The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 6: The End of The Plan, part two (59)

          Pandora’s Actor was peeved. He was more than peeved actually. He was rather well onto his way to anger. Why, may you ask? It was a simple question after all. One would look at him and think about that question. They need not even say it!

          Well, his father had just given a priceless magic item to Demiurge! That was the reason he was mad! It would have been fine if it was the more dangerous magic item. Why, may one ask once more? Because it held less value of the other supreme beings’ achievements!

          The item that His father had given Demiurge was an older, more clanky version of the “Armageddon Evil” statue that Demiurge had from his own father. It held but three demon jewels in its hands compared to the finished product.

          The finished product was also made out of a much more pretty and polished metal than the prototype. In all honesty, it was better, much more superior to the version that his father had given to Demiurge. Yet it held more sentimental value for demon. That was why it was better and more valuable.

          Audible sigh. Pandora’s Actor knew that his father was giving away the item that Lord Ulbert Olein Odle would undoubtedly give his son, Demiurge. However, it was the fact that he had done it in front of him! That was why he was peeved. Of course, his father wasn’t the one to blame though.

          In all actuality, it wasn’t really a big deal. As had been mentioned, it was a weaker version of the statue that Demiurge already had. Although, that wasn’t the root of the problem.

          The root of the problem was that he, Pandora’s Actor, wanted something like that from his creator. He wanted a special magic item like that. He, the sole creatin of the last supreme being to stay, was jealous. He was jealous of Demiurge, and he was jealous of anyone who his father even talked to.

          His father was also the one who told him to not speak German in his presence. That hurt a little bit on the inside, but that was fine. From his powers as a doppelganger, he knew that his father was slightly embarrassed about him.

          Why, may he and you ask? Well, he didn’t know at first. It was a conundrum. At least for a certain amount of time, about a year, to be precise. He was tending to the treasury, as was his job. Then he met with lady Aeskell. She wanted to see some of the magic items that his father put so much value in.

          At the time, he had told her that the items that held that much value were kept deeper in the vault. She had asked if she could see them. Who was he to deny one of the supreme beings’ entries into the treasury.

          They had made their way into the vault, and she asked for the information on the gear kept there. At first, he thought that she meant the statistics. After all, she seemed like one that would like and want things like that.

          But that was proven wrong when she reiterated her question. She wanted the stories of the weapons, thew armor. She wanted to know the sentimental value of such gear. It was a rather good thing too. He liked, no, loved to remember the stored pasts of the tools of the supreme ones.

          As he started to give said stories, the look on lady Aeskell’s face changed. At first, it was a simple inquisitive one. Then, it changed to that of recognition. Finally, it became motherly.

          It was, for lack of a better understanding, strange to see that look on a supreme being like herself. Sure, she was new to the whole thing. However, she was brought into the fold by his own creator.

          Said creator never even had a look on his face. His face skeletal of course, he was an overlord. But his mind always radiated embarrassment and pity. That was what made the change in lady Aeskell’s face so confusing.

          Her mind also radiated kindness and serenity. It was so utterly weird that Pandora’s Actor stopped. During that time, he asked what was wrong. Her response shocked him. She told him, in no uncertain terms, that he was just like his father.

          That was when he first heard that the supreme overlord of The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick called the other NPCs his friends’ children. She herself apparently saw Pandora’s Actor as his creator’s child. It was eye opening. He still at the time didn’t know why his father was treating him that way, but he had never had a true childhood and had never had a true father before.

          Then he stopped his train of thought. Lady Aeskell wasn’t done talking. She then explained to him with great care and calmness that his father was reminded of himself when he saw Pandora’s actor.

          That was why, right now, Pandora’s actor was envious. He was envious of Demiurge for getting attention from his father. It wasn’t even anyone’s fault. It was his own fault. He was more peeved at himself than anyone else really. That reminded him of what he was doing right now. He was acting out his father’s plans along with him. He was doing something with him.

          He was making memories, just like those memories that his father seemed to enjoy so much. But he needed to get his head into the game, as Lord Warrior Takemikazuchi would say.

          They had been playing these roles for a while now. He was standing in for Lady Aeskell’s character, Viridael Mythrilblood. In all honesty, the role was pretty fun. The fighting style was fast, yet deliberate. It was efficient, yet somehow flashy.

          He was having a lot of fun playing this role. He might even ask her if he could play it in any later plans as she seemed to really enjoy the sister character of Viridael, Peregrinus.

          However, those were thoughts for another day. Right now, he was busy laying on the flashiness thick. The whole plan was to build a background for Momon, his father’s role, and Miss Viridael.

          This plan would also build the character of Jaldabaoth. He was Demiurge’s character. He would be the antagonist and foil to his father’s role and Lady Aeskell’s role. The other plan, running in the background, was to build Peregrinus’s role.

          At the end, she would come in with some subordinates and help the people of this part of the city rebuild. She would build up a job market of drugs and alcohol, along with security.

          The subordinates at first would be Elder Liches that would be made up to look like ye average human. Although, over time and with some training, she would get local humans to take up work for her as Peregrinus. Then, she would find the best way to train said humans. It was a rather good plan.

          Evil Eye was smitten. That was for sure. She watched as Momon and Viridael traded places every now and then. First, it was Momon, then it was the paladin. It was surreal to see such skill from the two of them.

          Whenever it looked like Jaldabaoth was going to the skies to escape, Viridael would simply summon an angel or group of them to pull him down. It never fully worked.

          The demon was a powerhouse and could match the both of them toe for toe on the battlefield. But it was enough for him. Soon, the demon was on the backfoot. He kept having to block attacks from the sky as well as the ground.

          He soon stopped when he was out of breath. It also seemed like the two adventures were out of breath as well by the end. This was a good thing, because then the two of them could recuperate and continue to fight the demon. Though, soon that idea was squashed.

          “You fight like one of us, Viridael. You have my respect. You may ask of me something while we wait for our blood to boil once more,” Jaldabaoth spoke in an overly respectful manner.

          “Why have you come to this place!” Viridael asked right away.

          The demon took a second to respond. Evil Eye didn’t expect the demon to say such a thing in the first place. She didn’t expect the Paladin to ask or even humor the demon in the first place either.

          “An item that can enslave my kind is here. Though, I cannot find it here,” he spoke in a rather respectful manner once more, “but, these first which empower my kind are dying. I’m afraid I’ll have to leave, ta-ta!”

          “NO!” Evil Eye screamed out and Momon turned his head to her as the demon escaped into the sky.

          “Well then sister, it looks like you drove him off without me. But the people here still need some help so I’ll stay,” said a voice that had engrained itself into the small vampire’s mind.

She turned to the left and jumped in surprise. The silver haired woman was right there. She turned her head slightly and looked at Evil Eye with a slightly amused look. It was like she enjoyed the jump scare.

          “Heh, this kid is funny. You should keep her, sister,” se said as she walked off and into the side alleyway with her suit on.

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