The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 58: Seeing the Light

I fell face first into a cold stone floor, the taste was of floor cleaner. ‘At least the one who has kidnapped me has some taste in floor cleaning products’ I thought as I wiped the taste of lemon and lime off my tongue. The room I was in was fairly empty and dark I triggered the night vision granted to me by my level three permanent mutation Predatory Eyes. My vision rapidly adjusted to the darkness and everything was so much brighter. 

Before me was a round table with six seats, on each seat sat a figure also there was some strange standing machine by the edge of the table. A man sat at the middle seat of the seven with two very familiar men sat at the third and fifth seats. The man on the fourth seat had the air of a leader, a conqueror, a survivor. He was tall and muscular with broad shoulders and a strong square jaw. Three large scars ran across his face, one was located running through his right eyebrow. The second was located running across the bridge of his nose and the last ran over his lips. Each of the wounds was at a diagonal slant from left to right. ‘He must have got clocked by a bear’s left hook’ I chuckled slightly. His black hair was long and pulled back neatly.

His brown eyes were soulless and seemed to glare straight at me like he too could see me as I saw him. I knew of only one man in any comics or tv shows to look like him. “Vandal Savage let’s skip the intimidation tactics, I can see all of you clear as day so let’s turn the lights on and converse with some dignity.” I heard some latin chanting and then the room was quickly illuminated by the flickering flames of torch light. My vision darkened for a split second before it quickly adjusted to the light.

Out of the seven seats only one was occupied by a woman and out of the seven I only recognised three others. One was Lex Luthor who looked much healthier than when I saw him hours ago. The next was a man with green eyes, black hair with grey sides. ‘Ra’s al Ghul he’s here with Lex, Vandal and’ my eyes turned to the last member of the seven that I knew and was most wary of. That figure was male with a long slender limbs, his hair was black and in a mop cut with devil horns pointing out of them. A cat with ginger fur with black tiger like stripes rested on his shoulders. It red eyes glared at me as I looked the boy over as a glance ‘Klarion the Witch boy, I have little to protect myself from him or to end him’.

Me and Vandal just stared at each other for a few seconds, each of us were trying to gauged the other. “If you wanted me dead Vandal you would have just had Klarion teleport me into space. That must mean you want something from me?” I tried to sound confident as I glared at the caveman.

“You assume correct, Lex Luthor has informed the Light of your capabilities and we seek a partnership” ‘I guessed as much’ “Your goals of advancing the human race through your facade of the terrorist group Tricell align with ours but your methods are extreme and unrefined. Your group is a good distraction but you must be observed and given direction. Refuse and you will be dealt with”. I could tell by his words that he wasn’t kidding his tone was serious and nearly gave me the chills.

“I would love to help your group Vandal but I have a little trouble with that man” I pointed to Ra’s. “You sent some very lack lustre assassins after me, I don’t know if I should feel offended by this? Did you think me as such an easy mark, that my employees would be easy prey? Or do you seriously have no one better?” My tone was full of mockery as I saw the Demons head’s eye twitch in frustration.

“Don’t worry though I know you would’ve punished them for failing so badly, so I did it for you. The two men eaten and being digested and the woman” I giggled as I griped my cane. “She’s going to live the rest of her days as a incubator for my Hunter’s” Ra’s looked at me with interest and distain.

“And I know you have that whole don’t stop trying to kill someone until the contract is complete deal but” I activated my temporary mutation Muscle Growth and using three of the available stacks, increased the muscles on my right arm by a hundred and twenty five times. Savage, Lex, Ra’s, Klarion and the three others reeled back in surprise and then quickly adopted defensive stances. I placed my now massive right hand over my face and began to squeeze, tighter and tighter. Thankfully my Control Plaga made the pain just an annoying sting. I felt my skull crack under the pressure of my squeeze and my vision went black and a sudden deafness overtook me. 

Pov 3rd person

Savage watched the sight unfolding before him with morbid curiosity. As the squelching sound of brain matter and blood hitting the floors and walls echoed out. He watched on as the headless boy’s body fell to the ground. “Well it seems he committed suicide” Ra’s stated snapping his fingers together. Four figures dressed in black garb entered the room. “Dispose of the body and clean this mess up, he ruined the hundred year rug, that’s not going to be easy to replace.”

The figures nodded and moved in closer to the headless corpse. A loud spluch sounded out as the massive oversized tumorous, vein bulging right hand smacked the closest figure into a meaty paste. A head began to emerge from the arm, just below the wrist, then another one formed just at the bicep, three more heads formed along with a set of smaller normal arms in pairs for each head. The heads all gazed at Ra’s with their blood red eyes and began to screech before they used their smaller arms to tear at the flesh holding the arm they were on from the body.

They got down to the bone and then a few of the heads disappeared from the fleshy tumorous arm and reappeared at the base of some of the hands near the shoulder. Crunching and snapping sounded out as the heads chewed their way through shoulder-blade, tendon and bone. The hulking mass preoccupied to leap at the three remaining figures. Spear like tongues shout out like bullets from three of the mouths on the tumour like arm. One tongue pierced one of the figures thighs, the second pierced another one of the figures stomach and the last tongue pierced the last figures face. That one went limp as the two others screamed in pain as they were dragged into the mass of smaller hands grasping and tearing at their clothes and skin.

Blood and flesh flew and splattered as the smaller hands grew slightly larger and thick with more tumorous like growths. They tore through flesh easily and the two serving figures tried to scream out but hands clasped over their mouths and silenced their cries of terror. Chewing and slurping oscillated out as Savage watched Luke’s headless and missing a right arm corpse twitch and much to everyone’s surprise it began to move. It got back onto it own two feet and it’s missing arm was the first to start growing back. Savage, Lex and Ra’s watched as bone rapidly grew, as tendons formed, as the musculature reformed and finally as skin covered it. A similar process took place for his head and his red eyes just gazed at Savage. As his long white hair dropped behind his back. 

“Now you see Ra’s that I can’t be killed especially by the likes of you” Luke spoke in a calm and collected tone. He made a short and sharp whistle and his tumorous hand creature lumbered its way towards him. “Hand it over” he said like a disciplining parent and the creature made a low shriek before a few of the hands bequeathed to him a head. It’s eyes were gouged out, with blood smeared on its dark skin. Part of the head’s trachea and spin dangled from the neck that showed the cruel attempts to separate it from the poor sods body. 

Luke shoved his right hand’s index finger inside the trachea. “Paging Mr Herman, Mr Pee Wee Herman” the decapitated head began to spoke in a creepy hollow voice. “No, no that isn’t right” the voice change to a much more natural but still creepy tone. “Just give me the moment…. Ah I’ve got it” the voice fluctuated until it sounded like a normal humans. “Lets try this again, Paging Mr Herman, Mr Pee Wee Herman” Luke made the decapitated head smile as it continued to speak.

“Damn I’m goo maybe I should get into ventriloquism” Luke spoke cockily as he watched the reactions of Lex, Ra’s, Klarion and Savage.

“I think we should, we could be a headline act” the decapitated head laughed at the third rate joke it made. Luke’s smile turned though as he threw the head to the hand monster and wiped his bloody index finger on it.

“Now lets speak business, I can offer my services and certain products of mine to your group but I need to know what you can offer me.”

“Well after your little demonstration about how effective you little gas is, every terrorist group, dictatorship and military in the world is looking to purchase it or find out your little terrorist group. We can offer you our connections and protection.” Vandel spoke like a business man and as a leader with his vast experiences.

“The state of Bialya would be very welcoming to your group as long as certain tributes are payed.” The voice was feminine and came from a dark skinned woman. She had dark blue eyes and long black hair, which she sported pulled back with a golden diadem on her forehead. She wore golden stinger-shaped earrings and an armband on her right forearm. She donned a strapless grey mini-skirt dress with black pants and high-heel boots. Around her shoulders hung a translucent pale blue veil. 

“Bialya that must mean you are Queen Bee” Luke looked at her with a sly smile. ‘Great, so I have the Young Justice Tv show’s version of Vandel Savage and the Light.’ Luke kept his smile firm as he bowed his head slightly “forgive me for not showing you the proper respect your highness.” ‘Come on let your ego lap it up’ “if I had known I was in the presence of royalty and a lady of your standards I would’ve refrained from letting my more monstrous side enjoy himself”. Luke whistled and the hand monster stopped eating and clambered towards him. It merged with his left hand effortlessly leaving only bloodshed and remnants of the once humans it was eating. 

Luke gagged slightly as he spat out an eyeball to the side, it rolled off the floor with relative ease. “If you want I can have a demonstration ready in a few seconds” she nodded and he turned to Vandel and the rest of the Light. “You can come to I’m sure Klarion could teleport me to my location, you to a location of your choice and I’ll be ready.” Luke looked up at the Witch Boy with his cat in his arms. Klarion looked at Savage and he nodded at the Witch Boy.


“I too can’t wait to see these items in action” A mechanical french voice spoke out from a brain in a jar on some wheels. 

“Also get some willing test subjects, I want my babies to shine when tested against armed personnel” Luke rubbed his eagerly together and Queen Bee nodded.

(Some Time Later)

The moon shined like a diamond and looked like a giant pearl in the sky. The stars speckled the sky sparsely and shined dimly above the desert. Savage, Lex, Ra’s, Klarion, Queen Bee, The french brain and a strangely dressed man waited until a red portal opened back up. 

“Lady and Gentlemen along with the brain in the jar, the demonstration will begin now.”

Hello readers this is the author if you are wondering why this chapter is shorter and the only chapter uploaded this week when I promised more last week it is because I trapped both of my hands in a door at home and it still bloody hurts to uses them. So I’ve been typing this chapter up with my nose which isn’t easy since my nose is fucking massive. Hopefully my hands get better soon and I’ll see you next week.

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