The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 11: +Ilvia Is Cute+

I really want to hit her. Is she using meeting people as some sort of treat to tame me? I furrow my brow in displeasure at the thought.

I'm the damn Demon General of Lust! I may have been a bit desperate yesterday, but it's not like I'll bite at every chance she gives me!

"I'll fix your bed too while you talk to them, I won't interrupt either." I almost agreed on the spot, I'd really rather not just be laying on a mattress on the floor, that would be beneath me. Isn't it her fault anyway?!

I can still tell though that she's treating me like she's coaxing a baby with candy, I can feel the rage boiling up within me, wondering whether I should try and give her a good punch right now.

I can't fail here, I have to let her know I won't accept being treated like this! I attempt to continue walking with my grumpy expression, trying to pull her along with me.

Of course, no dice, she's probably using her gravity magic to keep herself in place. I continue to think while I feel her breath against my neck, her hug not stopping.

"You know, you're really hot." Huh? What? Where did that even come from? Is this another human thing I don't get at all or is it just her being her usual psycho self?

"Your face always makes me want to kiss it, your tits are perfectly shaped, your waist is... Mmf. That ass is just so squeezable too." Well, she isn't wrong, I spent so long perfecting this shape that I find myself often entranced by the mirror as well.

I can feel a smug smile crossing my lips with the heroine finally recognizing my greatness. I open my mouth to speak, but she doesn't stop.

"Your cock especially, it's so thick I can't even believe it, myself. Whenever I'm working, I find my mind wandering to what it would be like to ride it on the regular." Her whispers tickle my ear, my grin widening. I can accept her interruption this time.

Hmmph. Damn right it is! Angry? Who was angry? I'm sure the reason she's asking me is because she's finally come to acknowledge me.

"I just want to introduce my friend to someone so perfectly hot... Is that so wrong?" Well, I suppose I can lower myself to help her this once. I even get a bed out of it, so bonus points there.

"Then I want a mirror installed in my room as well, also mark areas of the building that aren't in use!" It doesn't hurt to snag a little more out of the deal, and I'm really sick of getting lost.

"Sure, sure, anything you want, beautiful~." Hah, I knew it, she's finally smitten with me! Leave it to the heroine to be able to resist this long, but now it's my time to shine!

"Fine, where are they? They better be cute if I'm gonna be blessing them with my presence." Just this once, I'll let the heroine have a win. It wouldn't do to let her go high and dry when she's such a big fan.

+You're so easy, it's not even funny. Oh wait, it is funny. Hilarious, actually!+

(I'm not like that anymore!)

+How did you even survive in the demon lands? You always make them sound soooo dangerous and bad, but how on Mama could someone like you manage that?+

(It's... complicated, okay? If you wanted to know you should have started the punishment back then.)

+Oooh, I'll see if I can pull a couple strings to get a couple scenes...+

(Don't you dare!)

+I, in fact, triple dog dare myself.+

(What does a cerberus have to do with anything? Don't do it!)

+You're so beautiful, though, why am I not allowed to show off my most wonderful and precious girl?+

(I... I said that isn't going to work on me! No means no!)

+Hehehe, I know. You don't have such a large ego to 'toot' anymore, right?+

(Yeah, so just... Let's forget about it.)

+You DO have a praise kink though, and it's waaaay worse. Don't worry everyone, I'll get her to agree sooner or later.+

(I won't let it happen!)

I follow her with victory in my heart. She's even looking back to smile at me every once in a while, just proving my point further.

I mean, why else would she be treating me nicely all of a sudden? She doesn't have any reason to.

My thoughts run rampant, a big smirk on my face as we wander our way over to... Well, I think we're somewhere in the right ball? These windows are on the 'south' side, and we've been heading 'east' for a while.

+Ilvia said it, so take it with a grain of salt.+

(They're actually in the left ball, she's just completely turned around.)

+'She', you say... Is this a new coping mechanism for you to try and deflect that it's actually you?+

(How do you even know the term 'coping mechanism'?)

+Hey, I was in college when I got brought here, I'm actually pretty smart!+

(... You were a scholar? God help your planet.)

+I mean, I was like 20 grand in debt from it, but...+

(Oh, so you paid for entry, that makes more sense.)

+Hey, that's normal where I'm from!+

"Welcome to the barracks! Well, one of them at least." She turns around, giving a grand gesture. What did I say? She's acting all servile now, it's perfect! Her face is so adorable, I just wanna pinch it.

"Wait out here for a second, I'll go get her. I know, you've kinda helped your reputation, but people would probably still be uncomfortable if you're in there." Hmph, makes sense, I shall wait here for you to return then, woman!

After my nod, she heads right into the large wooden double door, and I wait.

And wait. How expensive must this marble flooring have been? Cleaning it seems like a nightmare. I prefer where I live, it's easier for my servants to clean.

And wait... You know, I realize I forgot to eat breakfast today, I'm hungry. It's probably already almost lunch.

Did she get lost in there? I feel like she got lost in there. She did say they would be uncomfortable if I go in, but maybe just a little peek would be fine?

"- couldn't you have just called me? I would've come if you asked." I press my ear against the door, and I hear a voice approaching on the opposite side as well! I try to back away quickly, but the door is already thrown open.

"... Uh." Okay, it's not what it looks like! I was waiting here for so long and once I finally listened to the door you came out! It's really not my fault! Tell her, heroine!

I don't say it out loud though, panicking from suddenly being caught. "Uh... I..." I try to spit it out, but my tongue feels heavy in my mouth, difficult to move.

+Fun fact, that was me. I used gravity magic on her tongue specifically.+

(You are the worst.)

The heroine gives me her signature pitying gaze, one that seems to appear whenever I talk to another human. To the heroine's right I see the red head from yesterday, this time without armor.

Unlike what it looked like through her armor, she actually has a fairly large bosom, nearly matching my own! I decry the shape as being worse, though, after all, I am perfect.

Aside from her D-cup breasts, her body is quite lithe, not overtly muscled. Seems she's build for speed, rather than power. A woman after my own heart!

"... You okay?" This red head is sweet, asking me if I'm okay. No, I'm not! I'm just hiding in my mind in shame until my tongue starts working again. I just nod, obviously I'm okay, why wouldn't I be alright?

I wiggle my tongue around, finally it starts moving again properly! I have been blessed with a cure to social awkwardness!

+Pffft, no you haven't.+


"I promise I wasn't listening in or anything, I was just waiting for so long I was wondering if the heroine got lost!" I hear a loud snicker immediately stifled by the heroine's own hand, and a quick clearing of her throat following right after.

"Sorry. I'm not nearly as directionally challenged as you, we just got caught up talking about something." I furrow my brow, I try to give her a stern look, and definitely not a pout.

"I am not directionally challenged! This place is just a maze!" The moment I say that, I'm hit by a confused glance from my new busty friend.

"It's... All the hallways are straight. The rooms are placed in a basic checkerboard pattern. Just... walk straight and you get places." What, really? Why the heck would they do that?! That's not aesthetic at all.

"... I'll... I'll give you a tour or something, okay? Lady Heroine says she has something to do, so at the very least I can uh..." Why is she looking at me like I'm a hopeless case? I don't have a bad sense of direction!

+You are a hopeless case.+

(I am not! I'm way better now.)

+You got lost trying to go to the capital... AND YOU CAN SEE IT FROM HERE.+

(That... I was trying to take a shortcut, okay?)


(I'm an explorer at heart, you can't tame me!)

+No, you just keep getting lost in your own thoughts, and next thing you know it you're somewhere completely different!+

(There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!)

+I really need to pay more to those scientists trying to improve ADHD medication for demons.+

"Well, I suppose I can accept an olive branch from a human!" I puff out my chest, trying to make her effort more noble than it actually seems. For her sake, not mine, okay?

She grins, playing along with fervor. "Yes, I quite believe our peoples will have a harmonious relationship should we get along!"

"Suuuure... Have fun, you two." The heroine walks away from us, walking at a pace that would almost seem like fleeing. She wouldn't do that, though, she's my servant now.

With that definitely hopeful and not at all faulty thought, I make my way down the hall following my newest ally.

We walk in silence for a while, her looking back every couple moments to make sure I haven't run away. I'm not gonna escape yet, so calm down! "So, what's your name? Mine is-"

"The Great Demon General of Lust, Ilvia?" She says, looking at me... Well, I don't normally add 'the great' but this girl obviously knows how reverent she should act to me! I nod happily, expressing my appreciation of her servitude.

"I am Sergeant Killa Bitch." She pauses for a moment after saying that. "No, it's not my real name. That's just what everyone calls me because I'm apparently 'a demon in battle'."

"A demon in battle?" Now this is getting interesting! Perhaps I have found my kindred among humans?

+I mean, both of you are cute so you could be sisters.+

(... We fuck sometimes, you know.)

+Like I said, sisters.+

(I... huh?)

Author's Note:

Sleepy brain make difficult word proccessing.

Unga bunga.

69 people are now reading, I truly appreciate it.

In the wise words of the heroine.

+Nice, funny number.+

Sometimes I worry that my chapters might feel a little nothing burger, but I do find them fun personally. I hope everyone else does as well.

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