The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 87

Chapter 87:

Ling Wei was in a panic when he was recovering from his injury, and then started the idea of the library in the palace.

When he was tested for the champion, the books in the library only looked at the parts that needed to be tested in the imperial examination, and there were still many rare books that hadn’t had time to read.

Later, after entering the palace, there is work to do, so it is not so leisurely.

Taking advantage of the current injury, why don’t you hurry up and sell Meng and ask His Majesty the Emperor to show you the book?

“It’s easy, Jintang just said it.” The prince said that there is a small matter, and he doesn’t need to report to the father, he can decide. “It happened that the younger brother and sister recently quarreled about not wanting to go to class. Jintang will tell them by the way while reading. As soon as I speak, it becomes a class.”

“If they can listen to it, it doesn’t matter if you subordinate to an official.” Ling Wei thinks, it is estimated that His Majesty the Emperor will not agree? Although the little princes have all been enlightened, the miscellaneous books he read should be of little use to the little princes, right?

However, His Majesty the Emperor agreed.

“Anyway, you will always find something you can teach.” His Majesty said.

…My fault?

“Anyway, they are always thinking about you, so they don’t have to go to class well.” His Majesty said.

…Really my fault?

So Ling Wei lay on the bed and began to continue his teaching career.

What is rare is that the teachers who originally taught the little majesty did not express their dissatisfaction. Instead, they said that Ling Wei was still recuperating and went to teach the little majesty. It was too hard and dedicated.

Ling Wei said that he just wanted to read a book.

A very strange phenomenon appeared in the palace. Every day, a small carrot head would meet in the palace library, and they would search for books with a list of books, and then they would not let other people help. One person went to visit Ling Wei with two or three books.

Then in the evening, a small carrot head held the book to the library again, and then went back to rest after putting the book in.

“His Royal Highness, is this book still a slave and maid to hug?” The servant said hurriedly.

Jinque shook his head: “Jintang said that it’s not good to exercise in the palace every day. This king is still young and can’t learn to ride and shoot. It will hurt the body, so it’s best to walk more.”

“Every day I walk to the library, walk to see Jintang, then walk to the library, and finally walk back.” The Seventh Prince Li Lian said, “Jintang said that exercise is enough. Walk every day, be in good health and grow tall. .”

“I was a little tired at first.” Ankang laughed softly, “but now I can walk around and rest, I can still hold on to it.”

Anyway, what Jintang said is correct. Every day we walk together, chat and play while walking, which is much more fun than being hugged by someone in a car.

Although the children in the palace were squeamish, when Ling Wei taught them, he deliberately made them move more.

Li Li was good at riding and fighting, and he was very displeased with the delicate appearance of his children and supported Ling Wei’s actions.

Empress Liu is that as long as the children are healthy, all manners are paper tigers, and she can take care of it alone.

It’s just that during the period when Ling Wei went to Jiangnan, other teachers would only teach them their own jobs, and no one organized them to jump around. The other servants in the palace were also worried that the little majesty would fall, and they wanted to keep their feet on the ground. Do not touch the ground.

Children have tight lessons, so naturally they don’t have time to play. In the past, Ling Wei would organize them to broadcast gymnastics every morning, but Ling Wei was not there and no one organized it. They certainly wouldn’t be able to practice.

When Ling Wei came back, he found that the spirits of the little princes were much worse than before he left. After asking, I knew that the amount of exercise was small.

How is the child’s health if he doesn’t move too much?

Ling Wei was lying down, naturally unable to continue organizing the movement of the little princes, so he thought of such a way.

From the place where the prince and princess live, the distance to the library is still a little far away. If you walk back and forth a few times, the amount of exercise is enough.

The road from where you live to the library just crosses several gardens, including the imperial garden. It is good to see more plants and breathe more fresh air.

There are lots of flowers and grass, and children find it fun to walk.

In the autumn and winter season, the little majesty wrapped up into small round balls, jumping to move books, sometimes seen by the concubines, they couldn’t help showing knowing smiles.

This is a rare and vibrant picture in the palace.

When the little princes brought the book back, they would chat with Ling Wei about what they encountered on the road. If a leaf or a flower is unsuccessful, it seems that every day they go “walking around the garden” and they all have new discoveries.

Ling Wei always listened patiently to their interesting stories, and “forced popular science.”

For example, when it comes to leaves, Ling Wei will mention what kind of leaves are, how their growth patterns are, and what functions they have. It seemed that any small matter was great knowledge in his eyes, and he often heard the little majesty exclaim again and again.

The prince came to wander around a few times, and then he reported to Li Li, hoping that he would also come to listen to him when he was on official business.

His Majesty the emperor came to observe several times, and the corner of his mouth twitched and agreed to the prince’s request.

This Ling Wei is too ridiculous, even a leaf can tell different truths, but it’s just the natural law of the plant that the leaf belongs to, and the difference in each leaf is different for everyone. He can even tell a little story about the sight of Mount Tai.

Just a leaf…

Don’t talk about the prince, even he wants to keep listening, what else can Ling Wei tell.

Ling Wei was also panicking. There was too much knowledge stored in his head and he didn’t have a chance to say it. There are also fixed content in class at ordinary times, so it is not easy to run the train with his mouth full. Now His Majesty allowed him to say whatever he thought of, and he began to talk about the mountains. Looking at the small eyes that the children admired, the beauty in his heart was more drunk than drinking the old Laojiao.

In addition to forcibly talking about the mountains through the daily observations of the little princes, Ling Wei could finally see the book he was reading.

Because he never forgets, Ling Wei’s reading speed is very terrifying. After he finished reading a book, he began to think back and forth, and then told the children about the book.

Reading a book is just to force memory, and teaching a book is to put the things in the book for your own use. Although what Ling Wei said was simple, it was the essence of the book. The little majesty all listened to it with gusto, and even some knowledge of medicine, farming and labor. He could also make up some interesting stories to tell the little ones.

The prince wanted to stay here, not to miss every lecture by Ling Wei.

But he still has a lot of things to be busy, and he can’t just read books and study like he did when he was young.

When people grow up, they will always become more and more involuntary.

The prince was very dissatisfied with this.

Ling Wei saw that he chose the books that were useful to the prince from the books he had read. When the prince took the time to come, he specifically explained it to the prince—this was much more profound than that of the little princes, and there were a lot of mixed ones. What happened to the prince. But the little majesty may not understand all of them, but they can also listen to them a little bit, and even ask some naive but not naive questions, but they have given them a lot of enlightenment.

When the prince was busy, he took the book with him and read it in his spare time, which can deepen his understanding and be regarded as a break. If you have any questions, just write them down and ask them again when you next visit Ling Wei.

The prince always held a book, read it in his spare time, and used a small notebook to take notes. The minister who worked with the prince asked curiously, and the prince said that it was the homework assigned by Ling Wei.

Learning is endless, even if you are busy working together, you can’t neglect to learn.

“Jintang was not idle when he was recuperating. He was thinking about the book collection in the palace.” The prince also smiled. “I really envy the younger brothers and sisters. After Jintang reads the book, he will explain to them, if it is not the lonely wife. Busy, I can’t wait to listen in too.”

“His Royal Highness is young, can you understand?” Most of the books in the palace are still very deep.

“Jintang can always explain in words that he understands.” The Prince said, “Jintang said, just like music, people who understand music, whether it is Yangchun Baixue or the lower Liba, are good at it. “Three Character Classic” and “Thousands” “Zi Wen” was all compiled by him.”

This is the first time that the prince officially admitted that these two books have been promoted in Yan Chao, and they are almost compulsory by Ling Wei.

Ling Wei spent a lot of effort in compiling these two books. Many allusions are used in “San Zi Jing” and “Thousand Characters Wen”, but the history of Yan Chao is not the same as that of China, and the time point is also different. He has deleted a lot of content and replaced it with allusions from this world.

In order to make the allusions representative and catchy, Ling Wei revised the manuscript no fewer than a hundred times.

Later, after Zhao Zhao and Yu Zheng wrote a preface, it was quickly promoted, but because he felt that Ling Wei’s reputation at the time was too small, he did not disclose that he was the author of these two enlightenment essays.

The emperor meant that after these two enlightenment texts have been circulated in Yan Chao and have been recognized by others, they will be called Ling Wei.

What he did was made public, so that no one would boycott these two enlightenment essays because they questioned Ling Wei’s age.

At that time, Ling Wei must have been more prestigious than then.

Now the “San Zi Jing” and “Thousand Characters Wen” have been promoted in all official schools. They are the content that Meng children must not learn. They will even be tested when they are exams for children. Their status is already unshakable. Now even if someone questioned Ling Wei, they would not Question these two articles.

However, even though Ling Wei is not very old, his credit and prestige over the years have been higher than that of many elders in North Korea. After presiding over the scientific examination, his reputation among scholars has also been steadily increased. He has changed from a person who wants to surpass to a person who can only be looked up to.

The enlightenment books he compiled are perhaps more convincing.

Who doesn’t want his children to be as young as Ling Wei?

“It turned out to be Lord Linghou, no wonder…” the listener exclaimed, and the news spread quickly.

“Ling Hou Lord is so talented, if this happens unexpectedly, it will be a huge loss for Yan Chao.” Everyone said one after another, even more disgusted with those behind the assassination.

The prince smiled, and Jintang was right. Sometimes a “unintentional word” can make a huge impression.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ling Wei reluctantly bid farewell to the collection of books in the palace when he realized that his body was not in serious trouble, and asked His Majesty to go home and stay.

It’s not a problem to stay in the palace all the time, he won’t be able to steal a mouthful.

“The youngest member will be back soon. When he comes back, I will pick you up and leave the palace.” Li Li said, “Who knows that they won’t continue to assassinate you. Only if the youngest member is watching, I can rest assured. Just your careless appearance. ,Humph.”

Ling Wei embarrassed: “That was really just an accident, your Majesty.”

“Huh.” His Majesty said that if I didn’t listen, I didn’t listen.

Ling Wei: “…”

So when Li Ying beat the eagle on the prairie into a hairless native chicken, and beat the wolf king on the prairie into a wild dog with a tail between them, when the Dasheng class teacher returned to the court, he first got good news—Ling Wei came back a long time ago, and got a good news—Ling Wei has been living in the palace since he came back, and finally got the most important bad news—Ling Wei was assassinated and almost poisoned after he finally entered the capital.


From this matter, it can be seen that His Majesty the Emperor still has a strong control over the army, and Li Ying only knows about such an important matter now.

However, this is also related to Li Ying’s belief in Ling Wei’s personal letter that he is safe, and he never thought that Ling Wei would have an accident.

It is impossible for him to communicate with Ling Wei and ask the person next to Ling Wei if he is okay.

In fact, the people in the army were basically not aware of Ling Wei’s movements. Later, Ling Wei had returned to Beijing and only learned about the matter when the matter became serious, but the next step was the seal of the emperor.

They also knew that Li Yin and Ling Wei had a very strong relationship, and they were worried that Li Yin would make irrational judgments when fighting against Ling Wei. This concealment went to the capital.

So before entering the capital, stationed in the military camp, and preparing to enter Beijing, Li Ying asked the generals who knew the news to stand up and had a harmonious and friendly exchange of martial arts with them, which strengthened the tacit understanding and friendship between the two parties and allowed the relationship between subordinates and subordinates. More harmonious.

After entering Beijing, Li Ying saw His Majesty the Emperor who had reunited for a long time, and was very touched to have a close dialogue and physical communication with His Majesty between brothers, which strengthened the relationship between the brothers and eliminated the brothers who have not seen each other for so long. The unfamiliar feeling.

The royal doctor can testify.

After Li Ying had almost felt the depression in his chest and adjusted his mood, he came to pick up Ling Wei.

When he saw Ling Wei, he still couldn’t help but darken his face.

“Don’t teach me anymore!” Ling Wei immediately covered his ears. “For so many days, His Majesty the Emperor also said me, the Empress also said me, my mother said me, my brother said me, even the Prince and the little prince The princess said that my ears are all cocooned.”

“Okay, I won’t say.” Li Ying said solemnly, “Let me see the wound.”

“It’s all scarred.” Ling Wei showed his bandaged shoulders, “It’s okay.”

“Yeah.” Li Yin stretched out his finger and gently touched the bandage. “Does it still hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore, but the wound is itchy,” Ling Wei complained. “But the royal doctor said that you can’t scratch. You have to hold back when you are growing flesh.”

“A person who listens to the imperial doctor.” Li Yin helped Ling Wei get dressed. “Let’s go home.”

“Okay.” Ling Wei looked at Li Ying’s sad look, a little distressed, “I’m really fine, don’t worry.”

“Yeah.” Li Ying replied softly, “Be careful, I’ll carry you.”

Ling Wei just wanted to refuse, looking at Li Yin’s low expression, his lips moved, and finally he sighed.


Forget it, it doesn’t matter even if someone else looks at it.

“Can you lift your hand? Will it get a wound?” Li Ying said cautiously.

“It’s okay.” Ling Wei’s left shoulder was injured and his left arm was still very weak, but his right hand was still okay.

“Uncle Wang…” The prince wanted to say that he should let the servant back, but seeing Li Yin’s dark face was shocked, “I’m sorry…”

I always feel safer to apologize first! Uncle Wang is terrible!

“It’s all due to your own negligence. Your Highness shouldn’t care too much.” Ling Wei said with a smile, “Although the next official is out of the palace, don’t forget your Highness’s homework.”

“I won’t forget.” The prince said, “It’s just that the younger siblings are going to make trouble again.”

“Let’s go.” Li Ying lifted Ling Wei on his back, “Let’s go home.”

“Okay. Your Majesty, the next official is leaving.”

The prince sent Li Yin and Ling Wei to the gate of the palace, always feeling strange in his heart.

I was young before, and I only thought that Ling Wei had such a good relationship with such a terrible Uncle Wang. It was really amazing. Now that I have grown up, I know a lot more, and I always feel that the relationship between Ling Wei and Wang Shu is not so simple?

“Hehe, I must have been thinking too much.” The prince was scared to death by his own conjecture, so terrible Uncle Wang, how could it be possible.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Eagle Flying?”

After getting on the carriage, Li Yin hugged Ling Wei in his arms, put his chin on the shoulder that Ling Wei did not hurt, and buried his head in his neck.

“It’s okay.” Li Yin said in a dull voice.

He felt the water on his neck, it was all right!

“My injury isn’t that serious, it’s just to bring out the people behind the scenes and deliberately said it so serious,” Ling Wei said, “Look, am I not doing well right now?”

“You lied to me.”

“I didn’t lie to you, I’m really fine, and the wound is very shallow.”

“You lied to me.”

“Ah, you have to believe me, when did I lie to you? Poison or something is also fake.”

“You lied to me.”

“…I really didn’t lie to you.”

“You lied to me.”

“…Well, it’s indeed poisoned, but isn’t it all right now?” Ling Wei helplessly, this is not easy to deceive, at this time, please listen to our white lies.

“Well, I know.” Li Ying tightened his arms around Ling Wei, as if trying to press Ling Wei into his body, “I’m sorry.”

“What’s the excuse?”

“I didn’t protect you.”

“…You’re in the north, I’m in the south, you’re too far away.” Ling Wei patted Li Ying on the head, as if soothing a sad big dog, “and I also have the ability to protect myself. Is the person protected? This time it was just careless, not in the future.”

“There is no future.”

“Of course there is no future.” Ling Wei said, “I am actually very good.”

“I know.” Li Yin rubbed Ling Wei’s hand, “I’m back, no one can hurt you.”

“Okay, my safety is left to you.” Ling Wei sighed, “So don’t be upset, okay? I feel distressed.”

“I feel so distressed.” There was a little choked in Li Yin’s voice, “Do you know Jintang, this is the second time I am so scared. I was young when my mother died, and I don’t know what is sad and what is scared? The first time I was scared, it was when Brother Emperor was almost killed.”

“Brother emperor has taken the throne, I thought I would no longer be afraid. I am a general. I can protect the territories for the emperor brother. What else is there to be afraid of.”

“But when I knew you were injured or poisoned, I was really scared, afraid that I would never see you again.”

“Obviously knowing that you have survived, there is no danger, but I am still afraid.”

“Even if I hold you now, I’m still afraid.”

That was really terrible. It was the first time I heard him analyze his feelings so clearly. My little angel is obviously a very restrained person. Ling Wei thought.

He relaxed, leaned on Li Ying, and patted the arm that Li Ying was holding him: “I am also afraid. When I am injured, I am also afraid that I will not see you. But God has eyes, I will survive. It doesn’t mean that people have a death catastrophe, and after passing it, they will live a healthy life without disaster. This should be my death catastrophe, right? Now I have passed it, it will be fine, and I will be fine in the future. I will be fine, and you will be fine. Our time is still long.”

“When you were in war, I was worried all day long. I was worried that you would be injured. Instead, I was injured carelessly. I’m sorry, I didn’t take care of myself. I worried you.”

Li Yin shook his head, then nodded again.

He was in a mess now, he didn’t know what he was thinking, and he didn’t know what he was talking about. He just wanted to hold Ling Wei and feel the existence of this person in his arms.

It’s like letting go of your arm and the person will disappear.

He has always known that he loves this person very much, but when he is facing the crisis of loss, he feels so clearly that from the attraction at the beginning to the day and night afterwards, he has loved this person more than his life. .

It turns out that the script is not all deceitful. It is true that having such a strong feeling can make people mess up.

Perhaps he should calm down now, comfort Ling Wei, and tell him that with himself, he will no longer be in danger in the future, and he should act as a protector. Then, think about how to take revenge, how to get the person behind the scenes out, so that he can’t survive or die.

But he can’t do it.

Before seeing Ling Wei, I thought about so many things. After seeing Ling Wei, after touching the white dazzling bandage, his head was completely empty, and the rest was all Fear, can’t even think.


“I’ve said it, don’t apologize.” Ling Wei comforted his lover like a child, “I’m really fine, and there will be nothing else in the future. I promise, I won’t be careless. And, You also said, you will protect me.”

“I will protect you. I will.” Li Ying repeated.

“I know, I believe in you.” Ling Wei repeated.

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