The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 2: Beginnings

Class started but Yue could still feel lots of people looking or just generally being very aware of him. The professor began teaching about higher magic and Yue looked a bit confused. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand, although that was what the other students seemed to think, it was that the curriculum was so much easier than he expected. 

“Are you understanding the lesson, Miss Xia?” The professor asked, noting the look on Yue’s face.

“Yes,” Yue said, not wanting to embarrass the teacher.

“Are you sure?”

Since the professor insisted and he got the idea that other students were ridiculing him silently he decided to speak up.

“I already learned this from my... tutor a couple of years ago...” Yue said and looked down a bit.

The professor looked surprised and then a bit distrustful.

“Can you demonstrate then?”

Yue sighed and stood, not wanting to be stared at from the center stage, he just cast the spell from there. He watched the shocked faces and sat down. The professor thanked him for the demonstration after a bit of silence and continued the lesson for the rest of the students.

After class, Mai and Yue talked some more.

“I’m from Vietnam, I transferred at the start of the year,” Mai said as she put her books away with space magic.

“As you heard earlier, I’m from China. I wanted to be stronger so I came here.” Yue said, looking at Mai. He actually wasn’t ‘from’ anywhere in particular. He was abandoned by his parents before he could even crawl and didn’t know his actual birthplace. He mostly lived around China when he wasn't traveling with Fei Xiang though so he tended to just say China.

“Miss Yue are you and Mai related? You look so alike.” A man said as he walked up to them and laughed.

Yue glanced at them and looked back at Mai who seemed peeved. He pulled out his fan from his sleeve to hide his scowl. They didn’t actually look very similar, it was just a racist joke. Mai’s Ao Dai was modest and proper but it still showed her curves and her long black hair was in a low bun with dangling earrings, Mai looked more mature than Yue despite them being of similar heights and age.

Yue’s Hanfu hid his figure completely, past his neck it was all covered. The Hanfu was also styled in a way that hid any possible curves. It was better this way so Yue wouldn’t have to use transformation magic but that along with the double bun hairstyle, made him look much more youthful than Mai. And those differences didn’t even include Yue’s obvious blue-green eyes or the clear difference in their eye shapes.

He didn’t give them a moment of his time, choosing to walk with Mai out to get lunch like she had suggested earlier.

“That guy was William Beckham, he’s the worst, misogynistic, annoying, an arsehole but the only person stronger than him is Viktor so I can't do anything about him...He's a few levels above me...” Mai said as she ordered some tea.

“Viktor?” Yue asked, wanting to learn a bit about his new classmates.

“The one who sits in the back row, he’s the strongest in the advanced classes...He’s probably actually the strongest student in school,” Mai explained, "He's from a crazy strong family."

“Oh...him...” Yue murmured, thinking back to his accidental prophecy.

‘Let’s stay away from him..’ Yue thought before ordering some tea as well.

He didn’t really know much about European food, so he didn’t order anything to eat. Mai had told him that she’d bring him some food she made since it was a bit closer to home than European cuisine.

“You have a kitchen?” Yue asked before taking a sip of his tea.

“No, the dorm kitchen. You and I are probably in the same dorm, all of the girls who aren’t from Spain or the United Kingdom are there. We end up cooking a lot.” Mai explained.

They moved on to talk about class again after Mai gave Yue a rundown on the girls in the dorms.

“Tomorrow we have a class on spell creation. We’re being assigned a new project. Most of the projects we get from that class are about creating spells that would help further implement magic into the daily lives of people who don’t use it.”  Mai explained as they got ready to leave the cafe.

“Oh, I already know about spell creation..” Yue said and walked beside Mai as they went on their way to the dorm.

“I’m not very good at it but I usually get paired with one of the other girls and we figure it out,” Mai giggled.

“Are the other girls nice?” Yue asked, he noticed that Mai didn’t sit next to the other two women in the classroom and felt curious.

“No one in our class is nice. They don’t associate with me outside of when necessary. They’re almost just as bad as the boys.” Mai said with an angry look, "Marianne is nice though...Just not brave enough to help out."

“Ah...Misogynists and racists, the whole party.” Yue sighed.

“Not Viktor though, maybe it's because he’s not from around here either. He’s Russian and I'm pretty sure I heard he's like Royalty or something. He’s not like the rest of the boys, he’s very kind, just very quiet.” Mai said with a smile.

Yue looked at Mai with a confused look.

“Do you fancy him?” Yue asked, getting a weird vibe from how Mai was acting.

“Oh no, he just reminds me of someone I know from back home,” Mai said with a blush.

Yue froze, it happened again, a vision surrounded him. He was fully included in the vision, wearing a blue and gold Ao Dai. Mai sat at a table with a bright smile, wearing a bright red and gold Ao dai, it was her wedding day. Yue noted the man standing beside her and saw how he was similar to Viktor. The man had white hair but was quite young, just like Viktor.

“Yue?” Mai said and pulled Yue out of his vision.

“Oh sorry, did you say something?” Yue asked, embarrassed that he had a vision in the middle of a conversation.

“Do YOU like Viktor?” Mai asked with a surprised look, feeling like she had connected the dots.

Yue immediately faltered.

“I don’t even know him..” Yue murmured with a raised eyebrow.

“You would totally look cute to— oh wait... You’re probably engaged to someone and he probably is too since you’re from powerful families.” Mai murmured after thinking about it.

Yue never thought about love, he spent his whole life wandering around learning from his master and using his power to gain some pocket money. Even when entering adolescence he very rarely thought about things that were ‘impure’. 

Yue waved the thought away and pulled out his fan to hide his face a bit as he noticed some people staring at him and Mai.

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