The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: So… This Is It?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The moment Vivian dropped to the ground, the blood moon in the sky disappeared. Without the scarlet light suppressing them, the wraiths started moving again. And so, the clatter of armors could be heard once more. Lily quickly lifted more giant bricks up, ready to fight. However, the first to act was the scary demon. When the horrible, five-meter-tall creature raised its hand and scratched the air, the sea of fire as well as the thick clouds vanished in the blink of an eye. At the same time, Vivian also sensed that the demon’s power around them was weakening rapidly. Eventually, even the energy response from the Demon Stone slowly faded.

The armored wraiths in the crypt were originally awakened by the Demon Stone, which led them to the attack. Now that the root cause was interrupted, their will to attack dissipated. The Letta runes on the armored wraiths were extremely burnt due to the demon’s immense power. As such, they were mostly damaged. Since the demon’s power had faded, the armored wraiths too completely lost motivation. The armor of each wraith trembled at the same time and then fell flat on the ground; motionless.

The difficult problem of armored wraiths was solved.

The huge demon nodded and seemed satisfied with its performance. Shortly after, it laid on the ground again and tried to keep its eyes parallel to Hao Ren’s (but it was almost impossible due to the huge disparity in height). It looked at the metal plate on its hand, which seemed to be engraved with phonetic symbols and asked, “Err… ya… er ya my lend…lend lot?”

After it finished the sentence, the demon started to look at Hao Ren expectantly. Hao Ren was still confused. He almost lost his ability to think having to face the bizarre situation in front of him. He did not respond until he felt something burning on his head. Sparks had spurted from the demon’s mouth when it was talking. It lit Hao Ren’s hair up!

“Hey, it’s hot…” Hao Ren kept slapping his head. Fortunately, he put out the fire before his hair really got burnt. He jumped a few steps to the side before the demon spoke again. “Wait a minute. I can’t understand your language.”

Then, he took the MDT out of his pocket with his trembling hand and asked, “Discus, what the heck is going on here?”

“You’re not respecting this device enough. Especially when you give me a very insulting nickname.” The MDT preferred to answer Hao Ren telepathically. It did not even type out any subtitles. “But I’d love to tell you, everything is going according to plan.”

Hao Ren looked up at the terrible creature that was burning in flames and lava. He gulped and asked, “Do you have a demon language translation program?”

“You finally remember the correct way to use this device? Do you remember the time you hit someone with this device?” mumbled the Mobile Data Terminal.

Hao Ren weighed the MDT and said, “If you keep talking nonsense, I’ll tie you to a stick and turn you into a hammer.”

The MDT kept silent.

Hao Ren received help to translate the demon’s language. He was finally able to communicate smoothly with the huge creature in front of him (although it seemed like the demon had been learning Chinese for quite some time). “Then… are you the new tenant I’m looking for?” asked Hao Ren.

The demon looked surprised. A stream of lava erupted from its biceps. “How do you know demon lang… oh, right, you’re an agent. That’s no surprise. So you’re my landlord? Why are you so late?”

Hao Ren was completely lost. Not only did he not expect Raven’s arrangement of the new tenant to be such a shocking one, he never thought that they would be talking in such a situation! Of course, he was now more curious about why the demon was summoned by the Demon Stone. It was sealed hundreds of years ago. Did Raven 12345 not say that the new tenant just arrived?

“When did you get here?” As Hao Ren asked the question, he watched the demon’s response carefully. Even if the demon looked friendly, he had to remain on high alert. After all, it was described as a vicious creature in many stories. Even the werewolf and vampire could not compare with the demon’s position. It topped the Ultimate Boss Chart of mankind’s cultural system. Then again, why di Raven 12345, the woman who claimed to be a Goddess arranged for him to meet a demon?!

“Me? I’ve been here for half a month. I’ve been asleep most of the time. I just sensed that something was happening outside,” replied the demon as he continued spurting little sparks. Hao Ren jumped around while he listened to the demon to prevent himself from being lit up by the sparks. However, the demon was very polite. It insisted on looking at Hao Ren in the eye when it was speaking. Hao Ren felt like he was talking to a steel-making furnace.

“Half a month?” Hao Ren was surprised. He pointed at the Demon Stone not far away and asked, “The stone has been sealed in the castle for centuries! You’ve just been here for half a month? Isn’t this stone yours?”

“Nope.” The demon shook its head and a large flame ignited. It continued to explain, “I don’t know whose stone it is. I’ve never seen anything like it before. But I found it fit as a power medium so, I connected my strength with the stone. I was sleeping in another dimension, I needed a doorbell.”

Hao Ren thought about the big battle the three of them went through, how much fuss they created in the crypt and how much impact the Demon Stone received to finally summon the demon. “Your doorbell is not sensitive. It just started ringing after the house collapsed,” muttered Hao Ren.

The demon looked massive and its hearing was surprisingly sharp. It grinned and explained, “This stone works. It’s just that I was sleeping soundly. Actually, it already activated when you got close and it took more than an hour to wake me up.”

Hao Ren instinctively stepped back to escape the flames coming from the demon. He appeared interested and asked, “The stone isn’t yours? Then its original owner…”

“It doesn’t have an owner. I saw it first so, it belongs to me.” The demon’s rumbling voice silenced the second half of his sentence. Then the giant creature looked around and asked, “This place is badly damaged. It wasn’t me right?”

Hao Ren weakly waved his hands and said, “Wait, I have to figure everything out.”

Hao Ren just sat down on the ground and started to ponder, not caring about the boss-level creature beside him. The things they went through were enough for a few movie sequels .

There was no doubt about the demon’s identity. The MDT would not have lied. The demon did not have to cheat him as well. To be frank, nobody would have came to disrupt the unusual mission arranged by Raven 12345 (Hao Ren admitted that he was not worth the trouble of being plotted against). So, it looked like the demon was going to be his new tenant.

The Demon Stone, sealed hundreds of years ago in the Yorkford Castle crypt was real. However, the owner of the Demon Stone had nothing to do with the whole thing. The unlucky guy who lost the Demon Stone shall then be thrown into the garbage heap of history. Let us just forget about him.

The demon came to the Yorkford Castle half a month ago. It went to the wrong place and did not seem to be familiar with this place. Due to this, it created a hidden space straightaway, stayed there and borrowed the Demon Stone in the crypt. It then used the stone as a doorbell. Hao Ren guessed that the function of the ‘doorbell’ was to sense the agent who was supposed to meet it.

Then it meant that… the activation of the crypt’s defense system, awakening of armored wraiths, blocking of Angus’ pathway by the wall full of runes and etc all happened because of him!

It was the stone that sensed his presence nearby and activated the demonic power left in it, which then triggered a series of problems later.

There were a lot of questions left unanswered in the whole process but, it was roughly going the way it should have been.

“What the heck is this…” Hao Ren was coming to terms with the situation. He suddenly had the urge to cry. He then remembered one crucial question that had not been answered yet and asked, “Wait! Raven 12345 said that when I meet the new tenant, there would be some sort of mutual initiation between us. What about the initiation?”

“Yes, there is.” The MDT finally spoke and explained. “Didn’t you feel it the moment you met this big guy?”

“Feel what?”

“That little ‘bang’ in your head.”

Hao Ren gaped and said, “That’s it? That’s the initiation?!”

“What else do you want?” replied the MDT arrogantly. “I’ve considered your condition. Your mind is slow. I was afraid that during the critical moment, the general voice prompt and vibration mode would not draw your attention. That’s why I specially made you the most noticeable reminder…”

“… Couldn’t you just explain it to me earlier?!” said Hao Ren

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