The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 009 – Dawn

[287 AC]

Infusing the blade with his own magic, Phenex rekindled its light. Or more precisely, the whole blade seemed to just suck up his magic as if starving, while emitting a brighter and brighter glow.

He knew that this happened because magic for the most part has long since died out in Westeros, so the last wielders of Dawn hadn't been able to supply the ancient sword with any magical sustenance at all.

It had therefore only ever been drained of its power and never recharged.

After a few minutes, where Phenex had continued to supply the sword with his magic, until it had been completely recharged and reached its saturation point, the light receeded back into the blade.

The blade hadn't really changed in looks or shape, looking no different than before, though Phenex could feel that its sharpness and durability had changed drastically. He even suspected that he might be able to cut through Valyrian steel itself, if wielded with enough power and speed, something he definitely possessed.

Firestar, what was that?“

His mother asked with a curious look on her face, not being very shocked at the whole event, as she had seen all kinds of incidents over the years. The most magical for her was still, seeing her own son transform into a magical bird made out of fire, so this didn't really faze her.

Anton Dayne was different though, he had never seen Phenex transform or do any other impressive magical feat, as Allyria and Phenex had lived very isolatedly since his birth and he only ever used his magic in Starfall when alone or with his mother.

So for Anton, the little lightshow had been very impactful.

It had looked as if Phenex had been holding onto a blade made out of pure light at one point, which left a big impression on him, as he was a believer of the Lord of Light. Also, knowing about Phenex's heritage and truly seeing such a magical feat, were different things afterall.

Dorne was also the only place in Westeros where the Lord of Light had some followers at this point, and even a few temples of the religion existed here and there.

As a believer, Anton of course knew about the prophecy and had always thought that their ancestral sword, which was named Dawn, could have a connection with the sword Lightbringer.

Seeing the sword truly 'bringing light' to its surroundings obviously rattled him quite a bit.

Still, he was a very disciplined man. He may have his faith, but he wouldn't let himself be distracted by these thoughts for long. Gathering his focus, he waited for Phenex's answer.

Dawn is as much a sword of magic, as it is one made out of metal. Unfortunately magic had been nearly dead in Westeros for thousands of years, so it couldn't show this side of itself to its users for a long time. My magic, the one I inherited from my father, is very much alive. What you saw was just the sword bonding with my magic, nothing more.“

Phenex explained, but left out the more detailed information, as they wouldn't understand it without possessing magic themself.

Truly, you are no normal child.“, Anton Dayne sighed, before he continued, “Phenex, step before me.“

Doing as he was told, Phenex waited for more instructions. His uncle meanwhile, drew his own sword.

Phenex Firestar of House Dayne, Son of Allyria Dayne and Phenex, The Phoenix. I, Anton Dayne, Lord of Starfall, hereby proclaim you a Knight of House Dayne and fourth Sword of the Morning. Arise.“

After he had knighted Phenex and Phenex stood back up, Anton resheathed his sword and went down to one knee himself, along with his mother.

The Sword always breaks.“

The Sword always breaks.“

They both spoke the words of House Dayne with a solem tone, like an oath, as Phenex himself repeated after them.

The Sword always breaks.“

The words of House Dayne may sound strange, but there was a deeper and more complex meaning behind these words, like it was for many other Houses.

It could be understood in a direct way, where it stood for the weapon in an opponent's hand, signifying that no one is undefeatable, and that every adversary can be overcome.

Another and similar meaning would be, that death eventually came for everyone.

Everyone's sword could break, which would most likely lead to one's death and that one should stand tall and brave on the battlefield despite that knowledge.

That death was something inevitable and unpredictable, but not something that should paralyze one in fear.

The deeper and more complex meaning had something to do with the name of their ancestral sword, Dawn. For those who knew that 'The Sword' was just a placeholder for 'Dawn', there was another meaning to these words.

'Dawn always breaks.'

The essence behind these words was also very vague and could be interpreted in different ways, but the general meaning was a promise for light after every night.

It was these words, that were responsible for House Dayne's members to be drawn towards the Lord of Light and the prophecies though.

According to Phenex's mother, not only his uncle Anton, but also the dead Arthur Dayne had been a believer of these prophecies. It was one of the reasons that Arthur had been so loyal towards Rheagar, as he also had shared the same beliefs.

Nevertheless, they were also both intelligent and disciplined men and knew when to put their duty first.

His uncles weren't like Stannis, totally blinded by their faith and these prophecies, unable to seperate their duties from their faith and losing any sense for justice and honor.

Afterwards his mother and uncle both stood up again, while his uncle grabbed something from behind the altar and his mother came to hug him from behind, showing her affection and pride.

This is a leather sheath for Dawn. This will allow your hands to be free when traveling.“

Thank you, Uncle.“

No need for thanks, you are now the Sword of the Morning and according to the ancient laws of our family, you are of equal status as the Lord of House Dayne, or me in this case.”, he explained, before he continued in a heavier tone, “And Starfall will need you in the future, I can feel it. Peace like this never lasts long. Especially not with the Martell's thirst for Lannister blood, after Princess Elia's and her children's deaths.“

I am a son of House Dayne and I will make sure to protect it.“, Phenex stated calmly, easily accepting this responsibility.

Good lad! Now, your mother told me that you have plans to travel around for awhile, is this true?“, his uncle asked, while Phenex could feel his mother's hold on him tighten some more.

Yes, Uncle. There are a few places I want to visit, though I will occasionally come back here.“

Normally, I would disagree, as you are still too young. But with the strength you have shown and knowing what I do, I realize that you shouldn't have a problem surviving alone out there.“

After they talked a bit more about some interesting places that were worth visiting, and places to avoid. Phenex and his mother went back towards their own little courtyard.

Are you sure you don't want to come with me, Mother?“

Phenex had asked his mother several times already, but she had always declined.

Yes, Firestar. I can see that you have some plans of your own. Just make sure to come back here every once in a while and bring me for a few hours to Essos to have a look around.”, Allyria smiled lovingly, as she craddled his cheeks, “You have your own journey ahead of you, I know that much, just don't forget your mother, ok?“

Allyria looked at her son with a pleading look in her eyes, love and worry coloring her eyes..

How could I forget you, Mother? I love you the most in this world afterall.“, Phenex replied with a calm smile, placing his hand over his mother's, while his eyes changed from amethyst coloured jewels into two bright dancing flames.

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