The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 100

“ Now that I have explained your shortcomings, let’s start your formal training. “Roxanne said as she took a big sip from her water bottle. She felt incredibly thirsty after speaking nonstop for that long.

“ uh Ok, “Issei said as he broke out from his daze. He seems to have felt the feeling of sleeping with his eyes closed.

“ Ok first let’s start with the basics. I will show you some basic martial stances for blocking, attacking, and parrying. Try to familiarise yourself with these stances before we go to the next step. “ Roxanne said as she did some simple stances for Issei to see.

After Roxanne repeated them a few times, Issei joined in to try his luck. Surprisingly he managed to familiarise himself with the martial stances very quickly. And in a few minutes, his stance began to look like a professional.

Seeing his progress Roxanne nodded inwardly, ‘ Yep it is just as I thought Issei has some talent in fighting. Well not surprising since he is the protagonist of this world. ‘.

Although Roxanne was praising Issei in her mind she didn’t say those thoughts out loud. Firstly it wasn’t necessary as they had just started training so no need to encourage him and secondly she didn’t need him to get all arrogant like how Vali is.

Dragons and hosts of any dragon sacred gears have a serious problem controlling their pride. This characteristic is more prominent in the Red and White Dragon Emperors. The past incident in the underworld was proof of it.

In the past, there was a devil who forcibly reincarnated a host of the White Dragon Emperor. When the White Dragon host realized he was turned into a slave he immediately went berserk and activated Juggernaut drive on that devil the very next day.

A whole city was raised to the ground due to the rampage. Due to this incident, the devil council specifically announced that anyone who is reincarnating a dragon or someone with a dragon-type sacred gear must be careful to not make them rampage.

In fact, what Rias did was a very dangerous game. If Issei had accidentally activated Juggernaut Drive when he was stabbed that day the whole town may have disappeared from the map.

Sirzechs did his best to keep the way Issei was reincarnated into a devil by Rias hidden. Rias clearly knew that Issei had a dragon sacred gear so the correct approach should have been negotiating with him before reincarnating him into a devil.

This was the approach Sona did when she wanted to add Saji to her peerage. She called him to her office and told him the details clearly. It was after he agreed did she reincarnated him.

“ Ok, issei since you have already familiarised yourself with these stances it is time to move to the next step. That is using these stances in battle.

We will fight each other by using these stances. This way you could etch these stances into your muscle memory. “ Roxanne said as she got into an attack stance,

Issei too took a stance. He knew this would be way harder than memorizing the stances. As they say, anyone can memorize the theory but what's important is the ability to put the theory into practice.

“Ready .. here I come, “ Roxanne said as rushed towards Issei. She threw a punch straight towards his stomach. Issei blocked it but he was unprepared for the next punch Roxanne threw at him.

The punch hit Issei straight in his abdomen, making him hunch his back as he spat out some saliva from his mouth. Not wanting Issei to rest, Roxanne did a roundhouse kick that connected with the side of his head, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Roxanne took her previous stance as she shouted at Issei, “ Come Issei, your lesson is far from over. Get up and face me “

Issei, albeit struggling, stood up. He spat out some blood that was in his mouth and took the same martial arts stance as Roxanne. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he readied himself for the next exchange.

“ That’s the spirit Issei “Roxanne said with a battle-hungry smile. With her fighting spirit on full display, she dashed towards Issei once again.

Like the previous confrontation, issei was sent flying towards the ground in just three moves. But unlike last time he managed to stand up before he crashed into the ground. And this time he didn’t wait for Roxanne to come as he took the initiative to attack.

And this time he managed to at least throw a punch before he was thrown away again. After another few rounds, issei lay on the ground exhausted. His opponent Roxanne however didn’t even break a sweat.

Roxanne was a bit speechless at how Issei’s brain circuit worked. Earlier he was in full fighting spirit but now he looked like he couldn’t be bothered to move a muscle. How could someone lose their determination this easily? It hasn’t even been two hours yet.

“Hey, issei get up, where did your fighting spirit go? weren’t we supposed to be training? “ Roxanne complained as she looked at her friend.

“ My whole body is sore right now so can we take a little break. “ issei asked weakly. He tried his best to act pitifully. In truth, he was actually very tired of being beaten up all the time. He isn’t Akeno who likes pain.

Roxanne was speechless. Hey, are you sure you are feeling it right? Didn’t I block all of your muscle pains with my illusion? Aren’t you just trying to slack off?

“Well since it has come to this I have no choice but to use that method. “ Roxanne said as she released a sigh.

This caught Issei’s attention as he wondered what Roxanne was trying to do. She wouldn’t use a wipe to lash at me right?

“Well then Issei if you managed to land one hit on me I will give you this “ Roxanne said as she brought a book covered in plastic wrapper from somewhere behind her back.

Seeing that book issei felt like he was hit by lightning. With shaky hands, he exclaimed, “Wait is that limited edition Red Rose magazine that has the pictures of all the top-tier models? “

“Huh really, “ Roxanne said, a bit surprised. She just took this book randomly from the storehouse in Grigori. She just thought this is just a regular porn magazine that will be enough to encourage him.

“Anyway if you managed to land a blow on me I will give you this, “ Roxanne said, and no sooner than she said that a fist came flying at her.

Although Roxanne managed to dodge it in time she was surprised motherless. She looked at Issei and saw that his eyes were blazing with fire and his full fighting spirit was on full display. Even his sacred gear manifested due to his emotions.

“ I’m sorry Roxanne for that magazine. I will take you down. < Balance Breaker > “Issei said as he activated his balance breaker and dashed towards Roxanne with incredible speed.

‘ WTF ‘ Roxanne thought as she fought Issei. It seems she too underestimated how motivated a pervert could get for a prized treasure.







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