The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 18

Chapter 18:

Ling Wei passed through inexplicably on the way to work.

As we all know, private kindergartens with high asking prices teach a lot. Bilingualism is a trivial matter. People want children to win at the starting line. They learn not only textbooks, but all kinds of knowledge.

Although children may not be able to understand them, they are always smarter than those who have not been cultivated since childhood, right?

The kindergarten Ling Wei is in is the kind that is especially tall. Children have to line up to register for the quota when they are one or two years old. So the teaching is all-encompassing. The teachers there are the same as Ling Wei, at least with a postgraduate diploma.

For example, on the day of the journey, Ling Wei brought many small packets of food seeds to the children. He wants to teach the children to know the seeds of the crops they usually eat, and then instruct the children to plant the seeds. This is a long-term course. The children have to take care of Miao Miao every day and draw pictures to record Miao Miao’s growth. Through this kind of learning, not only let the children understand some natural science knowledge, but more importantly, let them understand that food is hard-won and cherish food.

At that time, Ling Wei brought the four staple food seeds of corn, rice, potatoes, and wheat. Sweet potatoes, pumpkins, cabbage, peanuts, peppers, tomatoes, loofah, and cucumbers were all good and common crops.

These crops will be eaten by the children when they are mature, and the kindergartens that go to tall and large schools will naturally advertise that they are all natural and non-GMO. Anyway, they didn’t look at the output, so Ling Wei contacted his classmates and took the non-GMO seeds for his own research. It’s not the kind of crops that cannot be planted for the sake of selling seeds. Moreover, the production will not decrease with the planting from one generation to the next.

Because Ling Wei told her classmates that these crops should be kept and planted to become a scene in the park, and children in the future should also take care of them.

Of course, those seeds are not many, it looks like a small bag, just filled with Ling Wei’s small backpack.

And the little backpack came across with Ling Wei, and it was about to shine for Yan Chao’s basket.

In the Yan dynasty, of course there were rice and wheat, and even loofah, cucumber, and peanuts were also passed from the Western Regions. However, although the seeds brought by Ling Wei are non-GMO, after so many years of breeding and hybridization, these seeds are stronger than current seeds in terms of disease resistance and yield. However, these can only be known after a long-term comparison, so now Lili does not pay much attention to the crops that already exist, especially in the north.

It is suitable for growing rice, so the crops in those plots are privately owned by Ling Wei, and the remaining seeds will also belong to Ling Wei.

This can be regarded as one of the rewards given to Ling Wei by the emperor.

As for the remaining seeds that Yan Chao didn’t have, they were treasured up by Li Li, guarded by heavy soldiers, so that they could be planted and kept, only picking a little bit of it every time.

The king regards the people as the heaven, and the people regard the food as the heaven, and the one who can know the heaven of the sky is Si Kezhen. The importance of high-yield food crops that do not occupy good land to the emperor can be imagined.

So Ling Wei is favored, not only because he will come, but also by the princes and princesses.

Naturally, Li Ying also attached great importance to these foods. Since ancient times, military rations are sometimes more important than military rations. If the country can produce more food, the soldiers at the border will have less worries.

Only soldiers who are well-fed can have combat effectiveness.

And it is said that these grains are more resistant to storage than today’s corn, rice, wheat, etc. Even vegetables such as pumpkin and cabbage can be easily stored, and soldiers can also have more vegetables on the table. You can eat vegetables even in the middle of winter.

Li Ying took Ling Wei’s hand and asked many questions about these new crops. Fortunately, Ling Wei has been caring about these crops over the years and has accumulated some experience, otherwise he still can’t answer.

However, Li Ying knew so much agricultural knowledge, which surprised Ling Wei a little. In his view, aren’t those noble children who are divorced from the reality of life?

“The border army is in short supply, and there is land to be reclaimed.” Li Yin answered Ling Wei’s question.

Ling Wei knew: “Tuntian? No wonder.”

Juntun has existed since ancient times, so there is no surprise. It’s just that Li Ying actually did it by himself, which is still admirable.

“What is Tuntian?” The fat prince suddenly asked after hearing this for a while.

He is still studying the Four Books and the Five Classics. He listens to the great and practical things of Confucianism every day, and occasionally listens to Li Li’s words and deeds, as well as what Ling Wei would say in normal times.

“The imperial court organizes people to reclaim wasteland to obtain military salaries and taxes and grains, and the land belongs to the imperial court. There are two types of military and civilian garrison.

Lord, to feed the border guards, this is the frontier guards. “Ling Wei explained, “Soldiers go to work after training. Sometimes they can not only be self-sufficient, but they can also hoard excess food to supply other areas.” Since ancient times, farming farmland has been an important matter of the country. ”

“That’s it.” The fat prince nodded. “Now the border defense farms are mostly in northern Xinjiang, right? The land is barren and the climate is cold. If there are high-yield food crops that can withstand the cold and don’t pick the soil, they can produce more military pay and taxes. right?”

“The prince is right.” Li Yin was a little surprised. “The prince is so old that he already knows these things?”

It’s not that Tai Fu is a pedantic scholar, is it true that the rumors are wrong?

“It was taught by Jintang.” The fat prince smiled embarrassedly. “Jintang often talks about people’s livelihood and folk customs with Gu and his younger siblings.”

He used to think that all the food he eats is the same as the fruit in the forest garden, which grows from the tree.

“Jinque also knows.” The little prince held his fingers and blinked his eyes. “Cousin Jintang also said that the people rely on food as the heaven, and if the people can eat their stomachs, there will be less turmoil.”

Ankang nodded: “It’s important to have a full stomach! Only when you are full do you have the mind to learn other things!”

“Jintang has taught this?” Li Ying asked in surprise.

Ling Wei pulled Jinque’s fingers out of his mouth, wiped his hands, and smiled embarrassedly: “Your Majesty trusts me, let me play with my Majesty. Although I am only ignorant of learning, he is a little bit younger than his Majesty. Long, see more things, take more paths. If you see, hear, think, think, and think, it can provide some help to the growth of your highness, and it will not be a waste of the trust of your majesty and your majesty.”

“Jintang is overwhelming.” Li Ying looked down and watched each of them grab Ling Wei’s thigh, rubbing their heads, Jinque and Ankang like small animals, “Jintang is like this, very good.”

Ling Wei touched his nose, a little embarrassed.

In fact, he didn’t think so much about it, just to take care of the children. He used to be a kindergarten teacher when he had an occupational disease. When something happened, he would have to do some tricks to “guide” the children.

In this era, the princes and princesses are all accompanied by palace people, so it is naturally impossible to speak many words, and it is even impossible to teach anything. And most of the concubines’ vision is limited to the inner house, and they don’t know much about it. For princes and princesses to be sensible, they all start from the teacher’s teaching.

Ling Wei’s behavior is truly maverick. He successfully established in the hearts of the children, “Big brother is very powerful,

Knowing a lot of things, even the father and the queen said that the big brother is right.” The impression of being tall is not only loved by the children, but also a little more respected.

Regarding the education of the prince and princess, Li Ying is naturally not good at interrupting. He quickly skipped this topic and continued to inquire about food, until the sun turned to the west, he reluctantly ended.

What was even more reluctant was the Three Little Lords, who finally waited for Ling Wei to enter the palace, but was occupied by the emperor’s uncle. They watched eagerly, and couldn’t even intervene. They were very unhappy.

But the other party was a terrifying uncle used by the emperor and empress to scare people when they were disobedient, so the three little ones did not dare to show dissatisfaction. He could only watch Ling Wei out of the palace pitifully, and let Ling Wei repeatedly promise. Be sure to play with them next time you enter the palace.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When he left the palace, the carriages of Ang and the horse mansion were all waiting outside. Li Ying’s desire to continue talking with Ling Wei was lost, and it seemed that he was not very happy. After this day’s long talk, Li Ying’s impression of Ling Wei has improved a lot, and he told Ling Wei that he should meet with the same generation. My name for Ling Wei has also changed from “this king” to me, and Ling Wei is allowed to call him “Yingfei” by the word.

Ling Wei couldn’t get rid of it in every possible way, so he should call Li Yin in private when there were no outsiders.

But Yingfei or something reminded Ling Wei of the idiom “Yingfeifeicao grows”. I don’t know if the emperor’s name was Caochang when he was not the emperor.

When Ling Wei returned home, Ling Yun was waiting. After asking the attitude of the emperor and empress, he heaved a sigh of relief: “It’s good if your majesty is not angry.”

Seeing that Ling Yun’s relationship with him has eased recently, Ling Wei couldn’t help but ask his own question: “Big brother, little brother, there is something puzzled. Father… do these things, there is always some reason, right?”

“Yes, he will be happy if his mother is unhappy.” Ling Yun replied very indifferently and disrespectfully.

“What’s the matter between father and mother…” Ling Wei paused, then said again, “If it’s not suitable for me, just treat it as if I didn’t ask.”

Ling Yun sighed and said, “You will always know, I will tell you to do it first, so that you don’t have any extra illusions about your father.”

“This matter also talks about when my mother was pregnant with you… well, I was young at that time, and this matter was known later.”

“It is said that my grandfather and grandmother passed away prematurely, and the family members are quite scarce, but there were still people in my grandmother’s house.

The war continued. Uncle died on the battlefield. Before he died, he asked his father to take care of his only daughter, um, the father’s cousin. So my father clamored to accept him as a concubine after his cousin kept his filial piety. ”

“I remember that even if the princess has no children, she must not have concubines. She can only have a common room, right?” Ling Wei smacked, “Besides, the eldest brother was already born at that time.”

Concubine is not the same as a concubine, and concubine has a ‘status” anyway, and concubine is no different from ordinary slaves. Sometimes a concubine can raise her own children, but the room is not eligible.

“So my mother disagrees, so my father is annoyed?” Maybe that cousin died in the end? In ancient times, what cousin cousin cousin cousin cousin is the easiest to love, so the father thinks that cousin is true love, and then thinks that the princess has forced the true love to death, so he hates the princess?

Gee, it’s the same as it is written in the script.

“No.” Ling Yun said calmly, “It was my cousin who became a monk after hearing this.”

Ling Wei: “…”

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