The Reincarnated Villainess Assassin Only Wanted Friends

Chapter 41: Assault

The glasses should arrive in two days. Meanwhile, John Sark continued to dine with us. He paid no mind to my previous insolence and continued with his visits. I noticed, however, that knights from the royal capital weren't received well here. Most of the royal guards were an entitled bunch of noble's sons, so I kind of get it when they got arrogant. However, money always won over these issues until a knight decided to rape a fifteen-year-old mage girl. The town then made a formal complaint. The knight in question unapologetically admitted his fault and was willing to marry her, but it was rejected. That caused a ruckus among the citizens and the royal guard.

Thankfully, with the new law, Justiciars were called swiftly. After hearing from both sides, and the victim's refusal to settle this with money or marriage, the knight was sent to prison and was stripped of his military rank. The knight was bewildered, and the look in his eyes was amusing to watch as he threw a tantrum, accusing the mage girl of inviting him first. The new law our king made was used effectively. It would be difficult for the Justiciars to come to our aid before. Well, we all knew what the goal of that knight was when he specifically targeted a mage girl to harass. I had several high-ranking knights making passes at Alicia and Safira, too; however, none made passes at me.

"Alicia, why are you so good at socializing?" I whined to them at the cafe. "You too, Safira. None of the knights even greeted me more than necessary."

"Did you intimidate them with your eyes?" Safira asked. "Or maybe because your body is still so small."

"Ah, no. That's not the case. It was gossiped that our prince took an interest in her. That's why no one dared approach you, Lady Eli." Alicia, our socialite, informed me.


"Well, he came to you in person every time he invited you to a tea party, you know. That sent a clear message to most people." Safira nodded. She then eyed Alicia but decided to avert her eyes. What was that eye gesture supposed to mean?

"So, you have been to our county for three days now. Do you find it to your fancy?"

"Yes! My family was landless nobles. So, I was intrigued by someone who owned land and how they built it. My father kept cursing other nobles because they had lands; they could be promoted, and my family could only stay as barons forever because we had no lands. He didn't know how hard it was to govern a land. That court case yesterday was exciting. But it must have been very troubling for you. I can't imagine how your people will view royal guards now."

I tilted my head, and Alicia refuted her, "That can't be right. There were landless nobles who got promoted."

"Yeah. You are right. That's what my father was scheming now, too. He planned to marry me so he could get promoted to viscount or an earl from that. That viscount has a connection to Duke Luca. And if he could get a merchant guild member, he planned to open a business."

I raised an eyebrow at her father's plan. He seemed too wishful. When I eyed Alicia, she simply shook her head. "Do you really think your father would get the title for that?"

"Dunno. I am just a baron's daughter. I am a mage, but the royals only look and treat me as barons. Many were expecting me to become a great doctor due to my talent, and many even offered to become my patron, but… I don't know…" Safira confessed about her future's uncertainty.

As for her future, that would have to wait until next week when I return to the capital and advance my grade. But for now, I had to spy on the enemy nation.

Two days later, armed with my newly acquired glasses and a bomb, I superimposed the forest maps with my reaper card and cartographer tool. Carrying every smoke bomb, flashbang, and poison at my disposal, I departed for the forest. Exiting the city was no longer trivial, as I had to cast an illusion on the gate guard at the back gate. Leaving through the front gate was not an option due to it being locked and guarded by mages.

The forest was as dark and creepy as I remembered. However, there were no more monsters ambushing me. As I ventured deeper, I found the enemy's headquarters right in the cave where I had previously encountered the monster spawner. Unfortunately, there was no direct way to enter. The enemy had mages and troops equipped with glasses to scout the surroundings. This highlighted the difference between disciplined frontline forces and laid-back defenders at the back gate. Incidentally, the front gate of our county facing the enemy also had similar security measures.

"Hmm… I could probably climb the barbed fence using my darkness tentacle. But there would be magical residue. Should I risk it?" I muttered to myself as I stared at the impromptu palisades around the cave. The enemy's main force hadn't arrived yet, so attacking this camp had little benefit except delaying the inevitable. However, the reward was 200 points, which was possibly enough to buy another magic tool. My trident dagger needed replacement.

I decided to take the risk and climbed the barbed fence with my dark bindings. When two enemy knights noticed me, I cast an illusion to deprive them of their senses and swiftly stabbed their necks. They didn't scream immediately upon discovering me because they were unsure of what they were looking at, thanks to my camouflage skills. I then made my way to a tent overflowing with crates. After dispatching the tent guard, I planted the bomb inside and swiftly left.

"Intruder! Chase him!" Soldiers who noticed me killing people started to chase me. Camouflage didn't really work when I attacked them. But I had already put the bomb in place; I only needed to get out of here. When soldiers surrounded me, I threw a smoke bomb and jumped out from the palisades blocking me. Then, I reactivated my camouflage and waited for a while.

A loud boom resounded, and the soldiers all ran back to the HQ. I took the chance to leave as R25B was rejoicing at the easy point we got.

"Nice work! 200P in the bag! Your points are now 370P. Hahaha. It sure was nice gloating over other operators. Who knows, we might be the best new employer of the month! This is a 200-point quest, you know! Hahahaha."

"You sure seem happy. Even happier than me," I replied.

"Of course. Whenever reapers receive points, we, as an operator also receive 2% of separate remuneration. That means the quest you just did secure me this month's salary!" I sure didn't want to meet him in the virtual room now. For some reason, his smile rubbed me the wrong way.

"I am glad you are happy…."

"Tch! This is why I hate privileged people like you. Other people would dance and party when they receive 200 gold, you know! Ah… I forgot. You are a mage and a noble. Money was never an issue for you." Operator R25B was putting on a childish act again.

"Hey! I am just a second daughter of a count, alright! I am a noble, but not really!" I answered. It was customary for the second or third daughter of a noble to marry down the rank. For me, I would either be a baron's wife or even a wealthy commoner's wife.

"You are a second daughter. But the first one blundered in high society, right? I forgot who she was. So, even if you are a second daughter, I didn't think others saw it as so."


"It depends, though. Your reputation within Duke Bron was solid. If the war goes well, your father can expect to be promoted to a Marquess or a Margrave. Your reputation is currently a dark horse within noble society. It could rise to unprecedented heights by marrying Ludwin or fall into nothingness if you lose the war. That's why no noble picked a fight with you." I raised an eyebrow at his statement. Margareth did pick a fight with me after all. Moreover, he shouldn't know about our nobility's circumstances, so what he heard must have been hearsay. I shouldn't take it as absolute truth.

The town was in an uproar when I returned. Apparently, the explosions were heard by the watchtowers, and they scrambled to find out the cause, putting the entire garrison on full alert. Thankfully, the back gate was still lax, so I could still sneak in. The following day, my achievements were spread among the soldiers, and John Sark was gloating over it, with Brother Zach praising him.

"Hahaha. Our intelligence agent finally managed to crush those Elderan's supplies. Tons of feystones puffed out into smoke and dust. Those Elderan never knew how to make war. They only hide between their nasty and barbaric friends in the Western nation! I shall ask the high command to strike them! If Elderan becomes ours, the Western front is as good as won."

"Was it that huge explosion that was heard even until this mansion?" Safira asked.

"Yes! I admit I panicked a bit when I heard that explosion, but it was worth it, don't you think?"

"Yes. So, that's how war is run before the actual war… "Safira said.

"Are the operatives safe?" Alicia asked.

"Yes. If they didn't make it, then how would they bring the news? Though I admit there were some casualties, but that's how war is."

"I am glad they made it. I hope we can finish the war with the least casualties," Alicia responded with such an angelic smile. I stared at these individuals with exasperation—the lying and boasting commander, the excited newbie, and the pure-hearted maiden. They made an excellent comedic trio.

"Hey, look at me. I was the one who did all of those. Why did you look at the lying elitist mage!!" My jealousy was hard to contain, but Alicia's words pushed it past the tipping point.

"Oh my! Lady Eli. Are you excited about the wartime story, too? But you still must stay in control of your emotions, alright. Not many have resistance against your unique magical impression, after all."

With a grudge in my heart, I departed from my county and returned to my dorm. The holiday had come to an end. Safira and Alicia enthusiastically discussed John Sark's achievements while returning to the capital.

It was all my achievement though!

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