The Puppet Emperor Regresses

13: A Parting of Ways

Mikhail stood in Grand Mage Thorne's study atop the Spire of Enlightenment, his small frame dwarfed by the towering bookshelves and enchanted mechanisms that filled the room. 

The air hummed with magical energy, and the Everburning Flame at the spire's peak cast a warm, pulsating glow through the windows.

Thorne's piercing gaze swept over the young prince, his brow furrowed with concern. "Before any conversation, let me check on your condition first."

Mikhail nodded, trying to appear calm despite the memory of that terrifying night. "I'm fine, Grand Mage. Really."

"Hmm," Thorne murmured, unconvinced. He raised his hands, which began to glow with a soft, blue light. "If you'll allow me?"

At Mikhail's nod, Thorne gently placed his hands on the boy's shoulders. Mikhail felt a warm, tingling sensation spread through his body as the Grand Mage's magic probed for any lingering injuries or magical anomalies.

After a few moments, Thorne stepped back, his expression a mix of relief and lingering worry. "Physically, you seem to have recovered well. But I sense... something different about your mana flow. It's subtle, but it's there."

[System Alert: Grand Mage Thorne is an observant man, very little can be hidden from him. Host must never allow such an inspection again.]

[System Alert: Host does not possess a concealment skill. Once aura core is developed, Host's dual core may be discovered by the Grand Mage.]

Mikhail's heart raced. Could Thorne sense his dual cores? He forced himself to remain outwardly calm. "Different how, Grand Mage?"

Thorne shook his head, looking perplexed. "I'm not entirely sure. It's as if your mana has... it's something like... it's nothing. You're still young, there are bound to be some oddities that appear as you seek out your affinity. We'll need to monitor it closely."

The Grand Mage's eyes narrowed slightly. "Mikhail, about that night... can you tell me what happened? The guards' reports were... inconsistent."

Mikhail took a deep breath, carefully considering his words. He couldn't reveal too much, but he also couldn't lie outright to Thorne. "It's... it's all a bit of a blur, Grand Mage. I'm not sure how I did it, to be honest. Instinct, perhaps."

Thorne studied him for a long moment, and Mikhail had the uncomfortable feeling that the Grand Mage could see right through him.

Finally, Thorne nodded. "Instinct, combined with raw magical potential, can indeed produce surprising results."

Thorne sighed heavily. "I wish I could postpone this mission, given the circumstances. But the Emperor's orders are clear, and the work is crucial for the Empire's expansion."

"I'm afraid this will be our last lesson for some time, young prince," Thorne continued, his voice tinged with regret. "I've been tasked with a crucial mission to the Dragon Scale Mountains. I'll be working with the Planar Cartographer."

Mikhail's heart sank. He had expected this, given his knowledge of the Empress's past schemes, but the reality of losing his mentor so soon was still a bitter pill to swallow.

"How long will you be gone, Grand Mage?" Mikhail asked, trying to keep the disappointment from his voice.

Thorne sighed, running a hand through his silver hair. "It's hard to say. Establishing firm dimensional coordinates in such perilous terrain... it could take years."

Mikhail nodded, he didn't know the specifics of what the Grand Mage was talking about, but knew not to ask. As curious as he was about this aspect of the empire that had been kept from him in his previous life, he wouldn't push his luck.

As Thorne turned to gather some materials, Mikhail saw an opportunity.

He focused his newly acquired Divine Insight skill on the Grand Mage, curious to see what information he could glean about his mentor.

[System Alert: Divine Insight activated]


Name: Grand Mage Thorne

Title: Archmage of the Tiberian Empire

Age: ???

Status: Healthy


Health: ??/??

Stamina: ??/??

Mana Heart: ??

Mana Pool: ??? [Vast]



Strength: ???

Dexterity: ???

Constitution: ???

Intelligence: ???[Exceptional]

Wisdom: ???

Charisma: ???

Magic Circle: 8th Circle Sage


Notable Skills:

Teleportation (Mastered)

Elemental Manipulation (Mastered)

Dimensional Magic (Advanced)

??? (Hidden)

??? (Hidden)

??? (Hidden)





Items Possessed:




Target's full capabilities exceed the current level of Divine Insight. Some information is obscured.


Mikhail blinked in surprise. Eight mana circles!

He knew Thorne was powerful, but this was beyond his expectations. The fact that some of the Grand Mage's abilities were hidden from his Divine Insight was both frustrating and awe-inspiring.

"Is something the matter, young prince?" Thorne asked, noticing Mikhail's intense gaze.

Mikhail quickly composed himself. "No, Grand Mage. I was just... preparing myself for our lesson."

Thorne nodded approvingly. "A commendable attitude. Now, let me show you something that will help with your studies."

The Grand Mage reached into his robes and pulled out a simple silver ring. "This, my young apprentice, is a storage ring. It contains a selection of books on magic that should keep you occupied in my absence."

Mikhail's eyes widened as he slipped the ring onto his finger. He could feel the magical energy emanating from it, a subtle warmth against his skin.

[System Alert: Storage Ring acquired. Capacity: 500 cubic feet. Current contents: Various magical tomes.]

Mikhail focused his Divine Insight on the ring:

[System Alert: Divine Insight activated]


Item: Mage's Storage Ring

Crafted by: Grand Mage Thorne

Quality: Exceptional

Capacity: 500 cubic feet

Special Properties: 

- Dimensional storage

- Preservation enchantment (keeps contents in pristine condition)

- Attuned to owner's mana signature

- Current Contents: Various magical tomes

- Current Owner: Mikhail Robinette D'Arcy Ironforge 


"Thank you, Grand Mage," Mikhail said, genuine gratitude in his voice. "May I... may I see what's inside?"

Thorne nodded, showing Mikhail how to access the ring's contents. 

The young prince carefully removed a few books from the ring, laying them out on a nearby table. As he flipped through the pages, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"These arcane circles are fascinating," Mikhail exclaimed, pointing to a particularly complex diagram in one of the tomes. "Do you have any more advanced books with pictures like these?"

Mikhail had to make the most of this opportunity while he had it, not knowing how long the Grand Mage would be gone, it would be best to use his childish innocence to get as much from the mage as he could.

The tower would be closed to him in the Grand Mage's absence, too many of the Empress's people roamed the halls.

Thorne chuckled, pleased by his student's enthusiasm. "Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt to include a few more advanced texts. But those aren't just picture books, young prince. You'd better hurry up and study your words and letters so you can read them too."

As Thorne gathered more books to add to the ring, he paused, his expression turning serious. "Mikhail, these advanced texts... they contain knowledge that could be dangerous if misused or studied prematurely. I'm going to place a special enchantment on them."

Mikhail watched, fascinated, as Thorne's hands began to glow with a soft, golden light. The Grand Mage touched each of the advanced books, and they briefly shimmered before returning to their normal appearance.

"There," Thorne said, satisfaction evident in his voice. "The enchantment will only break when you've reached the appropriate level of mastery to safely study their contents. It's not just a lock, but a safeguard for your own protection."

Mikhail nodded, both impressed and slightly frustrated. He understood the reasoning, but a part of him itched to dive into those advanced texts immediately. "How will I know when I'm ready, Grand Mage?"

Thorne smiled knowingly. "Trust me, young prince, you'll know. The books will reveal themselves to you when the time is right. Consider it an additional incentive to hone your skills."

As Thorne placed the newly enchanted books into the storage ring, Mikhail felt a mix of anticipation and determination. These sealed tomes were now a tangible goal, a benchmark for his magical progress.

"Thank you for your foresight, Grand Mage," Mikhail said, genuine appreciation in his voice. "I'll work hard to unlock their secrets."

Thorne nodded approvingly. "I have no doubt you will, Mikhail. Just remember, in magic as in life, there are no shortcuts. True mastery comes from diligence and patience."

The Grand Mage then held out an exquisite silver bracelet, etched with intricate runes. "This is a protection charm of my own design. As long as you remain within the palace grounds, it will shield you from harm. It draws power from the mana saturating the palace, fed by the Spire itself."

Mikhail's eyes widened as Thorne fastened the bracelet around his wrist. He could feel the power thrumming within it, a comforting presence against his skin.

[System Alert: Protection Charm acquired. Effect: Enhanced defence within palace grounds.]

Mikhail focused his Divine Insight on the bracelet:

[System Alert: Divine Insight activated]


Item: Thorne's Protection Charm

Crafted by: Archmage Thorne

Quality: Masterwork

Type: Defensive Artifact

Special Properties:

- Enhanced magical defence

- Draws power from ambient mana (particularly strong within palace grounds)


Limitations: Full power only accessible within palace grounds


"Thank you, Grand Mage," Mikhail said, his voice thick with emotion. "I... I don't know what to say."

Thorne smiled warmly, placing a hand on Mikhail's shoulder. "Just promise me you'll stay safe, young prince. And remember, true power comes not from how many fear you, but from how many are willing to follow you out of respect and loyalty."

Mikhail nodded solemnly. "I'll remember, Grand Mage. And I'll continue my studies diligently while you're away."

Although he knew the Grand Mage meant well, Mikhail understood these sentiments to be poisonous, only the powerful could say such words so carelessly.

Thorne's expression softened. "I know you will, Mikhail. You have a remarkable mind and a strong spirit. Those will serve you well in the challenges ahead."

With those words, Thorne gathered his things for the journey ahead.

Mikhail watched, a mix of emotions swirling within him – gratitude, determination, and a touch of apprehension for the future.

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