The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 15 Wolf Totem

Carlo drew the curtains and felt more comfortable in the darkness.

What's wrong with me? I'm drunk with such a little wine, my head hurts, and I can't remember anything. How did I get home?

Carlo sat on the ground with his head in his arms. His shadow was elongated by the sunlight shining through the cracks in the curtains in the dark room. The shadow was a bit incomplete. A crow was lying on the shadow and gnawing on it, moving towards Carlo's. Fang Xiang smiled strangely.

Carlo sat on the ground for a while before he remembered that he was going to report to the Department of Magic of the Government Affairs Office today. With the increasing number of magic population, the Department of Magic has become the largest department in the High Tower Territory. Only intermediate wizards who graduated from elementary magic schools Only apprentices can have the official establishment of the Department of Magic.

As for the intermediate and junior apprentices who are not studying, they can only go to work in various magic industries under the Department of Magic.

Carlo felt a chill and heat on his back. He washed his face and walked out of the room.

Under the sunlight, his somewhat mutilated shadow and the crouching crow's shadow flickered away, turning into a normal shadow, and Carlo's head felt much clearer.

On the other side, at the Magic Castle Sita, Ace is measuring the ratio of time passing between the pocket world and the main material plane.

Under the dense formula, Ace finally came to a conclusion.

The time velocity ratio between the Pocket World and the main material plane is not constant, but fluctuates between a threshold value. The specific fluctuation law has not been found, but it can be known through incomplete induction. Within this sample range, the Pocket World A year of is roughly equivalent to 1 to 15 hours on the Material Plane.

According to the current records, the dream avatar has entered the pocket world time for thirteen years, and the main material plane for fifteen hours.

With a wave of Ace's hand, the densely packed formulas in front of him dissipated. He walked into the secret room. The magic circle had been fixed by Ace with magic stones. Even if Ace left, the magic power supply could still be maintained.

He read the results of the avatar in the pocket world through the magic circle, and nodded with satisfaction.

Although the avatar cannot appear in the pocket world for a long time due to magic power, and because of the huge gap in life level, it cannot effectively communicate with the life in the pocket world, but only relying on guidance and super fast time passage, it takes less than a day. There has been great development.

Some crude blood food transportation methods have developed into warrior practice methods. In eleven years, the changes have indeed been great. The only problem is that this method of relying on its own vitality to generate vitality condensates, that is, blood energy, seems to be lacking in breakthroughs to advanced levels. Apprenticeship equivalent level pathways.

The Pocket World, the primitive hunting reserve in the northern part of the Mondo Giant Beast Kingdom, revolves around Bribo, and a war is going on with a one-sided situation.

More than a thousand humans on horses, equipped with original wooden saddles wrapped in animal skins, formed a team of fifty, holding curved bows and holding arrows wrapped in sackcloth soaked in lard. A horseman with a torch lights the arrows one by one.

Our Wangxuan Tribal Alliance has been fighting with the Buri Tribal Alliance for eleven years. The despicable Buri people used mud to build the so-called city. They lingered in the city for six years. Today is the time for them to perish!

Duan rode his horse and faced more than a thousand horse-riding clansmen, and shouted loudly with Wang Xuan's unique ability to amplify blood energy.

Eleven years later, the Luka tribe migrated northward because they were often hunted and attacked by mondo giants, crossing Bribor and living in the northern prairie.

Even the strongest king-chosen fighters can't fight against the Mundo monster alone. What's more frightening is that the Mundo monster is not a beast, and their civilization level is much higher than that of primitive humans.

This migration lasted for a year. The Luka tribe was attacked by the Buri tribe alliance headed by the Cam tribe. For the tribe's migration, the deer led nine king-selected fighters in the Tuka Canyon to stop the enemy.

In the end, Lu and the others were all killed in battle, and they inherited Lu's will and became the new leader of the Lucca tribe, leading the Lucca people to the prairie.

Under the influence of the whisper of the invisible king, Zi invented the saddle and bridle, Duan reversed the two-wheeled cart learned from the Cam tribe, and made the world's first carriage (the giants are much larger than most animals. , they did not use animal power).

Duan, who became the leader, had to solve the first problem of accommodation for the tribe members. In the prairie, they did not have caves to survive.

Grasslands are not suitable for farming. Under the hint of Ace's whispers, he creatively invented the animal skin house, called a tent!

Coupled with raising livestock such as cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, and domesticating prairie wolves into dogs with the help of whispers, a tribe on horseback was born.

They lived by water and grass, grazing livestock, and became the nomadic ancestors in Ace's mouth.

The reason why Ace led them to become nomadic tribes is because of his own considerations. Nomadic tribes eat more meat. Practice has proved that the vitality provided by plants seems to have a big mismatch with the human body, and eating meat is the best.

In order to complete his exploration of blood cultivation, under the subtle influence of Ace, the Luca tribe became a nomadic tribe. Because they were far away from the hunting areas of giant beasts and could often go south to plunder the population, the Lucca tribe quickly developed.

They carried out a series of coercion and lures, assimilation of soft beliefs, and finally established a nomadic tribe alliance, the Wangxuan Tribal Alliance, which called themselves the Wangxuan Clan.

As the supreme military leader of the various tribes, with the support of Duan Zaizi, he became the leader of the tribal alliance in the name of the invisible king. Many people saw the grand scene at that moment.

The noblest miko-sama, perched high on the hill, lifted the tiger-skin blindfold on her right eye, and opened her right eye.

The hexagram pattern of the ring flickers, constantly replicated and layered, and the dazzling mysterious pattern emerges and expands rapidly, which seems to be connected with some mysterious rules of the world.

Ace, who has been living in the abode of God, felt different for the first time. Under the sacrifice of more than 3,000 people from the Wangxuan Tribal Alliance, Ace felt a strong magical reaction and a similar assimilation effect.

It seems to be somewhat similar to the wizard's subconscious sea, but the level is too low.

The sea of ​​subconsciousness requires me to pay a clone as the price, but the so-called family spirit formed by this pocket world, I can subdue it only by relying on the huge gap in the life level.

Zi raised his head to the sky, and a terrible light erupted from his right eye. After the light passed, a huge pitch-black figure stood between the sky and the earth.

The people who were praying looked at all this in disbelief. A little bit of breath gathered on their bodies, and gradually formed a wolf.

The newly formed wolf bared its teeth tentatively at the shadow, but was ruthlessly suppressed by the shadow's mountain-like giant palm, and finally turned upside down, revealing its tender white belly.


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