The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 11: Dining In Hells Kitchen

Drool started dripping from the corners of my mouth as I stalked the shadowy alleyways of Hells Kitchen. My eyes glared for any potential targets most people did have a villain or hero rank. “Hey man where does the boss want this stuff” I crept around the corner and stared at two men near a van that was parked at the loading bay to a ware house. ‘Time to use my new skill then’

Name: Mathew Handcock    Rank: F Villain
Age: 32
Spouse: Divorced Annie Hallo (34)
Children: James Handcock (12) Sarha Hadcock (10)
Crimes: 12 unpaid parking tickets, small time drug dealing.
Deeds: Helped a little old lady cross the street last week.

Chance to Increase Villan Rank: 23%
Chance to Decrease Villan Rank: 24%
Chance to Keep current Villan Rank: 53%

‘So the Brown haired man is a small time drug dealer what about the black haired man’

Name: Trevor Benjimin   Rank: F Hero
Age: 42
Spouse: Dead (Kathrine Benjimin (44)
Children: Max Benjimin (21)
Crimes: Small time drug dealer (Forced) 
Deeds: Beat up a violent husband 3 years ago, Helps out at a soup kitchen every Saturday, Saved a child from a house fire 2 years ago.

Chance to Increase Hero Rank: 12%
Chance to Decrease Hero Rank: 34%
Chance to Keep current Hero Rank: 54%

“Hum so a villan and a hero” I shrugged my shoulders and got ready to attack. I flipped to hood of my hoodie so it consealed most of my face with shadow. I used my *Muscle Growth* skill on my legs and shot towards the two unsuspecting men. My stinger tail sliced through Mathew’s neck whilst I bit deeply into Trevors neck. My small hands cupped his mouth to stop his screams as I tore his voice box out.

Host has gained a new Trait: Blood lust

Trait: Blood Lust
To trigger this Trait the user has to kill and consume the blood and flesh of the killed. The user of this trait gains increased speed, stamina and strength for 1 minute. Each additional kill will increase this time by 30 seconds. When the time runs out the user will enter a debuff state for 10 minutes per kill. When the time runs out on this trait the user can’t activate it again for 1 day.

Please note users of this trait find it very hard to stop killing and will usually kill allies or go insane with blood lust.

A wave of euphoria washed over me as my teeth started to tear into the mans flesh.

New Trait Added: Cannibalistic gain

Trait: Cannibalistic gain
When ever the user of this trait consumes the flesh of one of his species he gains muscle mass equal to the protein in the devoured meat.

This muscle mass is evenly spread out in the body. With this trait the user can’t gain muscle mass from any other source of protein.

I had finished eating both men in under thirty seconds before my stomach became the size of an overinflated balloon. “Er I probably shouldn’t have eat those” my stomach began to rumble before it started to shrink. And I could feel every fibre of my being get stronger.

“Hey dipshits why are you slacking off!” A man exited the warehouse and spotted me instantly. “What the fuck” I launched myself at him swinging the bladed parts of my stinger like a battle axe. His head hit the floor as I ran into the warehouse, inside there was about twenty guys. My tongue shot towards the closet man impaling him in the chest. 

Pov 3rd person

After Lukes tongue impaled the unsuspecting man his colleagues started to scream, some of them drew their guns and opened fire. Two rounds hit Luke in his chest it did very little to slow his approach down. Combing the speed and strength boost he had gained from the *Blood Lust* along with his short stature the men with guns could barely keep their aim on him. Luke pounced on an African American, and started to gouge his eyes out before finally ripping the mans heart out.

“Kill that fucker kill that fucker” one man shouted before Lukes tongue wrapped round his neck. His allies could only watch on in horror as he started to scream and cough up blood as the tongue tightened. A sick smile crept along Lukes face as with a final squeeze, the tongue ripped the man’s head clean off. The blood rained down pelting Luke and the surrounding men. Luke kept striking and slashing at the men ripping and tearing limbs off of bodies and kept a maniac grin on his face.

One final man stood before Luke “Please spare me I’ll do anything you want” The man started to cry as his blue eyes pleaded to Luke. Lukes Maniac grin twisted into one of sickening proportions.

“But I want to eat you” Luke whispered into the man’s ear. Luke could only hear the man begging him as he started to consume the mans innards in front of him. After the man drew his final breath Luke looked around for any survivors. His red eyes gleamed ominously in the darkness.

Congratulations Host on consuming 11 F Rank Villains and 11 F Rank Heroes.

You have earned the Title: Unbiased Killer
Wilson Fisk is now going to Investigate what happened to his facility. Matt Murdock is going to investigate what happened at this facility.

Triggering Hidden storyline quest: Devils deliverance.

Hidden rewards granted to Host: Wilson Fisk’s personal phone number, Matt Murdock personal phone number, minor evidence on Wilson Fisk, minor evidence on Matt Murdock.

Host gained 300 RE points for killing 23 Villains /Heroes: Bonus activated because of Title Unbiased Killer increased reward by 200%. RE point reward now stands at 900.

Luke could feel another wave of euphoria wash over as he finished consuming the bodies of his victims. All that was left of those unfortunate souls were shreds of cloth and puddles of blood. Luke then felt a sudden weakness and started to pant heavily.

Blood lust state is being forcefully ended by system. Host is now entering the debuff state for 3 hours and 50 minutes.

Luke returned to his sense quickly and soon realised that he had been shot multiple times, the wounds tho had already healed. He then proceeded to examine his new body. It was definitely more muscular then before and he now had a chiseled six pack. ‘I look goddam good don’t I system’ he thought to himself.

You do Host and best thing about it that is as muscular you going to visibly get. You will still gain the strength associated with your total muscle mass, but you will keep you current slightly muscular appearance. The system has done this for your own convenience and so you can keep the outward appearance of a cute child.

Pov Luke Valentine 

I had started to soak in what the system had said and I started to slowly limp away. ‘Damn it I definitely hate this debuff state’ I gazed at my ripped and bloody clothes. ‘Midnight I need you to pick me up I will send you my location.’

‘Okay master anything else?’

‘Yeah bring me some new clothes my current ones are wrecked’ I could hear Midnight gasp.

‘Like are you naked or are you clothes just ripped and heavily stained like the time before?’

‘Just get here I’m tired and I want a bath’ I could see my vision black before I passed out.

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy 

I sat in my apartment deciding what to have for dinner. When I heard something slide underneath my door, I cautiously approached the door and looked out of the peephole I couldn’t see anyone. Someone had slid a envelope underneath my door ‘Who the fuck sent me this’. I opened the letter casually, inside was a note and a picture. The note read “Investigate him” and the picture must have been taken from afar since I couldn’t see the face clearly. The person in the picture was of small stature almost childlike and he had a tail that was taller then he was. What drew my attention was his long knee length white hair.

‘Someone wants me to investigate a kid hum’ I took a look at the street below and saw something very peculiar. A shadowy figure was speeding across the opposite roof. It looked like a giant worm and I rubbed my eyes frantically. When I looked again it had disappeared ‘Damn it I need more sleep now I’m seeing giant worms on the roofs.’

Pov Midnight 

Master had asked me to pick him up so I decided to take the quickest route possible, the rooftops. I was pretty sure he meant for me to take the sewer route but it was night time and many people were asleep. Those who were awake were either drunk or really really sleepy. And if I ran into that weirdo in the blue and red spandex again well since master wasn’t here I was sure I could eat him.

I traveled as fast as I could narrowly avoiding the gaze of some policemen who were on patrol. It took me about ten minutes to be on the roof of the building master was in. I soon noticed a small red shape traversing the rooftops some distance away. ‘Is this place full of spandex wearing weirdos’ I huffed as I entered the building through a skylight. 

Master was laid sleeping in a pool of blood ‘ah he looks so delic I mean adorable not delicious’ I did a small chitter at my mistake. As I descended I noticed something odd ‘was master always that buff’ I thought but quickly pushed that thought aside. The semi naked body of my master laid before me ‘um something definitely happened master didn’t have a six pack last time I checked’. 

As my antenna wrapped around him some impure thought entered my head. ‘I can’t wait to be human then master is all mine’ I tightened my grip on his unconscious body. ‘And if that stupid woman thinks she can claim him she has another thing coming’ my mandibles slammed together at the thought of me ripping her head of her body. With my precious cargo secured to me I started my journey home.

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