The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 40

Toby's whole body became bigger in an instant, and he was so tall that he stood up to the sky. Even the divine punishment could not do anything to him. In the pocket world, Toby can no longer be called him, but should be called him.

The hazy and radiant figure, the irresistible divine power, and the grand and holy voice came from all directions, and the world rejoiced. This is the first local true god in this world.

I declare that I will become a true sage after shedding my mortal womb. This realm is a true sage, and the world can call me a true god! If you blaspheme the true god, your sin will not be forgiven. You should cut your heart and return to the matrix of the world.

An undeniable voice came from Toby, the world consciousness was one with him, at this moment he was the world consciousness, the world consciousness was him, the true God!

The minds of the people who besieged Toby were frightened, and the fourth general of Thunderbolt couldn't control himself, so he blew himself up and died on the spot.

The others also died and fled, but they couldn't escape the envelope of Toby's domain, and were easily crushed and exploded.

Tai Long felt that the original power in his body was shaking, as if he wanted to leave his body, and at this moment the Eye of Punishment descended.

Ace, who had been waiting in the source for a long time, finally waited for this moment. The world consciousness was separated from the source, and thus separated from its personality.

From this moment on, it cannot continue to restrain Ace in the source. When it descended to the surface of the world, Ace was completely liberated.

The thoughts of Ace hidden in Tailong's body instantly covered Tailong's body and soul, and the god he visualized distorted and deformed, and finally became the appearance of Ace.

The colorful light of the gods spreads fear, invisible and shapeless. It is the great outer god, the supreme god Ai, who has descended on the surface of the world.

Toby attacked and tried cautiously, his heart condensed into a big hand that covered the sky, and swung it at Ace.

Ace's eyes are shining with layers of runes, behind him is the ring of six elements, and he is stepping on a cloud of calamity and thunder. The dream is spreading and covering the surface of the world. The vicissitudes of the ancient battlefield are manifested, and countless undead crawl out of the ground holding ancient weapons. .

The god clone is devouring the source desperately, and a flame rises in the gap left by the world consciousness, burning the kingdom of God.

Toby said indifferently with his eyes: I am the true god of the heart fire avenue, and for this reason the true god of the world, the outer gods retreat.

Taotao's flames rushed over like waves, Ace's face remained unchanged, runes lingered all over his body, and the power of order was surging.


As Ace spit out this word, the rules of the whole world trembled slightly, and the power of order had already penetrated into this world and became the framework of the world.

My outer god Ace is the creator of the way of heart fire. The source of heart fire in this world, the opposite heart fire god should follow me. Its power comes from me and belongs to me.

Ace's words were like a thunderbolt, the world was shocked, the situation was changing, and the rules were trembling. Toby had no time to resist, and the deepest mystery hidden in the heart fire turned him into a flame.

A cloud of glazed flames emerged from Ace's hand, and with a slight push, it swallowed up Toby's flame, and the only local true god in the pocket world and the consciousness of the previous world disappeared completely.

In the source of the world's inner layer, Ace appeared at the battle between the Kingdom of God and the flames. With a wave of the glass fire, he easily swallowed all the flames.

The world of Ace's mind image manifests on the surface of the world, constantly covering and eroding the reality of the pocket world,

The world of pocket reflections emerged, fueling the flames.

If someone is outside this space, they will not find any abnormalities. If they are inside the space, the mezzanine outside the pocket world, they will find that the entire pocket world is gradually covered and swallowed by a layer of fog.

About ten years later, with the last sliver of truth covered, the mysteries of the entire Pocket World opened up to Ace.

Ace's mind-like dream world completely covers the surface of the pocket world, and uses the origin of the world to deduce its next three-ring spell.

The stars in the sky are revolving, which is the projection and simulation of the stars in the real world. At this moment, a lot of original investment is made, and the astrology is rapidly solidifying.

The astral hypothesis has led to two important fields, meditation and prophecy! I need the idea of ​​star meditation that can use the stars of the main material plane as meditation stars, and the star divination that uses stars to guide and communicate mysterious fate and even time.

Ace's eyes are dazzling and charming when he turns on the delusion-breaking eye (false), and the light of the gods consumes the source of the pocket world regardless of loss, and deduces the three-ring meditation idea.

Ace sits in the center of the world, surrounded by stars. With the consumption of the source of the pocket world, the space where the pocket world is located resonates with the main material plane, slowly outlining and engraving the stars of the main material plane.

After about thirty years, only one-third of the original source of the Pocket World remained, and the stars of the Vermilion Material Plane were finally engraved into the Pocket World, that is, into Ace's mental world.

Every star projection is a star on the surface, but it is actually a group of runes with the characteristics of a certain star. The reason why these runes are not structured is because the reproduction is not perfect. Only the runes representing the sun and the moon constitute a complete rune. structure.

It's reached the limit, but this is enough. It's completely fine as a three-ring meditation.

Ace said with some satisfaction that although he was on the outside of the world and the effect of meditation was not good, it was far beyond the effect of the second ring meditation.

The brilliant alien magic power formed by the stars on the main material plane gradually appeared on the surface of the pocket world, but because of the speed of time, the accumulation was very slow.

At the moment of meditation, I felt the obvious time difference. The flow rate in the pocket world is completely different from the outside world. It seems that some kind of wonderful underlying rules are at work.

Although he has become the top manager of the Pocket World, Ace still has a vague understanding of the bottom rules of the Pocket World. It seems that his observation ability is not enough to observe.

If each individual is regarded as an observer, I am a first-level observer. I can't discover the underlying rules without using the eye of delusion (pseudo). I can see it when I use the eye of delusion, but it doesn't clear.

Now there are two explanations. The first is that my life level is not enough, and I need level three to see clearly;

Ace's eyes flickered, as if he was making an important decision.

Before that, we need to use some pocket world sources to deduce astrology and divination.

As Ace's words fell, the words followed, and the origin of the whole world surged, and a dice gradually emerged, with dense rune structures on it, which seemed to indicate something.

The stars rotated in a regular manner, and the dice rolled along with them. Gradually, the stars became brilliant, and the stars fell one after another, falling into the dice. Boom!

A huge dice engraved with the stars of the main material plane was born. The sky without the stars seemed to be particularly lost. Ace's spiritual power surged and engraved the runes of the stars back into the sky bit by bit.

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