The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

The mercy of the Overlord, part three (7)

          There Sebas stood. And there he will stand until his lord tells him otherwise. It was a rather simple instruction, don’t come in unless asked. It was as simple as that. But when he heard some rather strange noises coming from the office of the supreme one, he got ever so slightly nervous.

          But he knew it was simply his own mind playing tricks on him. He had absolute faith in his lord, and his ability to subdue the guest if need be. Although, she was level 100. That could pose a threat, but then again, his lord was smarter than him. Lord Momonga knew how to convince others to him.

          If he recalled a conversation between his lord and his creator correctly… ah yes, they were both talking about how a seemingly heated discussion was brought to a chill by the wisdom filled words of his lord.

          That was a nice memory to think of, just before lord Bellriver went missing and the leaving of the supreme beings. That was a rather sad memory to think back on, but his lord had stayed behind a kept with them till this whole situation with the great underground tomb of Nazarick moving.

          He glanced at the door to his lord’s office and sighed. He wanted to make sure that his master was alright, but in the end, decided against it. If his lord needed help with something, he would simply ask.

          And at that, he heard the sound of a woman’s tears. He tilted his toward the door and listened for anything of worth. He wanted to make sure that it was his lord that called him in.

          “Sebas, could you come in here?” called his lord.

          It seems like his master needed something. On his call Sebas entered the room and saw something awfully strange in his eyes. It was lady Aeskell in his lord’s arms. She was seemingly crying tears of some kind, if they were happy tears or sad tears, he didn’t know. But surely his lord would ask for something that related to this.

          “Could you alert the rest of the tomb about something? Oh, and don’t tell the guardians yet, I wish to tell them myself,” he said.

          Sebas then inquired about what the notification was. Surely it had something to do with this situation he saw right in front of him? He was simply not smart enough to see the picture that his lord was painting.

          “I have invited Aeskell into the Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown,” he stated with finality.

          This shocked the butler. It was a first for him, he had been created when all the other supreme beings had been… what was the best word for this? Recruited? Yes, that was the right word.

          Anyway, back to the matter at hand, he had to tell everyone that lady Aeskell had joined the halls of the tomb as yet another supreme being. After a split second of thinking of how best to do this, he simply decided to make his leave of his lord’s side and go and tell everyone he could on foot, while telling everyone else via message.

          After a while of crying in the embrace of Momonga for a while, Aeskell got a grip on herself. It had been a while since she was able to vent her frustrations. And this was supposed to be a conversation where Momonga ranted to her about his own frustrations that obviously were going to bubble up.

          It was all rather embarrassing. She didn’t know if the NPCs of the tomb would be ok with her basically becoming another supreme being, and they probably wouldn’t view her as such.

          She didn’t know if they would accept her or not. Some of them might, while others would probably despise her in their hearts; and that was a rather sad thing to think about. The whole fact that they were absolutely loyal to their makers was such a sad thing. They couldn’t enjoy much beyond the tomb.

          At least, that is how it seemed to Aeskell. She had noticed how the denizens of the tomb looked at her. They looked at her like they were simply tolerating her. And she didn’t know if she was OK with that.

          As the two of them walked out of the office and made their way to throne room, Momonga seemed to just remember something.

          “Ah, I forgot to give you this,” he said handing her a ring.

          The ring itself was gold in color, with a resin-like gemstone that housed the insignia of the guild, a crane.

          “This is the guild ring of Ainz Ool Gown, it will let you teleport anywhere in the tomb, and now we can simply teleport to the location we want,” he instructed.

          She then put on the ring, and it shifted in size to fit her finger. She decided to put it on her left ring finger, as she didn’t have any items on that hand. Which in and of itself was rather strange to think about, she just never had liked the artificial feeling of stuff on her fingers while in VR.

          “Why did you put that on your wedding finger?” asked Momonga.

          Aeskell blinked and looked at her hand, she just realized that that was the finger you stereotypically put you wedding band on. She looked back up at her new compatriot and shrugged, then answered.

          “Well, I have a ring of regeneration on my other hand, and I don’t have the cash shop item that lets me wear multiple rings, so I put it on this one,” she told him.

          Momonga nodded at this and looked at his own ring.

          “Well, we can talk about that later. Right now, we need to tell all the floor guardians about the fact that you have been inducted into the guild,” he reiterated.

          Aeskell nodded at that and made a fist with her hand, she then thought about the throne room and felt a slight drain on her MP. The next second she was in the throne room. There, standing in front of the throne, was the NPCs. This was going to take a lot of explaining.

          She looked to her left and saw Momonga sitting on the throne of kings. She took a shallow breath so as to better control her slight nervousness and went to stand beside the throne. On the left side because she had seen Albedo earlier stand on the right side of the throne.

          She looked at Momonga for some ever so slight moral support, but he was in his “leader of the supreme beings” mode that he had told her about on their short walk to the throne room.

          Demiurge looked at this and muttered something that caught her ear.

          “Ah, so lord Momonga’s plan is already in motion.”


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