The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 547

Chapter 543: Activation

Barrett can be domineering and domineering. This punch is very insidious, the attack is strong enough, and the angle and timing are tricky enough.

Many people say that his strength is the closest to One Piece, which is a bit touted, but this guy’s combat intuition is indeed a first-class level.

The energy in Thor’s body was stirred by the domineering domineering look of the overlord, and the shot that was ready to go was not fired. Weiwei controlled Thor to turn his head, only to see the “little ant” at his feet, and the overlord color shattered Thor. On the left leg, Earl Red took advantage of her distraction and was also attacking, Wei Wei cursed inwardly, fully energizing the lightning gun in her hand, turning it into a thousand thunder, ignoring the enemy and me, and repelling the three.

The three of them didn’t stop, and the fists, rapiers, and stone pillars quickly attacked again. Weiwei controlled Thor, condensed the thunder and lightning swords, and formed a ball with them.

After playing more than fifty moves, Wei Wei was a little irritable, Kaido, Red Earl and Barret, the three of them were also uncomfortable, their domineering and physique were at the top level in the world, but they were also electrocuted. The two rough-skinned and thick-skinned temporary comrades are different, the oldest, and without the ability of Devil Fruit, the Red Earl who has been relying on seeing and seeing to avoid lightning has been a little out of breath.

The three of them are all very strong. If they fight alone, Weiwei wins steadily. If they fight two, it is no problem, but if they fight three, it will be a little difficult.

In the natural environment, even if the three of them go together, she is not afraid, but this is the advance city, and fighting here always feels a little bit tied.

She shouted to the distance: “The three guys joined forces, even me, it’s a bit difficult, Magellan, I’ll help you kill those little fish over there, how about you come here and help me share one? ”

Thor’s voice was extremely loud. Hearing these words, Black Maria and Shiliu of Rain, who were struggling in the poisonous dragon, were startled.

Kaido and the other three are reluctant to persevere, let alone them, how many tricks can they catch when they go up?

Shiliu of the Rain couldn’t care about Blackbeard anymore. He waved the famous sword “Thunderstorm” again and again, and used the flying slash to cut a passage in the poisonous mist. After that, he closed his breath and ran away.

Black Maria is too bulky and lacks mobility. Seeing Thor look at her, she will attack in the next second. Her mind turned quickly, and she could gain Kaido’s trust. She was not only a coward, but also had a brain. At this time, she was anxious to generate wisdom, and she summarized, organized, and summarized the information she saw in the sixth underground floor of the city, and quickly found a way to survive.

She pointed into the distance: “Hey! The two guys you want to kill have already run away! Why don’t you chase them?”

who? Weiwei was stunned for a moment, but in the next second, she woke up.

What the hell! I’m here to kill the Four Old Stars! What the **** am I fighting with Kaido?

She turned back sharply, and there were no traces of the two elders on the battlefield.

Duck Karoo hid in the shadow, stuck his head out in the corner where no one was paying attention, and quietly pointed her in a direction, meaning that the two guys ran over there.

Weiwei is very embarrassed. The layout on the sixth basement floor is not a plane. The roads are scattered. Just point in one direction. Do you think I can find the way?

“It’s really troublesome, soul harvesting!” Thor’s palm was raised high, and all the prisoners within the range of her radio wave and sight-color detection felt the throbbing deep in their hearts at this moment, like Kaido and Red Earl who did not There were only a few people who were afraid. Most of the prisoners were impacted by their souls, and then a large number of souls were forcibly drawn out.

Thunder and Soul Soul, one has a large range, and the other ignores defense.

People with insufficient willpower simply cannot resist this trick.

After getting out of trouble, the evil king, the big barrel, and the crescent hunter, who have just gained the upper hand in the battle against the deputy warden Hannibal and other jailers, the shock wave of the soul ran over several people like a road roller. The jailer is The friendly army, unaware, the prisoners were all taken five to ten years of life, the king of evil government spit out a mouthful of dark red blood, and his expression was extremely sluggish, he let Hannibal’s naginata slash in the back Go on, stop fighting, just run away.

Weiwei has harvested a large number of souls, she embraced her hands and squeezed all the souls together,

Then a palm slapped on the wall, and in the next second, a large number of souls were injected into the wall, along the wall of the sixth floor underground, bypassing the sea floor stones, and spreading all the way up, the fifth floor, the fourth floor, and the ground floor, Wei Wei. Wei is injecting soul into this prison, trying to take the Push City prison as a whole and transform it into a brand new Homitz.

The prison is huge, and the souls injected contain more or less the will of some prisoners. Weiwei wants to erase these wills and then give them life. This process is a little slower than she expected.

The existence of Hailoushi has dragged down her transformation process, but there are still steel, sand and other things used as building materials in the prison. With the infusion of souls, the dark walls gradually change color, the steel is twisted, and the stones appear With a lot of water stains, this underwater prison is coming back to life.

In less than a minute, the steel prison on the sixth underground floor lost its original appearance, the ground was twisted and deformed, the walls and ceiling were covered with bizarre growths, scarlet blood gurgled from the gaps, and the walls were covered with The flesh and blood visible to the naked eye, the corners of the wall, some dark corners, have long eyes, these eyes are big and small, some are bright, some are cloudy, but without exception, all eyes are searching, they accept Weiwei’s order was looking for the two elders who escaped.

Kaido was really surprised. The dense eyes on the wall made him a little hairy. He always thought that the Soul Soul Fruit was a very cartoon and childlike fruit. He raised his elbows and smashed the black beard that was wrapped up again, and then shouted to the black Maria and the others, recklessly smashed through the ceiling from the sixth floor to the fifth floor in the form of a blue dragon, and his four claws used force. , to run out.

“Where are you going!?” Weiwei was doing two things, Kaido spit out a breath of dragon again, Thor slashed the dragon’s breath with a sword, and slashed at Qinglong’s waist with a sword. Just as she was about to cut the third sword, she hesitated. After a while, Weiwei decided to give Yamato a face. Kaido could die, but it was best not to die in her own hands. Thor grabbed Kaido’s dragon tail and slammed it down against the wall. The control strength of the beard isolates the opponent’s will to resist from the soul, allowing Blackbeard to concentrate on Kaido, shrink his body shape, release the Thor form, and go all out to hunt down the two elders.

Kaido is a big pirate when he is dead, and there is no comparison with the two elders.

She slaps the wall, and the eyes on the wall come together to form an anthropomorphic face.

“Come on, show me the way, I’m going to kill those two old things.”


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