The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 74

Chapter 74:

It is said that His Majesty the Emperor made a mockery at the court meeting, and was so angry that many people could not eat well and sleep well.

Ling Wei looked at Li Yin’s rare laugh, and felt that it would be good for His Majesty the Emperor to ridicule several times. Look, how happy his family Li Yin is.

How people in the DPRK think and play games has nothing to do with Ling Wei.

He doesn’t go to court, and teaches students every day, no matter how noisy he can’t be.

Even the eldest prince gave up on encountering him, and Ling Wei has been very comfortable recently.

Others are busy wrangling, but he has been busy spending a good year.

This is the second year he and Li Yin have been together. Now he is richer and less worried about the future, just thinking about how to make the New Year a little more lively.

As a result, Ling Wei was thinking of an idea, so he was called by his elder brother, saying that both the scumbag and the princess had spoken, and this year the family will be together for the New Year.

Ling Wei wilted all of a sudden, and the boss was unhappy.

Of course, it is also good to spend the New Year with your family. But the problem is that he treats Li even more as his family.

It’s not bad to spend the New Year with the princess, or to spend the New Year with the eldest brother, but when he thinks of facing the scumbag’s face on New Year’s Eve, Ling Wei feels that this is a big Chinese New Year, why is it so upset?

Li Ying was also quite unhappy.

He had separated from Ling Wei last year. This year he was thinking about welcoming the new year together, but the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes.

This ancient person was very concerned about New Year’s things. If Ling Wei was only upset with the stubborn face of Daddy, Li Yin would be even more unhappy about the New Year’s family reunion ceremony.

However, no matter how unhappy Li Ying is, he will not show it.

After all, the parents and brothers belong to the family by blood. Although the families are separated, it is only natural for Ling Wei to spend the New Year with his parents.

But I can accept it rationally, but I can’t control it emotionally. So Li Yin had to find happiness in bed. Ling Wei always dozed off during the day, until he kicked him out of bed once, and Li Yin stopped a little.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Brother, why are you looking for someone desperately?”

Since the New Year is going to be in the princess’s mansion, Ling Wei still has to come to help.

This time Ling Yun and Ling Wei both made great contributions, and the house naturally became more and more lively. Even if Ling Yun and Ling Wu still face each other tit-for-tat from time to time, they can’t conceal the joy of everyone in the mansion.

Although Ling Wu failed to follow his thoughts about the development of the matter, he was very angry at first.

But after the war, both of his sons got a lot of credit, and his family also got a lot of benefits, so he was naturally happy.

Although he supported the eldest prince, the eldest prince suffered a lot in this incident, and the prince had unprecedented prestige. But he has gained benefits. He is not so loyal to the eldest prince, but only benefits. The hardship of the eldest prince is naturally not worth mentioning compared to the benefits of his own family.

Within the so-called Grand Prince’s Party, their hearts are not uniform, and each has its own small ninety-nine.

Because he was satisfied with the outcome of the matter-except that Ling Wei became the prince Young Fu and was **** with the prince more tightly, Ling Wu hasn’t been a fuss lately. Coupled with the celebration of the New Year, everyone is beaming, and there is a rare harmony between Ling Wu and Ling Yun.

Therefore, Ling Wei hadn’t seen this look of bitterness and hatred for a while.

“Oh.” Ling Lingyun looked like “I’m so tired, I really want to beat someone up”, “Well, it’s your father after all, I’ll tell you.”

Ah? What kind of moth did our father have?

Ling Wei covered his ears: “Can I not listen? Can I not know what I can do?”

Ling Yun was amused: “Have you never heard of brother Qixin, its profit cuts money? I really want to say what ugly things happened to him, and it won’t affect you.”

“Brother, there is no logical relationship between the first half of your sentence and the second half of your sentence.” Ling Wei put down his hand and owed a two-second silence for his mouth. “Let’s talk about the Chinese New Year, what happened to make you so angry? ”

“Yeah, what is our father going crazy for the New Year’s Day.” Ling Yun gritted his teeth, “Is there any moth, can’t we wait for the New Year’s day to come out again?”

Ling Wei sighed, it seemed that something was really serious.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ling Wu claims to be born a romantic seed. Although the wicked princess Changle prevented him from finding true love, she couldn’t take concubine to support the outside room, and forced away the cousin who loved him so much, but Ling Wu was in trouble outside. But not a lot at all.

Princess Chang Le also gave up on him, as long as she didn’t know what ugly things were made on her face, she didn’t bother to care about it.

She was still busy gathering the power in Ling Wu’s hand, so she didn’t bother her, just right.

The south side is the place of romance, and Ling Wu is particularly good at “getting out of the silt but not staining” the mouthful. What sells the body but not the art…Bah, the other way round, it has always been his heart of the oiran and courtesan who sells the art but not the art. good.

In the past two years, he has grown older and seriously injured, and his vitality and blood have become less and less. Ling Wu has also rarely cultivated himself for a while.

Now that the body feels good, the power of the Ling family is getting better because of the brothers Ling Yun and Ling Wu, and he is in a better mood, so he will start to become a celebrity again.

Although northern women are not as petite as southern women, they have a different flavor.

Moreover, the capital was originally a place of wealth, and the quality of the brothel was also very high.

For example, the two famous prostitutes in Wanshu Building, known as the first brothel of the capital, one in white clothes Shengxue floating like an immortal, and the other in red like a fire and charming like a demon, they are rare and beautiful in the south.

Naturally, Ling Wu also needs to see it.

After going back and forth, Ling Wu was fascinated by the fairy in white clothes Shengxue—As mentioned earlier, he was good at it.

Every year on the occasion of the Lantern Festival, Wan Shulou will choose an oiran. Wan Shulou’s former oiran became good, and this oiran was born from these two prostitutes.

Although this oiran was selected during the Lantern Festival, it was about to start building momentum very early.

In addition to appearance and talent, who can attract more nobles to wave the flag and shout for him, and more literati to write poems for him, is also one of the important points.

Ling Wu’s fan of the fairy in white is naturally going to create momentum for the fairy in white.

If it’s an ordinary rich and noble family, it will be ridiculous at most. However, Ling Wu was not only the grandfather of the country, but also the prince, and the dignified prince ran to build momentum for the city, and he also gave a mouthful of a fairy. He looked at the face of the princess and what was the face of the royal family?

If it is an ordinary cohort, the princess can directly dispatch her **** to break the leg of the cohort visiting the brothel!

This is a great New Year, Ling Wu added to people’s congestion, and also added to a realm.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ling Wei was speechless for a while.

What’s all this? A half-old old man, with deficiency of both blood and energy, it is probably a problem whether he can use his strength in bed. He also pretends that there is something wrong with the famous courtesans and courtesans pursued by celebrities?

Are the children of a good family respecting rules? This is their rule?

Okay, what is this called? The celebrities are romantic, and don’t stick to the trivial. It is pure appreciation, it is a platonic spiritual love, and it has nothing to do with anything. Look at this issue with a pure eye-a shit!

“Then what can we do? Can’t tie Dad back to prevent him from going out, right?” Ling Wei had a headache. This foot is on Ling Wu, and he can’t control it either.

Ling Yun’s eyes lit up: “Good idea! Why didn’t I expect it?!”

“Hey, don’t be impulsive.” Ling Wei Waterfall Khan, “I think…mother should have encountered this kind of thing? She will definitely have a solution.”

Ling Yun suddenly enlightened.

Yes, for so many years before, the princess was able to press things down, when the scumbag was still young. Daddy is old now, and there is no problem, right?

Facts have proved that Princess Chang Le is absolutely reliable, and there is no need for the juniors to worry about it.

Soon Ling Wu fell ill. The imperial doctor came to take a look and kept shaking his head. Dao Lingwu was originally lack of energy and blood, and it was easy for him to catch a cold because of the cold weather in the capital.

This can be regarded as a sudden outburst of inadequacy, right?

Ling Wu fell ill, and naturally it was impossible to go out to pursue his fairy in white.

Ling Wei was taken aback when he knew it, how can he say that he fell ill when he became ill? Is it true that what kind of terrible medicine was given as Zhai Douli said?

Later, when Ling Wu whispered, Ling Wei realized that it was that simple.

The princess lady just turned off the charcoal fire and opened the window while Ling Wu was asleep, and then thinned the quilt a bit. When the day was about to dawn, the carbon fire was added to the window and the window was closed.

One night in the freezing winter in the north, Ling Wu’s body was not good at all, and naturally he caught the wind chill.

When Ling Wu was just getting cold, Princess Chang Le persuaded him to rest. He had to screw it up to see his fairy in white. At this time, there is not much heating in winter like modern ones. Fairy in White looked at it a few more times, and Ling Wu blew more cold winds, and finally couldn’t afford to fall ill.

I really don’t die, it’s gratifying.

Ling Wei looked at Ling Yun like he was so happy, and suddenly thought, if the scumbag passed away suddenly, maybe the eldest brother wouldn’t be sad, right?

It’s amazing that the scumbag is still obsessed with failing to be a human being.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After the matter was resolved, Ling Wei suddenly became interested in the brothel.

Well, he was only interested in brothel, not brothel women. Because he is born with him.

Look at whether a certain point of text or a certain Xiang text or a certain sleeve text, travel to ancient times, always have something to do with brothels and prostitutes. Especially at a certain point of the male prose, the man mainly traveled to ancient times, did not look at such a famous prostitute, and was followed by such a famous prostitute, and then redeemed a prostitute, and finally the prostitute had to kiss the princess’s wife. Intimacy and calling each other sisters or something, it is not called traversing ancient texts.

This ancient brothel is different from a modern nightclub. Most of the women in the brothel are very talented and a little bit standard.

Ling Wei had also seen a lot of legends about those strange women in the brothel, and was quite curious about the brothel.

It’s just that I was busy building a foothold in Yan Chao a few years ago, and my body was young, I didn’t expect this to happen.

Now that he has money and free time, and was aroused by the curiosity about the scumbag, Ling Wei also wants to see it a little bit.

When Ling Wei told Li Yin that he was going to visit the brothel, Li Yin, who was shooting an arrow, flew to the roof.

Ling Wei: “…”

Ling Wei: “…I’m just curious, and I don’t like women. Will you accompany me?”

Li Yin was speechless. Can this curiosity not be so heavy?

Li Ying had been to brothels or something. This is a dark history, a dark history related to his eldest brother who occasionally gets his brain pumped.

He has no good impression of brothels. But Ling Wei was curious about the appearance of the fairy in white clothes that had hooked away his father, and Li tried to persuade him not to listen, so he could only follow.

Li Yin was not worried about whether the brothel girl would take Ling Wei’s heart or something. He was simply worried about Ling Wei visiting the brothel.

You should know that although there are many officials visiting the brothel, Yan Chao does not prohibit this, but the public opinion is always bad.

Ling Wei thinks about it too. He is now the prince Shaofu, shouldering the important task of teaching the prince. It seems really bad to be found to go to the brothel?

I don’t know when the emperor learned about this, but I fear that the world will not be chaotic and say, “Go, why not go?” Are you not a literati? It’s normal for a literati to drink a little wine and write a little poem and listen to a little tune at the Qinlou Chu Hall. You can do it without staying overnight. But the night will not be bad.

His Majesty the Emperor agreed, and Ling Wei went to the brothel “by order”.

Li Yin decided to go to the palace to have a fight with his brother to exchange feelings.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“I’ve heard about the famous prostitute who likes to wear white clothes.” Zhao Gui, as a senior, was naturally drawn by Ling Wei. “The prostitute is called Bai Xianxian.”

“Very vulgar.” Ling Wei threw a melon seed in his mouth, “That’s it?”

Zhao Gui said: “Is it very vulgar? The name Bai Xianxian is very elegant, right?”

Ling Wei gave Zhao Gui a white look: “Where is the elegance? The vulgar is dead. Piling up the words that thinks of being elegant is the vulgar.”

Zhao Gui also vaguely knew about Ling Wu, only that Ling Wei had a prejudice against Bai Xianxin, so he smiled and stopped arguing.

And I don’t know if Ling Wei really thinks the name “Bai Xian Xian” is extremely popular.

He likes to be in white clothes, with an immortal spirit, and his name is “Bai Xian Xian”. Could it be more vulgar?

Before the Lantern Festival election of the oiran, in order to canvass votes, the two prostitutes had to perform on stage every night. Ling Wei chose the location directly opposite to the second floor, and the window opened just right to the table.

There are also other brothel women performing on stage in front. There were singing, piano playing and dancing, because there were so many pretentious seduces between the eyebrows and eyes, Ling Wei looked bored, but the atmosphere was fiery down the stage.

Soon it was Bai Xianxian’s turn to play.

As soon as Bai Xianxian came up with the Pipa in her arms, Ling Wei felt that this woman was amazing.

Others are all glamorous, she is dressed in thin white clothes; others are smiling, and she has a sad look on her face; others are singing cute tunes, and she sings the plum blossoms so fragrant and white.

There was a white pearl flower dotted on her head, her face was covered with white veil, her eyebrows seemed to be frowned, and her eyes were full of melancholy, which instantly compared the person in front of her to scum.

“It’s only a pity that a good and arrogant song of chanting plum is sung so miserably, it’s a pity that this poem.” Ling Wei sighed.

For someone like him who is used to the various tricks of various stars, this kind of trick is really unsightly. But looking at the look of the people downstairs, I still like this one.

“Ahem.” Zhao Gui coughed dryly, “Brother thinks, it’s not bad.”

Ling Wei smiled but didn’t smile: “Couldn’t you write this word?”

Zhao Gui blushed innocently: “I just think that the white girl in the brothel is really pitiful.”

The women in the brothel are pitiful, no one is pitiful. Ling Wei does not comment. He didn’t have any malice towards that Bai Xianxian, he was just purely curious.

Bai Xianxian sang a song, and Ling Wei had eaten half of the melon seeds. Suddenly there was a noise downstairs.

It turned out that it was the first time that a wealthy son saw Bai Xianxian. He was very curious about the face under the veil of Bai Xianxian and wanted to spend a lot of money to beg the beauty to take off the veil.

Then Bai Xianxian became angry and said that he would not accept such insults.

The rich man was also angry, and I didn’t take you lightly. Is it an insult to give you money to take a veil? Isn’t it just sold out? What kind of pretense?

The friends of the rich master supported the rich master, and the admirers of Bai Xianxian supported Bai Xianxian, so there was a quarrel below.

Zhao Gui filled with indignation and said: “It’s really bullying!”

Ling Wei nodded: “Yeah, that Bai Xianxian is really deceiving people. Anyway, I have some basic professional ethics. If you collect money from others, you can do your job well. They just ask to take a veil and do nothing. Why is it called an insult to her. The women of the good family all over the street do not wear a veil, they are all called insults? It’s too much to pretend.”

Zhao Gui was speechless at once. Why did Ling Wei say that because he also felt that Bai Xianxian was a bit fake?

“Go back, it’s boring.” Ling Wei was thirsty after eating melon seeds, took a sip of tea, and felt that the tea didn’t taste good, so he wanted to go home.

“Wait until the trouble is over below.” Zhao Gui sighed, “You and I will go down. If you can’t say it, you will be surrounded.”

Ling Wei thinks about it too. He and Zhao Gui are already very famous in the capital, and there is no guarantee that they will be surrounded.

If Li Ying is not angry, just follow along. Li Ying’s face was cold, and his suffocation was full, and the crowd would automatically let go.

After a long time of trouble downstairs, the old bustard finally came forward in person and settled the matter.

Bai Xianxian squeezed his handkerchief and cried so much that it rained with pears, as if he had been wronged so much that Ling Wei was sighed.

Isn’t it just letting the veil be lifted, as for? She herself does not always wear a veil.

Forget it, this is also one of the tricks to start your own brand. It’s not easy to be a prostitute.

Ling Wei sighed in his heart. What a hard-failed woman.

Seeing that things had subsided downstairs, Ling Wei was about to leave.

Watching such a farce, it’s better to go home and touch his little angel’s abdominal muscles. Well, the pectoral muscles are also good. I’m drooling when I think about it.

As a result, Ling Wei and Zhao Gui were stopped as soon as they went downstairs, saying that the white girl would invite them.

Ling Wei looked at Zhao Gui with a sorry expression. Oh, it turned out that this great talent who once wrote poems for Bai Xianxian was discovered.

“Then you go, I’m back to the house.” I wonder if Li Ying is still angry? He came out to see what was so angry. Anyway, he will go home on time.

“This son, the white girl also invited the son to go up together.” The Qingyi woman said.

“No.” Ling Wei turned his head and left.

Woman in Tsing Yi: “…” This seems to be wrong.

“Did the little girl offend the young man? Why didn’t the young man come up and give a comment.” Bai Xian Xian Ping Tingting walked out, still with undry tears on his face.

Haha in Ling Wei’s heart. You are on the sidelines, and you send someone over to “please”, pretend, and continue pretending.

“I have never seen you, and I have never spoken to you. How can I offend you?” Although she thought so, Mian Ling Wei was courteous and thoughtful to the woman, “I just have to go home in a hurry.”

“The little girl just has a long-standing passion for being a big man, and she just wants to talk a few words.” Bai Xianxian’s tone was indifferent. It seems that it is not him who is here to talk, but Ling Wei.

Ling Wei stunned. It’s as if you know me.

“My lord is Ling Jintang, lord Ling?”

Huh? Do you really know each other?

“It’s right below.” Ling Wei looked at Zhao Gui. You told her?

Zhao Gui shook his head hurriedly. He didn’t say it. He hasn’t been here for a long time. When everyone is as free as you?

“Big talents are famous in Kyoto, and little girls naturally recognize adults.” Bai Xianxian’s voice is the same as that of humans, with a sense of immortality and arrogance. “Can an adult write a song for the little girl? The little girl is willing to play the piano alone for the adult. The exchange has been made.”

“Don’t write.” Ling Wei said calmly. Who wants to listen to you playing the piano, don’t stand in the way, I’m in a hurry to go home.

Bai Xianxian probably didn’t expect to be so cleanly rejected, and was stunned for a few seconds. But soon she came back to her senses, and said with a sad face: “The grown-ups don’t know. The little girl was sold to the fireworks field, but she was in the mud, but her heart was clean. She has always been a performer and not her body. But the little girl is getting older and seeing her mother getting more and more… The little girl can only get the name of the oiran and has a little status to dispel her mother’s idea. Ling master learns to be rich and five cars, only talented, if there is Ling master’s poems, little The woman is also closer to her dream. I beg the adults to fulfill it.”

“Don’t write.” Zhao Gui’s face was moved, but Ling Wei once again categorically refused.

Bai Xianxian was choked. It is estimated that he has never seen such a hard-hearted man. Didn’t ordinary men listen to her miserable life experience and look at her poignant face, and the hundred steel making has turned into a soft touch?

However, Ling Wei is not an ordinary man, he is a gay.

“Brother Houde, please write, my little brother is going home first.” Ling Wei bowed his hand, left, and threw Zhao Gui down to deal with Bai Xianxian.

Tease me? Because you don’t want to sell yourself, you want to fight for the oiran? When he didn’t know that the oiran was taller than other brothel girls in the first night? The more famous she is, doesn’t the brothel old bustard want to sell her more?

Besides, he had heard that many people wanted to redeem this fairy. After the women in the brothel became mentor, their status was not much different from that of the liang family women. Although you can’t be the full wife of a high-class family, you can do it in the concubine room of the ordinary master’s family, or the full-fledged wife of the wealthy businessman. To redeem this fairy as his true wife, there is no shortage of people in the family who have a bounty. It’s just that the fairy didn’t want to.

It’s boring, so why not go home and touch the little angel’s abdominal muscles and chest muscles. I just don’t know if the little angel is calm? Ling Wei touched his chin, regretting going out to visit the brothel.

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