The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 56: Hawaii Tail

Yawn’s serpentine tongue forked out between his dark lips as he tasted the air. The sun kissed his muscular figure as Jackson walked beside him. Both were wearing blue shorts with Yawn sporting a green holiday short with orange pineapples on it. Whilst Jackson’s holiday shirt was a yellow one with palm trees. Jackson’s dull green skin was lightened slightly by the sun. His short military cut green hair heavily contradicted his partner’s black hair that was tied back into a man bun. 

“Are they still following us?” Jackson whispered as he leaned on Yawn. Their size difference was obvious with Jackson being dwarfed by his serpentine partner. 

“Yeah, they’ve been on us since we got here just remaining out of sight” Yawn hissed lowly as he continued to taste the air. “There is three of them, two men and a woman, the woman is pregnant. I don’t think she knows it though since her hCG levels are low”. Jackson groaned as he gripped Yawn’s muscular right arm. The pair continued to walk towards a beach and they soon felt the sand beneath their bare feet.

“So are you hungry?” Jackson spoke with a small grin as his green hair blew in the wind.

“I’m still digesting the meal from last night, but I’m sure I can make room” Yawn replied with a sinister grin. Yawn reminisced about the night previous where they were lucky to find a pair of hot twins that had been on holiday. The twins had initially approached Yawn but had told them he was already with his husband. They didn’t seem to care and suggested that he could join in since as they put it, it isn’t cheating if both of you do it. Yawn chuckled at the memory of him and Jackson bringing them to a secluded part of the island. 

He felt his stomach gurgle at the memory of their horrified faces and screams as he had dislocated his jaw and began to swallow them whole. He remembered the oldest twin violently thrashing as Jackson shoved them deeper down his throat. Jackson looked at Yawn who was grinning and frowned slightly at his partner’s expression.

“You’re grinning like an idiot again, you find something funny?” Yawn began to shake his head.

“No I was just remembering last night’s meal and how it was mostly unappetising and filler, you would’ve thought the breast portions would’ve been more meat and less”

“Plastic” Jackson interjected his partner’s sentence.

“Yeah, I swear I thought I was going to choke as they went down, I should’ve known they were fake, no portions are that large” Yawn looked slightly disappointed. “And the worst thing is my micro plastic content must have skyrocketed” Jackson just shook his head as they reached the seafront. Yawn took a deep breath of the sea air and exhaled with great pleasure. “Now that is the stuff clean, crisp, non polluted air” Jackson took a breath in as well before exhaling with a similar expression.

“I will admit it is nice air, but I do want to ask you something dear?”

“What?” Yawn asked inquisitively perplexed by his partner’s sudden topic change.

“Does my ass look big in these shorts?” Jackson asked as he looked at his rear. Yawn began to laugh loudly and slapped Jackson’s rear.

“And what if they do, I love my peaches plump and juicy” Yawn felt something slam onto his foot and he winced in pain.

“Did you really just make that joke?” Jackson asked with an unimpressed look on his face and a frown.

“What did I say, I just said I love biting i to my boyfriend’s succulent peac” Yawn didn’t get to finish as he felt three stamps on his poor right foot.

“Another joke like that and the next strike is making scrambled eggs” Jackson said sternly as Yawn started to hobble.

“I would rather you do something else to them instead my sweet” Yawn insinuated with a glance and an eyebrow raise.

“Yes I know what I could do for you” Jackson beckoned Yawn to come down to his hight so he could whisper in his ear. “I’m going to hard boil them if you make one more stupid comment” Yawn raised his hands up in defeat.

“Fine, fine, fine” he tasted the air once again and smiled. “Those three are armed with sidearms and they have the thick stench of bloodlust on them, it seems they plan on eliminating us”. 

“Let’s head to a secluded area then” Jackson replied as they both began to sprint away towards the far side if the beach. They heard footsteps race after them as they rushed to the cover of the dense tropical forest. Yawn’s and Jackson’s superior speed allowed them to gain a substantial lead on their pursers. Yawn transformed his lower half into his black serpent tail. Its dark scales blended in perfectly with the shadows of the dense forest. Jackson stripped off all his clothes as he transformed his hands into his chameleon hands and began to climb a nearby tree. He seemed to completely disappear from view as he activated his natural Hyper Evolved Camouflage mutation. 

Jackson watched Yawn slither around a tree trunk and then began to ascend the tree with his coiled grip. The two men and women soon came to where they were and groaned. “This is where the trail ends” groaned the first man who was dressed in casual holiday clothing with his dark hair cropped short and his blue eyes scanning the surroundings. “They’re still close I can smell them” he said to the second man who was bald and had a dark sin tone to the man’s pale white.

The second man wore similar clothing to the first man and had a tattoo of a dragon on the right side of his face. The tattoo dragon’s claw looked like it was holding his dark green right eye. “Damn it we can’t lose them otherwise the Demon’s head won’t be happy” he spoke as his right hand was enveloped by a crimson flame. “I could just smoke them out and the mission would be done so much sooner” he groaned to the first man.

“Well we can’t cause collateral damage the client was very specific about that, they have too much heat on them, anyway we need them alive to get the information for the primary target.” The woman said coldly she was dressed in a form fitting swimsuit with her blond hair tied back into a ponytail. Her blue eyes seemed to streak with lightning that bounced off her tanned skin.

“Well at least’s your powers can be controlled Static, I constantly have an improved sense of smell and this place smells of ass.” The first man spoke with a sarcastic tone as he rubbed his nose in annoyance. Yawn coiled himself around a branch of the tree he was in and readied himself. Yawn couldn’t see Jackson but he could taste him in the air and knew his position.  Yawn held up three fingers and he started to count down with them. When he lowered all three fingers he quickly descended from the tree branch with his tail lower half acting like a bungee cord. The two men looked in absolute shock as he appeared before both of them.

A sick smile crawled on his face as he knocked both of them out with two quick strikes to their jaws. Static yelped in surprise before raising her right arm. Small arcs of electricity streaked from her hands as she prepared to smite Yawn. She didn’t get the chance as Jackson’s wet thick chameleon tongue struck her face and pulled her into the transformed mouth of Jackson. Her hands placed themselves on Jackson’s transformed head. 

“Eat this fucker!” Her muffled scream came and blue electricity enveloped Jackson. “Fry you bastard!” She continued to scream as she increased the voltage she dispersed over Jackson’s body. The electricity soon left Jackson’s body and his mouth was still firmly sealed around Static’s head.

“You okay Jackson?” Yawn asked with concern for Jackson as he slithered down from the tree and to his partner.

“Yeah” he mumbled with his full mouth “it hurts like hell though” he grumbled as he felt sore all over. 

“Die fucker!” Came another muffled scream and Static’s hands tried to raise up again. Yawn caught them and with ease and great pleasure snapped them like twigs. Static muffled screams of agony were soon non existent as her body went limp. Jackson spat her out and transformed his head back to normal.

“She just unconscious urgh” Jackson groaned as he rubbed his shoulders before putting his clothes back on. His green hair stood on end and Yawn giggled at him slightly before receiving a sharp glare from Jackson.

“I’ll mentally message the boss, and arrange pick up for these three” Yawn spoke as he patted Jackson lightly. “Go back to the hotel” Jackson nodded and smiled as he left. ‘Boss we have three would be assassins try to kidnap us, can you pick them up?’ Luke’s voice echoed in Yawn’s mind.

‘Red Queen has already sent a recovery team it should be there in thirty minutes’

‘We just captured them, how could you have?”

‘Yawn you originated from me I can see what you see, feel what you feel and know what you know’ 

‘So you’ve seen’

‘No I sever the link every time you guys decide to get intimate or weird’ Yawn breathed a sigh of relief. ‘I’m sending you the drop off location, bring the hostages and enjoy the rest of your vacation’ 

‘Got it boss’

(30 minutes later)

Yawn was directed to a secluded cove where the waters were very deep. The sun glistened off the crystal clear waters as a small black shape rapidly approached. Yawn tapped his right foot impatiently as he punched one of the men who had begun to regain consciousness back unconscious. 

A small sleek metallic craft breached the still water surface and it hovered over the water slightly. It was mostly black with red and white accents and a clear glass front. A side hatch opened up and twelve heavily armoured and armed Umbrella Security Services soldiers stormed out. They were in three groups of four men with each group holding a metal stretcher. The soldiers loaded the unconscious would be assassins onto the stretchers and fastened them on with restraints. They then clamped power dampening collars to the men and woman’s necks. A familiar figure exited the craft just as a second larger cargo hatch opened up and a ramp extended out. 

“Wasn’t expecting you here boss, didn’t you have an interview today” Luke nodded and gazed at the captured assassins with his blood red eyes. 

“Yes I did that is why I sent one of my other bodies to collect them personally” he smiled with a sharp toothy smile. “Is the woman pregnant?” He asked Yawn as he watched Static stir before waking up and struggling against her restraints.

“Yes sir I was able to confirm it, it is in its early stages, but why would you care?”

“Ow I care because there is so much potential to be had with a pregnant woman, especially ones with abilities” Luke looked at Yawn and signalled him to respond with info about their abilities his trident stinger tail swaying side to side in anticipation.

“The woman has electricity abilities I think it’s limited to physical touch though, the white male has an enhanced sense of smell whilst the black man has pyrokinesis I think” Luke nodded as he ran his small hands through the white hair he kept in a ponytail. 

“They all should be useful abilities, good work” Luke patted Yawn on the shoulder as he walked past the snake B.O.W and entered the sleek craft. Yawn watched as the craft began to submerge after all its hatches closed tightly. 

“I honestly feel pity for those fools” Yawn spoke as he headed to leave. “At least with me they would’ve eventually met death”


Luke happily approached the restrained Static and smiled at her. “The fuck you staring at fucker!” She defiantly spat.

“Oh nothing I was just wondering who would be stupid enough to send assassin of such low calibre after me. I’ll make you a deal tell me who sent you and I’ll make your death quick and I may even leave your corpse open casket funeral quality.”

“Shove your hollow threats up your ass, I will never tell you for the glory of the demon head!” Static shouted and tried to bite her own tongue. Luke reacted quickly and shoved a bite guard into her mouth and held it there.

“I’m very glad you aren’t going to tell me who hired you because I was hesitant on experimenting on a pregnant woman but I see you kind of deserve it. So after I’m through with you, I’m going to pay Ra's al Ghul a visit and get the client who hired you’s lot name. Then I’m going to tell him to increase the quality of his assassins you three are embarrassing” Luke smiled as a colossal submarine came into view. It was futuristic and sleek “I welcome you to your new home for the rest of your mortal life Miss Static”

Hello it’s the author here I just wanted to let you know my Horror MMORPG story is being updated tomorrow along with the launch of my very own Patreon page. Also please do check out my other stories they are Killing Bites: King of the Ring, Creating evil in the multiverse, Fate Apocrypha: King of the Seven Seas and Making a Horror MMORPG In the MCU 

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