The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 7: Arrival and Strange Interactions, part four (30)

Sorry for the small chapter, I simply wanted the finish this rather quickly and not drag it on.

          Viridael and the rest of darkness had come back from their patrol of the area and come back, thankfully, empty handed. It was amazing to Viridael how little danger there was in this forest.

          But then again, this forest was full of animals and demi humans that would kill the adventurers rather easily. In all honesty, Viridael couldn’t understand how the humans let their weaknesses slide.

          If an animal’s hide was too tuff to slash, just pierce it instead. If your own strength wasn’t high enough to puncture the hide of such a beast, just use weight and gravity to your advantage with a war pick.

          It was rather simple in Viridael’s mind, but that was why she was somewhat fed up with the state of the Re-Estize. When she had first seen the walls, she was happy with them. But then she realized the force of a fireball, or a couple dozen, could bring down the walls rather easily.

          She then thought that maybe they simply reinforced the walls with enough magic to sustain such fire. But when she looked with her racial skills, she only found reinforcements to keep the structure in place instead of simply using the enchantments to make the walls magic resistant.

          She was shaken from her thoughts of making the walls simply better herself at this point, by Momon. He grabbed her shoulder and shook her away from her daydreams.

          He looked at her somewhat quizzically, yet didn’t ask anything. Nabe too, seemed somewhat perplexed at the sudden and quiet mumblings that Viridael didn’t know she was making.

          At this moment, she also realized that Aura was supposed to be here with the Wise King of The Forest. She shook her head once more and looked to the woods to see the beast for herself. She hadn’t really been looking at it this whole time. In fact, she had been rather distracted by all the non-magical stuff that this forest had.

          But when she looked out to the stats of the King, she found it to be something she recognized. She couldn’t wrap her head around what she was seeing. She knew what it was now, it wasn’t hard to read. But…

          Momon quickly looked to Viridael with another puzzled expression on his helm. It was like she was gob smacked by what she was seeing, that was obvious. But what was she seeing. Sometimes he wished he had picked Automaton, the male version of Automata.

          He looked over to the direction of her stares and felt the rumble of the beast’s paw on the ground. The swords of darkness, who had welcomed them back but had returned to their work, looked on into the woods with deathly pale faces. It seemed that they had realized who was coming for them.

          Nfirea was the first to speak up, the quiver of his voice and the shaking of his body was enough to tell Momon that he was scared shitless. The others were somewhat better.

          “It’s the Wise King of The forest. We’re done for if we stay here! Just run!” he shouted out and the swords of darkness seemed to take this to heart as they quickly gathered their things, and all got up and at it to leave.

          But as He looked to Momon and his group, his knees nearly buckled. Momon and nabe simply stood there, like a wall of stone to block an oncoming bull. They seemed so sure of their own power against what Nfirea had assured himself as an unstoppable force.

          Then the giant of a man spoke up. His deep Baritone was soothing to the deep panic that was Nfirea’s panicked mind. It soothed him somewhat, and he smiled despite himself. This man was of an admantite level in strength, he wouldn’t be broken.

          “The beast will simply follow us if we all run. The best thing we can do is to kite it and wrap back around to you all after the fact,” he spoke with a self-assuredness.

          The swords of darkness couldn’t say no. They simply nodded their heads and ran off to the entrance of the forest itself. But as they ran to the entrance, Momon realized something.

          “Argh! Now who is going to spread the tale of us fighting the Wise King of The Forest! I shouldn’t have sent them off,” he grumbled to himself at the rather short-sighted thing he said.

          Then, it arrived. The shadows danced in front of the beast. But he could still see the creature. It stood up on its back legs. The shade was still on it. Then, Aeskell took off her circlet and mask and dove at the beast with arms wide open.

          This shocked both the beast, Nabe and Momon. The beast was soon pulled out and into the light to reveal… A giant hamster. The actions of Aeskell shocked and befuddled Momon, now acting as himself once more.

          Narberal and Ainz looked to Aeskell for answers, but all she did was ruffle her face in the fluff of the large creature. The other two at the party looked at each other, and then back to the Automata. She seemed to pull herself back when she felt the suspicious gazes of her two other party members.

          She took a dep breath outside of the heavenly fluff, and spoke.

          “This is Hamsuke, a guild base NPC from my old Guild. More specially, my NPC that I won in the gocha prize wheel,” she told the others.

          All they did in response was look at the large hamster with a snake’s tail.

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