The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 7 Myth

The next day, when the sky was foggy, Ace went to the villa of the polymath Peter with his panda eyes. He arrived in the backyard early, closed his eyes and reviewed his grammar knowledge while waiting for Morton.

As the assistant of the polymath Peter, Morton is naturally extremely diligent. After all, the teacher is an extremely diligent person. He took care of the teacher's chores early in the morning, came to the backyard, and found that Ace was already waiting.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly. Seeing Ace working so hard, he remembered that when he was in school, it was time to give some guidance to his lovely juniors.

Ace, you came so early, do you have a lot of questions to ask? Morton walked up to Ace and said loudly.

Ace opened his eyes, and it turned out that Morton came, Yes, Mr. Morton. I have a lot of grammar knowledge that I am not sure about, and I am eager to learn from you.

Following Ace's question, Morton answered easily. Soon, Ace's doubts were resolved, and Morton was also very happy. As a teacher, everyone hopes to have a student who draws inferences from one example.

Others came one after another while they were asking and answering. Many of them were sent by their parents. Seeing this studious scene, I am afraid that Ace will become the child of someone else's family in their mouths, making other children feel more subtle about him, admiring and hating him at the same time.

Life continues, and Ace has maintained a two-point-one-line rhythm these days. Every day is learning knowledge, eating, exercising, and sleeping, tense and fulfilling.

On about the fourth day, he had mastered the grammar knowledge proficiently. Morton is familiar with his study progress. Although he was surprised by Ace's study efficiency, when he thinks of his hard work and intelligence, he feels that everything is as it should be.

Morton did not stick to the established teaching progress and decided to let Ace learn the knowledge of the next stage.

Ace, you have really opened my eyes these days. It turns out that someone can be so smart and diligent. Congratulations, you have fully mastered the grammar, and you can proceed to the next stage of study. Morton said with satisfaction.

All of this is inseparable from your guidance. If students are ships, teachers are lighthouses. You pointed me in the right direction.

Ace was carrying people in a sedan chair, and Ace complimented him politely. In fact, the reason why he can learn so quickly is because of the solid foundation laid by the high-intensity exam-oriented education in his previous life.

Morton was very comfortable with this sentence. He smiled softly, and said to everyone gently: You are all here to learn literacy. The ultimate goal is to pass the unified general writing proficiency test of the city-state of Medimus, and get To the qualification certificate. After you have mastered the grammar, you will study the three books Myth, Epic and The City of Medimus. Now, Ace and I will go get the book, and the others will continue to learn grammar. When I come back, I will Ask.

The children below suddenly wailed. Not everyone is as eager to learn as Ace. Many children just want to play recklessly and don't want to memorize awkward grammar.

Ace followed Morton to the second floor of the villa, where a spacious and sunny room was Peter's library. Peter's senior disciples took turns to manage it, and there were nearly a dozen bookshelves inside, filled with books recorded on parchment.

Ace couldn't help his eyes shining, knowledge is always the most precious, especially in this life, knowledge is almost monopolized by nobles and citizens. Fortunately, the city-state is in a state of vigorous expansion, and all upward passages have not been completely blocked.

After Morton greeted today's rotating librarian, he said to Ace, Mr. Peter's library is a place that every person who pursues knowledge in the city-state dreams of. It contains almost all the books in the city-state. Only the library of the royal family can match it. Today, I lent Mythology, and you copied it here with the parchment you brought. You can't bring it out originally, but you can bring it out. This is a generous gift from the teacher, and the copy is yours. It's a family book.

Ace understands the meaning of this matter. Many people are not allowed to copy for free when they teach literacy. Knowledge is a kind of power. Almost only nobles and citizens have their own family books.

Ace's family originally had a few copies, but unfortunately his father didn't like knowledge, so he sold them all when he moved to Eighth Street.

He thanked Morton in a low voice. The cover of this book was made of thick parchment, with the four big characters of Kaya Myth written on it, and the five small characters of Peter's manuscript on the bottom line.

Ace found a desk and chair, and began to copy carefully with a quill pen. From time to time, some older disciples came to borrow books, and everyone was very quiet, copying and reading carefully. This atmosphere is incomparable to that of the previous life library.

In about ten days, Ace finished transcribing three books including Mythology, and also learned Peter's beautiful Asuka calligraphy by the way. He also has a general understanding of the world's worldview.

Legend has it that at the beginning, it was chaos. Before chaos, it was invisible, unknowable, unspeakable, and untouchable. Kaya was born in chaos. From then on, it can be seen, known, spoken, and touched.

He was born and died immediately, the beginning and the end, the creation and the destruction, one and all.

After his death, his body turned into everything in the world, and his soul turned into the world's first gods, the Titans. The last born among the Titans, the thirteenth Titan, is the essence of the soul. The gods called him Knoans, which means the born king.

The thirteen Titans determined the order of all things in the world, were favored by the world, and became the natural rulers of the world. They were called the main gods by the gods born later, and Knoans became the king of the gods.

They moved the mountain range transformed by Kaya's skull into the invisible and unknowable realm of non-gods, the outer layer of the world, where the gods live.

The evil thoughts and evil thoughts of Kaya are suppressed under the mountains transformed by the skulls, and the evil thoughts and evil thoughts that have lost the suppression are gushing out.

The gods worked together to banish them to the outer layers of the world. In the outer layer, evil thoughts evolve into an endless abyss, and evil thoughts evolve into nine levels of hell. Because they cannot be separated, the abyss and hell are entangled with each other, and a bloody battle will last forever.

But both the demons of the abyss and the demons of hell spy on the world. They use various methods to break through the outer layer and cause great damage.

In order to suppress the abyss and demons, as well as to atone for sins, Yegu, the first Titan God born, came to the confluence of hell and abyss. He is the master of night and death. He opened up his kingdom at the confluence, evolved into the underworld, and sealed off The abyss and hell finally died of exhaustion and turned into an eternal wall of sighs.

The Wall of Sighs has gone through the changes of the times, and the new master of night and death, Lamor, was born from it. The god king Knoans authorized him to be the king of the underworld, and the gods are called Pluto Lamor.

The god king Knoans married his sister, Linas, the goddess of life and creation. The queen of gods imitated the appearance of the gods and created human beings out of clay, and the world entered the chapter of human beings.

The gods, like human beings, have joys, anger, sorrows, and joys, and they also have various emotions. The intercourse of man and god gave birth to many heroes. The heroes led the people to defeat monsters, established countless city-states, and the entire continent entered the age of civilization.

Myth basically ends here, while Epic tells the history of the rise and fall of a hero for nearly 100,000 years after the birth. The last The Building of Medimus is the history of Medimus written by the royal historian, and it can be regarded as a thought lesson in an alien version.

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