The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 109

The main family of Zebeline belongs to the Russell family of Beruso Kingdom.

Beruso Kingdom.

It was one of the small nations located in the central part of the continent.

It had a bit more economic power than the Pug Kingdom, which was situated in the northern wastelands.

However, Beruso Kingdom became the worst land with numerous starvation victims each year, as it fell into ruin due to consecutive defeats against neighboring hostile nations.


Zebeline, born into a poor baron family, realized the fear of starvation as soon as she was born.

If you’re poor, you starve.

If you keep starving, you inevitably die.

And after hunger, there’s always a dreadful plague that follows.

It was no surprise that the baron family, unable to afford even the most basic meals, sold their daughter, who was born with an innate affinity for the divine, for just a few gold coins.

After being sold to the Holy Kingdom, Zebeline received education at a monastery for several years before being dispatched as an apprentice priest to treat the wounded on the front lines.

“…How the heck did they know and even send a letter?”

The girl with flowing silver hair pressed her temples with a grimace.

It was because of the letter that had arrived this morning.

What a stroke of bad luck…

A letter arrived with the impact of the Holy King’s handwritten letter.

Zebeline recalled the unpleasant memories of her shameless parents gleefully celebrating over a few gold coins after selling their daughter.

That was more than ten years ago.

A lot of time had passed, so things must have changed significantly.

Nevertheless, the unfortunate memory of being abandoned by her parents who roped in the priests of the Holy Kingdom flew in as a nightmare, making it impossible to forget.

Ha ha ha…

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that she dreamt nightmares every time she remembered her parents’ laughter while grasping the pouch of gold coins.


Since being selected as the First Saintess, she had been given the chance to meet her family in Beruso Kingdom.

But Zebeline rejected it.

They were the beasts who sold their daughter.

If they found out that she became the First Saintess of the Holy Kingdom, they would surely try to cling to her.

Since falling to the monastery, she vowed to cut all ties with her family. True to her vow, Zebeline had lived hiding her origins until now.

Yet, why—

Why were her family members, who should be in the cursed land where poverty and plague run rampant every year, in the ‘Holy Sanctuary’?

The letter received was definitely sent from the Holy Sanctuary.

Zebeline’s face darkened as she thought of the infamous Cardinals of the Holy Kingdom.

‘Are they planning to take my family as hostages? How foolish… I wouldn’t even blink if they were sent to the stake right before me. I’ve already cut ties with the past.’


A hostage drama.

It was a plot that could have only come from the old fools.

Didn’t they use blood relations to lure out the cultists hidden in various places? The Holy Kingdom executed those who willingly came out along with their families.

“What do they hope to achieve with a letter now?”

I miss you…

I’m sorry for everything that has happened…

I want to apologize to you. Please forgive me.

The letter written in a shaky handwriting continued to draw her attention.

How cliché.

Using their blood relation until the very end just to squeeze her dry.

Zebeline swallowed her anger and picked up the letter that had arrived from the Holy Sanctuary.

But despite putting on a firm rejection, she couldn’t shake off her attachment as she tucked the letter into her pocket.

Recently, Ludmilla’s visits had become unusually frequent.

It wasn’t just her imagination.

She ate lunch and dinner with Ludmilla every day.

Having received a proposal along with the wedding ring, perhaps she wanted to show off her status as a fiancée. Ludmilla enjoyed her tea time, looking elegant while sipping on black tea.

“The intelligence department of the Empire has scouted the Holy Sanctuary as you requested. Here’s the report.”

“Thank you.”

Had Maximilian returned to the Holy Sanctuary?

Wanting to find him, Zebeline had asked Ludmilla to mobilize the Empire’s intelligence department.

True to its reputation for swift information, the intelligence department soon located Maximilian. Zebeline swallowed hard when she confirmed the report stating that Maximilian was indeed spotted at the Holy Sanctuary.

Damn it!

Why is he showing up at the Holy Sanctuary?

Could it be that the hero of our Romance Fantasy is planning to team up with those fanatics?

“Do you have any idea what your brother’s intentions are?”

“Not at all. How would I know the mind of that hunk of metal?”

Until now, she had survived by instinctively dealing with crisis situations. But even with such cunning, there was no way to uncover Maximilian’s true intentions.

He wasn’t human.

He was a cyborg created to appeal to the taste of women readers of Romance Fantasy.

How would I know?

Zebeline shrugged off Ludmilla’s question with a sigh.

“Of course, he wouldn’t just walk there… But if he goes to the Holy Sanctuary, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Because Maximilian is there?”

“His human qualities are terrible, but he’s still useful as a brother.”

“Haha. It’s the first time I’ve heard you praise him.”

Maximilian was fundamentally cynical towards humans, except for Beatrice. However, even this cold-blooded individual showed a weak side when it came to family.

Despite facing numerous dangers in the story, Maximilian often displayed a desperate demeanor to prevent any harm from reaching his father.

The same went for his younger brother, Edanant.

Zebeline had once heard that he took over the discipline of his young brother instead of their father, who suffered from heavy workloads, and their mother, who had passed away early. That was before she possessed Edanant’s body, so she couldn’t say for sure.

Could it be that the dependable brother would save his brother in a pinch?

So hearing that Maximilian was in the Holy Sanctuary had allowed her a moment of relief.

If he does go to the Holy Sanctuary… he’ll have to go alone.

The Second Imperial Princess of the Valtarian Empire and the First Saintess of the Holy Kingdom could not move freely.

If they had to step forward,

If she had to walk into the slaughterhouse herself,

It would be easier for the warmonger of the Saintess Party to take action.

“It’s about time to meet the First Saintess.”

“Hmph… You’re really busy. After meeting the First Saintess, you’ll probably go see Liza, right?”

“How did you know that? Truly, Ludmilla.”

“You’re a scoundrel.”

The princess, with her luscious golden hair, pouted and turned her head away. Wanting to soothe the knotted heart of the royal, Zebeline gently kissed her cheek, now tinged with a shade of pink.


Ludmilla flinched in surprise.

Fortunately, it seemed that her anger quickly faded.

In front of the maids attending the tea time, Zebeline pulled a bold move. Ludmilla, who had no romantic experience and was a pure maiden, of course fumbled due to the sudden display of affection.

“Did you know? Ludmilla looks the cutest when she’s jealous.”

“C-Cute?! I’m four years older than you…!”

With a face like a ripe apple, Ludmilla yelled.

Her resentment towards the playboy melted away like wet cotton candy.

As soon as she saw Zebeline waiting in the palace, she sensed the heavy burden of concern upon her.

Dark blue eyes.

An awkward dimple appeared, as if struggling to suppress a reverent heart.

Without a doubt.

Something happened that the First Saintess couldn’t bear to reveal.

Noticing this, she cautiously approached Zebeline. Having always been a source of strength in difficult times, she wanted to help no matter what the situation was.

“Shall we take a walk for a bit?”

“W-What? It’s fine, but…”

Though usually cheerful and playful, there was also a firmness in her that rivaled Ludmilla.

Thus, she suggested a stroll to draw out her true feelings.

Surprised by the sudden suggestion, Zebeline quickly stood up. When she extended her hand first, the pure-white saintess shyly accepted the contact, her face flushed.

“Well, I had something to tell you anyway.”

“What? Are you confessing?”

But she had already confessed last time, right?

With a wedding ring in hand, was she expecting another proposal?

“I promised I wouldn’t hide any secrets. I faintly remember when we made this promise.”

“Three years ago… before we parted, I made the promise to Edan.”

Zebeline answered as she bowed her head like she was expressing the weight of her burdens.

Ludmilla nodded.

“I heard Maximilian really appeared in the Holy Sanctuary. The Empire’s intelligence department has confirmed it. So I’m considering going into the Holy Sanctuary to meet him.”

“You’re seriously going to the Holy Sanctuary?! I’ve told you several times not to fall for the old fools’ tricks!”

As soon as she hinted at her intention, fervent opposition ensued.

That was a natural reaction.

After all, she was saying she would walk into a slaughterhouse.

What could be Maximilian’s reason for colluding with the fanatics of the Holy Kingdom? She wanted to find out immediately, but since things were happening in the slaughterhouse known as the Holy Sanctuary, she needed to judge carefully.

“Don’t worry too much. I wouldn’t just barge in without a plan, right?”

“…You’ve done that several times already.”

Zebeline pouted.

Then she playfully poked her side to express her turmoil.

“I said it plainly. Now it’s your turn.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Clearly, your face is filled with worries. Who are you trying to fool?”

“L-Let go of me!”

She pinched Zebeline’s soft cheek.

In response, Zebeline struggled like a sulking child, defiantly saying, “Are you really keeping silent about something so serious?”

“It’s not that serious. It’s just… I wanted to keep it hidden.”

The pure-white saintess took a step forward while keeping silent. Only after passing through the palace’s corridors did she carefully open her mouth, which had been sealed.

It must be something difficult to reveal.

Perhaps she still didn’t want to say it.

So many emotions blurred Zebeline’s face, and it seemed to want to express that.

“What if you end up hating me? What if you get disgusted by me… That’s all I’m afraid of. Because once he knows the truth, Edan will think of me as a wicked witch.”

“I’ll make it clear. You won’t end up hated, nor will you become disgusting to me. Never.”

As she tightened her grip on Zebeline’s delicate hand, she spoke with determination.

With powerful words, Zebeline smiled sadly.

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