The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 50: Valentines Day Massacre Part 6

Explosions rang out as the Umbrella Security Service advanced forward clearing street after street of zombies. The more people the soldiers saved the wider my smile became. We advanced slowly but I could enjoy and relish the destruction I had caused. The corpses of those unfortunate enough to survive the gas littered the street. And I didn’t even bat an eye when I wasn’t being watched by civilians. 

I did run into that stupid hero Stars and Stripes and I could see the rage boiling on her face. She was kneeling whilst clutching a corpse of a zombie child, I watched her kill the child by snapping its neck.

“I will bring those who did this to justice!” She spat and I laughed on the inside as I carried a calm outer composure. I walked over to her and patted her on the back as I signalled my men.

“I’m sure you will and believe me the Umbrella Corporation won’t forgive them either”. I gave her a definitive nod and she handed the corpse to one of the soldiers. She wiped away a few of the tears and got back to her feet.

“Let’s get this over with so I can find the ones responsible and punch them into the stratosphere.” I nodded and watched the solider put the corpse in a body bag. 

I suddenly heard on the radio “Mayday, Mayday this is the Helicarrier we need immediate assistance we are going down!”. I looked up and saw the mighty flying fortress nosedive towards New York. Stars and Stripes looked up at this and launched high up into the air. I saw her fly towards the crashing Hellicarrier and with a grin on my face I thought that she wasn’t going to be able to lift it. 


Leon, Chris and Albert silently stalked through the surprising empty streets. The sounds of gunfire crackled in the distance. Leon checked the map one more time “we should be close the hospital should just be around the next corner”. Albert wiped the sweat off his brow and readied his shotgun.

“Let’s make this quick and quiet, we’ll be in and out Natasha is on the top floor and if there are any survivors we’ll escort them to safety, understand?” He turned his head slightly and glanced at Chris. Chris shouldered his assault rifle and just glared at Wesker.

“Alright Sargent Shades I can do quiet” Leon and Albert gave Chris one last look of disbelief before readying themselves. Albert adjusted his shades as he took point followed by Leon who also brandished an assault rifle similar to Chris’s, Chris brought up the rear. They reached the hospital doors and silent opened them. They heard groaning and saw a bright red humanoid figure. The figure wore truckers clothes and had a blue cap saying Make America Great Again in big white letters on it. The figure was bashing its head against a wall and growled slightly. Blood was splattered everywhere with bloody hand prints painted the doors and smeared on the walls. Albert silently crouch walked towards the figure and brought out a combat knife.

The figure turned just in time to watch Albert drive the knife into its temple. It made on last pain filled grunt as the knife went hilt deep. It crumpled to the floor as Albert withdrew the knife and wiped the blood and brain matter covered blade on the figure’s clothes. Leon was about to say something to condemn Albert’s actions. He told Wesker the dangers of just knifing someone in the head if they didn’t know if they were a zombie or not. Albert just replied with a snarky remark about how the trucker probably deserved it and was probably racist anyway. They proceeded silently, if they encountered a zombie they took them down quietly and assassin like. 

Chris nearly got them spotted by a small group of ten zombies when he nearly tripped on a pool of blood. They reached the top floor of the hospital and reached the door to their colleagues hospital room. They tried to open it but it was blocked by something a small whisper came from the inside. “Hold up mother fuckers if you’re human identify yourself before I put some bullets in your asses.”

“Fury it’s us we’re here to extract Natasha” the group heard something being moved from the door. The familiar bald head of the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D came into view.

“Well it’s about god damn time I’ve been trying to get through to the Hellicarrier but all I’m getting is hold music.” Leon shook his head and saw Natasha still in her bed. 

“We need to move now” Leon watched Chris peer out of the window.

“We may have a problem with that Leon” Chris had a look of concern as Leon approached the window to see what Chris had seen. A monstrously tall naked female figure stood in the middle of the street. The figure looked directly at them and began to wave at them. They quickly shut the blinds “do you think it saw us?”

“Dear all remaining humans in this building especially those two idiots that stared at me through the window. You have one minute to hand over the patient known as Black Widow. If she isn’t handed over to me you will all die.” 

“I think she saw us Chris” Leon readied his gun and aimed at the female figure. “Do you know this one Fury?” Fury took a look and shook his head.

“I don’t know every superpowered individual on the planet Leon and how does it know Natasha is here. The only information on where we put Natasha is on the secure Hellicarrier mainframe.” Leon broke the window and aimed his gun at the figure, Chris followed suit. 

“Could it have been sent by Luke?” Albert asked as he helped Natasha out of her bed.

“It must have been” Natasha said with a pained grunt as she lent onto Albert. “We need a game plan if that thing is as strong as the last freak he sent after us we will need more firepower.”

“Times up humans!” The figure shouted.

“Go get her to safety we’ll try and slow it down” Chris nodded at Leon’s statement and Fury nodded.

“We can’t leave you here, you will die if you stay” Natasha tried to protest but she was knocked out by Albert.

“I’m going to get my ass kicked when she wakes up aren’t I?” Albert joked as he hoisted the unconscious assassin onto his shoulder. Leon and Chris saw the figure looking directly at them and they opened fire on it. The bullets just ricocheted off of its skin and Chris sighed.

“We need fucking bigger guns next time” Chris joked and it earned him a chuckle from Leon. Who began to reload his gun.

“Yes we do next time we’re bringing a rocket launcher or a minigun” the figure just stood there and allowed itself to be hit by the gunfire from the duo. ‘I think I’ve given them enough of a head start’ the figure thought as it took up a crouched position. 

The figure used its powerful legs to propel its high up into the air. The figure smashed through the wall just left of Leon and smiled at them. Chris leaped forward and landed a jumping superman punch on the figures chin. The figure cackled as Chris jumped back clutching his right hand. “You would’ve had a better chance at harming a rock with punch you dumb human.” Leon pulled out a small combat knife and slashed at the figure a couple of times. The figure blocked the swipes with its hand and began laughing again. “Seriously you’re trying to give me a paper cut with a butter knife” the figure slapped the knife out of his hand. Leon and Chris were just about to run away when something else came crashing through the hospital wall. 

It was a man dressed in blue spandex with a red cape and a big S on his chest. The figure looked at the man and smiled “Superman just in time”. The figure threw a powerful right hook that the man caught and threw the figure out of the hole he had just made in the wall.

The man looked at Leon and Chris “please leave this to me and get to safety”. Before Leon or Chris could respond the man shot out of the hospital towards the figure who laid in a small crater. The figure grunted slightly just seconds before the man appeared in front of it. The man punched the figure high into the sky and flew after it.

I know I said there were going to be two chapters but I kinda underestimated the amount of extra work there would be and I have only been able to partially write an extra chapter for the making a horror game story. I’m extremely sorry about letting you guys, gals and others down but hopefully I can have them done by tomorrow as I’ve done most of the leg work I just need to write them. 

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