The Reincarnated Young Lady Aims to Be an Adventurer

Chapter 68

68 I arrived at the port town

Finally arrived, the port town of Tobos.

I went to the embarkation pier, standing in the magic room, with a safe-made shirt, beige pants, and a khaki cloak. Judre and ships to other countries seemed to be moving more and more, but no one was at the dock for Marche.

“Is there any more to Marsh today?”

Call out to staff-like people.

“Daughter, the flight to Marche is now canceled. It seems that the parent company of the shipping company in Judor has decided to withdraw the route indefinitely. Maybe because of political instability?”


Who? That’s what I did!

“Are there anybody who takes me personally?”

“Well, the one with the ship and his hands free … Well, it depends on the money.

“I see. Sorry, where’s the adventurer guild?”

“The guild is a three-storey building, you know, brown roofs.”

“Thank you”

Tobos Guild had a restaurant where you could eat a bit of a snack. As I eat the port town soup, I look through the binder that I have requested.

The soup is full of crayfish mushrooms and mussels mushrooms, garlic is effective and delicious. After a long time, I eat something made by hand and my heart feels good.

Miyu also puts her face out of my breast pocket and licks her mouth and soup.

[Celebrity. Why do you want to go to Marsh?

“If you hide a tree, there is a word forest. Marsh is now in a civil war and people are in a hurry. Everyone will be interested only in their own safety. There ”


“I was surprised that the route was closed, but that means that once I cross it, I can’t keep up.”

“I see! Celebrity chan, Attama!


When I was suddenly called out and looked up, there was a big, drunk man who didn’t seem clean even in flattering.

“What are you doing here? Cutie! It wouldn’t be fun to eat alone, just take a look at my table!”

I miss you …

In my previous life, I was bullish only at the bottom, such a boss.

“I’m sorry.

“Ah? Can’t you hear me? Come here because it’s good!”

The drunk grabbed my arm. I did not panic and tried to twist, but before that, two magics were activated!

The first one, the reflection magic I gave to Miyutan. Miyu-tan seems to have determined that it was the same as attacked by Miyu-tan because he was stuck to me now. Did it work for physics? Don’t do it!

Second, I’ve been overprotected since I landed here …. Gillen’s wind magic.


The drunk was blown away and slammed against the wall.

“Touching the selema …”

A male employee at the counter comes in haste.

“I ’m in trouble!

“Even if you say that, is this person involved without permission?”

“This person is the only D-class on this island! What a mess! You’ll bend your navel and you won’t be asked to do it! I can’t help getting tangled! ”

“Do you want to say I am bad?”

I … a little bit of killing.

I’m … there’s a lot here and there … I can’t see that, but my anger has accumulated in my heart … it’s much shorter than the fuse.


The staff runs away inside the counter.

I drink frustrated and soup, pull out three of the requested binders in my hand and go to the counter.

“Hey you”

“Ha haha!”

“I’ve been on ice for more than two years. I’ll be receiving three B requests.”

I remove the plate from my chest and show it.

“Good! G, Trandle gold!”

The gallery is busy. You can use it outside of the Trundle plate. As expected, our ancestors! Seniors!

“I’m telling you that I can’t get drunk there. Instead, I don’t get any reward … just a little bit of a marche. It’s not bad, isn’t it?”

The staff came out of the guild as if flapping, bringing an old man with a white beard.

“Are you the guild leader?”

“I’m the mayor of Tobos. I’m a small town, so I’m also the guild leader.

“But the guild length is the guild length. How do you get my suggestions?”

“Hmmm … the first is to destroy the octopus that devastates the coastal waters. The second is to clean the temple behind Kabira Falls. The third is to collect the clear grass on the top of Gizina. Can you do it? ”

“I don’t know how to fish, but can octopus be attracted, can I?”

“Oh, I see … I understand. As a guild leader and mayor, I’m grateful to accept this offer. It’s very helpful. A ship to Marsh will be safe because it’s addressed once it’s cleared of three problems.”

“Don’t make an appointment! Please write it properly.”

Even in writing, he was rebuked!


Yes, once the procedure is completed, I immediately got out of the boat and came to the first request of the large octopus point! I really want to go further. The time is money.

A local fisherman, an all-you-can-grow hair and beard, and a muscular wild sea guy Gan throws something like a raccoon caught in the forest into the sea.

“Is an octopus a meat eater?”

“This guy eats anything! Since the sea mons around here has been eaten up, even on land, we can’t feed it … come here! Grab!”

The ship is tilted by the big waves and is firmly grasped by the helicopter. The sea surface rose and the bashan and the seawater were swirled, and the head became wet. And


A giant octopus appeared in front of me and wound my feet around the ship!

It’s smaller than I thought. About the same as Ichijo Becko Turtle? 3 meters long. Is that so? After all it’s an octopus. I imagined a mononoke deer that looked up as I met that childhood.

“Then I’ll do it with lightning.”

“Celebrity, leave this to Miyu! Miyu, a useful thing, something not shown to the celebrity!

“Huh? I don’t doubt that Miyu-tan is strong anymore, but … oh no.

Miyu-tan got out of my pocket and shimmered back to its original size. Hmm? A little bigger. It is as long as me.

“Hey, heavy!”

The seaman Gan pulls his hips.

Miyutan approached Sursur and Daco without fear.

“Certain! Cap’n!

If I thought that the leg entangled with the ship was biting with Capri … I made a sound and sucked it out!


“Well, the whole drink!

“Gyarugyurukukun. Ochimai

Zazan …

The sea has regained a calm like a mirror …………

“See, Miyutan, are you stomach ok?”


“Which are you!”

“This octopus seems to have been the strongest ruler around here. But Miyu has become a king of the eastern sea just now because Miyu has been cum! The underwater creatures around here are listening to what Miyu says!

With a sip, reign at the top of the caste ………

My cute Miyu-tan has become the Queen of Ryugu Castle …

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