The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 855: Am I not pretty now?

After sending Princess Analeta back to the palace, Emily and I walked slowly to her house side by side.

As she walked, Emily suddenly asked: "Have you signed up?"


"Hefeng Contest."

"Well, signed up."

Emily thought for a while, then asked: "What's the grade?"

"Three hundred and forty-two" I looked at her: "What's the matter?"

She didn't respond to me, she still walked slowly.

"By the way, what is your grade?"

As soon as I asked this, I regretted it. Emily and his team were the champions of the previous Hefeng Contest, so the number one must have missed.

as predicted......

"Number one."

After that, we were silent all the way till the door of her house.

Before closing the door, Emily called me suddenly and said, "Would you like to practice with me?"


"Team and individual battles in the Hefeng Contest" she paused and said, "Practice with the Rose Legion and me?"

"It's good, but I also have a game." I spread my hands and showed a helpless expression.


The door closed.

"Really, don't respond to me," I muttered and walked home.



There are still two months of preparation time before the official start of the Hefeng Championship. During this time, we will participate in a knockout match every few days. Until the official game, the participating teams in the main city of Moonlight City will be compressed to double digits. .

The rules of the knockout match are as follows. You can advance by winning two consecutive games, and the team that has two losses will be declared eliminated. After one round of the game, the adventurer base will unite the victors and distribute the matches again.

Opponent allocation and battle time are recorded on the bulletin board in front of the adventurer's base. This type of bulletin board has three sides, each recording the situation of the three battle fields.

Phoenix and I rushed to the adventurer's base early in the morning, came to the bulletin board, and counted the numbers on it one by one, in order to find our match time and rival brand.

However, we searched for it over and over again for nearly an hour, but did not find the number three hundred and forty-two.

"Did you forget to record our team?" Kagali wondered.

"Perhaps" Billy probed: "I heard that the elves and humans are not dealing with it. It's not good. They are deliberate...well, woohoo!"

His mouth was covered by Godot.

"Good job!" I praised Godot with a thumbs up.

"Why don't we ask," Phoenix said with a voice.

She hurried to the front desk and consulted the staff. After that, she ran back quickly and said to me, "Xiao Yi, we have not been forgotten."

"Oh, why isn't our number on it?"

"Because we were given a bye." Phoenix raised his head, pouting his mouth, and said, "All rounds of the game, we were all given a bye."

"Uh...that is..."

"Well, we were promoted by default." Phoenix pouted, squeezed his small fist, and said displeasedly: "Really, I want to try the newly developed charged Qigong bomb!"

"Me too..." Lily also pouted, and said, "Brother Xiaoyi, I just learned how to condense a very big magic missile... well, it's as big as that one! "

Following her fingers, I saw a wooden carved pumpkin with a diameter of one meter for decoration.

Huh, a magic missile with a diameter of one meter?

Lily, how much have you grown?

Since we were only looking at the situation of the game and did not carry any supplies or weapons, we hurried home after confirming the situation. Since all the games were bye, we can only go to the dungeon to hunt monsters and hone our own Strength, as for team cooperation, let's talk about it when Emily brings the team to meet us.

Eh? and many more?

I suddenly thought of a possibility, what Emily said to me last night, and all the battles were all bye...Huh? Emily did all of this, right?

Just thinking about it, Kagali suddenly said to me: "Xiaoyi, look!"

I raised my head and looked forward casually, and my eyes lit up instantly.

I saw dozens of neatly-dressed beautiful girls, lined up in a neat line, waiting in front of my house, and it was Emily who took the lead!

"Eh? What a coincidence~" I hurried forward to greet her: "I didn't expect to meet front of my house."

"I'm here to find you" Emily said: "Let's go, my team is waiting."

"where to?"

"Do confrontation exercises" Emily said: "It was set last night, isn't it?"



Among the group of Fearless Guild, apart from me and Kagali, the others looked dumbfounded.

I was not surprised because I knew that Emily had said that I wanted to discuss things with me. Kagali had forgotten everything because she was immersed in the great happiness of walking with idols.

As I walked, I asked Emily: "My squad was played by a bye, this shouldn't be you..."

"I did it," she said lightly.

"Awesome" I praised: "You even bought the adventurer base..."

"You think too much" she continued to say lightly: "I just have the right to make an adventurer team directly advance."

"Is it the power of champions?" I asked again.

"The top ten have such rights." Her tone was very low, and she seemed not to take the matter of being a top ten seriously.

"Where are we going?" I raised my eyes and looked ahead. I can't figure out where this is at all. I only know that I'm somewhere in the Fairy Forest.

Emily said lightly: "Go to the training place."

"How far is it?"

"Not far."

"How long will it take?"


"Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."


"be quiet."

After being ordered to be quiet by Emily, I had to shut my mouth obediently, and turned my head to observe the selected members of the Rose Legion behind me, and found that there were three people I had met, the same three who had previously eliminated Amon boss.

At this moment, the expressions of these three are the same as Emily, they are all light and serious, and the expressions of the other girls are different. Some are smiling slightly, some are upset, and some are whispering to the girl next to them. Some of them whispered to each other, and some looked at the small mirror to tidy up their appearances, but judging from the aura that they inadvertently flowed out, they were all masters.

I thought that the Legion of Roses would become a squad of disciplined, iron and steel women under the rigid leadership of Emily, but in fact, they are almost the same as the girls around me, except for their strength. Even stronger, they also love to talk and laugh, and they love to be angry, and they all love beauty.

I asked Emily quietly, "Look, all of your girls are wearing makeup."


"Don't you want to try makeup?" I tempted her: "Make-up can become more beautiful~"

After hearing this, Emily paused slightly. She turned her head, looked at me, and said seriously, "Am I not pretty now?"

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