The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 31

Chapter 31:

There was some silence on the carriage returning, and the child bear also knew that Ling Wei and Li Yin were not happy, but at this time they were really silent.

The face-slap in the champion building was very easy. Ling Wei quickly extracted three poems from his memory, revised the allusions that were not part of this world, and threw them in front of Xie Lin’an.

Anyway, this is definitely offending people, so it’s better to let yourself breathe out.

Chanting the ancients and the frontier fortress are worth it. When Ling Wei chose the poems of Yongju, he used a seven-character poem written by Qiu Jun of the Ming Dynasty.

Light red, light white, dark yellow, clusters of new makeup bursts of fragrance.

The infinite branches have good colors, but they are not open for Double Ninth Festival.

The title is “Chrysanthemum” and the small note is “Passing Qiongzhou, the four seasons are like spring, and the flowers are always blooming in all seasons, and the chrysanthemums are also like this.”

This song chanting chrysanthemum means that chrysanthemums are mostly blooming in cold autumn, so the world praises its vigor. However, the chrysanthemums here are not trendy and kitsch, and they are disdainful to be opened for people to watch.

And Xie Lin’an’s previous “Chrysanthemum” is a traditional eulogy chrysanthemum specially chosen to open in the cold autumn, how noble and unconventional, it has won the praise of everyone and won a good reputation.

And Ling Wei’s “Chrysanthemum” is about chrysanthemums blooming throughout the four seasons. What does the worldly praise have to do with her? Whether it is warm like spring, hot like summer, golden autumn season, or midwinter and twelfth lunar month, you can open it whenever you want. The so-called ‘season” and the so-called “vitality” are all imposed on the chrysanthemum by others. The chrysanthemum has never been moved by the world.

Just as the chrysanthemum in the north does not bloom when the flowers are in full bloom in the spring and autumn, the chrysanthemum in the south should not be praised by others for its vigor and must be kept in late autumn.

Xie Lin’an’s face was naturally ugly, and when the two poems were passed out together, his poem would inevitably be finished. Even others would think that Ling Wei was mocking Xie Lin’an for inviting Liu Qi and Zhao Gui this time, and choosing the “poems” that Liu Qi and Zhao Gui were not good at to compete for.

Everyone knows that Xie Lin’an prides itself on being talented, but unexpectedly fell ill before the imperial examination. He couldn’t compete with Liu Qi, and he kept holding his breath. This time I went to Liu Qi to regain my reputation.

Even if Liu Qi has already gotten the spotlight, isn’t he still losing to him in Dou Shi? So he is still better than Liu Qi.

To put it bluntly, it is still fame.

It is normal for a scholar to have a duplicate name, but if the duplicate name is too much, it is a good reputation. Ling Wei’s chrysanthemum chanting, isn’t it just that the chrysanthemum is not burdened by the worldly reputation, and he does whatever he wants, to contrast Xie Lin’s safety.

Liu Qi never said anything to say that he was better than others, only Xie Lin’an dragged Liu Qi.

Because Ling Wei said before that he had made these poems in advance, he did not want to participate in this poem fight, so Xie Lin won the poem fight this time. It’s just that this follow-up development obviously did not follow his expectations. His three carefully prepared poems were overwhelmed by Ling Wei. However, Ling Wei went from being silent, or being famous only among certain people, to gradually becoming famous.

And Ling Wei’s previous deeds, such as leaving with the old **** at birth, growing up overseas, returning to his home country at the age of twelve, and beginning enlightenment. In just three years, he was admitted as a child student and obtained in the child test. Won the first place and was accepted as a closed disciple by Zhao Jijiu.

Such a person is called a child prodigy even if he is not a child. It’s just that there are rumors that Ling Wei has actually learned a lot of knowledge when following the old god, and what he lacks is only the understanding of Yan Chao’s culture. So he spent three years supplementing his common sense, and he naturally accumulated a lot of knowledge, which is impressive.

Han Feizi said: If you don’t fly for three years, the flying will skyrocket; if you don’t crow for three years, the celebrity will be amazing.

This is just like Ling Wei’s portrayal.

After the face fight, Ling Wei left, leaving Liu Qi and Zhao Gui to deal with the others.

Anyway, they didn’t pit them once or twice, and they didn’t care about one more time.

And the blockbuster in the champion building did not make Ling Wei and Li Ying look better, but deeper.

There was nothing on the carriage, and when he entered the house, the fat prince was already dejected, and he was no longer alive.

Li Ying sent the two to the door and left. This time the fat prince did something in the champion’s building, he still needs him to deal with the aftermath. He said that when the palace gate was about to release the key, he would pick up the fat prince back to the palace.

The fat prince has always been naughty and arrogant in front of Ling Wei, but now he is very well-behaved.

Ling Wei sat on the chair, let the fat prince sit across from him, ordered two cups of tea, and then let the servant leave. To have a sip of tea

After that, Ling Wei said slowly: “Why, you’re not proud now?”

The fat prince bowed his head and said, “Jintang, are you and Uncle Wang angry?”

“Yes, then do you understand why we are angry?” Ling Wei said with a straight face.

The fat prince tilted his head and thought for a while: “Because I said to be quiet before, but then I interrupted again. I didn’t believe it?”

Ling Wei sighed: “That’s it?”

The fat prince was confused: “Isn’t it?”

Ling Wei looked at the bewildered fat prince, and sighed again.

Yes, His Royal Highness doesn’t even know how angry he is.

He didn’t believe in words, and he clearly said that he would be quiet, but he interrupted again and pushed the things that should have been alleviated into contradictions again. This was naturally part of his anger.

But this is not the most important, the most fundamental.

The most fundamental thing is that the prince is too starless, too indifferent to consider others, and when he does something, he only relies on his own likes and dislikes, without thinking of its influence.

But is the prince wrong?

If the person who was pitted was not himself, if he was not close to the royal family members, so that they would have a sense of protection, others would not say that the prince was wrong.

The prince is truly one person below ten thousand people. The prince and the king are only one word apart. Why should the prince look at everyone but the emperor’s winks?

Even the queen doesn’t need to look at it.

As long as he becomes a prince, his education cannot even interfere with the queen. The prince must be filial to the queen, after all, this society still emphasizes filial piety. But this society also discriminates against women. As long as the prince did the etiquette, he would not listen to the words of the queen or the women of the harem. Not only would he be correct, he would be appreciated.

Only the emperor can speak of the prince. If there is a Taifu later, it is estimated that the Taifu will be counted.

But the Taifu cannot play multiple roles. After all, the Taifu is a minister and the prince is a monarch.

So how could he, a minister with the lowest rank, ask the prince to look at him and think twice before doing things?

Of course, as a prince, it would be grossly wrong to do this carelessly.

It’s not that he really has to consider for his courtiers, but that he has to understand that doing something will have consequences, and he will eventually have to bear such consequences.

For example, this time in the champion’s building, even if you put aside the trouble caused by Ling Wei, the prince also caused a lot of trouble for himself.

Ling Wei asked the prince to go to the champion’s building. In addition to satisfying the requirements of the child bear, he also allowed the prince to contact other scholars and change his prejudice against scholars. Through conversations with Liu Qi and Zhao Gui, the prince was smart and sensitive. The impression spread.

Liu Qi and Zhao Gui can be regarded as the leading figures in this generation of scholars. Although they are not obvious now, among the younger generation of scholars, they have a great voice and high prestige.

The prince is still young, and the mainstay he will use in the future will definitely be selected from the generation of Liu Qi and Zhao Gui.

Ling Wei also took great pains, and behind this painstaking, there was the impetus of the emperor’s majesty, of course, needless to say.

Otherwise, Ling Wei himself would definitely not have thought of this.

Ling Wei was surprised to see the prince going out of the palace today, but he had known that the prince would go out for a long time. Because the emperor said before, let Ling Wei lead the prince to meet his familiar scholars, let the prince reveal his knowledge and surprise everyone, and then look at the identity of the prince after the incident.

In this way, the dull rumors of the prince would not be self-defeating.

The prince did well before, and his knowledge and insights really surprised Liu Qi and Zhao Gui. But the immature performance later was enough to leave a good impression on people before the colonel’s prince. In particular, he showed this side in the public, and the tit-for-tat was the maiden family of Concubine Xie, the grand prince’s grandfather’s family.

Xie Lin’an is not to be afraid. His talent is fair, but his temperament is much worse. Entering the dynasty as an official may not have much influence on your character, as long as you can pretend and have background and talents. But xinxing is a big problem.

Xie Lin’an provokes Liu Qi because of his arrogance for a while, pulls Zhao Gui into the water. Zhao’s family is noble, and Deng’s family is a military commander. This Wen Yiwu, although it is usually low-key and does not show up, but it is quite prestigious in their respective fields. Zhao Gui lost face this time, Zhao Jiaken

It must be believed that the Xie family is dissatisfied with Zhao Gui, and he must be uncomfortable.

Ling Wei and his mother had always protected her shortcomings, and she would inevitably return to her family’s home to complain.

Regardless of whether the Zhao family and the Deng family will eventually become grudges against the Xie family because of this incident, Xie Linan’s move is obviously not thinking about it.

Well, the prince did not use his mind.

Although Xie Lin’an is not to be afraid, the Xie family must be the grandfather of the eldest prince. If the prince’s identity is passed on, it is impossible to say that some people think that the prince is dissatisfied with the prince, and then deliberately opposed Xie Lin’an. And when the prince was young, he was dissatisfied with his elder brother. Isn’t it a sign of dissatisfaction?

For the prince, besides talents, the most important point is benevolence. It doesn’t matter what it looks like when he sits on the throne, but when he is the prince, he must show a benevolent side. Because of benevolence and kindness, they are not happy, and these officials are relieved in their hearts.

Among the manifestations of benevolence, filial piety is the most important point.

The prince was only on impulse, and he didn’t think much about it. But those who do things don’t think much, and those who are bystanders think more.

Seeing Ling Wei speechless for a while, the fat prince felt more guilty, and whispered: “Jintang, what is wrong with Gu and Gu, can you tell Gu? Don’t tell Jintang, Gu doesn’t know.”

Looking at the prince’s embarrassed appearance, Ling Wei couldn’t help but feel softened.

In modern times, nine years old is a well-loved age, except for worrying about textbooks.

What’s the point of being a nine-year-old bear? Although everyone in the world complains about bear children, most people do not learn to look at others before they are born in society, let alone think twice.

Even some people have been working for many years and often offend others.

But the prince was born in this era after all. When others offend others, it’s probably because of their unsatisfactory life. If the prince always offends people, he may not even be able to save his life seriously.

Ling Wei pulled the prince to his side and rubbed the top of his head: “His Majesty, the minister just asked, does your Majesty teach your Majesty, do you often say that His Royal Highness is the crown prince of the country, and you don’t need to think too much.”

The prince thought for a while, and whispered: “Lonely in the palace often has small holidays with other brothers because of trivial matters.

An confessed to his father, he did say so. The father also said that the status of loneliness is different from other princes, and there is no need to worry about everything, and they need to respect loneliness. ”

Ling Wei’s black line is really good. He continued to ask: “Does the empress also teach your majesty, don’t worry about everything, and have your majesty and the empress make the decision?”

The prince nodded: “The queen mother said that you don’t need to think too much about things, the father and the queen will always solve them.”

Ling Wei is even more black. The empress dotes on his son exactly the same way. He asked again: “His Royal Highness never seems to have anyone admonishing him?”

The prince was stunned for a moment: “How can the servants in the palace speak more?”

Ling Wei sighed: “Sure enough.”

The prince said anxiously: “Is there something wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong.” What can he say? It’s wrong to say that the empress is wrong?

“Jintang must have something to say.” The prince pulled Lingwei’s sleeve and whispered, “Jintang’s exhortation… only the Tai Fu has done it. But the Tai Fu always said something lonely and incomprehensible, neither lonely nor lonely. I think what the Tai Fu said is right.”

Ling Wei continued to sigh. Too. Those who dare to admonish the prince in the palace, except for the emperor, are only the prince. But the former Tai Fu is unreliable, and the prince hasn’t learned anything. It’s conceivable.

“But isn’t Gu You Jintang? If Gu does something wrong, Jintang will tell Gu?” The prince asked in a low voice.

Ling Wei grinned: “If the minister exhorts too much, will your Highness hate the minister?”

“No, Jintang is good to Gu, Gu understands.” Seeing that Ling Wei’s face finally looked better, the prince was relieved, and his voice became louder, “So Jintang speak quickly, where Gu is not doing well. ”

Ling Wei rubbed the prince’s head again: “These things shouldn’t be talked about by ministers. The way of being a man is similar to the way of being a king. Both should be taught by the emperor’s words and deeds, and taught by the Tai Fu. It’s just that your majesty is busy with official duties. The position of Tai Fu is temporarily vacant again, which has delayed His Highness.”

“Then Jintang said?”

“The minister overwhelmed.”

“Don’t overstep, don’t overstep.” The prince shook his head, “If Jintang doesn’t say it, no one will say to Gu.”

Ling Wei was surprised that the prince’s words showed a trace of loneliness. Maybe this little fat man is not so inexperienced on the surface?

“That’s what your highness said, and that minister will talk to your highness about today’s affairs one by one.” Ling Wei paused, “Does the prince know who the provoker is?”

“Someone around has said his name, it seems that the surname is Xie?” The prince was taken aback for a moment, and said loudly, “Is that Xie’s family?!”

“Yes. Xie Lin’an is the second wife of Xie’s mansion.” Ling Wei hesitated for a while, wondering if he should go on.

The prince whispered: “And Liu Qi is the lonely cousin, haha, that’s the case.”

Ling Wei skipped this sensitive topic and said: “The minister embarrassed Xie Lin’an this time. What is Xie Lin’an’s impression of the minister? How does the Xie family’s impression of the minister?”

How would the eldest prince and concubine Xie impress me? Even if he reported on the thigh of the emperor, the eldest prince is a king after all. To deal with him, this little one, you only need to stretch out your finger and point, and countless people will vent their anger for him.

If Ling Wei had passed the imperial examination, became a jinshi, and was granted an official position, then the eldest prince would have to weigh him. After all, after he has a real job, his status is different.

And now, he has only one lowest rank. As for the Ling family…Looking at his father’s appearance, he was really worried about whether someone would stand up for him. Even though the relationship between the eldest brother and him has eased, he still has a sense of distrust of the Ling family. Maybe the princess mother returned to Beijing, the situation will be better.

Ling Wei didn’t want to keep a low profile. If it weren’t for Xie Lin’an this time, he would have been slapped in the face. It is also good for him to be famous before the imperial examination. He originally wanted to brush the name of the essay, and brushing the name of the essay was done through examinations and face slaps again and again.

Just slap your face and you have to divide the target, even if it is the noble family of other families, it is easier than the grand prince’s grandfather’s family.

“Lonely, isolated and engraved into the palace and said to the emperor!” The prince finally figured out how much trouble his impulse would cause Ling Wei, and said in a hurry.

“What are you talking about? After you said it, it turned out to be a little chicken belly, and your Highness was utterly worried.” Ling Wei smiled, “You can think of this, it’s not bad. Go back and show your usual bear look, using the most proud of it. Tell your majesty today in a bragging tone, understand?”

“The lone did not do it right, why…” the prince did not understand.

“His Royal Highness has read the Four Books and Five Classics, so I can learn something else.” Ling Wei changed the subject, “Is it okay to teach His Highness to read history when he enters the palace next time?”

“What Jintang teaches, what the lonely learns.” The prince was puzzled, “Why didn’t Jintang answer the lonely question?”

“There are some things that the minister can’t say, and it’s useless to say it. Your Highness wants to understand it yourself. If your Highness doesn’t understand it, it’s useless for others to say more.” Ling Wei said, “But in order for your Highness to understand it, the minister will I will accompany the Royal Highness down in history to see how other people do and think.”

“Husbands use copper as a mirror to be able to dress up, history as a mirror to know the rise and fall, and people as a mirror to know gains and losses.”

“With copper as a mirror, you can be dressed up; with history as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall; with people as a mirror, you can know the gains and losses.” The prince said.

“In the history books, you can understand the reasons for the rise and fall of historical events, and you can reflect on your own gains and losses by looking at biographies.”

“His Royal Highness currently has no one who can advise, so you can only rely on His Highness to persuade yourself. Zeng Zi said, “I am thinking about my life three times a day, trying to be unfaithful? If you don’t believe in friends? Don’t you be accustomed to it? Your Highness also? But three provinces, before falling asleep, think carefully about what you have done in a day. Many things, after thinking about them again, can realize different lessons.”

“I understand.” The prince nodded, “Jintang…this time… I’m sorry for the lone.”

“Let the minister think about it, the reason why your Royal Highness is so impulsive this time is because you heard the minister and His Royal Highness Qin|Wang say that Xie Lin’an might have something wrong with him?” Ling Wei smiled.

The crown prince frowned: “Yes. Both Liu Qi and Zhao Gui are scholars, and they can be good friends with Jintang. They are worthy of being an investigator and a biography of Jintang. If Xie Linan wants to compete with him, then come dignified and upright, so crooked. It’s contemptible. I… I just thought, if it was Jintang, it would be able to frustrate it. I was angry for a while, neither inquired about Xie Lin’an’s identity, nor did he know Xie Lin’an and Liu Qi’s holiday, and didn’t even think about Jintang’s situation. It’s lonely.”

“Let the minister guess again. His Royal Highness said it was quiet, but finally couldn’t help but speak out again. Is it because everyone said that His Highness’s children are ignorant?”

The prince blushed: “I was lonely and lonely since I was a child, and I have never been disgusted by anyone except Taifu Yu! Even the lonely father and queen and the mother and queen boasted about loneliness! The group of scholars actually said that loneliness is not sensible, obviously. They are blind, and even Xie Lin’an can’t tell the despicable intentions!”

“Puff…Okay, okay, don’t get excited.” Ling Wei said, “But in the future, your Highness will encounter more of this kind of things. The more you are in a high position, the more stubborn you are. Maybe your Highness is right, but maybe Others say that you are wrong. What should you do now? Every time your Majesty is in charge, many people come out to sing the opposite. Is it possible that you are excited every time?”

“Does anyone dare to sing against the father?” The prince’s eyes widened, “Jintang, don’t lie to the gu!”

“There are often things. Your Majesty’s position is high, and every move is covered by people. You can’t even eat more meals, and you can’t sleep for one more minute. What’s more, the affairs of North Korea and China? Although the minister does not go to the court, he also knows. During the court meeting, the adults will fight. With the current character of your Royal Highness, seeing the ministers underneath are all fighting, I guess they have to roll up their sleeves, right?” Ling Wei teased.

The prince was in a mess in the wind and faltered: “Still fighting? Fighting in the upper court?”

“Haven’t the prince ever asked your majesty about affairs?”

“The lone is still young, and the father said that lonely doesn’t have to worry about these annoying things.” The prince replied honestly.

Lingwei Waterfall Khan. Your majesty, your majesty, are you pampering the prince too much or dissatisfied with the prince? The prince is not an ordinary child. He is still young at the age of nine. When are you going to teach? Even if you are a noble family, you must at least learn to deal with the things around you when you are nine years old.

“His Royal Highness…When the minister enters the palace next time, let’s start learning from the history books.” Ling Wei said helplessly.

The prince nodded: “After reading history books, can I understand what Jintang said?”

“Read more, you will always understand.” Ling Wei replied.

The prince continued to nod: “Listen to Jintang.”

Ling Wei talked to the prince for a while, and saw that the prince was tired, and took a nap while guarding him, staying in bed with a book.

When Li Ying came back, the sun was already westward. Li Yin did not personally send the prince into the palace due to the presence of palace officials. After all, even if he is the prince, he will not come out easily after the key is released from the palace gate.

After the prince left, Ling Wei walked to Li Ying’s side and asked: “Is there anything the prince said today about adding Enke?”

Li Yin was silent for a while, and said, “I haven’t said it yet.”

Didn’t say it exactly, is it really said? Ling Wei’s face suddenly sank.

Why do you always feel…it’s a pit…

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