The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 001 – Prologue – A Phoenix

If there was one thing that was special about me, then that would probably the clarity with which I could see myself. I knew that from my point of view my life seemed extraordinary, difficult and/or exciting, but in truth it was just an average life. Not much different than that of the rest of humanity.

We live, we suffer and we die. That's it. It didn't really matter in which way we suffer, but that was something that we all have in common.

Even though my life sometimes seemed harsh or difficult to me, I know that it was just a thing of perspective. And while that was a pretty intimidating thought, it helped me in being more carefree and not be too burdened by all that was happening around me or to me.

There was also that part of me that just wished to be completely free of this burden. To walk on this world as I pleased, to be what I wanted. To be free.

Such a freedom wasn't something a normal human can just acquire because he wants to. It isn't something that can be achieved with money or political power, no this kind of freedom needed enormous personal strength, invincible strength.

And that was something non-existent in this world. A truly depressing truth, that had made me feel more caged than if someone had really imprisoned me. The simple fact, that there was no way for my dream to come true, it broke something in me.

So, even though I lived on, going to work everday and getting a little bit of relief by reading all kinds of stories in my freetime, there was no passion, no true will behind all these actions anymore.

At that point I was more dead than I was alive, at least that was how I felt.

Someday though that changed. I was surfing the internet, when I came across a new thread on a forum. It was about, if you were reborn, what would you want to be in your next life.

As every avid and daydreaming reader of fictional stories, I have asked myself this question often and thought about it for days, weeks evenm, and still I came to no conlusive answer, the perfect answer nowhere to be found.

But that was alright, I loved to fantasize about it, precisely because it kept my mind occupied for an indefinite amount of time.

As I had just finished reading up on some wiki entry about the mythical creature called phoenix, I started to imagine what it would be like to be born as a phoenix.

So that is what I commented on the forum.

I want to be a Phoenix, a true immortal creature.

I thought that would be it, but shortly after came an answer that changed my life forever.

As you wish.

A moment later darkness claimed me.

And through the darkness that surrounded me, a voice suddenly reached into my mind.

My son, I pass on this message to you, like my father had done to me. As it is the only option for our race, since the beginning of time.“

Only one phoenix can live at a time, never two. I myself have lived for an uncountable number of years and at least a few thousands of years in this world, before deciding to start the inheritance process. This process takes about a year to be finished and cannot be stopped once started.“

Why do I mention this in my meassage to you? Well, because unlike me, who has come into existence in the depth of a volcano, you will be born as the son of not only myself, but as a son to your mother and the love of my life – Allyra Dayne“

I met your mother in that last year of my life, with my death not far off and I fell in love. You may not be able to understand the significance of that right now, but you will once you reach my age. Finding love like that at the end of my life was the most beautiful and tragic thing I have ever experienced.“

Our time was precious and we cherished each moment of it, never parting for too long. Thankfully, your mother's family wasn't against our union and we married according to the customs of your mother's origins.“

“I did not hide what I am, which may have played a role in their acceptance of our relationship, and neither should you. My powers waned the more time passed, until I was eventually unable to summon even the smallest of flames.”

It was a horrible and painful thing to not be able to call on the very flames I was made out of, but the gentle presence of your mother helped in soothing this pain of mine, as I tried to sooth hers over the loss of her brother Arthur and sister Ashara.”

Though the guilt I felt over adding to that pain by leaving her side only a few short weeks after will remain with me forever. So, I hope you can bring some light and happiness into her life again my son, which is all I ask of you.”

Your name will be Phenex, like all your predecessors had been called including myself.”

The memories of myself and our ancestors about the extent of your powers and our experiences are part of this message, and they will help you with gaining control over your abilities and navigate your future. Though remember most of your abilities are instinctive and do not require much control or training, only imagination.”

The last thing I want you to remember is that, even though I regret having to leave your mother, I have never for a moment not loved you with all of my immortal heart.”

May you soar my son, ruler of the fiery sky, Phenex!

As these words echoed through Phenex's head and the accompanying memories worth thousands of years of experience and knowledge rushed into his head, he realised that he wouldn't ever be the same again.

Memories were an integral part of one's identity and responsible for the kind of person one grew into, with all these new memories he would truly become a phoenix.

He would become Phenex.

Soon though these thoughts were washed away by the endless stream of memories embedding themselves in his mind.

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