The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 7: The Date, part one (61)

Chapter 7: The Date

          “Would you like to go on a date with me?” asked the red-haired beauty in front of Ainz.

          Aeskell had finally asked him the question. It was a rather simple one, though rather nerve-racking. It was also strange in all honesty. Though, that was from Ainz’s perspective. From Aeskell’s perspective, it was rather straightforward. She had fallen for the man, even though she had been a man in the past.

          While Ainz had found that strange, on second thought, it really wasn’t. He had met plenty of trans people before. Most of them through Yggdrasil as well. Maybe it was the ability to look like anything you wanted was that draw for them in.

          Those were thoughts for later. Right now, he had to take in the current situation. He was in his office, sitting at his desk. In front of him were about a dozen or so reports on what was happening all around the current known world.

          Standing in front of his desk, was Aeskell. She was the newest member of the Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown. He himself had named himself after said guild, hence the name Ainz.

          While the later half of that line of thought was a story for later, right now he was thinking about what Aeskell had just asked. She had asked to go on a movie date with him. Though, that wasn’t the weirdest thing.

          As stated earlier, she used to be a man back in Yggdrasil. Or at least, her IRL body was. However, here was that real kicker. He had already had sex with another woman and had gotten her pregnant.

          Aeskell was the first to find out actually; and she also had just popped that question. This day was getting weird.

          “I asked Albedo, and she said it was fine. She also wants to join if that is fine, which it is. I just want to hang out and maybe build a romantic relationship. It doesn’t have to be sexual, if that makes you uncomfortable. I simply wish for a romantic relationship,” she explained.

          Ainz shifted in his seat. Maybe this was a good idea? After all, he was going to be a dad. A child shouldn’t just have one fleshy parent, they should have two. Though, he only had one if his memory was serving him right.

          He looked back at Aeskell, or rather, her eyes. There was a mix of many emotions in those eyes. Well, eye rather. One of her eyes was a ball of uranium glass. It was actually rather beautiful if he was being honest. But that was getting besides that point.

          “Sure Aeskell, I’d love that. What kind of date did you have in mind?” he asked, and the readers cheered.

          At least, the author hopes you guys want to see them together. That’s the whole purpose of this entire fanfic after all. To change the story so that Ainz at least has someone to talk to about his perceived ineptitude.

          Aeskell smiled a smile that Ainz had never seen grace her face before. It was a rather radiant smile that seemed to emit light itself. It reminded him of the genuine smiles that the elf twins let out once in a while.

          Aeskell then leaned forward and giggled a rather giddy giggle. She seemed incredibly relived about this date now. It was as if all the nervousness in her gaze that he had glimpsed melted away. She seemed a lot happier now in short.

          That, in exchange, made him rather happy as well. After all, seeing a good friend laugh like she had right now made him happy. He leaned back in his chair and smiled. He backed in the warmth of the woman’s laugh for a bit.

          That was when she finally realized that she had been laughing for the past five minutes and her cheeks turned a slight red in embarrassment. Now that Ainz was looking at her in a slightly romantic light, he noticed much he thought she was cute.

          The woman had obviously put a lot into her character. That much was obvious. She looked back up at him and noticed how contented he obviously was and pouted slightly. This made her even more pretty in his mind’s eye.

          “What is that look on you face?” she asked him.

          He quickly tried to school his body language and leaned forward in his chair. His emotional suppression kicked in and set his mind back on track. He then spoke what had been on his mind when he had seen her objectively gorgeous smile.

          “I was just thinking about how gorgeous your smile was when you are legitimately happy, that’s all,” he told her.

          Her cheeks reddened once more in slight happiness at the complement from the man she cared for. She then let her smile bloom once more as he apparently liked it. She wasn’t going to act all tsundere at his compliments when she was the one trying to seduce him.

          “Anyway, as you were asking. I wanted to go out to a movie night. You’ve shown me your memories in the form of the tomb itself, I want to show you my memories I’ve made with family,” she explained.

          “When do you want to have this date?” he asked.

          It was then that her own face became rather determined. She planted both of her hands on the desk and leaned into Ainz’s face. He leaned back once more to try and get out of the way, but she didn’t let him. The two of them ended up in each other’s space.

          If one were to come into the room while the two of them were doing this, they would assume that Aeskell was leaning in for a rather passionate kiss. They would actually be partially right about that in fact. Aeskell was trying to do so. Though Ainz was leaning back too much for her to get a kiss in.

          Then finally, her lips brushed up against the side of Ainz’s cheek. Or what one could call a cheek when one was undead. She then pulled back and stood up straight while she stood right in front of the desk again.

          With that interaction with the undead overlord done, she smiled a glittering smile once more and chuckled at Ainz’s lack of expression. While his face didn’t change, one could tell what he was thinking rather easily if they looked at his body language.

          “Right now,” she said as her smile filled the rest of her face even more.

          This smile she put on was rather mischievous if Ainz had to give a name to it. Of course, he wouldn’t say that to her face, as he would imagine that would be rather rude to do to a lady after all.

          “I want to start the date right now. I actually asked Pandora’s Actor to set up a TV in your room for this date even. He did a rather good job,” she continued her line.

          “What movie do you want to watch?” he asked, “I must confess that I haven’t really seen any movies at all. I’ll have to rely on you to pick,” he said.

          “The Princess Bride,” she simply said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the office and to the hallway where Albedo stood with a rather giddy smile on her face.

          “I see he’s ready, shall we go?” she asked Aeskell, and she nodded in return.

          Shalltear was legitimately sad. Normally, she would simply be wallowing in self-pity. However, right now she was actually incredibly distressed, and tears were trickling down her face.

          First, she fails her lord by being partially brainwashed. Second, she gets absolutely destroyed by Lady Aeskell and her flaming war-axe. Finally, Albedo and lady Aeskell get to both be in a romantic and sexual relationship with the lord of the tomb, her beloved lord Ainz.

          The girl was very tired and depressed. She genuinely loved her lord Ainz. But it hurt to see him with another woman, especially another woman who had beaten her to a pulp after she had drained Shalltear of her mana.

          It hurt to see her love rival win her lord’s heart and get the blessing of his firstborn child. It hurt to see him find happiness with the woman who had slayed her. It hurts to be her right now. She was currently trying to drown her sadness in vice; but she couldn’t.

          She ended up just weeping at the bar, with the bartender rubbing her back and giving her comforting words of advice and solace. She had been like this since the end of the mission in the Re-Estize kingdom. Then, walked in Lupisregina Beta. The werewolf that usually tormented the now weeping vampire was nowhere nearby.

          What was standing and then sitting down, right next to the depressed vampire was a rather concerned friend. She had had fun teasing the flat chested vampire, but now that she saw her like this, she could only feel a deep regret at her past actions.

          “I don’t even disrespect or hate Lady Aeskell,” the small vampire mumbled in between sobs, “she’s good at combat, kind and overall, a nice person. But I can’t help but feel absolutely jealous of her. I Don’t hate her. I hate that I’m not better. I failed. It hurts.”

          Lupisregina beta, second sister of the battle maids grimaced at her friend’s words. It saddened the woman that she also agreed with the floor guardian of her description of the newest of the supreme beings.

          It was then that she decided to speak up. She couldn’t just let one of her best friends wallow in sadness like this. Nothing would get better if she continued like this after all. It hurt to see her like this.

          “Shalltear,” she said to get the vampire’s attention.

          Shalltear turned her head to see the battle maid and then solemnly. She simply kept crying. She didn’t want to let the werewolf see her of course, but she simply didn’t have the willpower or the idea of hiding anymore. She simply wanted to stay and avoid more hurt.

          “Why don’t you yourself join them. Lord Ainz obviously cares for us all. So why can’t you become a part of his harem. After all, we all belong to Lord Ainz, he simply hasn’t claimed us yet,” Lupisregina tried.

          “I get what you’re talking about, Lupisregina. But have you seen how our lord looks at those two. It’s simply different from how he looks at us,” she said with sorrow.

          “But you can change that! Lord Ainz used to look at Lady Aeskell like she was a passing acquaintance, but now he looks at her with romance! Or at least like a dear friend. Surly you can change how he looks at you!” she cheered at the vampire, and she perked up a bit.

          She raised her head from the bar and looked at Lupisregina beta with a bit of a smile starting to bloom on her face. This smile still held sorrow, but it was also the most genuine smile she had ever seen on the other woman’s face in her life.

          “So how do we do that?” Shalltear Bloodfallen asked.

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