp teeth made light work of his face and neck, a few seconds later and he was a bare skeleton picked clean. The soldiers continued shooting at her ever amassing horde but it was pointless, each one they killed seven more took its place and the dead clone was just consumed by their replacements. 

“Sigan disparando, no podemos dejar que lleguen al jefe!” One particular human screamed at the others. This human wore a red beret and wielded a gold plated AK. His shouts were soon silenced by Zero as fifty of her clones bared down on him. His skin and muscle tore as her fangs dug deep into his cheek. His clothes wore torn away as a flash of white gorged themselves on his flesh. Their blood red eyes were the last things he saw as his blood was drunk up by the dirt below. Zero waited a few seconds and allowed her duplicates to stripe the bodies to the bone before carrying on. 

Zero looked at the building the men had foolishly given their lives to defend. It was three stories tall and made of grey stone. It looked more like a summer home than a compound for a drug lord but Zero didn’t know if this was what all of these types of compounds looked like. 

Just as Zero prepared to enter the compound a semi tanned fat man with short greasy black hair and blue eyes stormed out. “ Ustedes, hijos de puta, quieren derribarme, ja, necesitarán un ejército para matarme!” The man waved a gold plated Desert Eagle he stopped when he noticed the sea of white fur glaring at him with blood red eyes “Qué coño!, qué eres?”

His blood arched high in the sky as the sea of Zero and her clones jumped him tearing his flesh from his bones and crushing them. The Desert Eagle let off three shots harmlessly into the sky in desperation to fend off the furry pint-sized attackers. A low whistle brought her attention to the one who had brought her to this hot, humid hell hole. The one who brought her here was called Scylla by the boss, she was very tall, taller than any man she was even taller than the boss’s wife. Scylla’s black tendril hair swayed side to side as her yellow eyes pierced the darkness and fell onto the horde of white fur. 

Scylla wore a tight black latex suit with a large boob window that her large yellow eye that was nestled in between her breasts could see out of. Beside her was a shorter man with black hair and a black beard. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, he wore a white short sleeve shirt and a brown coat over his shoulders.

“So Mr Hidalgo are you now interested in a partnership with Tricell” Scylla’s raspy voice was more human sounding like she had been practicing.

“Si with weapons like these, the Sacred Snakes will be unstoppable, but I must ask what do you want in return for this partnership.” Mr Hidalgo looked Zero up and down as she and her clones finished up devouring the skeletons of the previous tenants.

“Well it is simple Mr Hidalgo, we want data and you to not ask questions about what we do in your territory.” Scylla’s toothie smile made Mr Hidalgo take a few steps back. The moon illuminating more of his form as several men approached from behind. These men wore camouflage pants, tank tops, light body armour and several types of hats ranging from cowboy hats to berets. The men wielded AK’s and UZI’s, a few had machetes in sheaths at their hips. “Set up boys the boss wants this place ready by sun up” the men nodded as Scylla barked the orders and ran to the compound.

“I hope I will receive certain discounts, because if I get linked back to you, I would be branded a terrorist or as such. I hope you understand the immense amount of risk I’m taking by even considering this especially with what you did in New York” Scylla nodded and began to giggle. Her clawed hands clicked together and two more men appeared from the jungle carrying a large crate between them. They placed the crate on the ground with a loud thud and Scylla effortlessly pried it open.

Inside were guns, but not any guns Mr Hidalgo had ever seen before. They looked like they had just cane from a Scfi movie. “As a welcome gift package you get this and another nine crates of our standard firearms and enough ammunition to go to war with any country in this little dirt continent, and because the boss is feeling generous if you have anyone you want killed will handle one hit for free.” Mr Hidalgo picked up one of the guns and ran his hands over its cold smooth barrel. 

“Well there is this one woman that is causing my group a lot of pain, arresting my men, gathering evidence and sticking her nose in where it doesn’t belong, she’s in Rio her name is Camila Santos and honestly I don’t care how you get it done, gas the entire city if you have to”

“That was the plan sir, the beauty about having a hated Terrorist group do your hits, we can make it look like just another mass killing and no one will bat an eye.” Mr Hidalgo put the gun back into the crate and stuck his hand out which Scylla shook “It will be a pleasure doing business with you Mr Hidalgo”. Scylla handed him a small touch screen phone which powered on the minute it touched his fingers. “That phone is encrypted just put in a password and not even god will be able to break into it. It will connect you to our black market site, consider this a privilege, you’ll be able to buy our latest products at market value and new goods not yet released.” He nodded and began setting up the phone as his own men escorted him to their jeep. “We will contact you the details to pick up your weapons and don’t worry this lady will not bother you for much longer.”

Scylla turned and walked into the compound just as Zero had assimilated her clones back into her primary body. A convoy of trucks pulled up and even more men dressed in a similar fashion began unloading crates and boxes into the compound. “Move it you brain dead morons the boss wants this base looking like its been under out control for years by day break.” She tutted and smacked one of the men over the head “the only good thing these Plaga parasites do is make these idiots stronger.” Zero hopped towards her and she picked her up. “Why the boss wants a base out here in this sweltering back water dirt country I don’t know.”

‘You try being covered in fur sister, then talk to me about heat’ Zero telepathically said to her with sass. 

“Well the boss made me wear this stupid suit, so I would say we’re about even” Scylla snapped back.

‘Well my mission is complete, I’ll be heading back to the land of civilisation, air conditioning and where I get fed three square meals a day’ Zero seemed to sigh in delight in Scylla’s arms.

“Yeah lucky you” Scylla said coldly before dropping Zero to the ground. The rabbit landed on her feet but looked up at Scylla her red eyes showing the towering figure her disapproval.

POV: Leon Scott Kennedy

Leon ran a comb through his hair and tried to make himself look presentable. The hum of Chris next to him started to annoy him slightly as both men got prepared in the changing room. “I can’t believe this, In one day that monster has the entire world fooled into thinking he’s some kind of saviour whilst everyone bar from Rebecca gets killed by his creatures.” Leon slammed his fist holding the comb into the mirror. His mind racing back to the faces of the dead agents. Most of their faces had been stuck in a expression one could only describe as pure terror. 

Chris patted him on the back trying to reassure him “well get him Leon, you can count on it these atrocities he has committed will be answered for.” 

“Well how did your sister’s internet with the monster go?” Leon spoke coldly as he put the comb down and buttoned up the blue shirt he was wearing.

“Badly I’d say, she’s convinced that he is trying to help people”

“Well maybe we should bring her in on” Chris’s hand sealed his mouth shut.

“Don’t even finish that sentence, I’ve put her in enough danger as it is, we don’t know how far that monster is willing to go to hurt people after him, hell he just turned most of New York into brain eating zombies, I’m not getting her involved in anymore danger.” Chris released his hand and buttoned up the tuxedo he had put on. His expression was one of worry but he was trying to project an air of calmness.

“Sorry I wasn’t thinking” Leon spoke solemnly “on a different note why is Hill having us play dress up for some party held in that monster’s honour” Chris shrugged as he helped Leon tie his bow tie.

“I don’t know but it is being held at his tower so maybe we’re playing super spies for tonight” Chris tried to turn what he had said into a joke with a funny tone.

“Great at the time where our only professional spy member is down” Leon looked at himself in the mirror his dark blue tuxedo had been designed to shrug off knives and small calibre firearms. Chris wore a similar tuxedo but his was black with a white shirt compared to Leon’s light blue shirt and dark blue tuxedo combo. They exited the changing room quickly and quietly walking past certain walls that still had blood smeared onto them that the cleaning crews couldn’t get off. These sight just steeled their resolve as they entered the briefing room. Nick Fury stood at the boards with blueprints and plans plastered across them.

Albert was already there dressed in a black tuxedo with a black shirt, his dark shades perched perfectly on his nose. The four men soon heard heels clicking against the floor as they turned to see Rebecca enter. Albert turned his head away probably blushing as Rebecca drew closer. The low mechanical whirling sounds of her EXO skeleton that Luke had given her were barely noticeable with the frame of the EXO skeleton itself being next to unnoticeable. She wore a long white dress that was modest and had a certain allure to it. She wore white heels and her hair was fashioned by a small white bow.

Chris made a low whistle as she walked pasted him “heck I nearly didn’t recognise you there Rebecca” he said as she shot him a stern glare. 

“Well I wouldn’t be wearing this kind of stupid outfit if it wasn’t for the fact that Natasha is currently indisposed of at the moment.” Albert seemed to regain his composure quickly and spoke with a calm voice.

“You look lovely in that dress Rebecca, now lets get on with the briefing shall we”

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