The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 161 – The Price Of Love

Years passed as Phenex watched his children grow up and eventually find their own paths.

Allyria became a dragonrider of the temple, and together with Arya, they adventured into unknown lands, constantly expanding the Red Temple's influence and territory.

Eleana on the other hand married the son of Jaehaerys and Sansa, Daemon Targaryen, and took up an important position in the governing council of King's Landing, while also being an incredibly powerful sorceress herself as she studied magic under Melisandre's guidance.

Marselen and Lewyn, which was the son Arianne had given birth to a few years after Marselen's birth, both became warriors, pursuing martial prowess above all else.

They seemed to have inherited Phenex' talent, like all his children had, as even at a young age they were basically invincible in single combat, as long as they didn't face a High Priest or a Feather, even veteran members of the Fiery Hand not being their match.

And while these weren't the only children Phenex had with his wives, they were the oldest and the ones that spread the name of House Firestar – the House of Gods.

Decades passed, wars were fought and new lands explored while the Red Temple became the behemoth ruling over most of the known world, upholding peace and justice through blood and fire.

Eventually though, grief soon came knocking on Phenex' door as Rhaella's life came to an end.

The former Targaryen Queen kept her word and did not allow her divine husband to extend her life, passing away on a starless night, her beauty and youth preserved by Phenex' magic even after she had taken her last breath.

Phenex' grief was so overwhelming that not a strand of sunlight fell on the City of Light for weeks on end, the world resonating with his anguished heart as dark clouds held the skies above Onos hostage.

In the following hundred years, pain and sorrow became Phenex' constant shadow as the lives of his eldest children came to their natural end and he finally understood why his predecessors seldomly stayed in one place for more than a few years, or went into hibernation for centuries, as grief was the price one had to pay for love, and he had loved his children with all his heart.

The only thing that made it easier for him was the fact that Missandei, Arianne, Daenerys, and Kinvara had not left his side yet. Unlike Rhaella, they had accepted his plea and let him extend their lives.

Eventually though, even their endurance reached its limit after another few decades passed, until Kinvara was the only one left to accompany him besides Sapphire and his Feathers.

And yet, even they could not stay by his side forever.

[817 AC – Onos]

You are my guiding light.”, Phenex whispered with a cracked voice, “And I am not sure who I am without you.”

Smiling tenderly while tears fell from her eyes, Kinvara gently brushed aside a few strands of hair that shadowed his eyes as she replied with a whisper of her own: "You are Phenex Firestar of House Dayne, son of Allyria Dayne, Sword of the Morning, the Fiery Giant, and Heart of Fire."

"You are the Red God of Volantis. You are the Phoenix, Aspect of Fire, Life, and Rebirth.

You are the love of my life and I know you are strong enough to stand tall for all those needing your guidance and strength."

"Just don't lose yourself to grief, my love. Promise me.", the dying priestess voiced out pleadingly.

Cradling both of her cheeks, Phenex gently wiped away her tears with his thumbs, his forehead pressed against hers.

"I won't.", he promised quietly, stealing himself a soft kiss for the last time, as he moved atop the bedding and took the weakened priestess in his embrace.

Phenex held her until the last embers of her vitality extinguished, feeling as if his heart had been ripped from his chest as it happened.

He knew he could have extended her life for another few hundred years, but his eyes saw beyond the physical realm and so he knew that the origin of her life was already damaged by the passing of time, millennia of life having left their marks on her existences.

At this point, Kinvara might live but she would inevitably lose herself, her mind and spirit corroding until she was no longer herself.

Phenex was the only existence whose origin was unaffected by the corrosion of time, being indestructible and timeless – eternal.

"I met her when I was barely five years old. She was such a beautiful creature. Her beauty of complex and secretive nature.", Phenex whispered as his fingers brushed over the elaborately carved surface of the coffin, "She had been haunted by the horrific acts she had committed in the past and was afraid that I would reject her because of them. But how could I have rejected her? How … ?"

He didn't talk to anyone in particular, though only his Feathers were present and they could feel his pain clearly.

His anguish was so great that his mortal form could not contain it in its entirety, and it suffused and weighed on the atmosphere around him, causing the space around his form to twist and tear.

She had lived in the dark for hundreds of years, but when I shared my light with her, she became that light … My light … And she belonged to me and me alone.”, he added as tears fell from his eyes.

His Feathers knew that this was not the first time he had lost somebody, but Kinvara had been special even amongst his lovers. She had not only accompanied him the longest amongst them, but she had also never given birth to a child for him as she had been determined to not add to his burden.

Kinvara had left behind nothing but the memory Phenex had of her.

She had been for him, what he had been for his past lovers – a pillar of support and strength, the quiet priestess having been his companion for hundreds of years. He had given her unconditional love and acceptance, and she had given him her endless devotion.

"Grief is the price we pay for love. And she believed that I was strong enough to shoulder that cost … I am not so sure though.", Phenex ended quietly, his last words spoken almost inaudibly as his whole being transformed into immaterial flames before he just vanished from the temple altogether.


The next moment a mournful cry shook the atmosphere of Planetos, and as the people looked up at the dark night sky, they saw the Red God shatter the moon in his grief and pain.

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