The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 14: +This Shit’s Hot+ (Femdom, F*tasub, Toys, Noncon)

I jump slightly, caught off guard by the heroine's appearance. Fuck, my plans! I squirm, trying to think of what to do.

If I just run up to her and do it, I'll probably be on the floor before I can even do anything! Aaagh... Oh wait, she's walking towards me! "Hey, babe... A pretty little bird told me that someone was struggling with their punishment... Oh wait, it was you who said that." She grins mockingly after speaking, causing me to furrow my brow.

The moment I try anything she'll know, so I think I just have to go for it and take the gamble, she's probably gonna put me on the floor anyway! "Y-yes, I'm just a needy slut, please, I can't take it anymore!" I hate that I have to act like this, but I can give up my pride to cover her face! Bracing myself, I step forward to her, trying not to let my annoyance show on my face.

"Aw, is my baby finally ready to submit?" She teases, it takes all my effort to not try to punch her instead, I can feel my face contorting as she takes another swing at my pride.

Gritting my teeth, I can barely manage to say "Yes," in a quiet voice, my heart racing from frustration and excitement, ready to embarrass her. ... Though, if I can use it on myself, I could use it on her and try to overpower her.

We finally meet, standing a distance that's definitely within each others personal space bubbles, I look at her stupidly pretty face with a grumpy noise.

I could cast lust on her, push her down and fuck her throat... mfff... She might be resistant to that too, though. Aagh, you only live once!

"Uh, so..." Think fast, I open my mouth to cast... And I'm on the floor again. Seriously, how does she know? I even made it seem like I was gonna say something! Why?!

"You really make your plans too obvious, you know. You realize you were LITERALLY tapping your fingers together and laughing evilly before calling for me, right?" I was? Well, I was only doing what a good villain should do, so don't blame me!

I let out a gurgling noise, trying to speak past my weighted tongue with a glare. Is this going to happen every time?! Quickly, the weight on my head is released, I grumble out a response finally. "It's not my fault, why can't you just let me have it this once!?"

"Cause you're probably gonna do something like push me onto the bed and throat-fuck me?" Wow, is she really not a mind reader? I'm starting to actually believe she is.

"How did you..." I have to know, I'm starting to feel like I'm going insane from her constantly figuring me out.

"Cause that's what I would have done?" Oh, that's awfully simple. I guess we have the same tastes, maybe we can be friends... NOT! Gottem... In my head. I don't want to lose talking privileges again, okay?

"So what are you doing here then? Just here to gloat?" I grumble in displeasure, my body still stuck to the ground like I've been glued there, my hard dick lays flat uncomfortably against one of my legs, the weight contorting it unpleasantly, completely revealed from under the dress now.

"Nope, this time I brought toys and popcorn." What? What is she... huh? Now I'm really confused, if she said she just brought toys I'd kinda get it, but popcorn...?

"What do toys have to do with popcorn?" My question is immediately answered with a snicker from her, her stupidly pretty lips curling up into a sly grin.

"You'll see, babe." The moment she says that, she begins dragging me across the floor in front of the bed, spreading my legs out for her.

She heads out briefly, coming back in with a bowl of popcorn in one hand, and in the other a large dildo with a bunch of egg vibrators, and some tape.

"... don't you dare." I may be dense, but I'm not that dense, I already know what she's gonna do, and I'm not gonna stand for it!

"You look like you're thinking 'I won't stand for this kind of treatment' and that's true, you won't, because you'll be stuck down there helplessly the entire time while I watch.

I strain against the gravity once again, groaning in effort, I can barely lift my limbs a centimeter before I have to give up completely, she sets the popcorn bowl on the bed, the gravity on my dick releasing, causing it to shoot right up almost immediately into her waiting hands as she begins slowly taping the little egg vibrators to it, giving me various colored bumps all over my cock.

I can't help but tremble with each one of her touches, another week of hell and finally having a mirror to stare at my sexy self has had me on edge for so long...

"You know, a lot of people talk about how 'vaccines' or 'clean power' are the best inventions mankind has ever made... I think it's remote vibrators, though." She says following up with a snicker, looking over me with her sky blue eyes like she's appraising a work of art.

Finally, she begins picking my hips up, trying to position the dildo up against my puckered rear, not even lubing it properly this time, just spitting on it once and massaging it a bit. I instantly begin wriggling around, trying to keep her from being able to push it in.

I'm able to hold her off for about thirty seconds, but after a while she gets tired of it and just rams it into me, causing me to cry out in pain, my entire body shuddering from head to toe as she puts 8 inches of dildo straight into me in one go.

"Ungh... w-whyy... ngh..." I try to complain through the pain, it DOES feel a little good, but still, why!?

"That's what you get for being rowdy, my popcorn is cooling off." She sternly scolds me, leaving me a faintly groaning mess on the floor as the weight of my body pushes the base of the dildo intensely hard inside me.

"Ffhh..." Each movement I try to make now sense little thrilling shivers down my spine, eventually causing me to give up on moving while she chomps popcorn, watching me squirm.

"Oh, done trying to wriggle?" She says, an amused look on her face, her cheeks with a faint red tinge on them as her own lust builds. "Then I suppose I can help that a bit."

I see her reach behind herself and suddenly everything begins vibrating at once at the gentlest possible speed, drawing little squeaks and gasps from me as vibrations are sent deep into my core through my rear and dick.

My hips already feel numb from the constant shaking, my heart racing as my arousal is brought up even further, the pleasure building painfully slowly, but pleasurably deeply, warmth building in every part of my body as I'm tortured.

"Fuck... at least if you're going to do it, set it to high so I can cum my brains out without having to see that smug smirk of yours!" I grit my teeth, glaring at her, my head starting to gently swim in bliss, making my thoughts fuzzy, but not downright messy yet.

"Mmm, nah. This is pretty fun." Her words are nonchalant as she adjusts her position, laying onto her stomach so she can chill while watching me squirm.

I don't know how long this torture has lasted... All I know is that it's just torture. It's nowhere near enough to bring me past a certain point, all it does is keep me locked in the same low intensity pleasure, gradually melting my will with each passing moment.

"W-what do you want me to say? Please? You aren't getting that out of me this time!" My stutter at the start draws an extra tinge of red to my probably already red face, I can feel my cheeks burn as I struggle under her constant lewd gaze, she didn't even take my damn dress off so I can't look at myself beyond my cute cleavage and hot dick!

The torture continues, slow, not abating in the slightest, never increasing, never dimming. She didn't even deign me with a response to what I said, just eating popcorn with a happy look.

Suddenly, all the vibrators hit what I can only think is max power, drawing a deep cry out of me with the sudden intensity randomly after so long of the low vibe torture. I curl my toes, trying to hump the air weakly as I can feel the deepest reaches of my rear vibrated with a blinding intensity, I can already feel myself on the edge of orgasm, the heat within my crotch building deeply from all the constant teasing.

Before it immediately drops back to the lowest intensity, leaving me hanging at that high, only to slowly come down with shaky gasps, my fingers clawing at the tiled floor.

I can feel my cock throbbing painfully, desperate for release, my insides pulsing in time with it as the low vibrations drag me down from beautiful release and back into teasing hell, only feeling more intense this time having come down from so close to release.

"Fuck... you bitch..." I don't care if she gets cranky at me insulting her, she's absolutely torturing me, I'm not going to be kind to her!

I continue to sit there, the heroine still not talking at all as she watches me wriggle with a hazy gaze, my brain starting to move into 'fuck or flight' mode as I like to call it.

I've edged myself before, but it was so horrible I couldn't even bother to do it again... This is millions of times worse than that.

I can see my cock visibly twitch, the vibrations continuing to send it into a frenzy, the sound of gritting my teeth filling the room in between sighs of pleasure I can't help but to make.

"At least... Say something!" I can't bear the awkward silence as she tortures me, it makes me feel even more shameful being in this position, not even being worth talking to.

"You aren't supposed to talk during a movie, silly." This girl really knows how to infuriate me to no end, to her I'm just a show to watch as I'm-

Suddenly, the vibrations peak once more, drawing another scream from me as my hips shake, pumping up a short bit before being crushed back again under gravity, my heart races, my mind all but begging for release as I come up to that earth-shattering edge.

My mind blanks out as I get closer and closer, far faster than before, and far more intensely.

Once again, though, the moment I reach that point she turns it back down, leaving me a writhing mess, my voice hoarse from my ecstatic cries.

I really can't. I'm going to lose my mind if this keeps going. I need to cum, my desperation hitting its peak, nearly overwhelming the rational parts of my mind that tell me not to give into her.

A week of abstinence, and then this torture. I want to cry, I need it, I need it, I need it.

My brain starts to turn into mush as I barely hold back from begging her, I lay my head back against the floor, staring up at the ceiling to try and get my mind off the intensity.

It continues once again for a painfully long time, coming down to the bottom once more, stuck at the painful beginnings.

I can hear my heartbeat in my ears as I try to struggle against the vibrations sapping what little is left of my mind that isn't ready to beg for orgasm.

I can't take it anymore, two lost orgasms, my cock is all but gushing pre-cum, reaching the very limits of what it can take.

My ass feels even worse, the pain has completely subsided now, leaving blinding sensations in its wake, squeezing down and pulsing hard on the fake cock.

"Stop... this." I choke out, I barely catch myself from saying please, if I didn't I would have broke down and begged for all that my pride is worth.

"Say please." Reading me like a book once again, she tackles my defenses with her horrible words, I can feel my breath hitch as my last bit of pride succumbs to her order.

"Please... Please let me cum, I can't... No more. It hurts, I need it... Please." I choke out begging remarks, my words barely coming out as I shiver in bliss, hoping that it was enough, hoping that I'll finally cum.

I try to beg more, but before I can get the words out of my mouth, the vibrations suddenly shoot up to max and beyond, what I thought was max was not the end. I can't help but scream and cry out as my mind immediately goes blank to everything but pleasure, I can feel the gravity ease up on my body, but I can't even think to escape.

All I can do is hump and writhe against the floor, raising my hips to drop the cock out of my ass only to slam back onto it, sending me even deeper into nigh orgasmic ecstasy, heat building everywhere in my body, but most incredibly in my groin.

I can feel tears of pleasure running down my face as I summit the peak and shoot right past it, shooting what I would have to say is my biggest load ever across and around myself as I spasm, unable to control where it goes.

I can't help but love it, my mind completely wiped by bliss, every part of my body twitching as waves of pleasure shoot through me like electricity, my creamy release not stopping for what felt like minutes as my body continues to get tortured by the intense vibrations before they finally stop.

I lay there in an orgasmic daze, unable to speak, my hips still quivering from the intensity of release, my insides still squeezing down in pulses against the member, serving to cause a tingle of pleasure each time it does.

God, I want to try that again...

(Stop drooling.)

+No, you.+

(I'm not.)

+I love torturing you with pleasure so much, Goddess it's so fucking good.+

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone who left 5 star ratings, it really warms my heart to see that you all are enjoying it, or very kind.

Sorry the release was a little late today, brain wasn't processing very good.

I hope everyone enjoyed this, this one felt pretty fun in my eyes.

Edit: Also, I'll probably be doing some proper dom position content soon. :)

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