The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 15: The Colors of People

Thank you all for your support and suggestions on the poll.

This has helped me in some ways, I certainly did overthink the whole thing as I first wrote this. This has been a learning experience for me and helped reveal who is reading this story. Generally, those who are more open to futa and don't find it as weird are probably those who are more into anime and hentai as that is where I see it more, let me know if I am wrong about this. But this also means about a quarter of you guys aren't, give or take. (the poll was also done on royal road, there it was still a majority for keep using female but more for switching.)

A lot of you say to just use they/them, I don't want to use those as its primary function is in plurality, and usually, when it's used to refer to genres it mostly due to an unknown gender not because they are hermaphrodite.

I could use a made-up word but to me, it sounds too fake. This is where I overthought this; I have a perfect excuse, it's another language so it doesn't matter if it sounds fake or not, so what will I do? retcon? keep it as is? I'll sort of do both, let me explain.

Let me warn you that this will include a very, very brief summary of the Runalymo history but it isn't a spoiler.

The Runalymo was once a slave to another race. When they were freed and came to the islands of the nexus there was a lack of food and thus put evolutionary pressure on the race to evolve as they did. As men evolved to produce more female hormones during puberty and development in the womb they evolved to become what they are now, in fact about 40% of them are true hermaphrodites albeit with nonfunction female genitalia. As the men stopped looking like women to a race that doesn't have the study of biology it is reasonable to think of them as more female rather than male so the word for men has stopped its use.

This is where I goofed. The language, using combinations of ideas and concepts to form words would still have the ideas and concepts for "Life carrier" and "Life giver" or in other words a woman and a man, if you were to roughly translate it. so why don't the Runalymo still use them? Mainly tradition, as the men were originally men and they lost that some of the Runalymo stopped using the word. However, the Nexus Islands cover almost 200 hundred islands, it's not reasonable to say that all regions would do the same thing and develop the same culture. There are tons of examples that regions will develop their own culture, many states of the U.S. have different cultures, for example.

So Instead of retconning I'll just say that the village culture that the MC comes from is one where they don't distinguish between the sexes but she may visit a village that does. 


Ting! Musician has obtained level 3!

Ting! Musician has obtained level 8!

I am finally playing my first tune that doesn't sound like random noises. I've practiced for days and am now playing at a competent level. I've even begun training my voice to prepare for singing, best start while I'm young!

Now that I'm forewarning the storms the Loshayomo is starting today, two days after the last storm. A dark storm, thankfully. Nothing lethal, just darkness. I also noticed no lightning element today forewarning a lightning storm in the next few days but that means today is safe.

We are heading to temple island for the competition, and I'll bet this year the other kids will invite me to their games, at least the kids from my island.

We landed at the piers and the adults started to group up socializing among themselves. I followed the other kids to the playgrounds where netball and many other games are. As our island is right next to the temple island, we were some of the first to arrive.

Once another island's kids arrived a game of netball was being formed. There was also a game of basket catch but I never care much for that one. You held a basket under one arm and had to throw fist-sized balls into the opponent's basket. If you have more than ten balls you lose, but you could also throw the balls in your basket at other players. It always devolved into cheating and there'd never be a clear winner.

"Alysara, want to join?" A green-haired girl asked, motioning to the netball game.

"Sure, Jiuo'' I replied with a nod. The other island kids snickered after seeing my eye wraps, thinking that I'd handicap my team. Unfortunately for them, Tana is with us too. The two of us most powerful players on the same team. I'd somehow lead by example and now two others are being more of a team player, sure half of our team are still ball hogs, Tana included but the more people who can set up plays for the more athletic and better aimed members of our team the better we'll do.

We crushed the other island team seven to zero, they called us cheaters and raged quit. More and more teams from other islands challenged us and we beat them all with varying degrees of success. The hardest team only lost to us by two points, they too had cooperative players.

It was good exercise, something I never really focused on. When other kids ran I meditated and focused on leveling skills.

After we got bored of netball I sat down on a boulder to catch my breath. Observing the mana pouring down like a slow waterfall. I saw a cyclone of earth mana form for several seconds before dispersing. A sweep of fire mana washed over me, making me feel an uncomfortable level of heat for a few seconds. The fire mana met a wall of ice mana and scattered away at the same time the wall shattered. The two repelling elements flying away from each other as if they had bounced off each other.

I wonder what it's like elsewhere in the world? How hard would it be to level mana sense if one doesn't have such a prime location of mana activity?

I raise my flute to my lips and played a tune I was working on. It was... alright, but something about it grated on me. My timing is off slightly and I'm blowing too hard for some notes. It left a feeling of wrongness with me, I wanted to correct those really badly, like an itch I couldn't satisfy. I start focusing on the tiniest of imperfections trying to correct them, playing the string of notes over and over and over again until I get it right.

I lose track of time and am surprised when I noticed the shift in the sun's position. Although I can see the sun I can feel the direction of its heat. I was also surprised to notice the mana leaking from me acting weird as I blew my flute. It was as if I was breathing out mana with each breath. This gave me an idea!

I know I'm not allowed to use my bond right now. I can't help myself. Instead of bringing my mana to my hand I bring it to my lips and blew it into the flute. The tune was way off but in a good way. It echoed as the beauty mana imbued into the sound waves giving it a more soothing sound.

Although the sound could be used in a different way it wasn't quite right, something about an imbalance within the imbued sound. It didn't quite mix right so I try again, and again, and again. It had to be perfect. some of the other kids began to stop and listen but I ignored them. I was so close to something new!

Ting! You have developed a new Bond skill! Imbue Beauty!

Ting! Your Bond has obtained level 53!

Imbue Beauty: You can imbue beauty essence into something else, up to 20+1/level points of mana can be used to imbue something.

I got a new bond skill! But there is still something weird with the mana. There is still something else but I can't put my finger on it.

I use my new skill. The essence merges with the sound instilling a sense of tranquility and serenity in me.

Ting! Musician has met requirements for a breakthrough. Musician will now continue leveling past level 20!

Ting! Musician has obtained level 9!

Ting! Musician has obtained level 12!

Musician: You have a base knowledge of music and several types of instruments
Breakthrough: You've played a wind-based instrument to a beginner level. This will help you master this instrument.
Breakthrough: You've imbued mana into sound. Effects may vary and adapt to the type of song.

Interesting. So a happy upbeat song and a sad melody will lead to different effects? I'm willing to bet the type of mana changes things too.

I've gotten a new breakthrough but my mana is still acting a tad strange to the music. I am doing something different and I'm not sure what. I'm positive there's an intermediate breakthrough involved but I am not at that level, the only reason why I have detected this so early is because of my insanely high-level [Sense Mana] skill.

I sigh, a little frustrated. If my skill isn't high enough level, then there's no point in wasting time and effort.

It was soon time to go to the arena and I should find mom and dad. I met up with them at the usual spot, next to our boats, and we made our way to the amphitheater. There are multiple arenas next to each other. No single one could accommodate the fifty thousand or so residents of the nexus.

"Do I have to come with?" I complained. The same answer as last year was replied "We have to show support to our representatives" Mom casually said.

"It's not like I can see them anyway! How will I know when and what to cheer for them?" I argued.

"That's not the point, a lot of people do show vocal support, many show support just being there. To let our contestants know that we are here because of and for them"

The same arguments made in the last two years. This year was going to be just as boring as the last.

The competitions started and I was forced to sit and be bored. It was like being an infant, staring at the ceiling for hours on end again. I check my progress on my race evolutions during this time.

Myrou's Adorable Runalymo:
Requirements: Myrou Bless Runalymo, Have Charm at level 10 or higher Age five or higher.
This Adorable blessed Runalymo can't possibly do any wrong. Mixed with cuteness essence no one could think wrong of you.
Note: No skills will be lost or merged

Yeah, I haven't really worked on this one.

Mana Blessed Runalymo Seer:
Requirements: Myrou Bless Runalymo, Have Sense Mana at level 60 or higher, before the age of five. Age of five or higher
This Runalymo has mana sensing capabilities beyond what most would consider possible, Able to see beyond their limits to places unknown.
Note: Skills may be replaced or merged

I thought this one would change but I guess the "before the age of five" is simply better than just having the "level at 80" requirement.

Beauty Blessed Runalymo:
Requirements: Myrou Bless Runalymo, Have Bond at level 50 or higher before the age of five. Age of five or higher
A master of beauty magic and her bond, this Runalymo has reached heights in power that some would be envious of at an age where the rest of her kin are still playing with toys and living carefree. The dedication will lead to great heights for this Runalymo is bound for greatness.
Note: No skills will be lost or merged

I've not made much progress either, Also the "before the age of five" Thing is here too so I'm not really expecting this one to change.

Blessed Runalymo Storm Seer:
Requirements: Myrou Bless Runalymo, Have Sense Mana at level 60 or higher before the age of five. Have Sense Mana at 80 or higher, Have predicted numerous Elemental storms, and saved several people with your forewarning. Age of five or higher
This Runalymo has mana sensing capabilities beyond what most would consider possible. Their adaption to a nexus has grown so keen as to instinctually know when storms will arrive days, even weeks in advance.
Note: No skills will be lost or merged

Now we're talking! Not only is my skill not going to be merged but an existing one will be upgraded! However, it's not like I really need this. I still have years to get something amazing, and I am close to getting my [Sense Mana] to a hundred. If I can do that before the age of ten I might just get something super awesome, also I need to experiment with capping my skill and see if that adds to anything.

Alright, While I'm here bored I need to plan out my evolutions. I need both [Sense Mana] and my Bond at level one hundred. I like playing music but I only have four years to do this. This means I need one more breakthrough to unlock a cap of one hundred on my sense mana. And that will be finally being able to differentiate the mana of people. Whelp, I got time right now, let's make the most out of it.

I focused on my parents, trying to sense the differences, I can almost do it. I put a hand on my chin, thinking. There's something I'm missing, something obvious, something that sets people apart from each other, something magical. Then it hit me with the force of a falling meteorite.

Classes, races, bonds. I've yet to get a class but I am sure everyone will have something different or semi different. Races set apart the races so that's easy, and bonds may be different. All of these alters our magic or bodies. If that's the case then the most mana in the body is from that race, that's why everybody's mana look so similar! If I see past that I should be able to see their class and bond magic!

I focus on my parents and try to see past their race, deep inside of them, where mana is generated.

Mom has a water bond, dad has a fire bond. I know those mana already.

Sure enough, when I focused, staring long and hard I could finally make out the tiniest of sparks of their bond element.

One down, but I need to keep those in sight.

Next, I added myself in focus, looking for something mom and dad have that I yet don't. I don't know how long has passed but I began to see it. Something attuned to creativity essence.

Lastly the race, it'll be very similar but I'm very sure we have three different evolutions.

This was the hardest part and took the longest. Before I knew it we had to take the after-work bath and I made sure not to lose focus of my progress and let mom lead me by hand. It was while mom was oiling up my hair that I finally got it! People suddenly became filled with color, unique like a face overlaying the color of their race. Many shared very similar bonds and the differences are slight but it suggests a difference in bond skills. Classes are way easier to differentiate.

I sat there, stunned by my newfound vision. For five years I could only see my parents as silhouettes and now it's like I am looking at people.

Ting! Sense Mana has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Sense Mana will now continue leveling past level 90!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 82!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 86!

Sense Mana: You have opened your mind to one of the energies that fuels this world. You can now sense mana in its raw form.
Breakthrough: You've learned of and seen the relationship of essences and elemental mana. Now you can better study them.
Breakthrough: You've predicted a mana storm. This breakthrough will help you predict the turbulent behavior of mana.
Breakthrough: You've learned to differentiate the unique mana produced by people letting you detect unique individuals.

"I-I did it," I said, my voice cracking a little.

"Aly?" Dad sounded confused.

"Is something wrong?" Mom asked.

"I finally did it, I learned how to see people's individual mana. I can finally see the color of people." I sniffed. Trying to not get too emotional. "For the longest time, everyone just looked the same, like shadows. But now it's like seeing what you guys really look like"

Mom and dad sat there, agape. I can finally make out expressions, I can finally see their shocked expressions.

"I-I never knew it was like that," Dad said.

"I-I can't even begin to comprehend what that must have been like," Mom said. Then she smiled. "I am so proud of you!" And she hugged me to her generous bosom in a tight oily hug. That's when I noticed something else about her. A difference in her belly, something, or rather someone very similar yet apart from her.

"Mom?" I hesitantly asked. "Am I going to be an older sibling?"

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