The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 128 Lich

Three days later, Werther's soul had already decayed. Taking advantage of his stable soul storage space, Ace decided to hold a lich transformation ceremony for Werther after obtaining Werther's consent.

In the closed chamber, Ace cast the derivative second-ring spell, Undead Transformation.

The negative energy environment slowly formed, and Werther continued to weaken. He had already placed the conch and the head outside the secret room, and stayed alone in the negative energy environment.

The wall of this secret room is painted with a complex array of sealed and encrypted runes, one is to prevent the leakage of negative energy, and the other is to slow down the escape of true spirits.

Witt's body and soul have long been corroded by negative energy, and being in it broke the balance of negative energy and painful flames. He felt that his life was passing by quickly, and he seemed to have hallucinations and saw Misha's figure.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, but found that his hand had rotted and turned into a bone. Werther wanted to say something, but found that he had lost his voice.

It turned out that I was going to die.

This idea flashed through Werther's mind, and he gradually gave up and fell to the ground.

Ace observed from the secret room, suspended the transformation of undead, and used the hand of magic to delicately take out Werther's still beating heart and the soul storage space the size of a sesame seed, and seal it up.

This is the most difficult step. Ace continued to inject vitality and magic into Werther's body and soul, trying to keep it from collapsing. After taking away the heart and soul storage space, Ace restarted the undead transformation technique.

Werther died, his body was highly rotten, and his soul became a remnant under the erosion of negative energy. The true spirit floated out of it and was temporarily blocked by the wall.

Ace took the opportunity to capture Werther's true spirit and temporarily sealed it with a sealing spell.

Just one step away, waiting for the formation of the soul fire.

With the passage of time, the remnant soul has not yet burned, and seems to be dissipating.

Ace strengthened the injection of negative energy, and instantly expelled the remaining painful flames on the remnant soul, and the remnant soul gradually ignited spontaneously and turned into a soul fire.

It's done.

Ace murmured, canceled the undead transformation technique, put Werther's true spirit and soul fire under the magic microscope, and slowly roasted them.

Through the magic microscope, Ace observed that the true spirit gradually mutated under the roasting of the soul fire, and some kind of living substance seemed to disappear in a flash and dissipated in the environment.

A bit of flame from the soul fire entered the true spirit, replacing that kind of organic matter, and the whole true spirit seemed somewhat ashamed.

This kind of organic matter that comes with the true spirit passes away and is replaced by the soul fire. Perhaps it is the secret of the transformation of the lich. What is the secret in the true spirit? What is the organic matter? What will happen if you lose this organic matter? as a result of?

While thinking about it, Ace sent Werther's soul fire back to the wreckage.


The moment the soul fire entered the skeleton, the fallen corpse stood up, and the empty eye sockets on the skull suddenly burned with white flames.

As a stranger, Ace seems to have an extremely fatal attraction to the skeleton. Even though Ace's mental coercion is strong, the skeleton still rushes towards Ace instinctively.

Ace locked the skeleton with a magic crystal chain without hesitation, took off a rib, and then used the bone-dissolving water as a soup, and the spirit-suppressing fruit as a starter, and put the ribs, the still beating heart, and the secret soul that had not yet collapsed. The hidden space and Werther's true spirit are put into it together.

The above things gradually merged and turned into a gray-white paste. Ace burned the paste with the flame derived from the real world, and the paste gradually solidified into a gray-white cuboid, like a brick.

In it, Werther's true spirit has lived in the soul storage space, and a vague baby with dry bones is formed.

Unlike the phylactery I created from my clone, this baby is a skeleton filled with negative energy.

Just as Ace was recording, a small soul fire appeared in the skeleton baby's hand, trembling slightly.

With the trembling of the soul fire, the skeleton locked by Ace with the magic crystal chain stopped struggling, and the soul fire in the skull's eye sockets also trembled slightly, and the frequency gradually matched the frequency of the small soul fire in the gray-white cuboid.

The soul fire in Ace's skull's eye sockets seemed to suddenly become a little more agile, and he tried to let go of the magic crystal chain. Sure enough, the skeleton did not continue to struggle, but thought about adapting to his own body.

The upper and lower jaws of the skeleton were constantly opening and closing, knocking.

Do you want to talk?

Ace asked.

The skeleton nodded.

Skeletons don't have vocal cords. You are trying to use lesser sound runes to make sounds.

Ace flipped out a few runes at random to form a rune structure, and without moving his lips, he spoke to the skeleton through the phantom sound made by the spell model.

The skeleton was thoughtful, and after trying a few times, he found that he had no spiritual power. Instead, he used the soul power of the soul fire to replace the spiritual power, constructed a spell model, and said in a somewhat stiff and weird voice:

Master Ace, I am still Werther, I can feel my own existence.

His voice gradually became the same as before, and he seemed to have gradually found a way to control the spell model.

Witt, congratulations, we succeeded. Now, please tell me in detail how you felt when you entered the secret room.

Ace also said a little excitedly.

I felt weak when I entered the secret room, and when the Necromancy created a negative energy environment, I felt my life was passing by and I had all kinds of hallucinations.

When you pulled out my heart and soul storage space, especially the soul storage space, I felt almost unbearable pain, and finally I knew clearly that I was dead.

But my soul still exists. In the negative energy environment, I can feel the corrosion of my soul by the negative energy, but the flame of pain delays this process. In the end, I found the true spirit, and put my spirit and all my memories They are all attached to the true spirit, and then they don't know anything.

When I woke up, I found that I had turned into a skeleton. I could freely control the body and soul fire of the skeleton, and I could feel my phylactery, which is very important to me.

Ace looked at the soul fire flickering in the skull's eyes, smiled slightly, and threw the phylactery to him.

The skeleton caught the phylactery and continued to say to Ace: I can feel that my foundation is in the phylactery. As long as the phylactery is not destroyed, my skeleton body should be able to be reborn even if it is destroyed.

Saying that, the skeleton lifted the phylactery high up, the soul secret storage space in it shone slightly, and unexpectedly left the phylactery and submerged into the skeleton's soul fire.

As for the skeleton baby in the phylactery that lost its soul storage space, its true spirit is leaping, its soul power is condensed, and it seems that something is brewing.

Ace looked at everything in front of him, and said while recording: The phylactery can breed a new soul storage space, right?

The skeleton said to Ace: That's right, as long as I provide soul power continuously, a new soul secret storage space will be conceived, and the phylactery can store soul power.

As long as I prepare in advance, even if my skeletal body is killed, I can generate soul fire again by relying on the phylactery and give the soul fire the soul storage space. As long as the phylactery is not broken, I will not die.

Master Ace, I have become a lich!

the original wizard

the original wizard

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